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A new revelation about Jones’ family

Friday, May 4, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Senate President Emil Jones addressed the ever-growing issue of his position and his family yesterday…

Senate President Emil Jones defended his family’s state jobs and business contracts, including one with the corporate parent of Commonwealth Edison, in a closed-door session Thursday with his Democratic members.

Jones “wasn’t remorseful” about published reports that tied his family to the lucrative jobs, but he wanted to clear the air during the closed-door meeting in the president’s office, according to one lawmaker who attended.

* But the Sun-Times had a new revelation today…

In Thursday’s editions, the Sun-Times and NBC5 disclosed Sterling’s business relationships with both Exelon and the City Colleges of Chicago — the latter of which awarded Sterling’s firm a $45 million no-bid technology deal on April 12.

Besides Sterling, Jones’ daughter, lobbyist Renee Rose, derives income linked to the City Colleges. She began lobbying members of the General Assembly on the college system’s behalf during the last year and a half, Jones spokeswoman Cindy Davidsmeyer said.

Davidsmeyer did not know the nature of the lobbying work, including whether any of it involved securing state computer grants that could have benefitted her stepbrother.

Rose’s work for the City Colleges was funneled to her through the law firm of Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP, which she represents in Springfield. Mayer, Brown also lists Exelon as one of its clients, but both Davidsmeyer and an Exelon spokeswoman said Rose has done no lobbying work for the utility.

* The Rockford Register-Star says Jones ought to stop the games and “step aside on ComEd issues”

Jones should bow out from any more ComEd dealings this session and find jobs for his other children outside of the state government or companies that do work for government.

* Some of Jones’ members rose to his defense

“They say nine-tenths of everything is perception, but that doesn’t make it a fact,” said Sen. Donne Trotter, D-Chicago.

* And

State Sen. Terry Link, a Waukegan Democrat and member of Jones’ leadership team, said he sees no problem with Sterling’s contract with the power company.

“I don’t think there’s any conflict whatsoever,” Link said. “He’s a grown man. It’s not like he’s a little kid at home.”

* But at least one House Democrat expressed concerns…

“Obviously, it is something which concerns and troubles people throughout the state, and obviously it could have some impact on the negotiations,” [Rep. John Bradley (D-Marion)] said.

* Meanwhile, things aren’t going extremely well with the rate negotiations…

“I don’t think we’re close to a resolution at all,” said Rep. George Scully, D-Flossmoor. “I think that discussions are healthy, and I think that out of discussions a resolution can evolve.”


  1. - Carl Nyberg - Friday, May 4, 07 @ 8:46 am:

    It’s tricky to stage a coup, but the Illinois Democratic Party will be much better off if Senate Dems oust Emil Jones as Senate President.

    Things are basically going well for the party. I would argue Patrick Fitzgerald dropping indictments is good for the party. Let’s clear out the crooks.

    Emil Jones sticking it to every person who pays an electric bill in Illinois is impossible to square with the Democrats being the party of consumers and the little guys.

    Emil Jones will hurt Illinois Democrats at all levels in 2008.

  2. - Bill - Friday, May 4, 07 @ 9:13 am:

    Ms. Rose is a very effective, hard working lobbyist. I am sure that her clients are very happy with her work. Should all of President Jones’ relatives be prevented from working in their chosen fields? Should they all be banned from the patch?
    Why is Fitzgerald’s name always bandied about in discussions like this? Does he even still have a job? There is no evidence of any type of crime, federal or otherwise?

  3. - Hawk Harrelson - Friday, May 4, 07 @ 9:21 am:

    Emil Jones should grab some bench…he gone!

  4. - Anon - Friday, May 4, 07 @ 9:22 am:

    Of course Link does’t see a problem here. If he did he might have to admit that it’s a problem that his wife works for SBC while he votes on telecom legislation.

  5. - Papa Legba - Friday, May 4, 07 @ 10:18 am:

    Of course nobody has a problem with what is going on. But if it was the republicans doing it…

    Bill - STIFLE!!!

