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Question of the Day

Thursday, Apr 5, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson

Tensions seem to have been running a bit high this week. Most people are unhappy about one thing or another, perhaps for good reason.

But unlimited pessimism is never the best route.

No matter what, there has to be something that we are fortunate to have here in the Land of Lincoln. Otherwise, we wouldn’t still be here.

So how about a little mid-year Thanksgiving dinner table discussion…

Question: As a resident of the state of Illinois, what are you most thankful for?


  1. - Paul Richardson - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 7:47 am:

    I’ll start…

    I’m thankful for our state’s diversity. The gigantic swath of the country that falls inside the Northern peak to the Southern tip of Illinois corrals a wide range of very different folks.

    The dissimilar perspectives I’ve been forced to understand has strengthened me.

  2. - Dennis - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 8:01 am:

    Upton Sinclair, Gwendolyn Brooks, Carl Sandburg, Southern Illinois in the fall, Da Bears, the Blues, politics as a full contact sport, my parents, Joliet Jake and Elwood, Lincoln…

  3. - leigh - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 8:03 am:

    The Shawnee National Forest has got to be one of the most beautiful places in the world. The folks the live and work in that area of Southern Illinois are some of the friendliest and kindest folks in the world. I am thankful that such a place and such people are located in Illinois.

  4. - So-Called "Austin Mayor" - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 8:05 am:

    “As a resident of the state of Illinois, what are you most thankful for?”

    Illinois, esp. Chicagoland, is the home to the finest crop of musicians north of the Mason-Dixon line. We may never have reached the heights of hype like Seattle, Athens and Austin, but over the last decade and a half, we have been blessed with consistently top-notch locally-based musicians of all stripes.

    And, perhaps even more importantly, Illinois is the home to some of the best concert promoters/talent bookers on the North American continent.

    God bless them all and rock — pop, rap and honky-tonk — on!

    – SCAM

  5. - Justice - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 8:06 am:

    It would have to be the great food, the variety of weather, the incredible changes of the landscape between the seasons, the outstanding Cubs, and the kind and gentle politics. Most of all, when you make a friend in Illinois, you make a friend for life.

  6. - Free Speech - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 8:10 am:

    The Preamble to the Constitution: We, the People of the State of Illinois - grateful to Almighty God for the civil, political and religious liberty which He has permitted us to enjoy and seeking His blessing upon our endeavors - in order to provide for the health,safety and welfare of the people; maintain a representative and orderly government; eliminate poverty and inequality; assure legal, social and economic justice; provide opportunity for the fullest development of the individual; insure domestic tranquility; provide for the common defense; and secure the blessings of freedom and liberty to ourselves and our posterity - do ordain and establish this Constitution for the State of Illinois.

  7. - bored now - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 8:20 am:

    my wife.

  8. - one of the 35 - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 8:20 am:

    The positive example of former Governor Jim Edgar who demonstrated how state government finances should be handled when revenues are projected to be less than expenses. Fiscal restaint does not seem to be in the vocabulary of the current adninistration. It should be.

  9. - U of I Dem - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 8:25 am:



    The Blues Brothers!

  10. - Johnny USA - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 8:26 am:

    Barrack Obama.

    He’ll fix all this stuff and lead us into a golden age.

  11. - dupage progressive - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 8:32 am:

    good call to bring us all back to a good place.

    I’m most thankful for my family & to live near a great city like Chicago. Also thankful we live near Lake Michigan - a gorgeous place to swim, bike, run and relax.

    And I’m way thankful for the great restaurants in the chicago area — especially PORTILLO’S - yum!

  12. - Reddbyrd - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 8:33 am:

    That comment about Blinky Jim “YouBet”Edgar nearly threw me off course…
    I must be thankful for my wife and children, NewsGod Capt. Fax, and the fact the Missouri is only one state away and the home of the World Series Champs.
    p.s. I realize that the start of the season has been a little rocky. At least we did not need a multimillion dollar ad campaign calling 2007 the “Season of Hope” punchlined with the announcement of the end of season garage sale.
    Go Cards!
    Oh yes,I believe we must all be very thankful for Paul the Intern who turns up wach morning even when the NewsGod is wandering the foothills of Giant City. Let’s all send some chocolate bunnies as a sign of our gratitude

  13. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 8:41 am:

    It is in the middle of the USA, so it is easy to get anywhere in the country from here.

