Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Madigan: Not enough support for income tax hike in caucus ***Updated x4***
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Madigan: Not enough support for income tax hike in caucus ***Updated x4***

Wednesday, May 23, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

Speaker Madigan, at a rare Statehouse press conference, just said that there is not sufficient support for an income or sales tax hike in his caucus.

38 indicated some support for an income tax hike and 10 for sales tax hike.

More support for closing loopholes than gaming, but not 60 votes. 50 for loopholes and 41 for gaming.

Madigan just completed a survey of his members.

***Update x1 [by Paul]***
The Speaker’s press conference just concluded. Full audio will be linked here shortly.

Here are a few additional quotes and highlights:

-QUOTE: “We told our members to think overnight about where they want to go on the budget.”

-QUOTE: “There is strong hope in our group that we can get our work done by the end of May.”

-QUOTE: “If the governor decides to call special sessions I will be in attendance.”

-QUOTE: “I am one vote. I try to work with 65 other people. Sometimes I agree, sometimes I don’t.”

-Madigan will try to meet with the Governor tomorrow. He requested a meeting today, but Blagojevich was not available.

- He has been meeting with Sen. Jones; the two have had fruitful conversations. QUOTE: “We are both experienced leaders and know that we have to move forward.”

-Education (elementary and secondary) had the most interest from his caucus. Capitol was second.

-Madigan and Minority Leader Tom Cross have had conversations regarding gaming expansion specifically for the purposes of a capitol bill. He would not discuss the specifics of the possible expansion.

-Only 1 of his caucus members mentioned the sale of the lottery

-The Speaker had no comment on the possibility of a no-growth budget

***Update x2 [by Paul]***

Full audio of the Speaker’s press conference can be found at the House Democrats website HERE

***Update x3 [by Paul]***
Rich just spoke with Senator Meeks (a longtime tax swap advocate) who said that he is not giving up on anything.

***Update x4 [by Paul]***
Rich also talked to Rep. David Miller, the House sponsor of the tax swap. Rep. Miller said, “I will never give up.”


  1. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, May 23, 07 @ 2:51 pm:

    I guess this is what happens when longtime advocates for a tax swap flip-flop back and forth between an income tax hike and the GRT. The legislature gets a bunch of mixed messages, which results in them getting no message at all, and they end up with nothing.

    Too clever by half.

  2. - Commonsense in Illinois - Wednesday, May 23, 07 @ 2:52 pm:

    Well, look at the bright side. The State Fair will have an extra-added attraction this year; the Illinois General Assembly in session. Could rival the cow milking competition.

  3. - 105th Blues - Wednesday, May 23, 07 @ 3:04 pm:

    Ummm how about looking for some budget cuts folks? This is getting ridiculous with all the kings horses and all the kings men running around trying to find ways to get more money instead of trying to find ways to cut expenses.

  4. - decaturboy - Wednesday, May 23, 07 @ 3:06 pm:

    I guess it is read my lips no new programs and cut the rest.
    Please hurry US Attorney and bring order to Illinois government.

  5. - A Citizen - Wednesday, May 23, 07 @ 3:10 pm:

    Hmmm, that sounds like no new taxes, fees, grt etc. This is going to be a real civics lesson in state government before it’s over. Billion bucks in cuts? Closing how many $$$ in loopholes? How many slot machines/gaming positions? Impass until fall? Wow! This is going to be interesting, thanks to Madagin’s leadership. And thanks to the gov’s spending thirst.

  6. - Reddbyrd - Wednesday, May 23, 07 @ 3:11 pm:

    Audio posted on the ultracool House Dems website

  7. - Dan Johnson-Weinberger - Wednesday, May 23, 07 @ 3:18 pm:

    That is a cool website. It would be nice to read a public version of the survey. In the press conference, the Speaker clearly blamed the Governor’s veto threats on spooking members away from supporting an income tax increase. But I guess that means we need to do a better job on the other 35 or so members to support an income tax increase on higher incomes.

  8. - Southern Illinois Democrat - Wednesday, May 23, 07 @ 3:26 pm:

    I would support an income tax increase. But, like 105th Blues, I would like to see some cuts made too. I dont see any way out of this budget mess without a combination of budget cuts and tax increases. I think thats what most reasonable people belive too. Unfortunatley, it doesnt appear that many reasonable people work at the capitol.

  9. - 105th Blues - Wednesday, May 23, 07 @ 3:45 pm:

    Ridiculous…How about some cuts and no tax increases and a bare bones hold the line budget?? C’mon folks, lets ask them to live within their means for once like the rest of us have to.

  10. - data - Wednesday, May 23, 07 @ 3:51 pm:

    What no one asked is what members said they wouldn’t vote for any tax increase until the electric rate mess is fixed? Does the 38 number grow with a rate deal? Calling Pres. Jones…..

    105th… Where should we cut? Please list dollar figures that your cuts will save as well. Keep in mind we have the smallest number of public employees per capita in the country. There is no way to cut out of the mess the state is in.

  11. - Melior - Wednesday, May 23, 07 @ 3:57 pm:

    On the House Dems website, there is a great picture of the Speaker “clutching” a rail in the House chamber. He seems to be thinking “This is MY chamber. You’ll have to pry it from my cold, dead hands to get it back.”

