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Company threatens to leave Illinois *** Updated x1 ***

Tuesday, Mar 20, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

CBS-2 has a new story up about an Illinois company with “hundreds” of employees that is threatening to move to Wisconsin if the governor’s gross receipts tax becomes law. The company is currently headquartered in Huntley, but is building a new HQ in Crystal Lake.

Click on the pic for the story…

Also, the AP just moved a piece entitled: Gov.: Budget Puts Me ‘On The Side Of The Lord’

*** UPDATE *** Krol was at the event

Making a rare public appearance and actually taking about a half-dozen questions from reporters (an even rarer feat), Blagojevich said nothing else is on the table this spring until he gets his business tax hike for health care and education passed. […]

The governor was asked if casinos are on the table this spring. Blagojevich said his answer to that question also applies to questions mass transit, questions about the road bill, capital bill.

“As far as I’m concerned, the big priorities are passing our tax fairness plan so we can give everyone access to affordable health care and fairly and properly fund our schools and give our kids a chance to learn what they ought to learn in school. That’s the priority. And unless and until we do that, as far as I’m concerned, nothing else is on the table.

“These two things, health care for everyone and education funding properly will give our kids a chance to go to good schools through the vehicle of tax fairness. Those things have to happen before I’ll entertain any other discussion on any other issues.” Later, Blagojevich said he’s not interested in “half a loaf” on both education and health care.


Free the CMS 2 *** Updated x2 ***

Tuesday, Mar 20, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

[Updated - twice - with very important info and bumped to the top because I felt like it.]

How much more can the case against Dawn DeFraties and Michael Casey possibly fall apart? Every major witness has folded under cross-examination

[Mark] Dawson earlier testified [for the state] about more than two dozen applications. He indicated in writing on some that he had been instructed by DeFraties or Casey to grade them and put them directly on the electronic statewide system ahead of others _ giving them a better and quicker chance at the state payroll.

But under cross-examination Monday by lawyer Carl Draper _ the attorney for the fired employees _ Dawson said he had never spoken to DeFraties or Casey about any so-called “special applications” and that it was inaccurate to put those notes on the applications. […]

Dawson said Monday that he knew through his immediate supervisor, Cynthia Dixon, that the applications had come from Room 503 in Springfield’s Stratton Office Building _ DeFraties’ and Casey’s office _ and that such applications should be graded first.

But he said neither DeFraties nor Casey told him to grade them differently. In fact, he said he graded them the same way as any other application that came in through the mail and that no rules or law stipulate in what order applications are evaluated. […]

Dawson, however, then acknowledged that Dixon’s concerns merely were to ensure that applicants’ experience and education was evaluated fairly and uniformly.

If the state has some secret Ace up its sleeve it better play that card soon because right now this is looking like a total frame job to me.

DeFraties was advised by more than one acquaintance of mine before she ever took the CMS personnel chief job that she better keep a complete and comprehensive paper trail of everything she did because if something went wrong they’d toss her over the side. She did, it did, they did. And now her lawyer knows as much or more than the state does about its own case.

*** UPDATE *** Oh, for crying out loud

Later, an investigator for the state’s Office of the Executive Inspector General acknowledged that his case against DeFraties and Casey for allegedly manipulating state hiring rules was built on witness statements of “graders” such as Dawson that he never independently verified.

“I was relying upon the testimony and the interviews of the graders,” Richard Lantz said. “I believe the graders were telling the truth.” […]

Lantz, the inspector general’s investigator, said he did not research state hiring rules or interview CMS lawyers or other experts on how hiring is supposed to work. He said he didn’t check the accuracy of a log of applicants Casey allegedly kept, didn’t pursue whether the son of a Blagojevich aide was hired properly, and never looked into whether any false information was submitted on applications.

“That was something other than what our investigation was inquiring about,” Lantz said.

This is our vaunted Inspector General’s office? Their investigations look about as professional as their ethics exams. [Hat tip to a commenter.]

*** UPDATE 2 *** Yet another prosecution witness bites the dust

A witness in the case of two Illinois state workers fired for allegedly tinkering with the job application process said today some applications were handled differently because of tradition — not because of pressure. […]

[CMS job-evaluation supervisor Cynthia Dixon] said applications that came from DeFraties’ office from 2003 to 2005 were evaluated ahead of others.

