Blagojevich TV ad for “Tax Fairness Plan” *** Updated x2 ***
Monday, Mar 12, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson The Governor is already hitting the airwaves with ads supporting his budget proposal. Take a look… *** UPDATE *** [Posted by Rich Miller] The governor was on NBC-5’s City Desk over the weekend. Watch Part One here, and Part Two is here. *** UPDATE 2 *** [Posted by Rich Miller] The group paying for the TV ad at the top is Citizens for Tax Fairness, Healthcare & Education. The organization was officially formed as a political committee on March 9th, so there are no campaign finance details yet. But the list of officers can be found here.
Blackshere is the former president of the Illinois AFL-CIO. Robbins is president of the Illinois Hospital Association. And that’s a misspelling for Sheila Lyons, it’s actually Sister Sheila Lyne, who is now president and CEO of Mercy Hospital.
- 105th Blues - Monday, Mar 12, 07 @ 10:02 am:
Yeah I laughed when I saw it. The classic big evil corporations…Which employ us “middle class” folks. I wish they would just leave things alone as we’ve already had enough with utility rates skyrocketing.
- VanillaMan - Monday, Mar 12, 07 @ 10:22 am:
I saw it. What is he thinking?
If you let me take $6 billion from these corporations, I can give you the good life?
What a farce!
If he is so sure-fire positive he is working for us little people, why does he have to sell his tax increase like toilet paper?
Just how stupid does he think we are? His claim that corporations only pay an average of $141 of corporate income tax doesn’t include the fact that over 50% of our corporations have no income to tax - hence the low amount.
Blagojevich’s way of “thinking” fits circa 1933 better than 2007. He must be 110 years old or something. Go back to school Governor, and this time, try to learn something besides history.
- North by Northwest - Monday, Mar 12, 07 @ 10:33 am:
Pretty effective.
How’s paying for it? And how much?
- OneManBlog - Monday, Mar 12, 07 @ 10:34 am:
How you you like a $150 property tax bill? Then he talks about how much income tax they pay.
It’s a different tax set by different entities.
Sort of like how would you like to pay $1.25 for a gallon of gas, you know some people pay $.85 for a hogshead of mead.
Wonder who is paying for this, Citizens for Rod?
- Bubs - Monday, Mar 12, 07 @ 10:37 am:
Last time I checked, big bad corporations put dinner on the table every night for millions of Illinois families.
- Paul Richardson - Monday, Mar 12, 07 @ 10:37 am:
I noticed that too. It must be a mistake. A foolish one at that.
- Number 8 - Monday, Mar 12, 07 @ 11:09 am:
Its a great ad and indicative of the fact that Blagojevich is ready to fight for this grt. And Bubs, are you ready to assume that the large corporations give a damn about the families of their employees. They only care about their bottom line. They have been rolling back benefits to increase profits for quite some time now. Its about time that somebody like Blagojevich puts people first and requires the big corporations to pay their fair share.
- I couldn't think of a sweet name - Monday, Mar 12, 07 @ 11:57 am:
No. 8
Why do libs always argue in generalities about “big, evil, faceless corporations” when they know full well that when you punish big business you punish small business too.
Why is Rowdy Roddy trying to further lessen economic expansion in this state?
You are right on one thing though, companies do care about their bottom line. And when they have to pay more to operate they pass the losses on to us. You know, “the hard working people of Illinois”.
- Wumpus - Monday, Mar 12, 07 @ 12:08 pm:
I must be on the wrong thread. i thought his tax fairness plan would be when citizens of IL who don’t happen to be governor also only get a 1% increase in property taxes.
I love when government attempts to define fairness.
- Carl Nyberg - Monday, Mar 12, 07 @ 12:44 pm:
So how many of the people complaining about the Left and liberals attacking corporations complain when the Right and Republicans attack government?
- Bill - Monday, Mar 12, 07 @ 12:46 pm:
The ads are excellent just like the budget plan. No longer will big corporations be allowed to use state resources to make fat profits, reward top executives with 6 and 7 figure salaries and then pay virtually no tax. It is time for the fat cats to pony up and pay their fair share. We finally have a governor who is willing to stand up for the working people of this state. Decent minimum wages, health insurance, equitably funded public schools, including pre-school, are all on the people’s agenda. With Rod providing courageous leadership Illinois will be at the vanguard of progressive, fair, taxation where even the fat cats pay their fair share.
- Judy, Judy, Judy - Monday, Mar 12, 07 @ 12:50 pm:
I think if his idea passes, we’ll see more companies leave Illinois. For a man who said he wasn’t going to raise income taxes to fund his budget plans that grow each year, he has figured out a way to increase other taxes and fees that impact the little guy. For instance before he increased fees for lobbying in IL, it cost $50 for an organization and another $50 for the person who would be the lobbyist. Now those fees are set at $500 each, for a small non-profit organization like the one I belong to, it is not economically feasible as we only go to Springfield once or twice a year. Yes, the little guy always gets it in the end. So more for living the ‘American Dream’ in Illinois, if you can afford the taxes and fees.
- Bridget Dooley - Monday, Mar 12, 07 @ 12:51 pm:
With the exception of the property tax vs. income tax error, the ads are very good.