  12. - 105th Blues - Wednesday, May 23, 07 @ 3:58 pm:

    We need to cut services or eliminate them entirely. Get rid of ISAC, slash funding to State Universities, get rid of pensions for new hires (grandfather in existing employees), raise the retirement elligibility age, close down all the state parks, cut out coverage for many currently covered health care items. Drastic cuts are needed.

  13. - data - Wednesday, May 23, 07 @ 4:06 pm:

    Wow… burn down the Capitol kind of stuff… good plan. Let’s close all of the schools we’d save tons! You’d never get elected dog catcher.

  14. - 105th Blues - Wednesday, May 23, 07 @ 4:09 pm:

    Uh I don’t think it’s burn down the Captiol to suggest those kinds of cuts..I didn’t say close schools either, but to make some major cuts- yes.

  15. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, May 23, 07 @ 4:14 pm:

    Yeah, slashing funding for higher education is brilliant. Why would we want to enable folks to get a college degree and double their salaries? Why keep throwing money down a black hole like the University of Illinois, which has produced Netscape and the World Wide Web? Why should Champaign County continue to enjoy one of the lowest unemployment rates in downstate Illinois?

    I mean, universities are considered such an economic engine, alot of folks are arguing we should build colleges in as many counties as we can, including a law school in Sangamon County (the only state capitol without a law school). But you’ve clearly pointed the way down a better path. Poverty and unemployment for all — now that’s equality.

  16. - 105th Blues - Wednesday, May 23, 07 @ 4:21 pm:

    See, that’s why we won’t see cuts because of all the complaints and doomsday predictions and whining and special interests. Sorry, I don’t like cuts either but it has to happen and it’s time to do what nobody has the guts to do which is face reality. Go to school in another state if you don’t like it, but the spending is out of control and some cuts to education have to happen in addition to the other cuts (I say education because it is one of the largest items in the budget).

  17. - data - Wednesday, May 23, 07 @ 4:25 pm:

    YDD. Exactly. Let’s see, get rid of pensions for new hires… does that mean a 401 K plan? If so, read the CTBA report that shows that will actually cost the state more money. Or were you proposing just Social Secutiry for teachers and public employees and not even a 401K match? That actually wouldn’t save the state much either. Teachers don’t get Social Security now, so the state would have to start paying the S.S. cost which is about the same as them employer cost for the current pension system. How much does closing state parks save? Eliminating health care benefits for employees is also great public policy. I’m not sure half of your ideas would be supported by either side of the isle. Not to mention the new poll Rich mentioned that showed 57 percent of voters support a tax increase.

  18. - Frank Booth - Wednesday, May 23, 07 @ 4:26 pm:

    Who knew Pate Philip was posting under 105th Blues?

  19. - 105th Blues - Wednesday, May 23, 07 @ 4:32 pm:

    How about you all create a “tax me more fund” checkoff on your IL-1040 where you can voluntarily contribute any amount of money over what you are already required to pay to Illinois?

    Instead of a “poll” to determine a tax increase, make it voluntary so all of you guilt ridden people and doomsday folks can contribute as much as your heart desires.

  20. - Skirmisher - Wednesday, May 23, 07 @ 4:35 pm:

    I always knew that this governor was worthless, but I really did believe that this would be the year when the General Assembly would act responsibly and reform the tax system to put Illinois on a long-term state of fiscal health. I was obviously delusional. There is nothing more completely irresponsible than proposing gimmicks like gaming to address really serious structural deficiencies in the State’revenue system. Did someone say close down parks, historic sites, all social giveaway programs, pensions for new hires at all levels including teachers and the worthless legislature), etc? Heck yes, close them all down. The so-called “hard-working people” squeal like pigs everytime you ask them to pay for these goodies, so delete the goodies and also the necessity of revenue to pay for them. Sounds fair to me.

  21. - Bill - Wednesday, May 23, 07 @ 4:52 pm:

    The reactionaries are out in full force today. Close the universities, sell the state parks, excellent!!Here is another one. Disband the State Police. Who needs them? Oh and, by the way, shut the state prisons. They cost way too much. Attorney General, Sec, of State? Who needs them? Close IDOT and pass out snow shovels in the winter. Hey this is fun. Can we eliminate the Speaker of the House?

  22. - Mr. Ethics - Wednesday, May 23, 07 @ 4:53 pm:

    Stop blaming the pensions. Blago and Company raided these funds. Just keep hands off from now on. As for new hires - what happened to the hiring freeze? As for cuts, there are still a lot of overpaid middle managers who aren’t needed stupidvising the front line workers. Blago threatened deep cuts - let’s see what he has in mind.

  23. - Anonymous - Wednesday, May 23, 07 @ 4:55 pm:

    105, please. Politics is the art of the possible. What u suggest is not within that realm, or even close. Quit stomping your feet in spite and try to participate in reality.. Thanks.

  24. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, May 23, 07 @ 4:55 pm:

    105th Blues: I’ll pick up the tab for education if you’ll pick up the tab for welfare and prisons. It’s one or the other, my friend.

