This just in… Kruesi out at CTA *** Updated x1 ***
Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller This development is long overdue…
There was no way the CTA was gonna get more money from Springfield as long as the inept, arrogant Kruesi was around. He spent big bucks to turn a few train stops into gleaming Taj Mahals, while ignoring serious infrastructure problems that have maddened commuters over the past several years. Kruesi is the same guy that came close to screwing up Daley’s O’Hare expansion push at the Statehouse. I never could understand why Daley kept him on. Perhaps some of you could enlighten me. Goodbye, Frank. Good riddance. *** UPDATE *** Oy…
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Peters; Kotowski; GRT; Gates; SB 1296; Dunn; Smoking ban; Hoffman; Rates; Midwives; IPA; Budget surplus; Harold Washington (Use all caps in password)
Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Question of the day
Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller This is really a fascinating debate because it has no simple answer…
Question: How should the state deal with sex offenders whose precinct polling places are in schools?
Bo bends House to her will *** Updated x1 ***
Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller A couple of years ago, faded sexpot Bo Derek came to town to lobby the Illinois Senate to pass a bill banning horse slaughtering. The bill zoomed out of the chamber as star-struck members drooled all over the occasional actress. But when it got to the House, the bill was voted down, mainly on its merits. This time, Derek came to Springfield and lobbied the House, with predictable results…
After the vote, legislators flocked to a reception held in Derek’s honor. I was in the building for another party, but did manage to sneak a peak. Count me as not impressed. *** UPDATE *** I should have mentioned this before but I forgot. Bo also spent some time in Gov. Blagojevich’s office yesterday. The governor, impressed with her presence, picked up the phone and called several legislators to ask them to vote for the anti slaughtering bill. I know I sounded a bit cynical above, but her presence was truly magical. When was the last time the governor ever did that?
Tillman, Lawsuit, Simon, etc. *** Updated x3 ***
Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller * The Tribune has a good story today on why Ald. Dorothy Tillman lost. A few highlights…
It would’ve been nice, however, if the Trib had written a story like this before the election. Too often in Chicago aldermanic elections (and legislative races and county board contests), voters are left to fend for themselves, without any help from the media. * Memo to candidates: If you can’t take the heat of an intense campaign, don’t run. And, for crying out loud, don’t file lawsuits after the fact over goofy stuff like this…
Look… nobody likes to be called a “video stalker.” And I’m not gonna defend the attack, which was obviously over the top. But them’s the breaks. Get over yourself. * Perhaps the AP should refrain from political analysis. Get a load of this lede…
Please. And check this one out…
Once again, no mention that Cole had bigtime monetary and staff backing from the Illinois GOP, House Republican Leader Tom Cross, and even Denny Hastert. * More campaign reports, compiled by “C” (aka Paul Richardson)…
*** UPDATE *** Aldertrack has the transcript from yesterday’s Chicago Tonight interview of the newly elected aldermen. Check it out.
*** UPDATE 2 *** Dave Fako’s polling firm looks like it has had a pretty darned good year so far. *** UPDATE 3 *** This morning’s Eight Forty-Eight program includes a roundtable of journalists discussing the Chicago elections… [The speculation by one panelist that Ald. Joe Moore could be the leader of the city council’s independent bloc made me laugh out loud.]
The Mayor
Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller It’s amazing when you think that Rosemont has been incorporated since 1955 and has had the same mayor ever since. That man, Don Stephens, died yesterday. Whatever you may think of him, there’s no denying that he was a giant of a man in his town, in Cook County and in Illinois. He was a builder. He was a visionary. He may or may not have been a lot of other things, but his legacy is his town, and what a town it is. * The Tribune has the most extensive obit today…
* Daily Herald…
* More…
Morning Shorts
Thursday, Apr 19, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson * NEW Compilation of GRT stories:
* Blagojevich ducks question on state plane usage * State senators wary of immigration driving bill * Illinois lawmakers say state could benefit from new coal industry * State set to name new Superintendent * Michael Sneed: Stroger fires CIO… Springfield Celebrity * State steps in to address flood of water company complaints
* McQueary: Write in candidates, Paul Vallas * Measure to arm prosecutors/judges fails in Illinois House * How U.S Supreme Court abortion ruling could affect Illinois
* Study: TIFs too tempting for public officials to resist * Syverson sponsors bill to speed up new Rockford tax revenue