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Election day thoughts and open thread *** Updated x5 ***

Wednesday, Apr 18, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* No question, Mayor Daley did not have a great day yesterday, but a closer look reveals that most of the incumbent losses weren’t really his fault.

African-American incumbents Madeline Haithcock (2nd), Dorothy Tillman (3rd) and Shirley Coleman (16th) were just terrible aldermen who ignored their constituents and failed to change with the times. Daley supported all three, but they were mostly left to fend for themselves (with help from members of the old-time black Machine) while Hizzoner tried to save white incumbents Ted Matlak and Bernie Stone. Matlak lost a narrow race and Stone, who scored close to 50 percent in February, held on to win.

Stone was always in danger, but his relatively strong showing in the first round, despite running an awful campaign, solid support among Jewish voters and fresh talent brought in after February at the Daley Machine’s behest pretty much made him the frontrunner all along.

Matlak was another story. This one is a huge loss for Daley, despite the fact that Matlak is a clueless hack who didn’t fit his ward. It’s tough to beat anybody with a goof like Matlak, but Daley and the entire white political Machine dumped almost everything it had into this race. They should have pulled out a close win, but came up short. Good riddance.

There’s been a lot of complaining and moaning about union money, but, frankly, how else were these candidates going to raise money and put together an organization to topple those deeply entrenched, if flawed, incumbents? This is Chicago, after all. It’s not easy going up against an alderman - any alderman - without bigtime help. The unions made their point in a big way, and the rest of the go-along-get-along city council will now have to take notice.

Also, Lisa Madigan should’ve stayed out of that Matlak race. You can’t claim to be a reformer if you support somebody like him. And Barack Obama got his first taste of local defeat by backing Tillman. The Machine isn’t always right, Barack. Please learn a lesson here.

* I was having dinner last night with a Republican operative who almost fainted when I told him that Sheila Simon was getting stomped by Carbondale Mayor Brad Cole. Nobody ever thought he’d win, or at least not by that much. Kudos to Cole and the Republicans for putting together a solid general election run (Cole tried it mostly on his own in the primary and failed miserably). And shame on the local media for almost completely ignoring all the outside GOP help (money and staff) that Cole received during the general while making a big deal out of the bigtime Democrats who endorsed Simon.

* Aldertrack has several videos posted from election day. Go check them out.

* Here’s a roundup of coverage, compiled by my intern Paul…

* Beaver’s seeks to curb union’s political donations

* Taxpayers eager for open space, less so for schools

* Few equipment problems in elections

* Four aldermen lose in biggest incumbent ouster since 1991

* Chicago Public Radio: Rocky night for incumbents

* Union candidates surprise Daley-backed trio

* Unions score key victories in city council

* Mary Mitchell: Third ward race split black vote

* Tillman’s council run nearing end

* Stone: ‘I proved age is no barrier

* Mark Brown: Stone sees win in tale of the tapes

* Oak Brook President trails in 6-way race

* Incumbents carry the day in most suburban mayoral races

* Harvey Mayor Kellogg cruises to reelection

* McQueary: No stumble too great to trip Kellogg

* Anti-immigration slate leads in Carpentersvlle

* Mayor Davlin wins, hopes second term will be more harmonious

* Summary of Springfield aldermanic races

* Simon fails to oust Carbondale mayor

*** UPDATE *** Here are some links to local blog election roundups and analysis…

* IlliniPundit (Also check out “A Republican Renaissance in Champaign“)

* DJWinfo

* Proviso Probe

* OpenLine

* Peoria Pundits

* Respublica

Apologies to any I missed. If there are others, put them in the comments section. Thanks.

