April 1st roundup *** Updated x1 ***
Sunday, Apr 1, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Blogging will be light this week because I’ll be riding with Gov. Blagojevich and his family on the statewide bus tour for all four days. I’ve been given exclusive access to the governor on his personal bus for most of the trip. It should be fascinating and I’m so looking forward to it. (Well, OK, I am kinda worried about my mental health, but who could pass up something like this?)
* Meanwhile, Google has a new in-home wireless system that works through your toilet…
Google TiSP (BETA) is a fully functional, end-to-end system that provides in-home wireless access by connecting your commode-based TiSP wireless router to one of thousands of TiSP Access Nodes via fiber-optic cable strung through your local municipal sewage lines.
[Hat tip: Billy]
* New Delhi TV has a report on a profound new discovery: “Scientists have developed a technology that can retrieve sounds and conversations that get recorded in the walls around us.”
The scientists have already recorded many historic conversations some of which are classified as secret. […]
It’s not just voices from the distant past that can be replayed - when you leave your room at work your boss can tap the walls and hear all that you said.
[Hat tip: BS]
* And from I Want One of Those, the IWOOT memory stick…
Do you have trouble remembering stuff? Would you sometimes like to share your memories with others? Well now you can with the IWOOT Memory Stick. Using razor edge technology that’s so advanced it’s really quite ahead of itself, the Memory Stick enables you to download and upload memory fragments via a temporal lobe sensor and store them on the USB Memory Stick. You can then load the memories onto your computer - essentially backing up your brain for when you forget stuff in your old age!
[Hat tip: QT]
* And, finally, FaceBook introduces LivePoke…
I assume you know about Facebook’s “News Feed” which tells you about changes in your friends’ relationship statuses, status, and pages, new features, and so on. There is also the infamous “poke” feature with which you merely send someone a notification that they have been poked.
Introducing LivePokeâ„¢!
Facebook will dispatch a real live person today to poke a friend of your choice.*
*offer good for only the first 100 pokers in each network.
*** UPDATE *** Doug Finke claims all is well at the Statehouse…
Contrary to what you might have read or heard, Gov. ROD BLAGOJEVICH, Senate President EMIL JONES, D-Chicago, and House Speaker MICHAEL MADIGAN, D-Chicago, are already working diligently behind the scenes to craft a compromise tax and budget package that will at least try to minimize everyone’s pain, if not make everyone happy.
Jones and Madigan have shelved their rivalry over who will be the top Democrat in the General Assembly. Consequently, things are on target to meet the legislature’s scheduled May 31 adjournment date.
Even Blagojevich has been spending much more time in Springfield this year, working with the lawmakers he needs to advance his agenda.