I wonder if this year-round campaigning business will become more common. I just heard a radio ad for Peter Roskam the other day that was put out by the Chanber of Commerce, I think (no “paid for by”).
- Tom - Monday, Mar 12, 07 @ 12:54 pm:
Is it 2010 already? Consider this the first ad in the primary against Lisa Madigan.
- blogman - Monday, Mar 12, 07 @ 12:59 pm:
I have to agree with Judy. This tax can be avoided by leaving Illinois. I am also sure that people in need of healthcare will move to Illinois for it. Wouldn’t you? So, sources of revenue can leave and expensive newcomers can come. How’s that going to end up?
- YNM - Monday, Mar 12, 07 @ 2:08 pm:
In addition to all the companies and businesses already making plans to move to other states, and to the millions of individuals renting U-Hauls to come to Illinois for healthcare, I also heard that the sky is falling.
- Old Elephant - Monday, Mar 12, 07 @ 2:08 pm:
The Kane County Chronicle has the best, most concise and clear explanation of this $6 billion sales tax increase I’ve seen.
- Old Elephant - Monday, Mar 12, 07 @ 2:17 pm:
Chicago Sun Times May 17, 2006:
“Illinois AFL-CIO President Margaret Blackshere was listed as the sponsor of her son, Michael, who holds a $69,684-a-year job with the DCEO.”
- A Citizen - Monday, Mar 12, 07 @ 2:29 pm:
…“Illinois AFL-CIO President Margaret Blackshere was listed as the sponsor of her son, Michael, who holds a $69,684-a-year job with the DCEO.  What would you expect from the Dept. of Child Economic Opportunity ? Hey Bill !! HOW can I become a “Friend of Rod” and get my cut ??
- Capt. Obvious - Monday, Mar 12, 07 @ 2:34 pm:
“$150 property tax bill”
What a huge blunder. Which one of the Keytone Klowns will get tossed under the bus for this one.
First guy ignores his promise to Sen. Meeks,
then tells the papers maybe there will property tax relief and then this goof.
Don’t be surprised if this ad gets yanked ASAP
- Papa Legba - Monday, Mar 12, 07 @ 3:04 pm:
It’s a shame, but Michael Blackshere is only one of dozens and dozens of offspring and campaign workers earning big bucks at DCEO.
If you check carefully Michael is assigned to the “Directors Office”. This is one of the gray area, dumping grounds for children who received jobs for working on a campaign.
- Cassandra - Monday, Mar 12, 07 @ 3:41 pm:
Yes, patronage is rampant in Illinois state government but that is a fight for next year.
This year, every suburban taxpayer in the Chicago area should be demanding mandatory property tax relief as a condition for supporting the GRT.
If the GRT goes through without mandatory property tax relief, relief won’t happen in many Cook and collar suburbs. Greedy local officials will simply use the money for something else.
On a related note, suburbanites should not vote for the GRT without knowing exactly how much additional money their local school districts will get over and above what they are getting now. For many middle income, as well as wealthy communities, it may not be that much. Best to know now, not when it’s too late.
- Truthful James - Monday, Mar 12, 07 @ 3:47 pm:
Hey gang –
I have a way small SBC and I got a letter on the Governor’s stationery already. You think that Jesse released all those names and addresses.
You gotta love it. Huey Long strikes again
- Logical - Monday, Mar 12, 07 @ 4:19 pm:
Come On People, corporations do not pay taxes regardless of what the politicians or liberals say. The consumer will eventually pay. Same way with minimum wage, unemployment, social security & every government mandate. Another thing, if you have any money in retirement accounts then you ARE an investor. It is going to cost all of us!
- John Lee Pettimore - Monday, Mar 12, 07 @ 4:37 pm:
You also spelled the good Sister’s name. It’s Sheila Lyne.
- Bill - Monday, Mar 12, 07 @ 5:27 pm:
I agree. It will cost us all and that this plan is the most equitable way to fund programs desperately needed and wanted by Illinois citizens. I think that the voting public is ready, willing, and able to bear the burden for the good of society in Illinois. If corporations want to do business in Illinois they will have to bear their fair share of the burden.
- Bill - Monday, Mar 12, 07 @ 5:29 pm:
A Citizen,
I think its $50K.
- A Citizen - Monday, Mar 12, 07 @ 5:38 pm:
No problem, Bill. Light up the stogie and give me a call. I can start Monday - $135,000 sounds great. Thanks Bill - Udaman!!!
- Anonymous - Monday, Mar 12, 07 @ 6:36 pm:
I think Rod was talking about his own tax bill.
- Disgusted - Monday, Mar 12, 07 @ 8:33 pm:
Bill at 12:46 - have you explained the second sentence of your first entry to Emil and Excelon yet? I don’t quite think Emil understands.
Also, wasn’t Margaret retiring to Florida? I knew she couldn’t keep out of the linelight for long.
- Terese Flower - Monday, Mar 12, 07 @ 11:57 pm:
Does the good sister support Rod Blagojevich on abortion and gay rights?
- Ed - Tuesday, Apr 24, 07 @ 10:24 pm:
Citizen’s for Fairness. It’s more like contributors for profit. This governor may be a bigger crook than the last one.