  14. - Mr. Ethics - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 8:45 am:

    Horseshoe sandwiches

  15. - 105th Blues - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 8:51 am:

    Most thankful for the ability to live comfortably due to inexpensive cost of living in Central, IL. Thankful for the straightforward honest salt of the earth folks around here as well. I’m a transplant from the East and been here nearly a decade and it’s very nice.

  16. - Avatar7 - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 8:53 am:

    The sale of the Tribune and the imminent sale of the Cubs, of course. Victory now!

  17. - Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 8:58 am:

    An Entertaining (if frustrating) government.

    Ditto Ozzie Guillen for the entertainment value, as well as for providing Sox fans everywhere with the 2005 World Series victory, so that there is no longer a hole in our collective souls.

  18. - Kiyoshi Martinez - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 9:12 am:

    Cheap Trick.

  19. - 10thCavCmdr. - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 9:18 am:

    I am thankful that from IL…we can reach anywhere we want to…and for good commentors who realize (as in these posts) “It ain’t so bad in IL”…

  20. - Chicago Resident - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 9:29 am:

    Marshall Field’s
    Montgomery Ward
    Carson Pirie Scott
    Pappa Milano’s
    Cigar Bars
    foie gras
    O’Neils Bar and Grill
    2nd Amendment Rights

  21. - Grateful Anon - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 9:40 am:

    I’m grateful for a true american hero, and an Illinois treasure - Rich Miller.

  22. - Jerry - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 9:45 am:

    I’m thankful for living in the greatest city in America. Chicago may have its problems, but overall, I couldn’t live anywhere else. Now if only our incompetent mayor would get the god darn CTA working.

  23. - Harry Caray - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 9:45 am:

    1. Lake Michigan
    2. Starved Rock (haven’t made it to Shawnee yet)
    3. All the good looking coeds that populate Chicago in the summer
    4. Galena
    5. University of Illinois and SIU basketball
    6. Da Bears
    7. The state’s love of politics
    8. Civic pride
    9. Central Illinois at sunset in the summer
    10. Chicago’s Architecture

  24. - Jerry - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 9:46 am:

    oh, and I’m thankful for the Capitol Fax Blog. By far the best “local” blog that I’ve seen.

  25. - Mike Noonan - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 9:48 am:

    Da Bears
    What a great season

  26. - Levois - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 9:48 am:

    I’m always glad go thru Illinois and see how different the rest of the state is from the Chicago area. It’s always a treat to see how big this state really is.

  27. - Shelbyville - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 9:56 am:

    The Cubs and Western Oaks Baptist Church.

  28. - Councilman Sinnock Online - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 10:06 am:

    We’re thankful for our Highland forefathers joining the Illinois Municipal Electric Agency. Because of this decision we have been unaffected by the State’s screwing with the free market system.

  29. - Philosophe Forum - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 10:08 am:

    I’m thankful that my ancestors had the good sense to move to Central IL in the 19th Century & not some place like Texas. I’m thankful for living in such a historically significant area like Southern Illinois where it all began & comes together.

  30. - Little Egypt - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 10:15 am:

    What keeps me in Illinois:
    1. Family, family, family.
    2. Living in the middle of the nation has its advantages, like not having to travel 3,000 miles to get from one coast to the other.
    3. Fabulous Southern Illinois, Shawnee National Forest (the Ozark foothills), Garden of the Gods, Cave-in-Rock, Lake of Egypt, GIANT City (especially the family style fried chicken dinners served at the lodge, the water tower you can climb up, and the hiking trails), Ferne Clyff State Park, Lake of Egypt, The Salukis; 17th Street Bar-B-Que, Walt’s Pizza in Marion, Triple E and many other wonderful dining spots.
    4. Being able to take in whatever I want in Chicago whenever I want, which is not much and rarely - if ever.
    5. A pretty good bang for the buck in housing (south of I-80 and compared to California and Boston that is).
    6. Certainly NOT the taxes, gas prices, political corruption and drama rama; BUT
    6. IT’S HOME!

  31. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 10:17 am:

    This week….the liberation of the Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Cubs from the Corporate Mongrels.

