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Circling the square in the 32nd Ward

Monday, Apr 16, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Word is that the Chicago Tribune was handed this story about alleged Ed Vrdoylak ties to an apparently sham candidate in the 32nd Ward race three weeks ago, but the paper didn’t do anything with it. Inside Publications followed up, however…

The revelation of alleged ties between a defeated 32nd Ward aldermanic candidate, Catherine Zarycny, and former 10th Ward Alderman Ed Vrdolyak raises questions about whether she was a reformer or simply someone slated to split the opposition vote in February’s municpal election in order to protect Ald. Ted Matlak from defeat.

Inside has obtained copies of cashier’s checks that paid for $13,764.75 worth of glossy, five color advertising for Zaryczny at Alta Vista Graphics, flyers that then were delivered to every door in the 32nd Ward. One check for $2,124.00 was remitted by Modern Business Consultants (MBC), a business owned by Paul Foxgrover. The other, for $11,640.75, was purchased by Foxgrover himself.

Who is Paul Foxgrover? He is a former Cook County circuit court judge convicted of taking money in the Operation Greylord era and sent to prison for six years. At the time the cashier’s checks were drawn, his headquarters were in Ed Vrolyak’s office at 9618 S. Commercial Ave.

Back in the day, Vrdolyak secured backing for Foxgrover from then 32nd Ward Alderman Terry Gabinski, who is now the ward’s Dem committeeman.

Zaryczny ran as a “reformer” in the first round and scored 14 percent, ensuring a runoff. She then made a quick turnaround and endorsed embattled Ald. Ted Matlak over Scott Waguespack.

According to the article, Zaryczny didn’t file any campaign finance reports during the election season.

* Here’s more local election coverage, compiled by Paul Richardson…

* Schizophrenia in the Chicago voting booth?

* Making sure fraud doesn’t enter into runoff contests

* Aldermanic runoffs some of the dirtiest yet

* Mayor’s friends back Tillman late in 3rd ward

* Rev. Jackson endorses Tillman in 3rd, son backs Dowell

* 76-year reign teeters in 32nd ward

* Matlak stirs magnet school issue in 32nd

* Wauguespack files $5 million defamation lawsuit

* Daley and Smith exchange barbs in 43rd ward

* Vi Daley connection to 11th and 19th wards?

* Smith calls for break of City Hall stronghold in 43rd

* Record setting votes in 49th ward

* Muslim group wants apology from 50th ward alderman Stone

* Longtime Alderman Fights For Her Job In 3rd Ward - Race Splits Loyalties Of Jackson Family, With Rev. Jesse Jackson Backing Incumbent

* Fox 32 panel discusses run-off races.

* Immigrant issue fuels intense race in Carpentersville

* Lisa Madigan voices support for Sheila Simon

*** This is a local elections open thread. ***


  1. - fedup dem - Monday, Apr 16, 07 @ 9:16 am:

    I warched Diane burns report last night. It was one of the most tepid and disappointing pieces of journalistic pablum that I have ever had the misfortune to watch. Burns talked about the issue of development in the 49th Ward like it was taking place in a vacuum tube, oblivious to the cozy relationships between Ald. “Lying” Joe Moore and the ward’s developers and slumlords. A pitiful perfromance by Burns, who is proving herself to be the worst anchor that station has had since the dreadful days of Bob McBride in the early 1970s.

  2. - Jerry - Monday, Apr 16, 07 @ 9:44 am:

    I knew that Teddy was a sleaze pile of doggie doo, but Fast Eddie sleazy? Yeesh. I can’t wait to vote tomorrow.

  3. - Hugh - Monday, Apr 16, 07 @ 10:02 am:

    The Best of Berny

    Stone Debates Stone: On Crime and Cameras

    Point-Counterpoint: Bernard L. Stone, 79-year-old candidate for alderman from the 50th ward of Chicago, debates Bernard L. Stone, 79-year-old candidate for alderman from the 50th ward of Chicago, on the issues of crime and cameras. Whatever your views on the severity of the crime problem in the 50th ward, or on efficacy of police
    cameras, you will find something to appreciate in the positions of Bernard L. Stone. Watch as Stone reverses course and then revises history.


    Stone to Push-Cart Vendors: GET THE HELL OUT!

    Bernard L. Stone, 79-year-old candidate for alderman from the 50th ward of Chicago, shares his views on America, our ethnic melting pot, land of equal opportunity for all. Yet for some in the 50th ward, not so much.



    Stone: On Democracy

    Bernard L. Stone, 79-year-old candidate for alderman from the 50th ward of Chicago, shares his views on ballot initiatives, participatory democracy, and community process.



    Stone: On Development: NO NEED for Community Zoning Board

    Bernard L. Stone, 79-year-old candidate for alderman from the 50th ward of Chicago, shares his views on the relationship between campaign
    financing and development policy, on affordable housing, and on community involvement.


    Stone: Soft on Corruption

    Through his willful negligence of his oversight duties, Bernard L. Stone, 79-year old candidate for alderman of the 50th ward of Chicago, is an un-indicted co-conspirator in each and every City Hall scandal.



    Tax Increment Financing Explained

    Bernard L. Stone explains Tax Increment Financing. This interview is very significant because it is a unique example of an informed interviewer attempting to extract an honest explanation of TIF from a local elected official.



  4. - Skeeter - Monday, Apr 16, 07 @ 11:02 am:

    Under-reported local election stories:

    1. For all the talk about union money going to challengers, the media has not covered at all the money going to Moore. As an incumbent, it is a shame that he needs it. Unions were able to help Reilly and other challengers build a ground organization. Moore shouldn’t need that, given his years in office. It seems to confirm that Moore has not been in touch with his own ward. He is too busy fighting foie gras battles to worry about building an organization.

