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Wednesday, May 2, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

Speaker Madigan just announced that the House will hold a Committee of the Whole meeting next Wednesday to discuss the GRT.


  1. - Jeff Trigg - Wednesday, May 2, 07 @ 2:39 pm:

    I’d assume this is to put the final nail in the GRT and payroll tax coffin. Now the question becomes will Blago sign HB750 or will Madigan have enough Republican votes to over-ride the veto?

  2. - Squideshi - Wednesday, May 2, 07 @ 2:56 pm:

    The Illinois Green Party yesterday released a policy statement reaffirming support for House Bill 750 and sharply criticizing Governor Blagojevich’s GRT proposal.

  3. - Reddbyrd - Wednesday, May 2, 07 @ 3:23 pm:

    Will all the Green Party legislators vote for HB750 now ? :)
    Another great move by Madigan

  4. - Levois - Wednesday, May 2, 07 @ 3:25 pm:

    Didn’t they already have themselves one of those. And this just has to be good strategy.

  5. - nomoretax - Wednesday, May 2, 07 @ 3:29 pm:

    Isn’t the HB750 even worse then the GRT? Why don’t we reduce spending instead of creating more debt by starting new programs? As said before we have a spending problem not a revenue problem.

  6. - A Citizen - Wednesday, May 2, 07 @ 3:38 pm:

    If the GRT is really dead then why does MM think it necessary to have a Committee of the Whole meeting ? Just call the bill, vote it down and move on. 750 may not be quite as bad but is still not the solution needed. What is needed is to eliminate the Property Tax and retarget the Income and Sales Taxes to the economic fabric of our state as it exists today - not that from 35 years ago.

  7. - Jeff Trigg - Wednesday, May 2, 07 @ 3:49 pm:

    Because nothing is dead until Madigan says it’s dead and he will do that on Wed. in some manner. Cross and Franks and the other 8 House Dems against the GRT don’t count and Madigan set this up to remind them of that. The Machine in typical action.

  8. - Ivote - Wednesday, May 2, 07 @ 3:52 pm:

    Citizen: By having a Committee of the Whole, Madigan can show the Guv that there are no votes (or practically none)for it, let those of his members who want to go on record do it, but doesn’t make any of his members actually VOTE on the thing. To “nomoretax” — time to get real, this state needs some additional revenue. . .while nobody likes taxes, education and healthcare need to be addressed. And there simply is not enough money to be cut from other sources to fund those two top priority items. It’s interesting that even the business groups seem to be on board (or moving that way) for tax increases–whether they believe it must be done, or are just so scared of a GRT. . . who knows?

  9. - nomoretax - Wednesday, May 2, 07 @ 4:05 pm:

    Ivote, Can you tell me where you found that business groups are moving toward a tax increase?

  10. - Willis - Wednesday, May 2, 07 @ 4:13 pm:

    To bad, Speaker Madigan isn’t the Governor of Illinois.

  11. - Jeff Trigg - Wednesday, May 2, 07 @ 4:15 pm:

    nomoretax, the IL Farm Bureau is in favor of HB750, the Commercial Club of Chicago has plenty of business interests and suggested a 33% income tax increase and whoever else has signed up with A+ Illinois. HB750 has been around for a long while and the Chamber and other main business groups haven’t done much of anything to oppose it.

    Everyone outside of the Democratic party that has suggested more tax revenues has also demanded lucrative pension reforms, more accountability, and more open reporting on how money is being spent. None of those future obligation savings proposals are going anywhere with Madigan and Jones and the government employee unions money.

  12. - Gene Parmesan - Wednesday, May 2, 07 @ 4:23 pm:

    Don’t you think it would go a long way toward getting this “needed revenue” if Rod would get out there and cut all the unnecessary spending, and then ask for whatever tax increase he needed. Those of us who cringe every time we see a tollway sign or a “chaffeur story” might be more interested in examing a revenue increase if we knew the state was doing what it could to cut costs and eliminate waste.

  13. - nomoretax - Wednesday, May 2, 07 @ 4:33 pm:

    Gene, Exactly what I was trying to say but you hit the nail on the head. I also believe that to initate new programs when you can’t pay for what you already have is irresponsible and not good for the state. Why the rush by our governor to initate these programs. Is it for is own political gain?

  14. - Mr. Wizard - Wednesday, May 2, 07 @ 5:05 pm:

    As I said before, the “unnecessary spending” you refer to is: education, welfare, medicaid, and all the social services; They are almost 90% of the budget. Tell us which you’d cut. :)

    Also, as I said before, GRT is a shill to make 1) Blago look good to the tax-eaters and 2)something like 750 look good to the voters.