*** UPDATE 2 *** Turnout was down in almost every ward, up neglibly in two wards and up significantly in one ward. Higher turnout was supposed to hurt Bernie Stone in the 50th, but it obviously didn’t…


2………. 9297……… 11,395…………. -18.4
3………. 8372……….. 8247………….. +1.5
15……… 4652……….. 6690…………. -30.5
16……… 5114……….. 6340………….. -19.3
18……… 8977………. 13,482………… -33.4
21……. 10,576……… 14,437………… -26.7
24……… 6010……….. 8734………… -31.2
32……… 8243……….. 8284…………. -0.5
35……… 6560……….. 6736…………. -2.6
43……… 8156……….. 9460………… -13.8
49……… 7595……….. 7591………….. +0.05
50……. 11,292…….. 10,603…………. +6.5

*** UPDATE 3 *** From a press release…

While the April 17 Consolidated Election is officially nonpartisan, there were six members of the Illinois Green Party on the ballot this Tuesday, three of which were elected:

ELECTED: ROBERT BRAAM was elected as Trustee of the Manhattan Public Library District, receiving 107 votes as a write-in.

ELECTED: KRIS CAMPBELL won reelection to the Poplar Grove Village Trustee. With 340 votes (20%), she was second in a six-way race for three seats.

ELECTED: CAROL LARSON earned 3,370 votes (53.74%) and was the top vote-getter for three seats on the Oak Lawn-Hometown School Board. Larson is an educator and is a pursing a Ph.D. in educational psychology at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
endorsement of the Pantagraph. […]

Larson and Braam join Campbell, Dale Bowen (Winnebago Public Library Trustee), Jim Long (Kirby Park School Board) and Jon Murray (Mt. Morris Village Trustee) on the list of Illinois Green Party elected officials.

*** UPDATE 4 *** From the Sun-Times

One of the state’s most expensive school district board races, fueled by a proposed book ban in the district last May, ended Tuesday with apparent victory for three incumbents who opposed the ban.

The contest pitted the incumbents against three newcomers for three seats on the board of High School District 214, a high-achieving, six high school district based in Arlington Heights.

The incumbents raised a record-setting $67,000. A mere $500 per candidate is the norm in the district. Vonnegut, who died last week, wrote Slaughterhouse-Five, one of nine books a board member proposed dropping from classroom use last year.

Two of the challengers, Dennis Konczyk and Ken Frizane, joined forces and won big-name support from conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly and Jim Oberweis, a former Republican gubernatorial and U.S. Senate candidate.

But it wasn’t enough. Incumbents Bill Dussling, Alva Kreutzer and Robert Zimmanck were the top three vote-getters, with 97 percent of the precincts in.

*** UPDATE 5 *** The petty side of Mayor Daley

Mayor Richard Daley today would not credit labor unions for the loss of some of his incumbent allies in aldermanic runoff elections, saying local issues were among a combination of factors that resulted in their defeats.

“I think the people spoke,” Daley said. “A lot of other issues come into play. If you think one person gets all the glory, you are greatly mistaken.”


  1. - Ihatework - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 9:11 am:

    Maybe the reason Sheila Simon lost is becuase people don’t believe that because your parent’s had political skill that you are worth anything. It’s time for the family dynasty to end in Illinois politics. We need good people who have fresh ideas. Sheila Simon didn’t have those.

  2. - Skeeter - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 9:13 am:

    One big loser: The old line Democratic machine. The big players have no coattails.

    Specically, one real big loser from yesterday is Richard Mell. He went from putting his son in law in the gov’s mansion to being unable to keep an alderman in office.

    Overall, this is another sign that the leadership of the Illinois Democratic Party needs change. Stroger was a fiasco, an all-Chicago statewide ticket was a fiasco, and now people like Daley, Madigan, Obama, and Mell can’t even carry a candidate to victory in an aldermanic race.

    The party has been very lucky that the ILGOP is so weak, but if the ILGOP ever wakes up, these Dems are toast.

  3. - Skeeter - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 9:14 am:

    Correction to my last post: It should be “put” into office. With regard to Mell, I was referring to Colon/Colom.

