Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » This just in… Part 2 *** Updated x7 ***
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This just in… Part 2 *** Updated x7 ***

Thursday, May 31, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 6:21pm - Not that it would have done any good, but there was no leaders meeting today.

Apparently, the guv is still assessing the situation (yes, he’s in town) and Sen. Prez Jones has been busy meeting with his members.

Jones has quite the situation on his hands. He wants to pass a gaming bill, but downstaters are steamed that the results of the Senate Exec Committee’s passage of the rate freeze weren’t read into the record last night, preventing floor action today. Tomorrow, of course, the bill will require a three-fifths vote to pass.

Yet another coinkydink I’m sure.

* In other news, AT&T’s bill to ease its way into cable TV zoomed out of the House this evening.

* And stay tuned late tonight for some possible developments. Sorry, but I can’t say more than that.

* 6:56pm - Tom Cross just walked into Madigan’s office. He wouldn’t say why. Not even sure why I’m posting this. Just thought you’d like to know.

* 7:20pm - The Speaker just announced a three days per week schedule for the month of June. The guv has yet to speak on this topic, however.

More importantly, the rate freeze negotiations are rapidly heating up, according to two sources involved.

Downstaters in the Senate won’t vote for a boat bill until this issue is taken care of.

* 8:52pm - Strong reason to belive that Sen Jones might have finally compromised enough to pass the gaming bill tonight.

* 9!00pm - Senate Approp Committe is doing a subject matter only hearing on the House approved budget. The parliamentary hold is still in place on the bill in the House, which has adjourned the “regular” session and won’t be beck until tomorrow.

* 9:20pm - Looks like the surprise I told you about earlier is off. Ali Ata’s indictment today means the guv may not make an appearance.

* 10:30 - Here we go. Senate is starting the gaming bill (HB 25). Barring GOP votes, this could be close.

* 10:58pm - The guv’s office says they are monitoring the Senate before making a decision on what to do, so I suppose a presser is still possible.


  1. - Dieter - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 6:34 pm:

    I thought the SB1500 bill was supposed to the battle royale of the session. Did Comcast just fold up and go home?

    What happened?

  2. - A Citizen - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 6:36 pm:

    Rich, you’re such a tease!!! Darn, now I’ll have to stay up til midnight . . . or so.

  3. - Bill - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 6:48 pm:

    I hope the party is still on!

  4. - A Citizen - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 6:53 pm:

    Bill, isn’t this the night we all live a year for? Get out the dice, the goodluck blond on your arm, and get ready to ruuumbbble !!! Vive la buck.

  5. - Bill - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 7:14 pm:

    I smell bacon!

  6. - Southern Illinois Democrat - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 7:23 pm:


    So much bacon that the even the pork producers association is jealous.

  7. - Papa Legba - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 7:50 pm:


    I recall Emil stating he could he the bacon sizzling after the elections. Do you know how FREAKING stupid that made him sound? Not much, it just reaffirmed he is a fool.

    Even the mention of “bacon” or “pork” when discussing the finances of Illinois is obscene. Go to your room and unplug your internet connection. Putz!

  8. - NIEVA - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 7:53 pm:

    The only thing I smell is the stench of Chicago politics!!

  9. - A Citizen - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 7:59 pm:

    - Papa Legba -,- NIEVA - You are cordially invited to a whole hog pig roast at First and Capitol in Springfield around Midnight +-. There will be plenty for all and the taxpayers will be picking up the tab. Enjoy !!!

  10. - Holdingontomywallet - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 8:01 pm:

    How long until the next election? Things are going so well I can’t wait to vote in some more Chicago politicians. Oh, and they should be Democrats. They get along great, act like mature adults, and they have a great vision for the whole state. Chicago democrats, now they are great for Illinois. Union - yes, Chicago democrats - YES!

  11. - Manw/ThePlan - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 8:06 pm:

    Madigan boxed me in again
    Maybe I should see if the park district has boxing classes

  12. - peoria pete - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 8:12 pm:

    Another stellar year for the GA. Congrats to everyone involved.