  15. - A Citizen - Wednesday, May 2, 07 @ 5:11 pm:

    Obviously, with all the disagreement, we’re going about this backwards. First we need to figure out what a citizen needs to live on. Second, Blago and Company simply takes the rest. Problem solved.

  16. - Decatur Dave - Wednesday, May 2, 07 @ 5:22 pm:

    Please, cut the baloney with the “unnecessary spending” idea. Prisons, facilities for the disabled, mental health centers, are all underfunded and understaffed. Yes, you can point out the obvious, horrendous examples (drivers for state administrators), but those don’t add up to billions. It’s just too bad that Blago refused to work with the legislature and instead ran a TV commercial campaign to promte his tax ideas…. It’s so much harder to be a governor than to be a candidate.

  17. - nomoretax - Wednesday, May 2, 07 @ 5:27 pm:

    Dave, What do you call blago signage at 450,000 ?

  18. - A Citizen - Wednesday, May 2, 07 @ 5:31 pm:

    Are you saying putting signs on a tollway telling folks they are on a tollway and who the guv is they just put back in office is unnecessary? tsk tsk tsk

  19. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, May 2, 07 @ 5:43 pm:

    A Citizen — Madigan can’t call a bill that is still stuck in Senate Committee and doesn’t even have a House sponsor.

    That said, it’s May 2nd, the Governor is proposing a major change in Illinois policy, and the Illinois House shouldn’t wait until three days before the budget deadline to begin having a recorded, public debate on this issue.

  20. - A Citizen - Wednesday, May 2, 07 @ 6:08 pm:

    YDD - Thanks for the clarification. Is there any sign that the entire legislature is going to be tapped to provide substantive input to the issue? In the past it has just been the “tops” and the others just follow in party line lockstep. I’m sure there are some really innovative and creative ideas to be tapped if the legislature would be allowed to operate as designed. I’m just getting very cynical in my old age. P.S. Dammit Rich, I am not a cowboy! Hope your new service kicks in soon.

  21. - Squideshi - Wednesday, May 2, 07 @ 6:09 pm:

    Reddbyrd, the Green Party does not yet have any legislators in the Illinois General Assembly; but that will be changing soon. The party has been grooming its members, and people like Carol Larson will make excellent legislators.

  22. - Disgusted - Wednesday, May 2, 07 @ 6:17 pm:

    10% flat tax, no loopholes or exceptions, period!

  23. - Minion - Wednesday, May 2, 07 @ 6:21 pm:

    good for MJM. Now, perhaps when one or two people, at most, testify in favor of GRT, Blago will realize his plan is toast…not that I anticipate Rodo the Blago ever being able to realize political reality, but we can always hope.

  24. - A Citizen - Wednesday, May 2, 07 @ 8:05 pm:

    GRT, Flat Tax, Sales, Income taxes, Property Tax - All possibilities. Maybe a comprehensive overhaul of Illinois’ tax code is in order - not just a knee jerk bandaid solution that ignores the inequities. A complete overhaul that will serve us well for another 35 or 40 years.

  25. - Silky - Wednesday, May 2, 07 @ 8:45 pm:

    I applaud madigan for doing this to show that he is willing to work with his fellow dems. Everyone knows we need revenue? Maybe its part GRT, part gaming, part tax increase, but as long as they are talking we will be fine.

    I am a solid D and didnt like how the leaders werent even meeting. Come on guys!

  26. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, May 2, 07 @ 11:18 pm:

    Disgusted, are you aware that a ten percent flat tax would be the most spectacularly gigantic tax hike in Illinois history?

  27. - Bill Baar - Thursday, May 3, 07 @ 7:42 am:

    Read the Trib, Sun Times, and Daily Herald today on Jones, his Family, Patti Blagojevich. It’s takes some real crust for a party with that kind of press to come before the citizens of Illinois and ask for more money.

  28. - Truthful James - Thursday, May 3, 07 @ 8:13 am:

    The sales and income taxes have been a money machine for the State. Each year they do not budget for an increase, seem surprised when th cash rolls in — but not so surprised as to have set out pork buckets to catch the new revenue.

  29. - Squideshi - Thursday, May 3, 07 @ 10:10 am:

    Just create a millionaires’ tax that raises their rate by a mere 2% or so and you completely wipe out any budget defecit here in Illinois. Over 95% of the public wouldn’t even be affected. Simple.

  30. - YNM - Thursday, May 3, 07 @ 12:00 pm:


    I didn’t realize it was a party asking for the money. Shame on me.

    And, I forgot how good this state had it under the other party’s leadership. Shame on me.

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