    Also, the blend of Midwestern values and progressive ideals in Illinois makes us just about the most solidly decent people to hang out with on average. Unless you’re a toad, because we know a toad when we meet one.

  32. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 10:18 am:

    (Great post, Rich)

  33. - DeepFriedOnAStick - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 10:20 am:

    Dude, enough with the optimism!

  34. - anonymous - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 10:24 am:

    the four seasons especially since it’s now spring
    a family with a sense of humor
    good schools(yes there are some)
    sports teams to root for
    and of course Illinois politics. it’s always entertaining

  35. - cermak_rd - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 10:27 am:

    I’m thankful that the peculiar strain of Christianism present in the Southern states does not extend this far north. I’m thankful for Lake Michigan, Chicago Architecture, Chicago’s food (Pizza, Italian Beef, Pierogi, Polish sausage…), IL technology corridor, for the brilliance of those in Chicago and the inner suburbs to put sidewalks in so people could walk places, and for Nauvoo for its charm, scenery, and wine.

  36. - He Makes Ryan look like a saint - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 10:34 am:

    Pat Fitzgerald, he is like the Lone Ranger.

  37. - RBD - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 10:56 am:

    Chicago Wilderness - the organization, the people and the places.

  38. - vole - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 11:00 am:

    That we are not too far away from Missouri, Wisconsin and Indiana.

  39. - Larry Mulholland - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 11:01 am:

    I am thankful for my friends.

    I am most thankful family who have supported me through good times & bad. Thankful for my family who are healthy & happy and help me to understand what is important in life.

  40. - Skeeter - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 11:03 am:

    Obviously the first thing would be the pleasure of raising a family in the 42nd Ward.

    That being said, as I sit here still a bit on flavor overload after a fine meal last night at Naha, I’m thankful that I live within about a mile of some of the best restaurants in any city anywhere — Alinea, Avenues, Charlie Trotter’s, Tru, Everest, NoMi, Naha, Spiaggia, Topo, Blackbird. . .

    With the exception of Paris and St. Bart, there is no better place to have a meal than Chicago.

    And for those who have asked: The foie gras ban is honored about as much as the 55 mph speedlimit. Unless you are Hot Doug or Copper Blue and loudly proclaim your refusal to comply, nobody really cares.

  41. - Napoleon has left the building - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 11:07 am:

    I’m grateful that I don’t have to read lame posts like this too often.

  42. - Utility Infielder - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 11:09 am:

    The roots of major sports started here 100 years ago. When national television comes to town for any game and they show the Chicago Skyline from the lake, it does the city and state proud. So calles AM, last decade? How about The Buckinghams, Cryan Shames, Chicago, REO Speedwagon, Ides of March, Shadows of Night. (did I just give away my age?)

  43. - Pro-gunner - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 11:09 am:

    I am most thankful for the Illinois State Rifle Association for protecting my Second Amendment rights from the “Kotowski’s” of the state.

  44. - Skeeter - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 11:28 am:


    Fascinating post.

    I am thankful that so many Illinois gun owners use their guns to shoot themselves or family members rather than to harm innocent people.

    Keep up the good work! Thin the herd!

  45. - Happy Go-Lucky - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 11:33 am:

    Cheap coal for cheap electricity.

  46. - babs - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 11:36 am:

    Farmers Markets - and the fact that more farmers are actually small family farms growing organic/sustainable. Giving all of us a great reason and the ability to shop local.

  47. - Frank Booth - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 11:37 am:

    Deep-fried Snickers Bars slathered in Prairie Farms softserve at the Illinois State Fair, which narrowly beats a 1/2 rack of ribs and a full pitcher of beer at 17th Street in Murphysboro.

  48. - ZC - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 11:43 am:

    Right now - mid-to-late-April and May in Chicago. Gonna be gorgeous again; can’t wait.

  49. - 6'2" Yeti - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 11:45 am:

    I’m thankful for the bountiful supply of pork and beef

  50. - i d - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 11:49 am:

    Besides having a great family, I am most thankful that I never have to worry about being mugged when the dog must go out at 3:00 am.

  51. - Freezeup - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 12:01 pm:

    I am thankful for

    The Mississippi River and all the ducks, geese, swans and otters that make each trip an adventure, especially when I am duck hunting with my young daughter who is discovering it for the first time.

