Question of the day
Thursday, Mar 8, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller
I’ve noticed lately that Sen. Bill Brady seems to be popping up all over the place. He hasn’t really slowed down much since he lost the GOP gubernatorial primary last year. Bernie Schoenburg has this bit today…
I think that state Sen. Bill Brady, R-Bloomington, whose district includes a bit of Sangamon County, is still in the run-for-governor mode.
Brady’s campaign fund is sponsoring a new Web site,, as a vehicle to oppose the tax restructuring proposed by the governor in his speech Wednesday.
A bit of the tone of the thing: “This is the governor again sticking his (the press release erroneously said “its”) hands into the pockets of every business and every consumer in Illinois, to the tune of $6 billion just to pay for programs the state cannot afford today,” Brady is quoted as saying.
The site also provides a suggested letter to let the governor know of the reader’s concern.
Question: Do you think Brady will run for governor in four years, or US Senator next year? Do you think he has a chance at either office? Explain.
- Siyotanka - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 9:52 am:
Why would he want to run for anything from this state…it (the State of Illinois) won’t exist in four years if this budget proposal goes through.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 10:06 am:
Please, Siyotanka. The over the top reaction to this budget proposal is simply ridiculous. Stick to the question, please.
- HoosierDaddy - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 10:26 am:
I would be willing to bet that he is running for governor in three years. He will win the primary, absent some supercandidate we don’t know about yet. As for the general, it all depends on how bad the Dems look after having absolute power for close to four years. If they manage to straighten things out, he won’t have a chance. If things continue heading the direction they are heading, he will lead a Republican comeback.
Brady is the only candidate out of the GOP pack in ‘06 who did not come away with permanent damage. He ran a clean campaign and came away with a lot of goodwill. His organization is still in place and continues to maintain contact. I don’t think he’ll run for Senate, that’s a suicide mission.
- Buccos - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 10:29 am:
Rich, is it fair to say that the question should include this caveat: “Assuming *any* Republican can win a fully contested statewide race…?” That’s a big question mark no matter what, really.
For the sake of argument, let’s say it’s still possible for a Republican to win.
In an open statewide race, Brady just might stand a chance if he’d pipe down on some of the harsher Right Wing social rhetoric. But it’s not an open race. Durbin and Obama have those seats pretty tied up for the time being.
- NW burbs - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 10:38 am:
Why would anyone want to run for anything from this state… it (the State of Illinois) won’t exist in four years as it implodes from the weight of so many nattering nabobs of negativity.
As for the actual topic, I think Brady’s looking at another go for guv in 2010. I’d be surprised if he ran against Durbin given his focus on Blago, but if he’s not up for re-election to his state senate seat next year he may follow the Radogno-Pankau-Rutherford strategy just to build name rec for 2010.
- Outsider - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 10:57 am:
Brady is running for something. He thinks he’s going to be President some day. Good luck.. He wouldn’t even win Mclean County in a primary. His chances to beat Rod? zilch.. nada.. Plus, the conservatives will never rally around one candidate. anyone checked his campaign debt?
He is a handsome devil though
- cermak_rd - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 11:01 am:
I don’t think he can win because he doesn’t have the $$. Any $$ he’s likely to raise will have to come from the social conservatives and that will only turn off the rest of the voters.
- grand old partisan - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 11:11 am:
Governor – and he does have a chance. I saw every single Republican debate/forum live in 2006, and I was always blown away by Brady’s command of the room and his message. While I don’t buy the conspiracy theory that he was an “establishment plant†to help Topinka, his decision to not go negative against her certainly won him some brownie-points with the old guard. Excluding the most die-hard Oberweis fans, he can unite the party like no other potential candidate at this time.
It’s true that Brady is solidly conservative, but I’ve yet to hear him espouse much “harsh Right Wing social rhetoric.†His voting record would be examined in either race, and it would be a much bigger ‘liability’ (let’s face it, we’re a center-left state) in a Senate race than in a Gubernatorial. Durbin would run ad after ad attacking him as a right-wing extremist, and any “name recognition†gotten out of a 2008 race would be decidedly negative.