  4. - 42nd Ward Resident - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 9:16 am:

    Check Mike Noonan’s comments in the Trib story:

    “The difference in this election is that unions were there with huge amounts of money to exploit very vulnerable incumbents,” Noonan said. “The aldermen who weren’t successful in the runoffs were aldermen who had problems in their wards with constituent services.”


  5. - So Ill - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 9:21 am:

    “And shame on the local media for almost completely ignoring all the outside GOP help (money and staff) that Cole received during the general while making a big deal out of the bigtime Democrats who endorsed Simon.”

    It wasn’t entirely ignored, and part of the reason Simon lost is that she didn’t play up this part of it. There were stories about the amount of money being raised in each campaign, and about how this is the first mayor race with television ads that anyone can remember in southern Illinois, and…well, the list goes on.

    Simon put up a front that she was going to have a grassroots campaign, and limited contributions to $25. This she did — and then she held a HIGHLY publicized fundraiser in Chicago, saying that ‘when people in Chicago care about Carbondale, I think that’s a good thing’.

    Also, Brad didn’t tape TV commercials with President Bush or VP Cheney, as Sheila did with both Dick Durbin and Barack Obama. I think I underestimated, even last night after the totals came in, how many people wondered what they were doing in ‘a local race’ (and what Chicagoans at the fundraiser really cared about Carbondale).

    You know, the city of Carbondale loses in all this…because Simon’s voice was a very, very valuable one to have on the city council. I hope she runs again in two years.

  6. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 9:25 am:

    “42nd Ward Resident,” Noonan was exactly right.

    “So Ill,” that’s why I wrote “almost” instead of just “completely.” You make good points about Simon’s campaign, however. It was not a stellar effort.

  7. - Pat Hickey - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 9:28 am:

    $1,784,000 SEIU (IL Council PAC and Local 880)

    Denny Gannon was given the second place interview right behind the front - running $ $$$$ rhetoric of Andy Stern’s redistribution of wealth campaign.

    I really do not see this as a victory for labor in any sense of word -

    When will members of the media begin to ask a ‘radical’ question of SEIU - aside from going to legislators and elected officials to force them to tax the middle class ( Real Union People - the Trades/UAW & etc.) what is SEIU doing for the janitor, the no-skills to low skills worker? How do the dues of minimum wage earners add up to an improved standard of living through collective bargaining?

    Won’t happen.

  8. - 42nd Ward Resident - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 9:58 am:

    All due respect Pat, it was about time SOMEONE spent enough to knock off these bums. Maybe next time the Chamber of Commerce will wake up and throw out some of their own. The city would be the better for it.

  9. - Underdog - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 10:02 am:


    “How do the dues of minimum wage earners add up to an improved standard of living through collective bargaining?”

    People who belong to SEIU make more money than if they didn’t. Period. Janitors in Chicago make a decent living thanks to SEIU - in other cities, they are minimum wage earners with no healthcare. Homecare workers and home child care workers (people who the state wants to pay LESS than a minimum wage) are on the path to a decent wage thanks to SEIU.

    SEIU has the guts to organize very low wage workers in sectors where you can spend years investing money and time into building a union without any guarantee of success.

    “Real Union People - the Trades/UAW & etc”????

    Strangely, “real union people” have this funny notion that everyone deserves representation.

    Get over the nonsense.

  10. - Pat Hickey - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 10:12 am:

    Nice and loud, Son! Put the purple megaphone down and let’s try again.

    SEIU represents the second largest PUBLICLY SALARIED body ofe members - their raises come from? Taxpayers. That membership is something neighborhood of 875,000 workers.

    SEIU - ramps up broad tax-payer funded initiatives while very smartly co-opting single issue allies.

    Dues from well-compensated members of skilled workers - middle class folks - the people paying the taxes that SEIU demands pay more for their rank and file? Get with it!