    I only get to Chicago occaisionally, but I am thankful for beer and polish sausage at Wrigley as well as Portillo’s and Giordano’s.

    I am thankful for the young men and women who are willing to go to the midlle east and risk their lives to keep us safe.

    I am thankful that we have so far not been touched by a serious terrorism incident in Illinois.

    I am thankful for being able to make a good living and have a good roof over my families head and plenty to eat!

    I am thankful for green tractors from Moline!

  52. - grand old partisan - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 12:17 pm:

    Deep dish pizza and the plenty of baseball.

    Oh, and Paul, can you do something about skeeter, please? If gleefully basking in the tragic deaths of those who disagree with you and their families isn’t inappropriate and excessively rabid, I don’t know what is.

  53. - Skeeter - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 12:27 pm:

    I’m very thankful that Republicans have very thin skin.

    Sorry for not being politically correct, GOP.

  54. - grand old partisan - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 12:43 pm:

    Anyone with a shred of common decency knows that being grateful for the accidental deaths of your opponents and their families is more than “politically incorrect.” You should be ashamed of yourself for such comments.

    Also, I am offended by your remark not because i have “think skin,” but because I believe that firearm safety is a serious issue, not fodder for spiteful political pot-shots.

  55. - fedup dem - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 12:46 pm:

    Come back to me in about a month, and perhaps I can get over my utter disgust of our elected officials to give you an answer.

  56. - smartypants - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 12:47 pm:

    Ex-girlfriends. You can usually call them from the bar at closing and they usually leave your house before breakfast.

  57. - Skeeter - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 1:04 pm:


    IT WAS JUST A JOKE. It was a direct counter-point to the statement that appears directly above it. Anybody with any sense would realize that it was a joke.

    It is indeed tragic that so many gun owners use their firearms on themselves and family members. It is even more tragic that the ILNRA has done nearly nothing to prevent those deaths.

    That being said, you Republicans get pretty wound up when the left asks you to be polite [You all express OUTRAGE over such requests, branding them “PC” and “an assault of the First Amendment.”]

    As a result, it is funny to see your response when people poke a bit of fun at you on the right.

  58. - Baltimoron - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 1:07 pm:

    Northern Illinois’ lovely summer weather and all those cool neighborhood and suburban festivals that ensure you have something fun to do every weekend from June - September! Even DeKalb’s Cornfest is fun!

  59. - Pro-gunner - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 1:08 pm:

    Once again Skeeter has educated us as to the inner workings of a gun-prohibitionist’s mind.

  60. - Papa Legba - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 1:58 pm:

    Varied and great food and any type of entertainment you could want in Chicago, a world class city.

    Realizing how much better off you are when you relocate from the state.

  61. - King George - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 2:10 pm:

    I am thankful for the legal system in Illinois. It allows the older convicted criminal the right to avoid serving their federal sentences simply by hiring expensive criminal defense attorneys to seek delays and appeals of their sentences. This way, our older white collar criminals are allowed to die of old age outside of prison with their families and friends. Only in Illinois could we achieve this artful manipulation and corruption of our legal system. It makes me proud to be an American.

  62. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 2:47 pm:

    No offense GOP, but what is “accidental” about a shooting that results from keeping a loaded gun in an unlocked place, with no trigger lock, in a nightstand, closet, or some other place that a child can easily reach? The only accident is that more kids aren’t killed. Ignorant, yes, accidental no.

  63. - grand old partisan - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 3:11 pm:

    YDD – Because I know you to be a decent enough fellow, I’m going to assume you’re not implying, as skeeter is, that a child in such an incident somehow deserves their fate and thus should be made the butt of jokes (nothing funnier than dead kids, is there skeeter?).

    I accept that, as with all rights, the right of gun ownership comes a responsibility to exercise it safely. Parents who do not educate their children properly about the dangers of firearms and take the necessary steps to store them in a secure fashion should be held accountable. I use “accidental” to distinguish tragedies (whether caused by negligence or not) from shootings in which there was a malicious intent to kill or harm.

  64. - Skeeter - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 3:19 pm:


    If we can’t laugh about it, what can we do?

    Your friends in the ILNRA refuse to support laws that would make their members safe. When guns are used in the home, the most likely victim is the gun owner or a family member.

