Morning Shorts
Tuesday, Apr 3, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson
* Budget Stories:
* Governor ready for ‘fight of the century’
* New tax plan sparks controversy
* Summing up the ‘front burner’ of Governor’s plan
* Illinois Manufacturer’s CEO blasts GRT
* More business leaders attack Governor’s plan
* Governor hits the road with tax plan to promote ‘break’ for middle class
* Blagojevich stumping for dollars
* Group: Tax plan could lead to hike in gas prices
* Governor stops by Elgin businesses
* Jesse Jackson Sr: Invest in hope, America, not despair
* Sun-Times Editorial: Get the funds necessary to fix mass transit
* Editorial: ‘Official’ roadside memorials won’t solve problem
* Editorial: Thumbs down to U of I for revoking scholarships to military vets
* State revokes Elgin PADS grant
* Proposed Illinois law change would allow reckless homicide charges in more traffic fatalities
That legislation would allow reckless homicide charges to be filed if the driver is going at least 10 mph above the speed limit and kills a person in a construction or school zone. A reckless homicide conviction carries a penalty of three to 14 years in prison.
* Police Supt. Cline knocked out by beating scandal
Police Supt. Phil Cline abruptly resigned Monday, an attempt to stem damage done to the Chicago Police Department’s image around the world with the potential to sink Mayor Daley’s Olympic dream.
* Sneed: On surprise Cline resignation
* Mark Brown: On Cline’s departure
* Tribune goes to Zell
* Country Club Hills mayor accused of racial remark
* Davlin far ahead in the Springfield money race
- Truthful James - Tuesday, Apr 3, 07 @ 8:38 am:
First, a bit of disclosure. I am not black. I do business in Country Club Hills.
Mayor Welch has brought new life to the City. We have a huge new shopping center anchored by Wal-Mart, improvement in the other shopping plazas, public improvements including a fire station at the north end of town and a municipal amphitheater on 183rd Street. He has revamped the Park District facilities and offered help to the schools.
Within City Hall there are many black officials, including his appointed City Administrator. All of them are hard workers. What kind of a boss is he? Ask them.
Single family homes are being developed throughout the City — evidence that Country Club Hills is a good place to live for Black or White.
Alberman Burris is the nephew of the well regarded Roland Burris. By relying on an anonymous article placed in a weekly rag in an effort to incite people, the Alderman is besmirching his uncle’s reputation.
- Dieter - Tuesday, Apr 3, 07 @ 9:12 am:
Why is Mayor Daley running around Europe on the taxpayers’ dime and going to the Sox game while videos of one of his police officers beating a woman circulate on newscasts around the world?
I guess with the 71% he just got, he feels that he doesn’t need to do his job. Firing Cline isn’t the answer.
Why doesn’t the press talk about this, are they afraid of retribution?
- thomas paine - Tuesday, Apr 3, 07 @ 4:57 pm:
Perhaps the Mayor should spend his evening hours patronizing saloons so he can nab these fellas?
- Dieter - Tuesday, Apr 3, 07 @ 9:12 pm:
My point is he spends an awful lot of time outside the country don’t you think?
Is it to avoid the Feds?
- south suburban native - Wednesday, Apr 4, 07 @ 1:44 pm:
Y’know, the one thing about the whole Phil cline thing that just aggaravates the hell out of me is this idea, spread especailly in the Sun TImes, that he and Daley were responsible for the big drop in the murder and violent crime rate in Chicago. They had nothing to do with it, unless you consider them responsible for tearing down the Robert Taylor homes and sending the majority of their residents to the south Suburbs to wreak havoc and mayhem. Look at the crime stats for the south burbs like Harvey, Riverdale and chicago Heights, and you’ll see an almost exact correspondence between the tearing down of the Taylor homes and the spiral in violent crime out here. Tanks for nottin, boys. And I cant wait to see which Daley crony is going tomake billions, yes billions off of developing the lakefront property where the Taylor homes used to stand