Pat Quinn spills
Friday, Apr 20, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller
Chicagoist has just published its interview with Lt. Governor Pat Quinn.
* On the rate hikes…
In the current case, the ICC has really dropped the ball, and has done a very poor job in my opinion in dealing with ComEd and Ameren downstate, and the reverse auction that the ICC blessed, there’s not a word of approval for that in the statutes, you know, they just came up with this out of whole cloth.
* On taxes and the governor…
(T)he governor wants to raise taxes. When he first announced, he didn’t have a penny of tax relief. Lately he’s talking about, well, he said I raise the tax some more and give you some tax relief. Well to me that’s cart before the horse.
* On his own ambition…
C: Have you ever considered running for Governor?
PQ: No. No I haven’t.
C: Why not?
PQ: Because I like this job. [Leans forward and picks up a book off the coffee table.] Paul Simon, right below you there, that’s the book. He was an excellent public servant in my opinion. His daughter gave me one of his bowties. [Holds up the bowtie] And Paul Simon was Lieutenant Governor of Illinois. That was his only executive office his whole life. He was State Rep, State Senator, US Congressman, US Senator, and also Lieutenant Governor. And he did that job well.
I was in college when he got started, he got sworn in, and he said he wanted to be an ombudsman. I didn’t exactly know what that word meant, so I looked it up. It means the people’s person in Swedish. So that’s what I want to be, in his footsteps. I think this job, you can be the people’s person.
Actually, Quinn mused briefly about running against Blagojevich in the ‘06 Democratic primary. But that’s another story.
- Dirtball - Friday, Apr 20, 07 @ 10:40 am:
Pat Quinn has not ever considered running for Governor? Right - Like anyon would buy that!
- Jack T. Colt - Friday, Apr 20, 07 @ 10:55 am:
Typical fluff questions for an “all is good news administration”.
- Siyotanka - Friday, Apr 20, 07 @ 1:27 pm:
he may not HAVE to run…
Think of the $$ he’ll save when the mantel is placed on him…
- Niles Township - Friday, Apr 20, 07 @ 4:06 pm:
Not really what I’d call “journalism” but still a nice piece on Pat. Don’t always like him, but usually agree with him.
- Southern Man - Friday, Apr 20, 07 @ 4:58 pm:
Blaogjevich ‘06 Quinn ‘07.
Patrick Fitzgerald, are you listening?
- Squideshi - Friday, Apr 20, 07 @ 6:41 pm:
There ARE now three statewide established political parties in Illinois, so one need not run as a Democrat or Republican in order to run against Blagojevich. Perhaps Quinn will consider the Green Party platform a viable alternative next election.
- Gregor - Friday, Apr 20, 07 @ 7:04 pm:
I dearly want to know his opinion on what Rod did to the scratch-off veterans’ health care lottery this week, essentially sweeping 80 percent of the money that was coming from a special lottery designed to be 100 percent for the originally stated purpose. The vets get all of 20 percent now. The other 80 supposedly goes to other veterans progams, wanna bet how real that turns out to be?