  11. - 42nd Ward Resident - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 10:24 am:

    If that’s the case, make them stop. Pony up the cash. The more incumbents are forced to explain why they shouldn’t be fired, the better.

    Said this before, it’s a strange world where businesses cry about LABOR spending too much money.

  12. - Pat Hickey - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 10:33 am:

    Hey, no beef about the spendin from me; spend away!

    Free market and all that - when will hard-hitting journalists take a careful look at SEIU and its radical agenda to elimniate the middle class?

    While Andy Stern captivates the ‘outside the envelope Capitalists’ his Purple T-Shirt mobs scare the be-jabbers out of 40wat candidates and incumbants.

    RealLabor is being marginalized by Andy Stern’s Big Numbers rhetoric -but janitors no longer have universal family health care that they once enjoyed - that was one of the 1st things that the Lfeties running SEIU did away with when they took over the Union in the 1980’s.

    They are too busy to engage in collective bargaining with management - they are scaring timid legislators.

    Here’s a question - $ 1.8 M to toss out The Hat and some other Statesmen????

  13. - babs - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 10:42 am:

    Natarus almost lost 4 years ago - against a really poor candidate. Brendan would have (should have, could have) won that ward with a quarter of the money he spent. It was a huge waste.

  14. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 10:44 am:

    I’m not shocked one bit by the Springfield results. Most of the aldermen in town did little and waited for Tim Davlin or Andy Van Meter to set the pace. In my opinion, Davlin is what kept the city running; the aldermen were merely there for the ride. I hope that Theilen, Cahnman, Dove, Griffin, Cimarossa and Lesko can all bring some fresh, bipartisan ideas to the table. If not it’s going to be a long four years in the capitol city.

  15. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 10:47 am:

    Babs, “almost” winning a race is not the same as actually winning. There is a huge difference and usually requires lots of additional resources.

    Burt won by about 12 points four years ago. Brendan won by 10 points this year. That’s a 22-point swing, and that costs lots of money.

  16. - Bubs - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 10:47 am:

    While hardly receiving the most media coverage, the Matlak loss, and the Waguespack win, may well be looked back upon as the most significant talisman of the entire 2007 aldermanic campaign.

    Brendan Reilly defeated an aging and weakened incumbent who did not receive significant support from the Machine other than Daley’s name on his signs. Matlak, however, is in his prime, and was heir to a 75 year old regime led by Dan Rostenkowski and Terry Gabinski, each still powerful players, as is shown by the huge blocks of money and support Matlak brought in for the campaign. Matlak significantly outspent Waguespack, who had no money for TV ads, and received far less union money and troops than did Reilly in 42. Matlak, on the other hand, received large amounts of Machine manpower and money, and his office looked like a clubhouse for Machine honchos at times. A series of robocalls were issued featuring pleas for Matlak by Mayor Daley and Lisa Madigan.

    But Waguespack won. Waguespack’s victory was completely local, one of neighbors unhappy with an Alderman who was seen as unresponsive, arrogant, and in the pocket of developers. It was victory of neighborhood volunteers going door to door, not government staffers and TV. The 32nd Ward, long regarded as a bastion for the Machine, is rapidly changing and gentrifying, which had a big role in the outcome.

    What is most striking is that the voters were unpersuaded by truckloads of Machine money, Machine workers, and personal appeals from Daley and Madigan. Others may not, but I found it all very revealing. It is another indication that the Ice Age under Daley is ending, as Chicago voters insist on making up their own minds in favor of reform.

  17. - Skeeter - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 10:49 am:


    You really don’t have a clue about the Natarus race.

    Natarus won by nearly 10% last time.
    This time he lost by nearly 10%.
    That is a 20% swing.

    Moreover, it ignored what really happened in the election. The unions were incredible at providing the election flyers about Natarus’s record. They also provided a ground game, with people making calls and identifying our pluses.

    Finally, what do you think television ads cost these days? Reilly was on, and often.

