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Salvi won’t run against Bean, “Little Lip” targeted by protesters

Tuesday, May 1, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

Eric Krol says that Kathy Salvi won’t run against Democratic Congresswoman Melissa Bean next year…

I’ve seriously considered it and a lot of people asked me to run,” said Salvi, a Wauconda trial lawyer who finished second in last year’s GOP primary. “Overall, I decided it’s not the right time for me to run.”

Salvi joins David McSweeney on the list of those on the Republican side who won’t take the plunge next year in IL-8. McSweeney, a Barrington Hills investment banker, lost to Bean last November. He’s back at Bank of America these days.

Salvi said there are some “unknown variables” next year. Although she didn’t cite this one specifically, one of those unknowns for all Republicans in Illinois is whether Democratic Sen. Barack Obama will be on the national ticket in 2008, either as the top dog or second banana. If Obama is on the ticket, Illinois would reasonably be expected to be bluer than it normally is on a statewide level as those who don’t normally vote feel some state pride and punch his number. That would make an already uphill race (shorter timetable with the primary moved up, two-term incumbent with wads of campaign cash) an even steeper climb.

Meanwhile, “a couple of hundred” people demonstrated outside of Dan Lipinski’s office over the weekend, claiming that he isn’t responsive to their needs.

Lipinski’s congressional district is home to Latino, Polish, Irish, Muslims and Arabs. They say the congressman refuses to hear them.

Also candidates are starting to line up to run for Luis Gutierrez’s seat. Guiterrez has announce he will retire after next year’s elections.

Last week, Cook County Commissioner Roberto Maldonado (D - 8th) announced that he had created a campaign committee to raise funds for an ‘08 congressional bid. City Alderman Ricardo Munoz (22nd) has also formally announced his intentions to run, forming a congressional campaign committee and, back in March, raising the funds to run.

This is a 2008 congressional open thread.


  1. - Carl Nyberg - Tuesday, May 1, 07 @ 8:40 am:

    Are the Republicans having trouble recruiting candidates for Congress?

    Why is this?

    Could it be that Bush and the GOP have been a disaster?

    Accountability sucks, eh?

  2. - Dieter - Tuesday, May 1, 07 @ 9:22 am:

    Salvi should give it a run. McSweeney was not the best person for the job in 2006. His abrasive personality put off a lot of the electorate.

    I’m not the biggest Salvi fan, but at least she has personality.

    As far as Sen. Obama, that’s ridiculous. People voting for Obama out of state pride? Remember Al Gore losing Tennessee?

    I think once his lack of record in the U.S. Senate and his ridiculous record in the IL Senate is focused on, he’s going to drop like a rock in polls.

  3. - bored now - Tuesday, May 1, 07 @ 9:51 am:

    al gore lost in tennessee because tennessee has a long republican tradition (going back to the civil war for a third of the state) and gore pulled his troops and money out of the state to compete in florida. oh, yeah, that was dumb. no one to blame but al gore for his loss in 2000. had he won his own state (which would have cost him less than trying to compete in florida), he’d have been president. what an idiot!

    obama faces none of those issues. illinois will be a blue state regardless of who’s on the ticket. i agree that it will be a tough year for gop candidates, especially as iraq becomes more of a quagmire. salvi recognizes that…

  4. - Wumpus - Tuesday, May 1, 07 @ 10:21 am:

    Unless he stops getting a free press from the pass and they do a 180, (and actually criticize the guy as much as they have been in worshipping him) OBAMA will not lose IL.

  5. - Pat collins - Tuesday, May 1, 07 @ 10:38 am:

    For the GOP, 2008 depends on the surge. If it works, Iraq is off the plate as an issue.

    Ironically, had Bush listened to Gen. Shinseki back in 03, Iraq would likely have been calm by the 06 elections.

    At least, that is what all the “Ric was right” caps at a West Point reunion meant.

