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Friday, Mar 23, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

Have a great one.

Illinoize has been hopping all week. Make sure you check it out…

And for your listening enjoyment….

There ain’t a bad song on that list. Except Graham Parker, most of these people are relatively unknown, but give ‘em a try anyway.

*** UPDATE *** Wilco live at the 9:30 in Washington, DC.

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Friday, Mar 23, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Question of the day

Friday, Mar 23, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

As always, first we have the setup. This is a press release from the Illinois Press Association, an organization that represents newspaper publishers….

Yesterday, the Illinois Press Association Board of Directors approved the government relations committee’s recommendation that the IPA officially oppose Governor Blagojevich’s proposed Gross Receipts Tax (GRT). The Governor’s plan calls for a 1.8% tax on all gross receipts exceeding a million dollars as well as a 3% payroll tax.

Additionally, the IPA Board has instructed staff to encourage all IPA members to publish stories focusing on the community or local impact of the proposed GRT and that the IPA act as kind of “clearinghouse” for these stories.

Accordingly, the IPA government relations office asks that you please forward any news stories of this variety to the Association so that they can be uploaded onto to the IPA website for other members to access. This clearinghouse will act an online area where members can go to share and distribute story ideas as we work to defeat the proposed GRT.

And, now, the question: Do you think this is ethical? Are all GRT stories with “community or local” angles now undermined because they may have been ginned up by a publisher’s group that opposes the tax? Or is this OK with you because of the old adage “The freedom of the press belongs to those who own it.”


Obamarama - Will 3rd Ward politics affect his presidential race?

Friday, Mar 23, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

My Sun-Times column this week is both national and local in focus, although it leans more local…

Fresh, independent-minded candidates, most helped by labor unions, forced 10 Machine aldermen into runoff elections this year. But now the “Empire” is striking back, and liberal icon Barack Obama is helping the Old Guard in at least one of those races.

Obama is set to endorse the always controversial 3rd Ward Ald. Dorothy Tillman in her runoff against hard-charging independent Pat Dowell. Obama isn’t alone. Almost every black political, religious and civil rights leader in the city is lending support to Tillman, who scored just 43 percent in the first round of voting, finishing a mere 400 votes ahead of Dowell.

About the only major political figure not backing Tillman right now is U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., who just helped elect his wife, Sandi, to the City Council. Jackson said this week he plans to put at least 150 foot soldiers into the 3rd Ward come Election Day, but he tried to downplay the fact that this is the first time he and Obama have ever opposed each other in a local race.

And it ends this way…

Jackson says he understands why Sen. Obama would back Tillman. The alderman was one of Obama’s earliest supporters in his U.S. Senate bid. But others are wondering how Obama’s decision to back such a die-hard proponent of slavery reparations will play in Iowa and New Hampshire. They may have a point.


Opposition mounts as Quinn story refuses to die

Friday, Mar 23, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Pat Quinn story isn’t going away yet

Gov. Rod Blagojevich suffered a very public rejection from within his own administration Thursday as Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn disparaged the tax and health care plans that Blagojevich has made his top priority.

Calling a news conference at the state Capitol, Quinn said the governor’s proposal for a new $6 billion business tax would end up hitting “ordinary people” in the pocketbook.

“That levy would be passed on to consumers, and I don’t think that’s the right way to go,” he said.

Quinn also said expanding health care and pumping new money into schools can be done over time and doesn’t have to be accomplished immediately, as Blagojevich has proposed

* More

Whereas Blagojevich’s plan raises nearly $7 billion by taxing businesses, Quinn prefers to empower a panel to go through state tax breaks and eliminate those deemed unneeded. He predicted that would raise nearly $2 billion in its first year. […]

Quinn said all new tax dollars from his plan would be set aside to pay for property tax relief, education spending and health care. But there would not be enough money to finance the massive expansion of health care and education Blagojevich unveiled earlier this month.

A spokeswoman for the governor’s budget office blasted Quinn’s plan as unrealistic.

“We’ve pushed for four years to close corporate loopholes. The General Assembly has consistently opposed those efforts,” said Becky Carroll. “We don’t think it’s right to ask our schools and the uninsured to wait for years for those tides to change.”