    Reilly ran a great campaign, but there is no question that the unions, with their cash and their ground organization, were a welcome help.

  18. - Skeeter - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 10:54 am:


    My home in the 42nd received robocalls from Daley, White, and others on almost a daily basis.
    Daley’s (and his wife’s) name were on almost everything sent out by Natarus.

    Daley may have provided more to Matlack, but he definitely did provide for Natarus.

  19. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 10:57 am:

    Bubs, your ax is showing again. Give it up, already. He won.

  20. - Bubs - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 11:15 am:

    Well, well well. Skeeter and Rich, the Brendan Brigade. What a surprise. Who’s ax?

  21. - Milorad - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 11:28 am:

    Davlin did not keep the city running contrary to an earlier post. His secret backroom deals have cost Springfield plenty. The only reason Davlin won is becuase of the massive union support. He dropped the ballona lot of issues and his deal with the Sierra Club sucks.

  22. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 11:34 am:

    There, there, Bubs. Maybe you can run for office one day. In the meantime, stow it. :)

  23. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 11:34 am:

    And by “ax” I mean that ax you keep grinding here about that race, both before and after.

  24. - Bubs - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 11:46 am:

    Rich, grab a Valium. I thought this was a political blog. Did you see something personal in what was written? But your response was very personal, indeed. Not good.

  25. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 11:48 am:

    Bubs, I’m just pointing out to you that every time Reilly’s name is mentioned here, you grind that ax. Deny?

  26. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 11:53 am:

    Also, I’m not a pill guy, Bubs.

  27. - Bubs - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 12:04 pm:

    Deny. I predicted your guy would win, and have often stated my disgust for Natarus. I just don’t ascribe to your view that the Earth’s tectonic plates shifted with that victory. I also feel that he sold his soul to the unions. With both know he got more than just a lot of money. New high rises mean union jobs, Rich.

    In my post, I tried to point out that there is something deeper going on in Chicago politics when Daley, Rostenkowski and Gabinski put the Machine in full blast in a Machine bastion, but cannot pull it out for one of Daley’s most loyal Aldermen against a guy that had none of the advantages Reilly had against Natarus, including the union ground troops. But since your skin on Reilly is about 1/8 of an inch thick, you took it the other way.

    BTW, rumor is that with Burt leaving, the Fourth Presbyterian high rise project on Michigan Avenue is back from the dead. That true?

  28. - IlliniPundit - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 12:09 pm:

    Thanks for the link, Rich.

    It was a great night in Champaign County for Republicans. Just a few short months ago, most of us were reeling from Sen. Frerichs’ victory and wondering if our cities and County were trending overwhelmingly blue. What a difference and election can make.

  29. - Will - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 12:13 pm:

    I’ve got a couple blog posts about the Springfield election with one or two more to come.

  30. - Keeping it real in 32 - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 12:19 pm:


    Don’t underestimate the advantages that Waguespack had going for him. It wasn’t union help that he needed, it was a weak incumbent (check), a good campaign plan (check), and the right people behind him to help execute (check).

    The Machine underestimated what has been happening in that ward for the last decade, discounted the Wags’ campaign’s ability to anticipate and beat the Old Guard at their own game, and ignored a constituency ready to take control of their own destiny.

    Rich, you are absolutely right about the AG, but throw Quigley, Tunney and Schulter on the list of people that didn’t help themselves by getting behind Matlak. When you lay down with dogs…

    This is a seismic shift in power over there, and there are a LOT of people unnerved that they bet on the wrong horse.

  31. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 12:32 pm:

    [Sigh] Bubs, are you really gonna force me to do this?

    Posted Jul 19, 12:16 PM: “Brendan Reilly is a Johnny-come-lately carpetbagger wannabe who wouldn’t know a local community organization if it bit him on the leg.”

    Posted Jul 19, 2:36 PM: “Reilly has no interest in the community, as he is running as a wannabe tool of the Machine.”