  25. - A Citizen - Wednesday, May 23, 07 @ 5:01 pm:

    I’m with you, Bill - But who has to pay for the snow shovels? They can’t be just another entitlement.

  26. - Anonymous - Wednesday, May 23, 07 @ 5:03 pm:

    The ILLINOIS STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION has job opportunities in the following areas: ▪ Management ▪ Business, Finance & Accounting ▪ Data Analysis & Progress Reporting ▪ Special Education ▪ Technology ▪ Literacy, Grants & Learning Standards Locations: Springfield & Chicago Full compensation & benefits package. Log on to under Employment at ISBE for applications & all official postings.

  27. - Mr. Ethics - Wednesday, May 23, 07 @ 5:18 pm:

    Sarcasm is fun but here are some more cuts for 105th’s list.
    The state ethics exam.
    The emission testing program in Chicago and East St. Louis.
    $15,000 Tollway signs.
    High school football uniforms.
    There is no end to the fun

  28. - Papa Legba - Wednesday, May 23, 07 @ 6:36 pm:


    Since we are at it, why don’t we eliminate the Governor also?

    After all, that Bozo has blown billions on underused, ill-conceived socialist programs. Then we could also sell off his fleet of black SUV’s and can his over sized security detail. Every little bit helps.

  29. - Realistic Taxpayer - Wednesday, May 23, 07 @ 7:02 pm:

    I agree it’s time to get rid of the governor. He is entirely too expensive and has no respect for the voters, taxpayers, or the democratic process. If he isn’t soon indicted, we should demand impeachment. Furthermore, if the people of Illinois had wanted a Republican they would have elected the one that identified herself that way. This guy lied when he said he was a Democrat.

  30. - Northside Bunker - Wednesday, May 23, 07 @ 8:19 pm:

    Everyday is a new “Proclamation Day” with da gov. Wonder what day Governor Blagojevich will Proclaim tomorrow to be?
    Here’s an idea “Illinois Stay Outta Prison Day”.
    Hand out cell keys with Blago’s Pic. He loves his mug plastered all over Illinois.

  31. - Jechislo - Wednesday, May 23, 07 @ 8:50 pm:

    105th Blues - I like your “close everything down” scenario. That’s the best way I can think of to finally REALLY tick the general public off and get the House, and maybe even the Senate, back under Republican leadership. Without a Ryan around bullying them I think the Republican Party might actually be able to do a good job this time - at least as good of a job as Madigan/Jones are now doing. Who know, maybe this could even lead to ‘Governor Brady’.

  32. - lincolnlandbubba - Wednesday, May 23, 07 @ 8:57 pm:

    regarding the post from 105th blues at 3:58. I am not sure about your other proposals but am reasonably certain that ISAC all ready receives ZERO funding from the state or GRF. In fact it funds its own programs. This sort of throwing babies out with bathwater is why libertarians and even Republican types are not taken seriously in this state (or in the case of Libertarians anywhere) & it is not as though the democrats arn’t giving you an opening.

  33. - Anonymous - Wednesday, May 23, 07 @ 10:21 pm:

    how about shuting down the state airline. No more outside attorneys for Blago on the taxpayer dime. A few less bodyguards for blago. Im sure there is plenty of wateful spending if you just look instead of crying for more money.

  34. - 4% - Wednesday, May 23, 07 @ 10:31 pm:

    Let’s see…

    Nearly $900 million in revenue growth (minus the roughly $200 million in fund sweeps that won’t be renewed) totals a net of about $700 million (and change). Add to that total the $700 million lump sum allocated to DCEO last year for one-time pork projects equals nearly $1.5 billion.

    Not quite as dire as people project.

  35. - Will Milo surface today? - Thursday, May 24, 07 @ 8:11 am:

    Governor Blagojevich repeatedly keeps quoting scripture to the media “The Truth Shall Set You Free”.
    Words soon to be eaten by Rod himself!

  36. - anon - Thursday, May 24, 07 @ 8:32 am:

    Very constructive dialogue. Blagojevich is the one demonstrating leadership here. He ran on his record of expanding access to health care, increasing education spending, reducing the size of government, and holding the line on sales and income tax increases. He has delivered on his promise to voters and continues to fight for them.

    If 57% of voters support a tax increase, why doesn’t the GA pass it and override the governors promised veto? If they have the will of the people on their side, why don’t they summon the courage to act on it? This will allow the governor to keep his promise, it will allow the legislators to listen to the will of the people, and will prevent the types of cuts being discussed here. Let’s get it done.

  37. - Captain America - Thursday, May 24, 07 @ 8:44 am:

    Sounds very much like a complete failure of leadership to me from top to bottom - profiles of executive and legislative incompetence,political cowardice, and corruption. I’ll exempt the speaker from the incompetence and corruption remarks.

  38. - Citizens for Quinn - Thursday, May 24, 07 @ 8:46 am:

    Stop with BS propaganda already!
    Doctors aren’t getting paid for their services, teachers don’t get raises, Blago has increased employment at state government with his ignorant patronage army.
    Subtract Blagojevich and his blind followers and we”ll get things

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