    2. Conversely, Bernie Stone has taken a lot of money from Wal-Mart and from the anti-Big Box people. There has been almost no coverage locally about all the money that Wal-Mart itself has shelled out. As people asked about the unions: What do you think they want for the money?

    I note that Chicago is far from alone in its opposition to Wal-Mart. Try and find one in New York (NY has turned down stores in both Brooklyn and the Bronx). Or Boston. Or nearly any large city.

  5. - Bubs - Monday, Apr 16, 07 @ 11:26 am:

    32 will be very close. It comes down to Matlak’s imported Machine hacks getting out his plusses vs. the widespread hostility in the Ward towards Terrible Ted.

    Will “The Outraged” take the time to vote? The higher the turnout, the better for the challenger.

  6. - Six Degrees of Separation - Monday, Apr 16, 07 @ 11:42 am:

    There are plenty of large cities with Wal Marts, mostly in the Sun Belt. Most of the large cities of Florida, Texas, the Carolinas and Arizona are particularly Wal-Mart friendly. The Anti-Wal Mart belt is the East Coast north of VA, the large cities of the Rust Belt, and most of the mid to large cities of the West Coast.

  7. - Skeeter - Monday, Apr 16, 07 @ 12:06 pm:

    Six Degrees:

    By plenty, you must mean “nearly none.” Wal-Mart has less than 100 stores in America’s top twenty cities (of a total of about 3000 stores).

    Chicago is far from alone in seeking to keep out Wal Mart.

    Wal Mart sure seems to want stores here though, and the cash it is dumping into local races remains an under-reported story.

  8. - babs - Monday, Apr 16, 07 @ 12:27 pm:

    One more point on the union money, there was a lot of money spent on driving down incumbents numbers - which didn’t have to be reported because there wasn’t a “vote for” message. Plus we only see on reports when someone actually lists an in-kind or regular contribution. How many candidates have not reported their in-kinds? I’ve seen a few mailings that don’t show up on the candidates A-1 filings so far. If the unions support these folks, why don’t the candidates openly admit their receipts? Why are unions supporting candidates that don’t want to be tied to them?

  9. - Skeeter - Monday, Apr 16, 07 @ 1:33 pm:



    I am sure you are equally outraged that Wal-Mart hid their contributions by providing it to intermediary groups?

    Why doesn’t Wal-Mart want to be tied to these candidates?

  10. - babs - Monday, Apr 16, 07 @ 2:13 pm:


    I’m upset about groups that do NOT report, either by skirting the law or disregarding it, candidates or interest groups. You and I can see where these intermediary groups are getting their money.

  11. - Boone Logan Square - Monday, Apr 16, 07 @ 2:33 pm:

    I would love to see the operatives try to work around IRV in Chicago. Not holding my breath for IRV, but it would make local races more fun.

  12. - Anon in 32 - Monday, Apr 16, 07 @ 5:08 pm:

    Matlak is going to hold on in 32. Waguespack appears to be out of money and SEIU has shifted its resources into other races.

    In the past two weeks I’ve gotten 5 mailers and 3 neighbor letters from Matlak, with no mailers and two poorly done neighbor letters from Waguespack.

    Since the February election, I’ve seen lots of new Matlak signs go up, and no new Waguespack ones. It seems now like his only chance to take this was outright in February while Matlak was asleep at the wheel, but he’s awake now, and he’s got the Mayor’s handpicked people running his campaign and lots of money.

  13. - The 'Broken Heart' of Rogers Park - Monday, Apr 16, 07 @ 5:55 pm:

    Alderman Moore put his 49th ward committeeman David Fagus on the sidelines the last six weeks and brought in the heavy hitters.

    The SEIU, the DFA, ACORN and the DNC. They all did his his dirty work. Not to mention using CAPS, the CPD and religion as a political tool also.

    When asked about the dirty ticks he’s been using Alderman Moore won’t talk on camera.

  14. - Anon in 32 - Monday, Apr 16, 07 @ 6:12 pm:

    I just checked the messages on my voice mail and had robocalls for Matlak today from Mayor Daley and AG Madigan. Had one a few days ago from Cong. Gutierrez.

  15. - Bubs - Monday, Apr 16, 07 @ 7:16 pm:

    Anon in 32-

    You are dead on about the money differential. Total A-1 money declared since 4/1 by my count:

    Waguespack: $4,000.

    Matlak: $103,000+ (the vast majority of which is from outside of the Ward)

  16. - Keeping it real in 32 - Monday, Apr 16, 07 @ 9:28 pm:

    Anon in 32 - nice try, Baghdad Bob.

    The Waguespack campaign sent out 7 mailers since the primary compared to 6 by Matlak, and that’s not counting a huge number of friend to friend cards and targeted letters. And other than 1 check, SEIU never had resources in the ward so I’m not sure what they could have pulled out.

    It is going to be the People vs. the Machine, plain and simple.

    If the people come out (mid-20s+), Waguespack wins.

  17. - Jerry - Tuesday, Apr 17, 07 @ 8:34 am:

    I was the 24th voter today at 7:15 at my 32nd Ward precinct, with the 25th right behind me. That’s up from the general election where I was the 23rd voter at 8 am. Turnout’s looking strong.

  18. - Jerry - Tuesday, Apr 17, 07 @ 8:36 am:

    oh, and Matlak’s poll workers were pretty lazy compared to the general election. At the GE, they were manning all corners, handing out those little palm cards. This time around, they were standing in a circle chatting with each other.

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