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Friday, Apr 6, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

I learned one thing about myself this week while on the governor’s bus tour. I could never, ever be a member of the traveling campaign press corps for any length of time. I love to travel, but weeks on-end hitting town after town every couple of hours or so, stuck in a candidate’s bubble and listening to the same speech over and over again is just not my cup of tea. I’m beat, man. Beat.

I have a funny little post planned for Monday, and I’ll post my Sun-Times column on Friday, but other than that my intern Paul and I are taking next week off - unless Paul decides to continue posting on his own. His choice.

The General Assembly’s not in session so I’m gonna work on my yard or something. Have a good one and I’ll see you on the other side.

Unless Paul steps in, Illinoize is in charge. The news feeds will still be up and running, of course, but if you want to comment, head over there

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Another possible “vote-buying” episode?

Friday, Apr 6, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* A story about an alleged “vote-buying” scheme in the 43rd Ward has been picking up steam

Beers for votes — that’s the charge Ald. Vi Daley is leveling against challenger Michele Smith in the race for the tony 43rd Ward.

A flier circulated by Smith’s campaign for a party last Saturday at a West Armitage tavern advertised a $5 drink special for attendees holding early voting receipts.

That constitutes vote-buying, a felony, said Daley, who has filed a complaint with the Cook County state’s attorney’s office.

Not so fast, said Smith, a former federal prosecutor. While she admits it was a screw-up on the part of a well-intentioned young staffer, she insists she caught the mistake before anything illegal happened. The party went on, but no one was asked to show their voting stubs to buy drinks, she said.

Not exactly the worst dirty trick ever, but whatever floats your campaign’s boat, I suppose.

* But now, Chicagoist has found a similar scheme in the 21st Ward…

But the most important business leader to help Howard Brookins so far is Phil Douglas, franchisee of two McDonald’s locations in the 21st Ward (even though his business offices are located 1951 Bernice Rd, in Lansing).

He is generously offering free hotcakes to people that bring in early voting receipts (along with a flier making the rounds in the 21st Ward).

According to the person who spoke with us at the campaign headquarters (who refused to give a name) this is a “campaign contribution” from a business leader in the community who supports Brookins. Calls to the business office went unreturned.

That might be problemmatic. Here’s the flier [click to see a larger image]…


* Meanwhile, Alderman Brookins has a new mailer claiming that “union bosses” are “trying to buy the 21st Ward aldermanic election.”

The Brookins mailer includes photos of the homes of Chicago Federation of Labor President Dennis Gannon, and SEIU honcho Tom Balanoff. Click the pics…

brookins_attack1.jpg brookins_attack2.jpg brookins_attack3.jpg brookins_attack4.jpg

* I’ll bet the house owned by Brookins’ megabucks contributor is much nicer than either of those guys’ abodes. [Thanks to a commenter for making the connection.]

* Switching now to the 32nd Ward, Fox Chicago had a piece this week about the ever-increasing nastiness in that race…

There’s a new campaign controversy in Chicago’s 32nd Ward which features a run-off election between Alderman Ted Matlak and newcomer Scott Waguespack. The challenger is crying foul after Matlak’s campaign website got linked to his official aldermanic page on the City of Chicago website.

* A follow-up story is here.

* Ald. Matlak sent out a recent mailer slamming Waguespack for making it appear as if he is a lawyer when, according to the mailer Waguespack “failed the Illinois Bar exam”…


* Waguespack responds…

waguespack_back1.jpg waguespack_back2.jpg

* More local stories…

* Meet the international investor behind council candidates [12th, 16th and 21st Wards]

* Schakowsky endorses Dolar over Stone [50th Ward]

* Bananas for Gordon [49th Ward]

* A true champion [49th Ward]

* Crosscurrents [49th Ward]

* And, finally, we have the Carbondale mayor’s race, where the Southern Illinoisan had a story today about Mayor Brad Cole complaining that Sheila Simon is being endorsed by major players like US Sen. Dick Durbin.

“When you’re a small-town mayor and you have the number two United States senator coming at you, it tells me there is either more at play here or some people are nervous,” Cole said. “And they are not talking about a record; they are talking about politics, partisan politics.”

Nowhere in the story, however, was any mention of Cole’s campaign contributions from major Illinois GOP players, including $6,000 from the Illinois Republican Party. Democratic blogger ArchPundit has that angle.

