Afternoon open thread
Wednesday, Mar 21, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller The governor was on Don and Roma’s WLS show yesterday morning. You can either go here to download the audio or just click the thingies below…
[Hat tip: Zorn] I learned two things from the interview. 1) The governor’s New Year’s resolution was to show up on time; and 2) Elvis took no tax deductions and was one of the biggest taxpayers in Illinois at one time. This is an open thread, but try to keep your comments to Illinois stuff, please. Thanks.
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Wednesday, Mar 21, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller
Question of the day
Wednesday, Mar 21, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller Do you support giving Illinoisans the right to carry concealed firearms, as long as there was training and criminal background checks involved? Explain.
“Ignorant” Quinn opposes guv’s tax hike
Wednesday, Mar 21, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller [Bumped up because this is the biggest story of the day.] * I can’t understand why they buried this in the story, but Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn has come out against the governor’s gross receipts tax…
* Quinn’s position apparently makes him “ignorant” of the existence of God, according to a prominent African-American minister, Bishop Robert Sanders, who supports the governor’s tax and spending plan. Check out the video.
Wow. * As I told you yesterday, the governor repeated his assertion yesterday that he would not support any other proposal until his tax plan, education plan and health care plan are all approved…
* Illinois Chamber of Commerce website committed to stopping “largest tax increase ever” * Blagojevich gets ministers endorsement for budget
* Transit pitch can’t sway Governor * Transportation lobbies for budget space
Wednesday, Mar 21, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller The loss of federal funding isn’t permanent and may be reversed, but it looks like the state really needs to clean up this place…
This is a state mismanagement open thread. Be advised, though, that over the top personal insults and the like will be deleted. So, please, follow the rules.
What the heck?
Wednesday, Mar 21, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller *** UPDATE *** The MPC just called. According to their spokesperson, Bernard Lloyd was speaking for himself, not the council. Also, they’re a 501c3 organization, meaning they’re supposed to stay out of politics, so they say they had nothing to do with the campaign finance research. Lloyd told the council that he made it clear to the Sun-Times that he was speaking for himself. It’s no secret that the Metropolitan Planning Council is often a shill for Mayor Daley, but you would think that it wouldn’t be blasting organized labor considering that Chicago Federation of Labor President Dennis Gannon sits on its board of directors.
Some of his numbers are wrong, by the way. But, whatever the case, way down at the bottom of the story, the picture becomes more clear…
[sarcasm] And everyone knows what a fantastic alderman Tillman is. [/sarcasm] I’ve called the MPC to see if this was an official statement. Everyone’s in a meeting, so no word yet. The CFL is not happy, to say the least.
Morning Shorts
Wednesday, Mar 21, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson * Witness: Special treatment preceded DeFraties * Bids for ‘clout jobs’ rise under Blagojevich, says Official * Child welfare chief ‘horrified’ by no bid contracts * Long overdue grant money intended for school construction * Ameren customers in the dark about cancelled installment plans
* Ameren stands firm on electric rates amid ICC questioning * Chicago Prosecutor mediocre? FBI disagrees
* Marin: Fitzgerald would be better AG than Gonzales * Kass: Connecting dots and Fitzgerald’s fall * Tribune Editorial: Fitzgerald certainly distinguished * Sun-Times Editorial: Put cap on ‘alcopop’ commercials aimed at kids * $130 million in unpaid hospital bills found in Cook Co. * Would be travelers facing big lines at passport office * Toxic television or family- friendly fireproofer? * Mail problems go from bad to worse * Editorial: Illiana route worth a close look
* Illinois wants Illiana to move * Haithcock insists Fioretti is a stalker * Controversial ad calls Fioretti “stalker’ in 2nd ward race * Prospect Heights mayor to remain on April ballot * Renovations at U.S. Cellular, spectacular views up for grabs