Support Loved Ones Whose Families Have Been Wrongfully Killed - Support HB 1798
Thursday, May 17, 2007 - Posted by Capitol Fax Blog Advertising Department Did you know that if a drunk driver killed your daughter you would be unable to recover damages for your grief and sorrow? Special interests are working to prevent you from recovering damages for the grief, sorrow and mental suffering you experience from the sudden wrongful death of a loved one. Advocates for victims and families are working to correct this injustice. Did you know that under current Illinois law you would not be allowed to mention your grief and sorrow to a jury? Juries are specifically told they cannot consider grief and sorrow. HB 1798 corrects that current injustice in the law. *IT’S TIME TO UPDATE THE LAW * Did you know that Illinois’ Wrongful Death Act was written 154 years ago in 1853? Special interests are doing everything they can to preserve the antiquated notion that a jury cannot consider the grief and sorrow inflicted on surviving loved ones. Did you know that the current law in Illinois allows pet owners to sue for “emotional distress” caused by the wrongful death of a pet, but parents can’t ask for damages for grief and sorrow for the loss of a child? The loss of a loved one from drunk and reckless drivers, murderers, and negligent manufacturers should not go unpunished.