Simon is running a grassroots campaign against the leaders of the Illinois Republican Party–that Dick Durbin sent out a nice message for her for low dollar donations is hardly a big deal compared to what Cole is bringing in. That the Southern didn’t bother to point out this difference while giving Cole the time to make those charges is ludicrous.

Find Cole’s full financial disclosure reports here.


GRT roundup *** Updated x4 ***

Friday, Apr 6, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This press release was issued yesterday by Rev. Jesse Jackson…

Rev. Jackson, black and Latino business leaders respond to Gov. Blagojevich’s gross receipts tax plan

WHO: Rev. Jesse L. Jackson Sr., founder and president of the Rainbow PUSH Coalition, members of the Rainbow PUSH International Trade Bureau, as well as members of the Alliance of Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs (ABLE)

WHAT: Press conference

WHERE: Rainbow PUSH Coalition Headquarters
930 East 50th Street
Chicago, IL 60615

WHEN: 12 noon on Friday, April 6, 2007

WHY: Rev. Jackson and business leaders will respond to Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s gross receipts tax plan which will create a hardship for small business owners, of particular concern since many of the state’s small business owners are minorities.

Blagojevich and Jackson had a bit of a dustup earlier this week. Jackson privately pledged his support for the GRT and then flip-flopped (according to the governor), leading Gov. Blagojevich to claim that Jackson was listening to his “contributors.”

I’ll update this later if I get a report from the presser.

* The business groups opposed to the GRT have a new radio ad. Click to listen…


* And this makes no sense at all…

Champaign County Chamber of Commerce President Laura Weis heard Gov. Rod Blagojevich was in town Thursday, but she didn’t get a chance to challenge him in person about his gross receipts tax plan that is so reviled by Illinois businesses.

“I wasn’t invited,” Weis said after Blagojevich sandwiched an unplanned visit to Christie Clinic in Champaign late Thursday afternoon between planned bus tour stops in Decatur and Danville.

Weis said the governor’s office had attempted to line up Champaign County businesses to meet with him when the bus tour was being planned, but there weren’t any takers.

If Weis knew that Blagojevich was trying to line up a meeting, why didn’t she take him up on it? And then she whines that she didn’t get a chance to challenge him in person? I don’t get it.

[Hat tip: IlliniPundit]

* The Illinois Press Association continues its crusade against the GRT. Earlier this week, the IPA set up a teleconference for reporters throughout the state that featured the Illinois Chamber’s Doug Whitley and Tom Johnson of the Taxpayers’ Federation…

“Make no mistake about it, it’s a huge tax increase, and it’s all about increasing state spending by a magnitude we’ve never seen,” Whitley said.

Whitley and Johnson argued that the tax will have a pyramid effect, will be unfair toward companies with smaller profit margins and will represent an unconstitutional tax on the press.

“All employers will feel the effect of a gross receipts tax,” Whitley said.

Not a single counter-argument was included in the article.

* The Southern Illinoisan also reported on the IPA teleconference, without ever mentioning that the Illinois Press Association sponsored the program.

The story also included a critical sidebar that was lifted directly from the Center for Tax and Budget Accountability, but the paper never mentioned that the CTBA is proposing an alternative tax hike and is on record opposing the GRT.

* And the owner of the Hancock-Henderson Quill included this comment from an IPA official this week about the publisher group’s opposition to the gross receipts tax…

“We are making this our top priority.”

* One of the best speakers during the governor’s bus tour this week was Rockford small business owner Duntai Mathews. The tour stopped at his small manufacturing plant. Nobody expected him to do as well as he did, but, like I said he was one of the main highlights of the entire trip…


*** UPDATE *** According to a friend who was there, Jackson said Blagojevich budget chief John Filan agreed to consider some things that Jackson wanted, including possibly launching a campaign to change the Constitution to allow a graduated income tax.

Jackson reportedly ripped into criticized (but not as harshly as expected) the GRT, claiming it would put black companies like WVON radio out of business. He stayed away from any personal jabs at the guv, however.

*** UPDATE 2 *** From the AP

Reverend Jesse Jackson says Governor Rod Blagojevich’s proposed new business tax will put small companies out of business.

Jackson said at a news conference with business leaders today that he wants to work with the Blagojevich administration to devise a better way to come up with money to fund the governor’s education and health care programs and offer property tax relief.

