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Question of the day

Wednesday, May 9, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

Blogging on other topics will have to wait until later this morning because of the Committee of the Whole meeting.

In the meantime, here’s your question: Who is your favorite Illinois politician? Explain.


  1. - anon - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 9:17 am:

    Will County Executive and former State Senator Larry Walsh.
    PBR. Enough said.

  2. - Illini - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 9:30 am:

    Bill Brady. He seems to be one of the only Republicans in this state with an actual vision.

  3. - Old Elephant - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 9:34 am:

    “Favorite” might not be the best term, but certainly the best politician in Illinois is Speaker Madigan. He’s been on top for more than 25 years and remains head and shoulders above his counterparts in the Senate and Governor’s Office.

    I only wish he’d grown up in the suburbs or downstate, because then he’d be a Republican.

  4. - Ravenswood Right Winger - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 9:40 am:

    I completely agree on Bill Brady.

  5. - Levois - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 9:45 am:

    Chicago Ald. Freddrenna Lyle because I think she’s doing a great job as an alderman and actually has a vision for where her ward should go. On top of that maintaining it’s mostly middle class character and holding monthly meetings during the year.

  6. - Jechislo - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 9:45 am:

    State Senator Bill Brady. He’s honest and straight-forward. Only problem is, he’s too much of a true Republican for the Illinois Republican Party.

  7. - bored now - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 9:47 am:

    mwrd commissioner deb shore. sensible. studious. serious. don’t know where she wants to go, but i think she’d figure out how to get there…

  8. - Wumpus - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 9:48 am:

    Bi-Polarweis ™, cause he is a laugh a minute. Or any of the goofy aldermen from the city, because as silly as they are, they still get re-elected

  9. - Archie - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 10:11 am:

    Senator John Millner! The GOPS leaders better figure out with their thin bench that Brady is too far right to win and Millner is more electable. I like Bill, but John can win

  10. - McGruff the Crimedog - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 10:15 am:

    Jack McGuire, the Joliet Gentleman. Not a nicer nor more earnest man has ever walked through the halls of the Capitol.

  11. - Skeeter - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 10:22 am:

    Sen. Richard Durbin. A bulldog. Honest, straight-forward, smart, tough, just what the Democratic Party needs. A good Catholic who does not wear his religion on his sleeve. He practices his religion rather than just talking about it.

    Second choice would be Deb Shore. One of the most qualified people in government.

  12. - BBpolNut - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 10:27 am:

    Deputy Republican Leader Brent Hassert. He’ straight forward, honest, and never loses his cool. He works so well with both sides of the aisle in both houses.

  13. - Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 10:29 am:

    Ald. Manny Flores. He’s smart, young, and and is really responsive to his constituents.

  14. - Buck Naked - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 10:33 am:

    Governor Blagojevich. If you’re listening to the committee hearing going on right now, and you dont agree with me, you dont believe that government can work for real people. He stands up for us and has never backed down from a fight.

  15. - Anonymous - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 10:43 am:

    Senator John Cullerton. Smart, earnest, hardworking, productive, humorous, good-family man, gentleman, all around great guy.

  16. - so-called "Austin Mayor" - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 10:47 am:

    My favorite Illinois pol is Gov. Blagojevich.

    He has done far more than anyone — certainly more than anyone in the Republican party — to preserve the promise of two party government in the state of Illinois.

    – SCAM

  17. - Beerman - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 11:00 am:

    Dick Mautino - The nicest guy I ever met. I miss him and still think of him often. The guy had guts.

  18. - Shelbyville - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 11:04 am:

    Adeline Geo-Karis

  19. - Fire Ron Guenther - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 11:53 am:

    State Rep. Chapin Rose! He wants to bring back Chief Illiniwek!

  20. - Young Dem - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 11:54 am:

    Former Congressman Lane Evans. He was a tireless advocate for working families and veterans. People would actually stand up and applaud him as he passed in parades. Just an all-around great person. To me, he is the proof that bad things happen to good people.

  21. - Squideshi - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 12:08 pm:

    Rich Whitney. He speaks truth to power.

  22. - Herself - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 12:10 pm:

    Bill Brady - he is an honest man.