    So, who can blame Salvi, or any other candidate for not wanting to face what looks to be a possible second bad cycle.

    Bean shouldn’t buy any lottery tickets, seems she used all her luck already. Hard to knock off a 3rd term incumbent…..

  6. - Team Sleep - Tuesday, May 1, 07 @ 11:14 am:

    Bean is very well-funded and intelligent Congresswoman. She has shown a penchant to raise loads of cash quickly while voting in a manner that protects her from both sides. As long as her office is responsive and her head doesn’t get too big, she can be a lifer. Plus, her area won’t lose any seats, so redistricting done in a Democratic-leaning state will benefit her as well.

  7. - Carl Nyberg - Tuesday, May 1, 07 @ 11:29 am:

    “If the surge works…”

    What will Iraq be like if the surge works?

    The American people are sick of the mendacity of the Bush administration and their Republican enablers.

  8. - Educator - Tuesday, May 1, 07 @ 12:09 pm:

    Here’s my take on the probable candidates for Gutierrez’s seat:
    Ric Munoz: Politically saavy and hardworking, but perceived as a little bit of an “old school progressive” politician–a double edged sword. He has accomplished enough to overcome the indiscretions of his youth, but needs to raise his profile and turn out voters (turnout in the 22nd is always fairly low, so he needs to work harder in a much larger area).

    Manny Flores: Smart and good looking (don’t act like it doesn’t matter!), he is very politically sharp, but has made some folks in his ward unhappy by cozying up to developers and others (HDO). If he can turn out the anglo vote and divert some of the Mexican vote from Munoz and Solis, he has a good shot.

    Danny Solis: Barely squeaked out a victory in his ward as an incumbent and Daley ally in a crowded race. Don’t expect him to do that well against some very capable opponents. He will finish a distant fourth.

    Roberto Maldonado: Flies under the radar and has a built in base amongst Puerto Ricans and senior citizens (he has always been an advocate for senior issues at the county level). Needs to expand his name recognition and clearly delineate his accomplishments given that many folks don’t even know what county government does. Could be a spoiler.

    Prediction: Still too early to tell, but I would say that Munoz and Maldonado will be in a horserace in the end.

  9. - Dieter - Tuesday, May 1, 07 @ 1:51 pm:


    The press is just setting the Senator up to fail. There is no way that he will be able to maintain this momentum.

    While Sen. Obama is a very skilled politician, he usually doesn’t respond well under pressure (the flap with Sen. McCain comes to mind). I’m curious to see how this goes.

    Eventually, they are going to have to talk about his record, not just his vision.

    Have you checked his (U.S.) Senate record lately? It’s going to get worse, especially as he’s out campaigning and not representing the Great State of Illinois.

  10. - cermak_rd - Tuesday, May 1, 07 @ 3:19 pm:

    Good on the protestors for pointing out what a waste of air the good rep Lip II is. I sure hope someone, anyone, with some credibility runs against him in the Dem primary. He just doesn’t represent the district in any sense of the word. And his dad’s voters are leaving the area.

  11. - Boone Logan Square - Tuesday, May 1, 07 @ 4:08 pm:

    Questions to ask. Will Hastert retire? Will Shimkus retire? Is Kirk doomed in a presidential-year rematch against Seals? Who will the Democrats run against Roskam? Who will run against Weller? Who will run against Hare?

    Will anyone try to primary Lipinski this time or has he insulated himself from the nepotism charges now?

  12. - Boone Logan Square - Tuesday, May 1, 07 @ 4:09 pm:

    And a big question — how much would an Obama presidential run affect state races?

  13. - Bill - Tuesday, May 1, 07 @ 4:53 pm:

    Ric Munoz would be an excellent Congressman…quite an improvement over Little Louie. He would put the constituents first for a change and he wouldn’t have to stand on a telephone book to see over the podium.