If he waits till 2010 (and please, Bill, do wait), he can (legitimately, in my mind) explain to moderates and independents that while is a proud conservative, he has no interest in being a “culture warrior,†and this race is about fiscal responsibility and providing a check against the absolute control of Chicago Democrats. My guess is that he’ll force Madigan to grow more politically distant and critical of Blagojevich….whose single-minded egotism will spark civil war between the two of them that will spill into the General election. Anyone really think Blago wouldn’t want to get the final word on the Speaker even if it means being succeeded by a conservative Republican?
- Tom - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 11:18 am:
Senator, no, I don’t see Brady coming close to Durbin and Obama. I don’t even see him winning if Obama becomes Pres. and someone like Hynes replaces him.
I’d give him an outside shot at taking Blagojevich in 2010. If Lisa Madigan is the Dem. nominee, forget it.
- GOPer - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 11:29 am:
No way on statewide. Brady’s me, me, me obsession has alienated too many Republicans.
- Anon - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 11:36 am:
He would do better than Patrick Fitzgerald, which is a rumor floating around Springfield.
- Outsider - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 11:43 am:
if Brady explains to moderates he has no interest in being a “culture warrior” he won’t get all the conservative vote he needs. From what I understand, he starts every campaign event with a prayer. How will that play with moderates? His outside shot is for Senator against Durbin.. but he’ll lose that one too.
He is a handsome devil though
- RMW Stanford - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 11:56 am:
I dont think that Bill will run for Senate, but I am pretty sure he is going to make another run for Governor in 2010. If he does short of a supercandidate or something else major happening he will be the Republican primary and I think that he will be a very strong candidate in the general election. Part of it depends on how the next four years go of course, if spent with bitter fights in capital over everything and little get accomplished, then his chance winning goes up. Or if the GRT and the payroll tax go throe and they have the negative effect that many of think they will have that will help his chance too.
- grand old partisan - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 12:00 pm:
“From what I understand, he starts every campaign event with a prayer”
Can we get some verification on that?
- Gene Parmesan - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 12:02 pm:
Senate: No way. He won’t run. Makes no sense whatsoever.
Gov: Absolutely, and he wins.
Dems are hanging themselves on taxes right now. They are giving the GOP an issue to run on that resonates with voters. Higher utils, higher taxes, businesses leaving, continued corruption ($80k drivers). Plus, Brady’s a good candidate. Good looking guy, well-spoken, downstater, and voters tend to like divided government. Plus, who else can beat him in the primary? Fitzgerald maybe, but what are the odds he really runs.
- downstateyp - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 12:13 pm:
We hosted an event for him downstate, and I can tell you no prayer was said before he gave his speech. It was a really good speech none the less, so perhaps he said a prayer to himself before he gave it, and God smiled down upon him and gave him a golden speech…
- Gene Parmesan - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 12:27 pm:
I’ve also been to a couple of his events and there was no opening prayer.
- archpundit - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 12:33 pm:
Not unless he’s changed something is Brady starting every event with a prayer. There was the hysterical showdown in the letters to the editor with Sam Ewing over who went to Bible Study more during the Congressional Campaign, but he tends not to lay his faith on that thick.
- Conservative Republican - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 12:35 pm:
Yes, Bill Brady is serious about being available for the next run for governor. And yes, I supported him in his last run (in case Miller wants to out me as a shill). Brady continues to look good since Topinka’s implosion and Rod “Hugo” Blago’s tax plan. (Sorry, I think the Trib was right on to go with the Hugo Chavez comparison….. by the way, where do you get off calling Chavez “a commie”? I didn’t think he was affiliated with the Communist Party.)
- Wine and Cheese - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 12:43 pm:
Brady does think he is going to be President someday….. but hey who doesn’t think irrationally when inebriated?
Senate/Gov-no way. Too extreme and out of touch with the mainstream. His elitist, ultra conservative stance will not translate to enough votes statewide
The people that know him the best, like him the least. This viewpoint will onl grow with more exposure.
Lastly, I think we already have seen the damage a conservative with limited intelligence can do to a political party.
He is however a good looking devil, just ask him.