But — under cross-examination — she said that process had gone on for years.
She said the process continued because it always had been done that way. She said DeFraties did not instruct her on handling them.

Could the state’s case really be this horribly pathetic? Sure looks that way. [Emphasis added]


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Tuesday, Mar 20, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Question of the Day

Tuesday, Mar 20, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson

Rich asked me to come up with the QOTD. Here’s a general one that I’ve been curious about…

Everyone agrees that this is the “Year of the Money.” Essentially every major state issue/responsibility/obligation is clamoring for attention. Everyone not only claims to want increased funding but say they need it. The next couple months will basically be a battle over how to raise the necessary money (if at all) and who to give it to.

Question: Looking at the big picture, how would you specifically rank the current priorities: Education, Health Care, Mass Transit, Capital Projects, Pensions, and Property Tax Relief? Assuming that there won’t be the money for everything, in what order would you prefer potential new revenue be doled out?


How the race played out

Tuesday, Mar 20, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

Nielsen released an interesting study yesterday…

Advertising spending for the full year 2006 rose 4.6% over the same period last year due to gains across major media, according to preliminary figures released today by Nielsen Monitor-Plus, the advertising intelligence service of The Nielsen Company.

Advertising spending increased in most reported media, led by Internet (35%), the top 100 Spot TV markets (9.1%), Spanish-Language TV (8.1%) and Outdoor (8.1%).

National newspaper ad spending was up 2.9 percent, while local newspaper ad spending was down 3.6 percent.

Way down in the release, however, was an interesting analysis of political spending…

For the 2006 mid-term elections, a total of 2,629,685 local television spots ran representing 93% of all political ad expenditures, and that was up by 24% from 2002 mid-term elections.

41% of all political spots in 2006 were classified as negative. Leading the way in negative ads among the top advertisers was the Republican National Committee and the Democratic National Committee with 89% and 85% of their ads being labeled as negative.

And here’s how our governor’s race played out, according to Nielsen…

Candidate ………. Number of Spots .. % Negative Spots
Rod Blagojevich …… 34,665 ……………….. 66%
Judy Topinka ………… 9,923 ……………….. 67%

Man, did she ever get buried. Also, the governor’s campaign has tried to say they ran a mostly positive effort. Not according to Nielsen.


Here we go… *** Updated x1 ***

Tuesday, Mar 20, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Remember my Sun-Times column about the governor using black ministers to help sell his tax hikes and budget expansions? Well, it has begun [from a press advisory]…

Governor Rod R. Blagojevich on Tuesday, March 20, will receive the support of dozens of African American ministers who will meet with him at the First Church of Deliverance to endorse his FY2008 budget proposal, Invest in Illinois Families.

The ministers will also urge their congregations to join them in calling on members of the Illinois General Assembly to approve the Governor’s proposed budget, which will expand access to healthcare to all Illinoisans, make a historic investment in public education and ask big businesses to pay their fair share in state taxes.

* I’d like to have been a fly on the wall at this sit-down. But at least they’re talking. From Stella’s column

Mayor Daley and Gov. Rod “Tax ‘Em High” Blagojevich dined together at the onesixty blue on West Randolph last Thursday evening.

* Subscribers saw more details about the governor’s response to this story, but Crain’s had a good roundup about what the business-backed Tax Foundation had to say yesterday…

Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s proposed $7-billion tax on business would dwarf the biggest tax increases enacted in other states over the past decade, a new study says.

The new taxes, including a $6-billion gross-receipts tax and a $1-billion payroll tax, would consume almost 1.3% of the state’s economic output, nearly three times more than a tax increase enacted by Indiana in 2003, according to the Tax Foundation, a conservative-leaning nonprofit think tank in Washington, D.C.

Gov. Blagojevich’s tax proposal would increase state revenue by nearly 27%, almost twice the 14% increase in revenue Nevada saw from a hike that state enacted in 2004. Four of the top 10 state tax hikes in the past decade increased revenues by only single-digit percentages.

“If the governor successfully enacts his gross-receipts tax plan, it is clear that taxpayers in the Land of Lincoln will be on the hook for the largest state tax increase of the decade,” the study concludes.