    Posted Jul 26, 1:00 PM: “Unlike Day-Late/Dollar-Short Reilly, Rich Gordon has been active in 42nd for ten years,”

    Posted Jul 26, 6:53 PM: “When “Wannbe Brendan” was swilling college beer and licking Mike Madigan’s boots, Gordon was a U.S. Army officer, and remains a reserve officer, subject to recall.”

    Posted Jan 12, 1:45 PM: “Natarus wins after embarrassing info emerges on Reilly.”

    Posted Feb 9, 5:25 PM: “Memo to Reilly Campaign:

    Hope the lesson is learned for the future about standing up TV interviewers on three hours notice after promising for weeks to appear. Jeff Berkowitz’s resulting “Public Affairs” cable show interview with an empty chair (”. . . and we would have gotten an answer to that interesting question if Mr. Reilly had decided to appear”) is a classic. ”

    Posted Feb 9, 5:43 PM: “Glad he has “experience!” How sad none of it has anything to do with the 42nd Ward.

    But, all is not lost. “Stepping stone” guys often do a good job, as a resume builder for the next step. ”

    Posted Feb 16, 1:27 PM: “Strong SEIU support and “reformer,” just doesn’t add up to me. Reilly may say on TV that all he owes the unions is to “be a good alderman,” but I’m sure the union bosses will take a very different view of that if he wins.”

    Posted Feb 21, 1:10 PM: “Street rumor is there will be a Natarus attack ad based on Reilly’s union money, currently at $75,000 and climbing. Emphasize “rumor.”

    But the campaign won’t be laughing their heads off at that one. “

  32. - Bubs - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 12:42 pm:

    Rich, I’m looking ro the ones that aren’t true.

    Jul 19, 12:16 PM: Tell me all about Brendan’s prior community experience.

    Posted Jul 19, 2:36 PM: See question re: July 19. Of course, it may be hard to have a track record when you only rented in the ward for
    Posted Jul 26, 1:00 PM: “Unlike Day-Late/Dollar-Short Reilly, Rich Gordon has been active in 42nd for ten years,”

    Posted Jul 26, 6:53 PM: “When “Wannbe Brendan” was swilling college beer and licking Mike Madigan’s boots, Gordon was a U.S. Army officer, and remains a reserve officer, subject to recall.”

    Posted Jan 12, 1:45 PM: “Natarus wins after embarrassing info emerges on Reilly.”

    Posted Feb 9, 5:25 PM: “Memo to Reilly Campaign:

    Hope the lesson is learned for the future about standing up TV interviewers on three hours notice after promising for weeks to appear. Jeff Berkowitz’s resulting “Public Affairs” cable show interview with an empty chair (”. . . and we would have gotten an answer to that interesting question if Mr. Reilly had decided to appear”) is a classic. ”

    Posted Feb 9, 5:43 PM: “Glad he has “experience!” How sad none of it has anything to do with the 42nd Ward.

    But, all is not lost. “Stepping stone” guys often do a good job, as a resume builder for the next step. ”

    Posted Feb 16, 1:27 PM: “Strong SEIU support and “reformer,” just doesn’t add up to me. Reilly may say on TV that all he owes the unions is to “be a good alderman,” but I’m sure the union bosses will take a very different view of that if he wins.”

    Posted Feb 21, 1:10 PM: “Street rumor is there will be a Natarus attack ad based on Reilly’s union money, currently at $75,000 and climbing. Emphasize “rumor.”

  33. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 12:45 pm:

    LOL. My point is you have an ax to grind and you can’t admit it. You were a Gordon supporter and it was obvious. No big deal, but you can’t seem to get over the fact that Gordon wussed out.

  34. - Punley Dieter Finn - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 12:49 pm:

    The Mayor now appears to have 26 reliable votes in the City Council. Has anyone else done a roll call?

  35. - Bubs - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 12:56 pm:

    Rich, glad to see you enshrine my posts - it’s rather touching, really! Now let’s which one wasn’t true?