- Ravenswood Right Winger - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 12:43 pm:
I cosign Gene Parmesan’s thoughts. If Blago & the Dems screw up the budget any more than it is already screwed up, throw in some tax hikes and possible further indictments of Blago’s henchmen, yeah Brady could be the voice of the GOP in 2010.
- GOPer - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 12:55 pm:
What did Brady get in the primary last year? A measly 18%? Funny, because he said he had polls showing he could win.
Republicans can and will do better. Even Alan Keyes did a lot better than 18% against Obamarama. And no, I’m not suggesting the GOP import Keyes again.
- Bubs - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 12:55 pm:
Let’s hope he passes on the Senate race. The money required to run a competitive race against Dick Durbin will be very large, given the disparity in name recognition. Plus, a bad defeat would be a serious impediment to a run for Governor in ‘10, which is Brady’s better choice.
Brady, not Oberweis, is the leader around whom Illinois conservatives should rally. Conservative thought is a minority in this country and state, and can win elections only on the shoulders of a candidate with a large amount of personal appeal and charisma, with Reagan being the ultimate paradigm.
Brady has the requiste personal qualities. What he can do with them is up to him.
- the wonderboy - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 1:17 pm:
GOPer…did you just compare a primary with 4 legitimate candidates to a general with 2 candidates? It’s fine to have a negative opinion of the guy, but perhaps you should revisit the support which you present.
Senate…doubt he runs. Governor…very likely. Honestly, I have no idea which office he will end up running for, but my instinct tells me he currently has more interest in Illinois.
As for the inebriated thing…I tend to think of myself as future king rather than President when I have been drinking. Presidents have to answer to far too many people like “voters”. Kings have much greater power…so when I have had a few I tend to think in terms of royalty.
- anon 1:11 - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 1:19 pm:
- Champaign Liberal - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 1:25 pm:
If he thinks its a winning strategy to oppose taxing fat cats to pay for better schools for our kids and giving Illinois families peace of mind on health care I say bring it on. 2010 will look like 2006.
- Levois - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 1:25 pm:
I should have voted for him the last time. I liked him as a candidate and I hope he runs for governor again. I don’t know if he’ll have a good shot for Senate next year, but he’ll have a good shot in three years for governor.
- grand old partisan - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 1:28 pm:
To build off of wonderboy’s spot-on response to “GOPer” - Brady’s three opponents in the 2006 primary saturated the airwaves. How many ads did Brady run to get his 18%?
- HoosierDaddy - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 1:33 pm:
More to the point, both of the two candidates who did better than Brady are gone in 2010. Topinka is in forced retirement, and Oberweis should be (and will if he runs for anything in 2008). Brady had no funding in ‘06. He will have it in 2010, again, barring an unforeseeable supercandidate.
- grand old partisan - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 1:34 pm:
Champaign Liberal: I know LOTS of small business owners that are going to be hurt bad by Blago’s tax increases who could hardly be classified as “fat cats.”
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 2:18 pm:
OK - if he would let me point him in the right direction this is what I would do.
1.) Move to Chicago, live in the big city.
2.) Meet African Americans, visit the projects.
3.) Go to New Town, shop with gay men.
4.) Use public transportation.
5.) Idle in traffic for an hour to go 5 miles.
6.) Spend time on Milwaukee Avenue, learn Spanish.
7.) Attend a synagogue a mosque and a cathedral.
8.) Attend a Chicago city counsel meeting.
9.) Eat non-pork products, and no Velveeta.
10) Live there four years.
Then after he has discovered that there is another world within Illinois unlike the one he knows, he is to reinvent himself. He is to meld his conservative beliefs within the reality of Chicagoland and speak to them using their language. He is not to run for a statewide office until he has figured out how to do this.
Until Brady realizes that Illinois is not Utah, Idaho or Indiana, the sooner he can be a viable candidate for office and be prepared to run.
He hasn’t a chance using the “formula” he is trying on us now. Currently he is too parochial, too white-bread, too naive, and too wealthy to understand the real world outside Bloomington.