* More details of that study can be found at this link.

* Crain’s also had this

The Blagojevich administration on Monday advanced a new reason why its proposed $6.3-billion tax on businesses’ gross receipts would be good for Illinois: “Not one nickel” would be spent on bureaucracy.

Speaking to the City Club of Chicago, Illinois Chief Operating Officer John Filan promised that all proceeds of the controversial levy proposal would be passed on to local schools, used to extend health insurance to the uninsured, funneled into infrastructure bonds and the like.

“Not one nickel of the new revenue is going within state government,” Mr. Filan said, adding, when questioned later, that while some additional administrators might need to be hired, the state would reduce its headcount elsewhere to compensate.

* And here’s a roundup of other budget stories and columns…

* Finance expert says new tax will face changes

* State chamber official blasts governor’s new tax

* Kadner: House committee to vote on school tax swap plan

* Momentum for Gov. Blagojevich’s FY2008 budget proposal continues to build [press release]

* Don’t bet on lottery to bail out state’s pension debt

*** UPDATE *** From a follow-up press release…

Close to 200 African Americans ministers support the Governor’s plan. Besides the dozens congregated at First Church of Deliverance, ministers in Peoria, Decatur, East St. Louis and other regions across the state will issue statements endorsing the Governor’s proposals. The ministers and their congregations will send postcards to members of the Illinois General Assembly urging them to support the Governor’s plan.


Ameren talks tough, but the big squeeze is on

Tuesday, Mar 20, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

Ameren Illinois CEO Scott Cisel followed up his dramatic offer of re-regulation and dumping the controversial reverse power auction with what will assuredly be seen as a take it or leave it offer to the General Assembly…

Ameren’s Illinois electric utilities, besieged by angry customers and lawmakers over dramatic rate hikes, offered on Monday to reinstate a canceled relief package designed to ease the pain of ratepayers — but only if the Legislature stops threatening to roll back the new rates.

Not gonna happen. The “relief” package was way too small. There’s a legislative hearing scheduled for today, so expect the Ameren bigs to get grilled to a crackly crunch.


Ameren Illinois could not afford to return to electric rates charged before they were unfrozen in January while discussions about possibly re-regulating the industry occurred, a company official said Monday.

It also is unlikely, because operating costs increased too much while the rate freeze was in place, that re-regulation would enable the rates to fall that low again, said Scott Cisel, CEO of Ameren Illinois.

But re-regulation could be the best long-term solution for price stability, Cisel said during a conference call Monday with the media.

And I loved this one…

Cisel said the perception many customers have that Ameren Corp. is draining cash from its Illinois utilities to keep its profits high is incorrect. He said more than 70 percent of Ameren Corp.’s income is from its electric generation unit in Missouri, which cannot be expected to bail out the utilities in Illinois.

Except that Ameren’s Missouri rates are lower than ours, so we’re subsidizing them.

The Pantagraph took a different tack…

House Speaker Michael Madigan is predicting that high power bills could begin dropping in the “pretty near future.”

While he didn’t name a specific date for when consumers might see some relief from rates that have skyrocketed since a decade-long rate freeze ended Jan. 1, a spokesman for the Chicago Democrat said Monday that pressure is building on Ameren Corp. and ComEd to address the issue.

A key factor in Madigan’s assessment came Sunday when Ameren Illinois President Scott Cisel said it might be time for the state to again regulate utility companies. […]

“What we know is that the prices are way beyond the company needs to make a profit,” Brown said. “My guess is that we’ll be going back to rates probably around the freeze in the pretty near future. We’re getting closer to a real number.”

Squeezing major companies is a long process, and it ain’t over yet.

Alton Telegraph: Ameren officials could feel the heat on two fronts in Springfield today.

Sun-Times editorial: Electricity rate-fixing charges need to be investigated


Morning Shorts

Tuesday, Mar 20, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson

* Meeks: Blacks need to be better served in job market

* State: elementary test contains errors

* Peoria business groups, advocate organizations, individuals endorse Blagojevich’s plan

* Illinois budget aide out to sell Blagojevich tax increase

* Business leaders speak against governor’s proposed tax

“I just don’t understand the logic in taxing someone who’s not making a profit,” he said, referring to the fact that the gross receipts tax would be based solely on receipts and not necessarily gains.

