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Not a lot of forward movement

Wednesday, May 16, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

Apparently, the rate freeze negotiations haven’t moved very far

ComEd customers should be given cash rebates and see their electricity rates frozen for one year under a proposal backed by House Speaker Michael Madigan, a top aide confirmed Tuesday.

The Chicago Democrat favors an approach similar to rate-freeze legislation that was gutted late last month by Senate President Emil Jones.

“That’s what we think is fair. Roll rates back to Jan. 1 and give the people their money back,” Madigan spokesman Steve Brown said.

ComEd is opposed, obviously…

“A rate freeze of any duration would have a devastating effect for ComEd, its customers and the state of Illinois,” said Judy Rader, a spokeswoman for the utility.

And answers aren’t exactly forthcoming

The three people who can get us relief from our electric rates that have doubled, even tripled are giving the media the silent treatment.

Political reporter Melissa Hahn said “We’re having a hard time getting information from Blagojevich.” HOI 19 requested an interview with Blagojevich on electric rates. Hahn said, “We’re having a hard time getting info from Senate President Jones.” Jones’ press secretary left Jen Christensen a message saying the Senator is not doing interviews right now. Melissa went on to say, “And then House Speaker Michael Madigan almost never speaks to us.” Jen Christensen on the phone with Madigan’s office: “So you’re saying there’s no point in time I would be able to interview Michael Madigan.” Political reporter Benjamin Yount said, “Legislative leaders typically they are quiet. On this they have been very quiet.”

If the summer is hot then Chicago-area legislators will feel the heat from constituents when the 25 percent rate hike becomes more noticeable. I doubt they can adjourn without doing something on both Ameren and ComEd’s rates, but they’re not exactly close.


  1. - Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, May 16, 07 @ 10:09 am:

    I’m touched. ComEd’s worried that freezing rates will be “devastating” for me.

    I’m willing to take that risk.

  2. - Rob_N - Wednesday, May 16, 07 @ 10:15 am:

    Haven’t Ameren profits spiked since the start of the year?

    Anyone have numbers on where ComEd and/or Exelon are in terms of profits?

    While I disagree long-term with another rate freeze, it’s about the only bargaining chip Springfield has against the power cos. I’ll also note that the more “deregulated” a state leaves its utilities the worse off consumers become (service gets weaker, rates grow willy-nilly…)

    Anyone seen the latest “CORE/ComEd” ads laughably blaming increased electric rates on higher gas prices (where they only show the cents side of a gas station sign)? I didn’t realize ComEd coal and nuclear fuel were derived from oil refining. ;)

    Tom Skilling’s predicting a bunch of 90s this summer.

  3. - To easy - Wednesday, May 16, 07 @ 12:36 pm:

    Maybe Illinois could buy some of the wind power we ship to other states.

  4. - Little Egypt - Wednesday, May 16, 07 @ 12:40 pm:

    Nothing will be done by the legislature. It will be up to us to change their minds come the next election. However, Illinois voters hae real short memories and the legislators know that. We’re so screwed.

  5. - So Ill - Wednesday, May 16, 07 @ 1:26 pm:

    Little Egypt, you’re right…but this seems like one of ‘those issues’ that won’t go away.

    People get a reminder every month, ya know?

  6. - Lee - Wednesday, May 16, 07 @ 2:16 pm:

    In time to this will pass. The Governor, and the majority leaders are in safe districts. Their majorities in each house are safe from Republican takeover.
    They don’t care.
    Name a Democratic legislator in the St. Louis Metro area or Southern and Central Illinois who risks defeat over this issue. There isn’t one.
    They don’t care.

  7. - GoodForBlago - Wednesday, May 16, 07 @ 2:23 pm:

    This is all interesting politics, but that is all it is, because ComEd and Ameren will easily get any rate freeze legislation that gets passed knocked down in court. Nobody seems to acknowledge that.

  8. - Mr. CUB - Wednesday, May 16, 07 @ 2:59 pm:

    The issue should be settled by a cage match between John Rowe and Mike Madigan.

  9. - Unique Opportunity - Wednesday, May 16, 07 @ 3:53 pm:

    Tap into all of Rod and Emil’s hot air. Then we would have an unlimited power source.

  10. - GettingJonesed - Wednesday, May 16, 07 @ 5:16 pm:

    Ameren and ComEd were profitable under the freeze

  11. - Disgusted - Wednesday, May 16, 07 @ 5:36 pm:

    Folks, you’ve all lived in this state long enough to know that the only thing important to our elected officials from the townships on up, is their reelection, their clout and their salary raises. We have to do this ourselves. Get online or call your utility supplier and learn how to really conserve electricity. Cutting back on use and hence on their profits is the only way to do it. You cannot run your AC at 70 degrees and then whine about the cost of it. There are medical exceptions, I am sure, but the majority of us are just spoiled. Take charge of your life and your money!

  12. - Little Egypt - Wednesday, May 16, 07 @ 6:24 pm:

    Lee - Gary Forby

  13. - plutocrat03 - Wednesday, May 16, 07 @ 8:43 pm:

    Isn’t ironic to see all the ink about the increase in the electrical rates?

    This obscures the real raid on the public’s money by the taxing authorities. My property taxes went up nearly $1,000 this year without a referendum or visible property vale increase.

    Wake up Illinois! The electrical rate hike argument is just a ruse to divert attention from thereal pickpockets

  14. - Gregor - Wednesday, May 16, 07 @ 9:06 pm:

    Ready-Killowatt Jones must be banking on there not being another massive summer heat wave like the one that killed a number of people in Chicago a while back. I wouldn’t want to take that bet. With electric bills that high, some folks will go without air conditioning and without other good options some will die. The papers will point to Jone’s campaign contributors, and his obvious support of Com Ed over Common Good. The peasants will come for Jones with torches and pitchforks, storming the Bastille. He will give Watson a great early Christmas present come elections.

  15. - Beowulf - Thursday, May 17, 07 @ 7:50 am:

    The people will grumble and moan about the rate increase but as “to what degree?”, this will be dictated by how hot the temperature gets this summer and how much people use their air conditioners. The biggest thing that people are upset about is not so much about the size of the electric rate increase but it is more about how much the CEO of Commonwealth Edison is getting paid in the way of salary and perquisites. That is what makes ComEd customers livid with the rate increase. A little bit of the Bill Clinton routine of “I feel your pain” by the CEO of ComEd is as if he is going out of his way to rub salt in the customer’s wounds. It is hilarious. Obviously, the ComEd CEO was snoozing during his class in “Public Relations 101″.

    I talked to several ComEd employees for their take on their company and it’s boss. They said that Exelon and ComEd are one-in-the-same although Exelon wants to distance themselves from ComEd while this rate bru-hah is going on. One of meter readers at ComEd told me that his supervisor’s bonus at the end of the year is determined by how little overtime he gives out to the people that work under him. Be assured that the ComEd employees are very embarassed by the enormous amount of money that their ComEd CEO demands while the ComEd customers are required to bear the burden.

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