- grand old partisan - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 2:38 pm:
Seeing as how Brady is on the Board of Directors for the Diocese of Peoria Charities, he’s probably been in a cathedral. Perhaps you should actually learn a bit more about him before you start smearing him with ignorant stereotypes (Eat non-pork products?).
In 2010, we’ll have had 8 years of near-absolute control by Democrats who live within the city limits. You really think that not being “Chicago” enough is going to hurt him with the 10 million or so voters who make up the vast majority of the electorate and DON’T live there?
- outsidelooknin - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 2:41 pm:
Brady for gov?? You have got to be joking. Perhaps I would think better of his chances when he stops responding to issues like he was reading from a halmark card and started offering some real solutions.
- cermak_rd - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 2:56 pm:
grand old partisan,
I’ve locked horns with VanillaMan before, but I kind of agree with him. If Brady has been to the cathedral, perhaps he could try out an Orthodox parish for a while.
It’s not just the city, though Chicago is important. It’s also the Cook County burbs which are largely made up of the same kind of people (especially the near west one I’m living in right now). Heck many people now live in the Cook ‘burbs, not out of any hostility to Chicago, but because they can’t afford to live in the city. Judy lost Cook County by such a hideous amount that there was no way she could catch up. Without the ability to speak to Chicagoans, Cook suburbanites and professional (largely non-religious) dual income families in the collars, Brady will be unable to prevail.
- grand old partisan - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 3:05 pm:
This is all a very interesting line of thought…
Let me ask you: What if rural, blue-collar, (mostly religious) ‘traditional’ families downstate refused to support a Chicago Democrat because he/she didn’t “speak their language?†That would probably only add to the perception of people like VanillaMan that they are all close-minded hicks who only eat pork products, wouldn’t it?
But if Chicagoans, Cook suburbanites and professional (largely non-religious) dual income families in the collars refuse to accept Brady because he doesn’t “speak their language,†then they are…..what? Enlightened progressives?
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 3:20 pm:
I want Brady to become palatable to voters besides Central and Downstate Republicans. Read what I wrote. He needs to be able to meld his beliefs born in Central Illinois to the reality of Chicagoland. He doesn’t have to become a Chicagoan, but he needs to respect voters there enough to know how life is outside Hooterville.
I believe in conservative politics. I believe they can be articulated enough to gain favor in cities. What is missing is the ability of conservatives to speak to city voters in a way that sells them on conservative politics.
An Andy Taylor candidate won’t sell outside Mayberry. And Brady is about as Andy has I’ve seen run for statewide office in a long time.
- Gene Parmesan - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 3:49 pm:
Brady isn’t exactly fresh off the farm. Believe it or not there are ‘urban’ issues and diverse populations in Bloomington. Not everything south of I-80 looks like ‘Mayberry.’
I take the opposite approach. After all of these new tax proposals and the awful property tax system in Cook County, south and northwest suburbanites may be looking for an ‘outsider.’ He’s in a perfect position to disassociate himself with the current affairs in Springfield.
- Ilrino - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 4:32 pm:
Bill is running for governor. Count on it. And he is more popular with the state GOPers than he is in his district, which should tell you something.
His close friends will tell you he’s not too sharp and hasn’t had a new idea for a long while. Given the paucity of GOP state senators, how many have been in the chamber as long as Brady and still don’t have a leadership position? An indication, perhaps, of the esteen in which he’s held by his fellow GOP senators?
But he has good political tools (the patter, the smile, the caring look.) Does this remind you of anyone who may be occupying the office at the moment?
The state rep in that district, a different Brady, runs rings around the senator. Outworks him, outthinks him, has better poliitical skills.
But he’s not as good looking.
And that appears to be the criteria for electing governors in this state.