  23. - i d - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 12:29 pm:

    “When all is said and done, the real citadel of strength of any community is in the hearts and minds and desires of those who dwell there.”
    Everett Dirksen

  24. - Objective Dem - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 12:30 pm:

    Rahm Emmanuel, because he is the most effective dem around and he got to where he is through hard work and brains.

    Obama is a close second but with the potential to be one of the all time greats.

  25. - Ron Burgundy - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 12:44 pm:

    A former would be Mike Sheahan. He seemed like a stand up guy and I know a lot of people who worked for him and they respected him a ton.

    Present would be Mayor Daley. How could he not be a favorite? I think we would all miss him if he wasn’t around.

  26. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 1:00 pm:

    1. Senator Christine Radogno. If you were to Google “nice+politician” she’s the only one who would come up.

    2. Tim Davlin. He’s a character, runs Springfield very well and has a great presence. He’s also fun to run into at bars.

  27. - D. - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 1:35 pm:

    Rep Art Turner….diplomatic, charming and a great smile!

  28. - pickles!! - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 1:54 pm:

    The late Senator Paul Simon. An honest guy who did help out his constituents. Heres a story of my experience with him

    When i was in 8th grade, we went to a graduation trip to DC, and i lost my camera in one of the securty checkpoints while visiting the White house. When i got home, my parents wrote a letter to Senator Simon’s DC office, explaining what happened. Within a week or two, his ofice had two FBI agents HAND-DELIVER a response letter to my home, written by himself. He also gave me a check to reimburse me for the loss, as well as an FBI patch. As a kid, i thought it was real cool to have him respond to me that way.

    From that day on, i always voted for him and supported his candidacy for any office, incudieng his run for President.

  29. - fedup dem - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 1:58 pm:

    Rich, how different is that from old Ringmaster Ned asking everyone, “Who’s your favorite clown?”

  30. - LaneMarieDaffort - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 2:31 pm:

    Oft interviewed Mike Jacobs is my favorite politician. He’s handsome and quick with a qoute.

  31. - Establishment Republican - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 2:41 pm:

    “fedup dem - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 1:58 pm:

    Rich, how different is that from old Ringmaster Ned asking everyone, “Who’s your favorite clown?”

    Would Ray Wardingley be able to count in both categories?

    By the way, my vote is for Denny Hastert.

  32. - A Citizen - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 3:45 pm:

    Richard Ogilvie and Ev Dirksen. Too bad we don’t have statesmen of their caliber today. I truly miss that spirit.

  33. - extrawise - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 4:16 pm:

    Bill Brady,

    Because I was paid to post this here?

  34. - The Nite Mayor - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 4:25 pm:

    After today, without a doubt it is State Treasurer Alex Giannoulis. This guy has done more to straighten out his office in 100 days than his predecessors did in 30 years. Plus he now has the press and the GA eating out of his hand!

  35. - Freezeup - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 5:50 pm:

    Jim Sacia. Pragmatic. Former FBI man that runs a business and truly seems to have the best interest of the people at heart. I also feel like he is one of the last legislators that is truly concerned with the problems facing law enforcement officers and the real problems facing the public.

  36. - anon - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 6:25 pm:

    Patrick McGuire, Will County Treasurer
    Honest, creative and taking pains to provide information for seniors and new home owners–of which there are many in Will County.

  37. - Latinos United - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 8:48 pm:

    State Senator Iris Martinez,who has been a bulwark in the latino Community and she has been a vocal supporter in and about Women’s issue.

  38. - Bill - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 9:28 pm:

    Judy Baar Topinka

  39. - Anonymous - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 10:46 pm:

    I never thought I would say this about a rookie, but I am going with Treasurer Giannoulias. What a great combination of smarts and guts. I’ve never seen such a quick start, and amazingly — he is also delivering on his campaign promises.

  40. - GOP 2010 - Wednesday, May 9, 07 @ 11:36 pm:

    As dissapointed as I am that my party doesn’t hold a statewide seat, I am so amused that the Democratic leadership doesn’t realize that it is slowly turning this into a red state with their inept one party rule.

    Having said that, I am going to cast my “favorite” vote for Alexi Giannoulias, who is promoting good government, transperancy, and fiscal responsibility. I only wish we could get him to switch parties!

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