* The president of the Illinois Education Association, Ken Swanson, chimed in as well in a press release yesterday…

While we are pleased the lieutenant governor has entered the school funding discussion, his proposal is woefully inadequate.

The Illinois Education Association believes any school funding reform proposal must deliver adequate funding to public education through a revenue stream that is predictable and sustainable. The Lt. Governor’s proposal falls short on all counts. The projected revenue from this plan comes no where near the level needed to close the achievement gap in Illinois.

Thousands of students, in every part of the state, are being denied the resources necessary to get a high quality education. Changing this system demands a bold plan and that is why the Illinois Education Association supports the Gross Receipts Tax proposal. We are urging the members of the Illinois General Assembly to support this proposal.

* But just about every farm group is registering in opposition to the gross receipts tax…

Bart Bittner, spokesman for the Illinois Farm Bureau, said that regardless of their revenue, Illinois farmers will be hit hard by the tax thanks to the increased cost of supplies.

“It impacts all farms whether they generate $1 million in gross receipts or not because of the (cost) pass-on that comes from the input side of things,” he said.

Bittner said that because agriculture prices are driven in large part by commodities markets it would be difficult for producers to set their own prices to recoup their losses.

Illinois Department of Agriculture Director Chuck Hartke said opponents of the tax are neglecting the savings that it will create, particularly in the area of health care.

* And the Daily Herald takes a look at how one aspect of the governor’s health plan would work…

As part of a sweeping health-care proposal, Gov. Rod Blagojevich wants to give parents the option of including children age 29 and under on their policies, rather than 19 and under.

“They are the kids that are now grown-up,” Blagojevich said earlier this month. “They’re mostly healthy, but Mom and Dad are worried, understandably so, that God forbid, something happens and they don’t have health insurance.”

Few details have been released and, at this point, it is unclear how many people would sign up or when the program would start. The only clear-cut condition is that it would apply only to families making less than $80,000. A Blagojevich spokeswoman said everyone within the age and parental income categories could be covered.

* Action for Children President: Governor’s health insurance plan must be Ok’d

* Tribune Editorial: Scale it back Governor

* Editorial: Take it slow on health care reform


“Smoke Free” ad now up and running

Friday, Mar 23, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

The American Cancer Society’s c(4) division is running a new TV ad in support of the “Smoke Free Illinois” bill. Have a look and tell me what you think…

Also, Attorney General Lisa Madigan has signed on as a supporter of the legislation, which would essentially outlaw smoking in all indoor public places.


Massive Statehouse rally

Friday, Mar 23, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

The Statehouse was jam-packed yesterday…

One of the largest rallies in a decade packed the Capitol so full with supporters of immigrant rights Thursday that they spilled out onto nearby lawns.

Organizers said more than 2,000 people came to Springfield from across the state on about 35 buses to rally and lobby for driver’s certificates for illegal immigrants and others without Social Security numbers, as well as other immigrant issues.

Many of those attending were Latinos from the Chicago area, said Catherine Salgado of the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, which helped organize the event. But supporters also came from downstate areas such as Beardstown and Bloomington and included South Asians, Koreans, Arabs, Chinese, Poles and Africans.

“These are the people that need to drive because they have to work, they have to take their children to school, they have to go grocery shopping - things that many people don’t even think will be any problem,” Salgado said.

The Tribune has some much-needed context

If approved, the driver’s certificates would be distinct from regular driver’s licenses and learner’s permits, supporters say. For one, they would clearly state that they cannot be used as identification for any other official purpose. The certificates are a nod to new federal standards for driver’s licenses under the Real ID anti-terrorism act approved by Congress in 2005, which several states have refused to implement.

In Illinois, the Roadway Safety and Mandatory Insurance Coverage Act has been promoted as an act of pragmatism amid one of Illinois’ greatest immigration waves, a way to ensure that everyone driving in the state gets proper training and has access to automobile insurance. […]

Brian Konen, co-owner of an insurance agency in Aurora, said he views his support for a driver’s certificate law as a business decision.