* Editorial: Don’t bet on lottery to bail out state’s pension debt

* Editorial: Tread lightly on Internet regulation

* Editorial: Well-intentioned smoking bill goes too far

Maybe we need a law spelling out exactly how long parents should require stubborn kids to sit at the table if they refuse to consume broccoli. Or could parents be prosecuted for feeding their kids too much junk food?

* What jurors won’t hear in trial

* Acquittal in parole vote for Aleman

* Oswego, ComEd can’t settle on lines

* Tribune Editorial: Safer roads for everyone

HB 1100, marketed as the Roadway Safety and Mandatory Insurance Coverage Act, would allow people who have no Social Security number to supply other documents and get a “driver’s certificate” instead of a license.

* State group eyes mental health care:

They’re not asking for more money in the next state budget, they said. Rather, it’s concerned it may actually lose money under Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s budget plan for the fiscal year beginning July 1.

* Public drinking ordinance relaxed on St. Patrick’s Day

* Homelessness among issues in second Springfield mayoral debate

* New county budget deficit looms: better than before, but still in the millions

* 25th ward candidate argues for a run-off

* NOW backs Fioretti again in 2nd ward, dismisses stalking claim

* Alderman Stone’s office vandalized

* Stroger seeking contracts probe

* County hospital contracts scrutinized

* New alderman Reilly isn’t sold on new helipad at Children’s Hospital

* Rolling Meadows campaign flyer with error withdrawn


Fitzgerald ranked as “not distinguished” by Justice Department chief

Tuesday, Mar 20, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

I’ve avoided this topic like the plague because I try to stay away from national issues. But now that Patrick Fitzgerald has been brought into the subject, it’s time we had a go at it

U.S. Attorney Patrick J. Fitzgerald was ranked among prosecutors who had “not distinguished themselves” on a Justice Department chart sent to the White House in March 2005, when he was in the midst of leading the CIA leak investigation that resulted in the perjury conviction of a vice presidential aide, administration officials said yesterday.

The ranking placed Fitzgerald below “strong U.S. Attorneys . . . who exhibited loyalty” to the administration but above “weak U.S. Attorneys who . . . chafed against Administration initiatives, etc.,” according to Justice documents.

The chart was the first step in an effort to identify U.S. attorneys who should be removed. Two prosecutors who received the same ranking as Fitzgerald were later fired, documents show. […]

The March 2, 2005, memo from [US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales’ chief of staff Kyle Sampson] came in response to a proposal floated by [then-White House counsel Harriet Miers] to remove all U.S. attorneys during Bush’s second term. Fitzgerald was placed in a middle category among his peers: “No recommendation; have not distinguished themselves either positively or negatively.”

Although the ranking meant Sampson was not recommending those prosecutors for removal at the time, two U.S. attorneys who received the same ranking were fired last Dec. 7: Daniel G. Bogden of Nevada and Paul K. Charlton of Arizona.

The guy convicts a former governor, dozens of political cronies, has the entire state’s political system in deep panic, but the chief of staff says he hasn’t distinguished himself? Apparently, those people had other, more “important,” priorities on their minds.

Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I said at a forum last year that Bush might try to remove Fitzgerald and was shouted down by some of the other panelists.

I want to make it very clear that I have no reason whatsoever to doubt that Fitzgerald was just doing his job, but since it’s now come out that political pressure was exerted on other US Attorneys to indict Democrats before the 2006 election, somebody ought to at least ask Fitzgerald whether he received any communications from the White House or other sources about the timing of last fall’s Tony Rezko indictment. Rezko, of course, was a close intimate of Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

The Rezko indictment seems valid to me, but it did happen just a few weeks before the 2006 election. Meanwhile, President Bush’s pal Mayor Daley had no such trouble in his own electoral run-up this spring.

Fitzgerald has been practically sainted here by the chattering class, but the questions wouldn’t be completely out of order.


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* Gaming Board cracks down on PrizePicks, opposes iGaming bill, backs bill to ban retail sweepstakes machines
* Pritzker urges Senate Democrats to vote no on the Continuing Resolution (Updated x7)
* It’s just a bill
* Intoxicating Hemp: No safety? No thanks!
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