On the bus. Turnout was a bit light this morning at Navy Pier, but the crowd seemed enthusiastic enough. Just had lunch at Cafe Magdalena in Elgin. Surprisingly nice place. The governor has been nicely received, of course. He’s on a well-planned, well-advanced trip. It’s better than I expected, Not much news yet, but it’s just getting started. Everyone’s still in high spirits. I’m having more fun than expected. I’ve known the governor since he was in the Illinois House, so we’ve reminiced about old times. He has done some press interviews on the bus. The AP had him for the first leg, and now Chuck Sweeny with the Rockford Register-Star is having his turn,. The question I brought up was about the lack of legislators who say they are getting many or even any calls from constituents about the lack of health care. Instead, the calls are all about taxes and electric rates. His respone was that this statewide tour is at least partially designed to help generate interest in the issue. Anyway, more later. Sorry for any typos. The bus is kinda bumpy.
Tribune to sell Cubs
Monday, Apr 2, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller The Cubs will be sold by Mother Tribune. Discuss.
Poll: Guv broke promise
Monday, Apr 2, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller My latest syndicated column is about a poll paid for by business groups opposed to the governor’s tax plan…
The poll is a bit out of date because the governor has increased the amount included in the GRT. Scroll down for more info on that. And, now, I’m headed to the bus tour. What, you thought I was joking yesterday? Nope. Four days with the guv. Joy.
Question of the Day
Monday, Apr 2, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson A Sun-Times article today asks a question:
Rev. Jesse Jackson responds as expected:
The article continues…
Question: To what degree are civil rights groups relevant in politics today? Should they change course?
Morning Shorts
Monday, Apr 2, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson * Blagojevich plan ups business tax provides property tax relief * Governor will hit the road to promote business tax plan * Democratic lawmakers lukewarm on tax plan * Editorial: Poor business climate a threat to Illinoisans * Opinion: Note how business owners are saving on power costs * Casinos, lawmakers wary on smoking ban:
* Urban League’s new leader: Judge my accomplishments, not vision * Training will help black with trades:
* Bill would force owner to sell ‘Jewish Graceland’ * Tribune Editorial: Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center in trouble * State fund for war’s dead out of money:
* Dennis Robaugh: Jessica’s Law status in Illinois Assembly * Editorial: Inflamed illegal immigrant rhetoric does little to further health care debate * Editorial: Lawmakers should put nose to grindstone * Illinois Review: Evidence of intra-GOP arson on statewide smoking ban * Illinois Review: Hunting rifle ban challenged by Illinois-based gun manufacturer * `Cousins’ provision complicates gay unions bill * Illinois Democratic leaders just can’t seem to get along:
* A 20K ‘tough schools’ carrot * Church opposes more time for sex abuse victims to sue * Editorial: Driver’s licenses for illegals can make roads safer for all * 2nd ward runoff growing more heated