The civil rights leader says he can’t support the governor’s “gross receipts tax” plan in its current form.

*** UPDATE 3 *** Check out this graphic at the very top of the Illinois Press Association’s home page. Talk about going all-out. Click to see actual size…


*** UPDATE 4 *** From Crain’s

The Rev. Jesse Jackson Friday renewed his attack on Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s proposed $7.6 billion tax on corporate gross receipts and said the governor has agreed to consider changes in the plan.

But the governor’s office immediately shot down any hint of a compromise, promising only to “continue to listen to everyone’s ideas and concerns.”

Mr. Jackson’s comments came at a midday press conference at which the civil-rights leader charged that numerous emerging small businesses, many of them owned by African-Americans, would go bankrupt if lawmakers approve the governor’s proposal for a flat tax of 0.85% on manufacturers and 1.95% on service providers.

“With a flat tax, small business will be flattened,” Mr. Jackson declared to nods from about a dozen black business leaders who also attended the pres conferences. “What looks even is not even. The flat tax eliminates a significant body of small businesses.”


Question of the Day

Friday, Apr 6, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson

The setup

A 19-foot cedar cross commemorating the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ will stand in the heart of the city’s downtown starting on Good Friday, just months after city officials said they didn’t want to offend non-Christians at a holiday fair held in the same location.

City officials approved a permit Wednesday for the cross, which will remain in Daley Plaza for a sunrise prayer service on Easter Sunday.

One side of the issue:

“The idea we want to get across is that Daley Plaza is a public forum where people can express ideas, and if they can do that for political ideas, they should be able to do it for religion, too,” Brejcha said. “People are free to speak and express their faith.”

The other side:

“We separate church and state in this country for good reason, and to me this crosses the line,” said Emily Soloff, executive director of the American Jewish Committee’s Chicago chapter.

Question: What should the city’s stance be on this and similar delicate issues?

Please, Please, Please try to keep the comments civil and logic-based. The discussion is worthless if both sides devolve into passion-filled rants without substance.

Besides, there is no reason to get angry, it’s Friday.


Morning Shorts

Friday, Apr 6, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson

* Blagojevich ends road trip, assails those who don’t back business tax

* Governor makes his rounds in Southern Illinois

* Blago appeals for healthcare in Decatur

* Senate should eject ‘certificate’ for illegal drivers

* Governor responds to Ameren questions

* Opinion: We need answers on electric rates

* Judge: Casino contributions to horse racing unconstitutional; more here

* Kadner: Law aims to end monopoly of cable TV companies

Well, what’s at stake is municipal control over the cable market, the cable industry’s monopoly and millions of dollars in new revenue for telecommunications giants such as AT&T and Verizon.

* Ax falls on anti-bullying funds

* Sun-Times Editorial: Past time to get transit funding rolling

* County ending long term care services at Oak Forest Hospital

* Editorial: Madigan ‘very interested’ in I-57/294 interchange; lets get it done

* Sex offender was election judge at elementary schools; 9 others found

* City official caught in bribe then helps FBI with probe

* Dick Simpson Citizens need to get involved in transformation of Chicago

We deserve a just, livable, democratic city. Instead we have an autocratic city without an accepted plan for metropolitan regional development, an antiquated county government, too many unincorporated areas, unchecked police brutality, a public transportation system in shambles, a school system with too many drop-outs, destruction of public housing with too little affordable housing, and a rubber stamp city council.

* County Board has to clean up their own garbage

* Sun-Times Editorial: County clout survives as workers lose jobs

* Chicago Clerk: Watch for fraud, absentee voters

* Mayor hopefuls give forum some spark in West Chicago

* YouTube attack as takes aim at 32nd ward alderman

* 3rd ward boasts rich African American history

* Alcohol-fueled debate in 16th ward

* WBBM audio clip on the emerging ‘vote buying’ accusations in the 43rd ward


* Friday Beer Blogging: Animal Edition


* Reader comments closed for the weekend
* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Updates to previous editions (Updated x2)
* Stop Credit Card Chaos In Illinois
* Gaming Board cracks down on PrizePicks, opposes iGaming bill, backs bill to ban retail sweepstakes machines
* Pritzker urges Senate Democrats to vote no on the Continuing Resolution (Updated x7)
* It’s just a bill
* Intoxicating Hemp: No safety? No thanks!
* Open thread
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today's edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
* Selected press releases (Live updates)
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