- anon - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 4:33 pm:
There is a Brady from McLean County who could/should be Governor, but his name isn’t Billy - It’s Dan (Rep from 88th)
- bluedog demo - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 6:47 pm:
As others have noted Brady is not going to run against Durbin but wait for the governors race. Lisa is going to be ” in it to win it ” ( sounds familiar ) so he has a huge mountain to climb. His only chance is for Blago, through his continuing stupidity, to have shaved the mountain done to a hill. Lisa’s daddy will pull out all the stops to put his daughter in the ” mansion ” . No matter how much the GOPers in downstate wish for Chicago to go away it ain’t gonna happen. When whites flocked to the Repub party during the 70’s and 80’s that pretty much sealed it for the huge black vote in Chicago being in the Demo camp. Take a gander at the Repub side of the legislature. It is very pale. Brady’s sidekick Dan Rutherford thinks the GOPers should reach out to Asian Americans more to build the party and not focus so much on the black and hispanic vote. You do just that Dan and the Dems will continue to blow the GOP out in statewide elections !
- Beowulf - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 8:36 pm:
Is the Pope Catholic? Do bears poop in the woods? Of course he will be running for Governor of Illinois on the GOP ticket next time. The past gubernatorial election was simply his “coming out party” so he could gain much needed name recognition.
Mr. Brady comes across as “the soup that is just right” to steal from the Goldilocks fairy tale. Andy McKenna and the GOP “powers that be” down in Springfield realize that they need a guy who falls somewhere in the middle if they have any hope of winning back the Governor’s mansion. Andy McKenna and the Illinois Central Committe will help Mr. Brady come up with the required funds when the right time comes. Bill Brady is their “chosen one”. And, this time around, I think that I may be in agreement with them.
- Team Sleep - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 8:46 pm:
Yes, Brady will run for governor in 2010. As of right now, the only other Republicans I could see putting their names in the hat are LaHood, Radogno and maybe Rauschenberger. Shimkus would be a good one but he may want to stay in Congress and he won’t face a serious challenge until redistricting. Brady is hitting the Lincoln Day circuit and people eat him up. He is easy to like and has the moxie for another stab.
Our budget is in disarray, and our state will be there soon as well. People should realize that Patrick Fitzgerald’s win against Scooter Libby, compounded with his top aide’s resignation, will give him reason to reopen any cases on Blago and his staff, which will be P-Fitz’s new challenge. If Casey and DeFraties win their case, and if the DHS problem is deeper than we know, Blago is a sitting duck. It starts at the top, dudes.
My Dem pals on the blog should wake up and see that the lines have been drawn in the sand. If the governor does not come out of this Spring term intact, the party will suffer. Does that mean certain defeat in 2008? No, but it could lay the groundwork for a backlash in 2010 when some short-term deals have faded and policies have had 3 1/2 years of examination, criticism and, perhaps, failure.
- no chance - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 8:52 pm:
His so-called good looks will only carry him so far. When moderates discover that Brady is just another cultural warrior, he’ll be toast.
- decaturboy - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 9:22 pm:
Sorry Bill all that is in your future is the state senate. No way you could beat Durbin or whatever for Governor.
- DuPage - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 9:57 pm:
Interesting that 2 seperate posts (Ilrino & anon - at roughly the same time too) note Dan Brady from the same town as Sen. Brady. Too bad more don’t recognize the real leaders in GOP circles (eg, Dan) instead of the self-promoting wannabees that seem to keep turning up every couple of years.
- steve schnorf - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 10:26 pm:
I like a lot of things about Bill. He is strong in his conservative beliefs, but he doesn’t wear them on his shirtsleeve. I have talked to him many, many times over the years, and those aren’t the issues he brings up. He thinks and talks about governing things that are very mainstream, such as education funding reform (his plan, which I really havent seen him surface yet, is thoughtful and intriguing).
There are obviously a number of cultural issues that I disagree with him about, but no one should doubt the strength of his convictions. I remember once when I was gently prodding him that to be electable statewide he needed to think about his position on abortion. His response to me, just a couple of sentences, was heartfelt, and I believe, remarkable in it’s straightforwardness.
I’m impressed with him, like him, and trust him. He is a classic example of what I believe to be an electable conservative. Most of you know that a big piece of that defintion for me is being able to be conservative without coming across as scary to the great middle.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 10:39 pm:
I would say he was the best candidate for Governor this last campaign. He will run again and should the largest Tax increase in Illinois history pass, he will be welcomed with open arms. Possible the Feds will have already opened their arms and welcomed Blago by then as well.