    Jul 19, 12:16 PM: Tell me all about Brendan’s prior community experience in the Ward before this election.


    Posted Jul 19, 2:36 PM: Tell me all about Brendan’s prior community experience in the Ward before this election. Of course, it may be hard to have a track record when you have only rented in the ward for a year and half, I grant you.


    Posted Jul 26, 1:00 PM: Are you saying Gordon was NOT active? Community groups will beg to differ.

    Posted Jul 26, 6:53 PM: Don’t get this one - are you trying to say Gordon was not serving as an Army officer while Brendan was still in college?

    Posted Jan 12, 1:45 PM: Darn! Missed on this one, but I guess the stuff Burt had wasn’t embarassing enough.

    Posted Feb 9, 5:25 PM: Berkowitz still expresses astonishment at the arrongance of the people he dealt with from the Reilly campaign.

    Posted Feb 9, 5:43 PM: Tell me all about Brendan’s prior experience in the Ward.


    Also, are you saying that Brendan Reilly has no future plans? I doubt that.

    Posted Feb 16, 1:27 PM: “Strong SEIU support and “reformer,” just doesn’t add up to me. Reilly may say on TV that all he owes the unions is to “be a good alderman,” but I’m sure the union bosses will take a very different view of that if he wins.”

    Once again, I don’t understand: Is there something out there that makes you believe that union leaders will NOT remind Alderman Reilly of their support?

    Posted Feb 21, 1:10 PM: “Street rumor is there will be a Natarus attack ad based on Reilly’s union money, currently at $75,000 and climbing. Emphasize “rumor.”

    Darn! You are right, it was not a TV ad. It was a mailer. But I did say “rumor”. Who knew?

    Now that we have all that out of the way, do you have any substantive response?

  36. - Bubs - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 1:04 pm:

    Sorry, your system did not take my “sound effects”. Below each of my requests for descriptions of Brendan Reilly’s prior expereince and community effort in the 42nd Ward, there should be the following:

    (crickets chirping)

  37. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 1:11 pm:

    Bubs, everyone’s comments are forever “enshrined” and searchable by this blog’s administrators.

  38. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 1:13 pm:

    And, Bubs, you dig that hole deeper with every post apparently without even realizing it. Get over it. He won.

  39. - Rosh - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 1:19 pm:

    For the union bosses, this isn’t about working people. They could care less about the thousands of low-income people on the South Side without a decent place to shop. For them this is about sticking it to Wal-Mart. The question is whether the city of Chicago will be the sacrifical lamb in their ideological war with Wal-Mart.

  40. - CasteelD - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 1:34 pm:

    Waguespack v. Matlak, Daley, Madigan(s), Gabinski, Rostenkowski, Quigley, Cullerton, Collins, Emanuel, Gutierrez, Tunney, Schulter, Emanuel, CFL, consulting firms, every available body, and unlimited money. And waguespack pulls it out regardless. What a win.

  41. - 42nd Ward Resident - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 1:38 pm:

    “Sacraficial lamb”?

    Might that have something to do with no one else showing up to the party, with a few exceptions on the mayor’s side?

  42. - Boss Hog - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 1:41 pm:

    Casteel, thanks for the info on Rahm Emanuel. I did not realize he was backing Matlack. Lisa Madigan had a bad night also, supporting Sheila Simon and Matlack.

    What was the scorecard for Barak Obama endorsements?

  43. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 1:55 pm:

    …everyone’s comments are forever “enshrined” and searchable by this blog’s administrators… UhOh! A definite word to the wise!

  44. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 1:57 pm:

    Don’t worry, “A CItizen,” I use that only sparingly, like when someone insists he/she doesn’t have an ax to grind and never has. lol

  45. - Boss Hog - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 2:03 pm:

    Rich, I heard Sheila Simon was being groomed to run against John Shimkus in 2008. Do you think her loss yesterday shuts down her higher aspirations?