“In Aurora, we have a large Hispanic population. If those folks are not driving with insurance, our clients are getting hit by them,” said Konen, who is also president of the Professional Independent Insurance Agents of Illinois. “If we can get them to drive legally and with insurance, I’m sure some of those folks will also become our clients.”

Try to keep the discussion focused on the issues at hand, please. Thanks. And, remember, my wife is an immigrant, so if you bash all immigrants you could be dealth with harshly.


Clueless aldermen

Friday, Mar 23, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

On the same day that Al Sanchez was indicted for mail fraud related to city patronage, some Chicago aldermen were griping about the Shakman case.

Chicago aldermen were grumbling Thursday about a settlement in the long-running Shakman case amid concern about how a federal hiring monitor will dole out $12 million to political hiring victims and how new rules will ensure work force diversity.

It’s not just the fact that monitor Noelle Brennan would become a fixture at City Hall — at least for the next 21 months. She would help draft a “color-blind” hiring system and have absolute power to pass judgment on political hiring claims and determine compensation for them, according to aldermen who must approve the settlement. […]

Ald. Pat O’Connor (40th) wondered how Brennan will respond to claims filed by Democratic precinct workers denied jobs and promotions in favor of foot soldiers for the Hispanic Democratic Organization. […]

For months, aldermen have accused Brennan of invading their turf, railing about her $1.65 million in legal fees, her ever-expanding role in city hiring and the effect those controls have had on their ability to deliver neighborhood services and get their people placed in top jobs. […]

“When it’s driven by a federal judge, people understand we want to get it resolved and get it behind us. But you may have a lot of disgruntled ‘yes’ votes — people voting ‘yes’ under duress,” said Ald. Isaac Carothers (29th), vice chairman of the City Council’s Black Caucus.

Timing is everything.


Morning shorts *** Updated x1 ***

Friday, Mar 23, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

*** UPDATE *** Must-read story in Illinoize: Knox County - In the spotlight for all the wrong reasons


* I-Team: “You may be surprised to learn what an ABC7 investigation has found in the personal investments of top ComEd executives. There are allegations that electric bills have skyrocketed because of it.”

* Ex street and sanitation boss indicted by feds

* Sanchez cut his teeth on the east side

* NBC5 video: Top Daley aide indicted

* CBS video: Former Daley aide indicted for fraud

* Ex-Daley aide indicted

* John Kass: Sanchez had smelled the coffee before

* Federal Grand jury indicts former Chicago commissioner

* ‘Mediocre job’ rating doesn’t faze Fitzgerald

* Fitzgerald says he does the best job he can do

* Kadner: Prosecutors find evaluations can stink

* Greeley: Why prosecutors, politics should not be mixed

* Editorial: Governor falling short on pledge of openness

* Senate passes measure aimed at FutureGen lawsuits

* Some lawmakers say car smoking proposal goes too far

* Treasurer: Bank collateral too high

* Senate committee approves electric rate rollback proposal

* Electricity rollback hinges on talks

* ComEd freeze back in Senate mix

* ComEd threatens to sue over rates

* Electric rate rollback now includes ComEd

* Concerns grow over sale of student loan portfolio

“We’ll leave the interest groups on the sidelines and get an economic outlook on the market and how it might respond to proposals like this one,” said Sen. Jeff Schoenberg (D-Evanston), chairman of the Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability, which will hold hearings on the issue in mid-April. “For a series of transactions of this size, it is especially critical to know how the markets might respond.”

* Editorial: It’s hard to get too excited over state scores

* School finances better, but cost bemoaned

* Fewer public schools use deficit spending


* Reader comments closed for the weekend
* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Updates to previous editions (Updated x2)
* Stop Credit Card Chaos In Illinois
* Gaming Board cracks down on PrizePicks, opposes iGaming bill, backs bill to ban retail sweepstakes machines
* Pritzker urges Senate Democrats to vote no on the Continuing Resolution (Updated x7)
* It’s just a bill
* Intoxicating Hemp: No safety? No thanks!
* Open thread
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today's edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
* Selected press releases (Live updates)
* Live coverage
* Yesterday's stories

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