  14. - Capone - Tuesday, May 1, 07 @ 8:48 pm:

    1st Ward Alderman Manny Flores is the best choice for Congressman, Hes smarter than his opponents who have materialized so far and he recently received an award from a good gov group. He has led in an anti graffiti campaign in his and other wards. He has been able to coexist with the Mayor even thought the Mayor supported his opponent (a HDO candidate) If Gutierrez is going to go than my money is on Manny Flores. :)

  15. - The Truth - Tuesday, May 1, 07 @ 10:26 pm:

    Maldonado is a political hack,who has no experience other than doing whatever the Storgers tell what to do!His claim to fame was marrying Guitterez’s sister,then divorcing her after he became a Cook County Commissioner.Anyway,Maldonado is being investigated by the FEDS for insider contracts at Cook County,so no way he can win.
    Munoz is also a useless Alderman, who has no legislative experience and has never done anything for his district.His ties to the Latin King gang will be exposed and his father’s bussiness deals with selling fake ID’s and fake Social security cards,which was recently raided by the feds will sink his bid as well.
    Solis can possibly win, but he also is a poor canididate,who has ties to HDO,which again is under Federal investigation.
    The only clean,smart and possible replacement for Guitterez, is MaNNY Flores or Iris Martinez.Both are bright,clean and hard working elected officials who can and will make a difference . Maldonado,Munoz, and Solis are part of the old,machine politcs,which have done nothing , nor will do nothing for there community.Also this run will be about money, and neither have money, but Martinez and Flores will have lots of money and support!!!

  16. - Say What! - Tuesday, May 1, 07 @ 10:36 pm:

    To replace Guttierrez, Three men running,Munoz,Maldonado,and Soliz, with the possible fourth man,Flores running, will make it easy for a women,like Senator Martinez to run a win.
    If voters would look at the possible canididates, they will realize that both Senior citizens,Maldoando and Soliz(over 63y/o) are to old, Munoz to tainted, and only Flores and martinezhave the possiblility of winning.
    Replacing Guttierrez will be easy, since his recors of do nothing and no votes was legendary.His first sponsered bill for Illegal aliens, sponsored by him and Flake of Arizona, is the worse bill possible and shows what little effort and respect he has in Washington DC!
    The first hispanic congressional district need to be represented better and with proffessionalism, and not by grandstanding and not doing anything by his lazyness Guttierez!

  17. - Educator - Wednesday, May 2, 07 @ 8:09 am:

    I love the enthusiasm for Iris Martinez, but she has no shot. People don’t know her or her “record.” Plus, raising money? Last I checked she was not a fundraising machine. The only only candidates good at raising money are Solis, Flores and Munoz in that order. She should stay in the state legislature with her patronage hack cronies Marty Sandoval, Tony Munoz and Eddie Acevedo.

  18. - Latinos United - Wednesday, May 2, 07 @ 9:12 pm:

    My vote for Guttierrez’s seat goes to yet,undecided canidiate,State Senator Iris Martinez! She is the first Hispanic female State Senator, and is the leader of the Hispanic/Latino cacus in the Senate! He record on fighting for lower taxes,better schools,higher pay for teachers,fighting to expand health coverage for all and her strong leadership on Immigrant rights and her advocacy for faireness and rights for undocumented immigrants is legendary!!! She has fought tooth and nail with the powers in state goverment to ensure that all hispanic disitricts got there fair share of budgeted items.She also has taken on the street gangs and has been successful in defeating there presence and influence in all hispanic disitricts.
    She is so highly repsected, that the National Democratic party awarded her with an award as the most successful hispanic legislator in the country.Our very own Senator Martinez is the best chance for all chicagoans and for all hispanics to get the best leadership possible for our disitrct and for our country!!!Senator Obama,Senator Durbin,rep.Emmanuel,Mayor Daley and Hillary Clinton, as well as ex-President Clinton have all endorsed her if she decides to run, lets hope she gets in!!!

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