  46. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 2:45 pm:

    Rich, I am just so grateful, now I can tell my wife that at least someone thinks so much of what I say that they “enshrine” it. I’m taking this to the bank! Thank you So much, you have made my whole year. :)

  47. - Bubs - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 2:54 pm:

    ” . . . when someone insists he/she doesn’t have an ax to grind and never has.”

    Just for the record, can you point out where I ever said anything like that?

    I did not introduce the term “ax” to the discussion, someone else did. My point with “Who’s ax?” was that you seem to have an ax to grind when it comes to Reilly. I seem to recall a certain blogmaster that a few short months ago was dumping on Gordon’s 2003 campaign. Of course, back then Gordon was a potential opponent of Reilly - what a coincidence. LOL2.

  48. - North by Northwest - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 3:00 pm:

    Hats off to Pat Botterman, the suburban Democratic township official and political consultant who navigated Waguespack to victory. Hats off also to Jerry Morrison of SEIU who focused like a laser on winning 32 against the allied forces of Daley-Madigan.

  49. - Up North - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 3:06 pm:

    Looks like Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. had a good night, with his endorsed candidates winning. He’s also got bragging rights against his father, who backed Tillman, while Jr. backed Dowell.

  50. - Not so fast... - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 3:18 pm:

    N x NW,

    You are fully right about Botterman, the guy is among the best.

    But other than writing a check for 10K to Waguespack, SEIU was not in 32. Not a body, not a mailer, zip.

    That race was won at the rootiest of grassroots levels.

  51. - N X NW - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 4:41 pm:

    To “Not so fast”…yeah, I heard there was real intense citizen grass roots activity in 32, especially coming out of Roscoe Village.

  52. - Skeeter - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 4:43 pm:


    Your pal Gordon lost four years ago after failint to run any real campaign, and before and after that election has completely failed to build a GOP organization.

    Although I had nothing to do with his failures, you seem intent on blaming Rich and me for those failures.

    Get over it. Stop whining.

  53. - Bubs - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 4:56 pm:

    I’m not blaming anyone for anything. I made rational observations about a race, compared it to a superficially similar one between a victorious first time candidate in his 30s against an entrenched incumbent, noted the differences, stated that I considered one to me more politically significant than the other, and stated why.

    Someone apparently could not live with that conclusion, decided that I was on a witch hunt of some sort, and came after me personally, up to and including portraying me as writing things I never did. Now I’m “blaming failures”? LOL!

    Woooo-boy, you guys really need to get a grip. This whole thing is getting pretty weird.

  54. - Observer - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 6:29 pm:

    CalsteelD brags about Matlak’s loss despite important endorsements, like Lisa Madigan.

    However, Waguespack wasn’t so comfortable playing the maverick: in his last campaign piece he circulated, he crafted a visual that made it look like he was endorsed by Lisa Madigan… and by Obama and Fritchey as well.

    Waguespack will be a four-year wonder. Speculation is that he was a stalking horse for Fritchey who may exploit Waguespack’s incompetence by running for committeeman in 2008 and then ditching Wague’s in 2011. We’ll see… in the meantime, Daley & Co. will keep Wagues in political Siberia.

  55. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Apr 18, 07 @ 7:26 pm:

    Comeon Skeet! “Get over it. Stop whining.” Pity parties are fun.

  56. - phocion - Thursday, Apr 19, 07 @ 7:26 am:

    Noonan is the uber-hack. The aldermen who lost have always been bad public servants. , yet the Machine carried them through. The difference now is that people are fighting the machine and don’t care who endorses the bad incumbent. This was a huge win for Independents and a massive loss of face for the once invincible Machine. Even Obama couldn’t persuade people to swallow this garbage. Fiasco, Noonan. And your work cramming Todd Stroger down our throats has finally opened up a lot of eyes. Nice job.

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