    But that doesn’t bother you.

    The complete failure of your friends in the NRA to make Illinois safe doesn’t bother you.

    What bothers you is my joke that I would rather see a gun used for the suicide of a gun owner than on some innocent third party. That bothers you tremendously.

    How absolutely pathetic.

  65. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 3:25 pm:

    OK. Enough. Move on.

  66. - Bubs - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 3:25 pm:

    Skeeter and YDD are doing their cause no good with the sick commentary. It just proves that liberals can be as myopic and ugly-minded as conservatives.

    Can we get back to the topic now? I was actually enjoying a read of this post for the most part - at least the first three quarters of it.

  67. - Bubs - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 3:29 pm:

    I am happy for the North Lakefront of Chicago in High Summer, along a gleaming lake filled with sail - the best urban environment in the country, by far.

  68. - Poolside @ Hotel Ibiza - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 3:32 pm:

    The change of seasons. When I’m there.

  69. - Thanks - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 3:40 pm:

    WE ARE ALL THANKFUL FOR YOU, C!!! oh and of course thankful that Rich got off of that bus safely!!!

  70. - Tom - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 3:48 pm:

    Save for the ocean Illinois has something for everyone. From large city to rural, small city to small town, there is a great variety of environments in which to live. You can enjoy a night in Chicago and the next day be relaxing in a fishing boat on a state lake after a reasonable drive.

    George Will noted that the northernmost part of Illinois is further north than Cape Cod, and its southernmost point further south than Richmond, VA, which illustrates the geographical diversity of Illinois.

  71. - Heartlander - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 4:46 pm:

    Happy to be on the shimmering shores of our great lake Michigan; grateful for the political engagement of fellow citizens in recent city elections; (tho 60% of voters sat it out) Grateful to have a roof to green!Grateful for Durbin, Obama, Schakowsky, Hamos, Osterman and soon to be re-elected Ald.Joe Moore.
    And thanks for asking, keep up the good work.

  72. - Taylor Street - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 4:58 pm:

    Baseball is back.

  73. - Larry McKeon - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 5:58 pm:

    Opportunities that I never imagined were possible.

    Some really great people that I have had the honor to get to know.

  74. - Huh? - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 6:47 pm:

    There are 2 things that get me out of bed in the morning.

    1. My lovely wife, who is the most beautiful woman in the world. She has put up with me for nearly 25 years.

    2. My 2 happy and talented daughters, who are tied for 2nd as the most beautiful women in the world.

    3. My job as a transportation engineer. It is a profession that never gets much respect but has the greatest impact to society.

  75. - NI80 - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 7:10 pm:

    I am thankful for Springfield’s low electric rates…thanks CWLP!! Having lived with both ComEd and Ameren before, CWLP is by far the cheapest I’ve ever had.

  76. - GettingJonesed - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 7:17 pm:

    Almost forgot to be thankful for the Senate President who helped create my moniker, made sure our utility executives have enough loot and made sure that IL will become the new Las Vegas.

  77. - Just a Citizen - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 7:54 pm:

    I’m thankful for my 5 boys, my 9 grandchildren and my 2 great-grandchildren.

    My family and I have lived in a lot of places and even overseas, but always return to IL. It is our home.

    I am also thankful that there is forum such as this that allows me to comment on the politics in IL.

  78. - Way Northsider - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 8:12 pm:

    Chicago - The wonderful theater companies, the restaurants, the lake, the Cubs. Live music. Incredible architecture. Great museums. Vibrant neighborhoods. Living in a blue state. (Yes, I know it’s not really a blue state but the totals are blue).

  79. - Tessa - Thursday, Apr 5, 07 @ 9:41 pm:

    A great sports system for younger kids to learn what to do and how to do it, the building blocks, across the state. There are great programs out there that help kids stay off the streets and in school with the hope that they can get into college. Programs that do it without the help of teachers. IKWF, Pop Warner, etc..

    Illinois does have some good things going for it. You can go from one end of the state to the other and experience completely different landscapes and meet happy, friendly people. From hicago to Galena, Rockford to Anna.

    And the Capital Fax Blog is the best blog in the land!

  80. - State of Farce - Friday, Apr 6, 07 @ 2:26 am:

    Patrick Fitzgerald

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