Dispelling the “Deep Pockets” Myth
Monday, May 21, 2007 - Posted by Capitol Fax Blog Advertising Department Insurance companies are leading a propaganda campaign against SB 1296. SB 1296 is not about “deep pockets,” but merely responds to a recent Appellate Court case that creates a legal loophole allowing negligent manufacturers, reckless construction companies and even drunk drivers to dodge their responsibility when their negligence injures or kills someone. Opponents of SB 1296 are hoping that recent Appellate Court case will overturn 21 years of legal practice, allowing wrongdoers to shift responsibility for their negligence to individuals and small businesses who have long ago been dismissed as defendants from a lawsuit, by placing their name on jury verdict forms and encouraging juries to assign damages against them. Insurance companies falsely claim that dismissed defendants have always appeared on jury verdict forms. Not true, says the St. Louis Post-Dispatch:
Before you buy into the “Deep Pockets” propaganda, keep in mind that 88% of all tort cases in Illinois are for $50,000 or less (Illinois Supreme Court annual report). Learn more at www.ProtectOurCourts.org.