  6. - Anonymous - Friday, May 4, 07 @ 10:23 am:


  7. - Time to investigate Senator Jones - Friday, May 4, 07 @ 11:10 am:

    Look at the Senator Jones’ contributors, then look at the contracts, hires, etc.
    Not much different problem than Blago’s.

  8. - Shelbyville - Friday, May 4, 07 @ 11:11 am:

    Why should Emil be any different than he has been for the last 20 years?

  9. - Anon - Friday, May 4, 07 @ 11:36 am:

    People, you are not digging deep enough. If you only knew–there are more ties to E. Jones, lobbyist, friends and family and the BS that is going on right now. Continue to look.

    E. Jones is not doing anyone DEMS any favor in the ‘08 election, including his golden boy-B.O.

  10. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 4, 07 @ 11:40 am:

    Anon, that’s enough, please. Put up or shut up.

  11. - Nothing but crooks! - Friday, May 4, 07 @ 11:54 am:

    Jones wanted to clear the air during the closed-door meeting in the president’s office.
    How do you “clear the air” in a “closed door meeting”?

  12. - Squideshi - Friday, May 4, 07 @ 1:06 pm:

    Jones provides a really good example of why it is important to vote Green rather than Democrat in some circumstances. There has been some discussion about targeting Jones and running a Green candidate against him. He had better start cleaning up his image soon–stop the undemocratic behavior in the Senate and start representing his constituents on issues like education funding reform and electricity prices.

  13. - Patriot - Friday, May 4, 07 @ 1:21 pm:

    The lemming Democrats in the Chicago area love Emil Jones. He is not going anywhere for a long time. Didn’t the passage of the state-wide smoking ban in the House and the Senate teach you downstaters anything?

  14. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, May 4, 07 @ 2:01 pm:

    Bill - How do you know that Emil’s daughter is a hard-working, effective lobbyist?

    Patriot - I’d love to know how you’ve come by so much information about what Democrats in Chicago think of Emil, and which Democrats you’re talking about? Clearly, Senators Meeks, Delgado, Munoz and Sandoval have issues with Emil. Senators Kotowski, Maloney, Schoenberg, Silverstein and Wilhelmi all voted for the Com-Ed amendment to SB 1592.

  15. - Gregor - Friday, May 4, 07 @ 2:21 pm:

    To quote the Senate President in his own words:

    “The MENDACITY!”
    “The HUBRIS!”

    Funny, all those years of having to eat what Pate dished out, you’d have thought it would have made Emil into a man who longed for justice and harmony, but now that Jones is in the driver’s seat, all the great ideals and airy talk are long gone.

    Meet the new boss: same as the old boss. Full of hubris and mendacity. You had the chance to do better, to be greater, and you sold yourself cheap.

  16. - Concerned Voter - Friday, May 4, 07 @ 4:01 pm:

    “- Bill - Friday, May 4, 07 @ 9:13 am:
    Should all of President Jones’ relatives be prevented from working in their chosen fields? Should they all be banned from the patch?”

    Well Bill, all state employees are in yet another series of yearly ethics tests, again. One of the things they try to hammer home in those tests seems to be that if it looks like it doesn’t pass the smell test, that you should not do it.

    Seems like a lot of stink coming from the offices of the Joneses, maybe Blago just tries to keep up with the Joneses?

  17. - Schuassses - Friday, May 4, 07 @ 4:14 pm:

    Illinois is gettin’ taken for a very expense ride, compliments of Da Blagos and Da Joneses.

    Patrick and Lisa, PLEASE HELP!

  18. - Team Sleep - Friday, May 4, 07 @ 4:52 pm:

    If Emil is directing contracts or earmarks to companies represented by his family and close friends, then yes, I believe that to be immoral and possibly illegal. This is why we need tight legislation and regulations aimed at limiting the power of lobbyists and consultants. How much has Emil steered in the way of his family and friends? I’m sure it’s more than what’s been found. And yes, it happens at the federal level and it’s just as bad. I disagree with that as well.

  19. - Patriot - Friday, May 4, 07 @ 6:49 pm:

    Ok, Yellow Dog Democrat, I concede that not all Chicago area Democrats love Emil Jones. How do you explain why he is so powerful and untouchable?

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