- Too Many Horses - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 10:42 pm:
I hope so. He is awesomely electable — if the party got behind him he could actually win.
- Silent Majority - Thursday, Mar 8, 07 @ 11:17 pm:
Winning future in politics:
Dan - Yes
Bill - No
- Anon Again - Friday, Mar 9, 07 @ 12:25 am:
Snowballs chance in hell
- the wonderboy - Friday, Mar 9, 07 @ 12:31 am:
Bill isn’t well liked in Mclean County and Dan is? Have any of you actually seen the vote totals or spent time in the area? Just wondering if this is based on experience, personal involvement, “word on the street” or what. I tend to think they are both well liked in the area…at least based on vote totals and spending some time in the area while at ISU.
- ripped - Friday, Mar 9, 07 @ 12:36 am:
Bill also has his own page on politicalfriendster
- ripped - Friday, Mar 9, 07 @ 12:42 am:
Good looking? Have you actually *seen* him? Not good looking at all.
- RAI - Friday, Mar 9, 07 @ 9:36 am:
He is the reason we have Blago, because of his ego and his helping Kejellander-celini wing to stop Oberweis. Two years is a long way , He said he had 3 to 5 million “pledged” last time he lied! He said he had polls that showed him leading he got 18% he has run for two big offices and lost Congress and Governor, the last thing we need is a tool of the combine to put them back in power. If he had any guts he would take on Durbin that is where he is needed to help the party. We NEED a Senate candidate not a preening Governor candidate 4 years in advance! But he will put himself ahead of what we really need, just like he did in the last Governors race!
- YNM - Friday, Mar 9, 07 @ 10:00 am:
RAI … haven’t we been through all that rhetoric before? Seriously. Brady was not Oberweis’ problem … and if you or anyone else thinks so, it says more about Oby and his supporters than it does about Brady.
And, ripped, if you’re gonna set up fake stuff like that and push it off here where we actually talk about *real* issues, at least post your name instead of being anonymous. That’s poor.
- Ilrino - Friday, Mar 9, 07 @ 12:44 pm:
Wonderboy: when any government official, school administrator, etc. in McLean County wants to get something done, they call Rep. Brady.
For them, Senator Brady is an afterthought because he’s been ineffective.
‘Nuff said
- NW burbs - Friday, Mar 9, 07 @ 2:07 pm:
Outsider, who cares if he starts every campaign event with a prayer or not.
Many other candidates do, too. Before his announcement speach in Springfield, Sen. Obama prayed with his pastor (that guy that former Alan Keyes worker Fran Eaton doesn’t like). Most (if not all) legislatures start their sessions with a prayer.
Other folks start events by reciting the Pledge or Allegiance or singing the Star Spangled Banner. Still others like to play music to get the crowd psyched up.
This is America. If you want to display your patriotism or your faith or your rock n’ roll style … go for it.
- the wonderboy - Friday, Mar 9, 07 @ 3:01 pm:
Nuff said…you are right. Apparently you can speak on behalf of every mucky muck in McLean County. Thank you for gracing us with you wisdom and insight.
I’ll say it again, I think they are both respected and devoted to their constituents. If you feel otherwise, then you are free to voice that opinion. However, please don’t pull out an argument based upon “everyone is doing it” logic.
Bill is a man of integrity and doesn’t go around slinging mud. We may not all agree with him on every issue, but perhaps we should start looking for leadership with character. That, in my opinion, would go a long way towards changing the direction of things.
- YNM - Friday, Mar 9, 07 @ 6:30 pm:
wonderboy … Ilrino “heard” that … and that’s enough to make it true.
By the way, I’m pretty sure that there are constituents who have had both positive and negative results from both of the Brady’s.
BUT, to get back to the original question … I think Brady is set on running for governor. I think others may try to persuade him to run for Senate, but I’m not convinced he’ll be persuaded.
I think Brady *could* win the primary and would be electable in the general … however, I do believe he will need to temper some of his positions or at least carefully consider how he wants to articulate some of his positions.
I will say, from my experience, while he does have some very strong convictions, I also believe he understands that governing is not necessarily about pushing those convictions on others.