  13. - Bill - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 8:18 pm:

    Hey Pops,
    That sounds like sour grapes…
    and what does “putz” mean…Republican?

  14. - Bill - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 8:19 pm:

    and don’t forget,
    Pigs get fed,hogs, on the other hand, get slaughtered.

  15. - Bill - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 8:21 pm:

    It will be really funny if they don’t get their per diem.

  16. - Holdingontomywallet - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 8:30 pm:

    Those darn republicans, holding the budget up again. We should get rid of all of them. If we only had the Dems running the House, Senate, and the Governor we could get something done - now that would be great for Illinois. The Dems would restructure school funding, address the electric rates, address the underfunded pension system, change the way campaigns are funded, stop the contributions for contracts, and pass meaningful ethics legislation. Tell those nasty Republicans to get with the program and stop holding things up.

  17. - Huh? - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 8:36 pm:

    Bill - What you forget is that pigs get fed and become hogs.

  18. - Lincoln Log - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 8:37 pm:

    Papa -

    Putz is not really the correct term for Bill; I think TOOL is much more appropriate for his mindless sycophantic drivel. If Sheila Nix ever takes a different job Bill has to be the inside candidate for hers.

    Bill: No reason for sour grapes - the Republicans are just about to be handed everything they want without lifting a finger courtesy of Blago and Emil’s stunning incompetence. Great days are ahead!

  19. - A Citizen - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 8:46 pm:

    Bill is probably if not certainly the most philosophically consistent commenter on this blog! Being surprised at what position he takes is idiotic. I am about 180 degrees out of phase with him but value his commentary. Oink back at you Bill!

  20. - So Ill - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 9:00 pm:

    If Jones has compromised on a Gaming bill…I assume this means the Rate Freeze would be passed…but then the House would have to vote for the gaming bill and I don’t see this happening. What’s changed?

  21. - Show Me the Money - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 9:04 pm:

    ugh! a very ugly session indeed…Dem incumbents who are running in ‘08 will be left holding the bag…Blago is still running for President (he thinks) and this is why he has been acting like such a horses dupa this session…he is truly delusional…

  22. - Captain America - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 9:07 pm:

    I can’t blame the downstate legislators for being steamed about the lack of action on the electricity rate issue. It’s an outrage! And the buck stops with Senator Emil Jones. it’s time for a leadership change in the Illinois Senate! The Democratic majority in the Illinos Senate has been imperiled by the irresponsible actions of the Senate President, the man with no plan!

  23. - Name/Nickname/Anon - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 9:09 pm:

    And now it appears the House has been dismissed…looks like OT is absolutely certain now.

    I thought that the House basically said not to bother sending the gaming bill over because there was no support. If this is the case, why bother?

  24. - Hillarious - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 9:11 pm:

    Come on construction dollars….so kids what really does happen here. I watched last night as the house passed the cut and paste and added on to budget - we would crucify our local governmental agencies here if they did that — and the appropriations bill where the 21 school districts that were waiting for CDB appropriations dollars were read into the record to receive the money this year. What happens to all of this?

  25. - Name/Nickname/Anon - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 9:12 pm:

    Emil has a plan - it is exactly whatever Blago dictates to him. The last independent thought Jones has was never.

    Note to Emil/Rod - Your 4/5/7/9 billion dollar expansion is DOA. Time to take your humbling and move on.

  26. - Disgusted - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 9:17 pm:

    We could all deal with Emil’s not having a plan, because we’re used to it, but we still have a hard time digesting the fact that he is such a blatant crook. To quote Goose in “Top Gun,” when he was asked how many a–’s he had to kiss to get into Top Gun training, his reply, which should be Emil’s, “The list is long but distinguished.

  27. - A Citizen - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 9:21 pm:

    When standing around that brass railing at the Cap, be sure there is no rug under your feet! Those suckers will pull it right from under you when you least expect it.

  28. - Ebonic - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 9:26 pm:

    The main problem in the Senate is that the senators can’t understand the words Emil speaks. They simply don’t understand the plan he is trying to outline for them.

  29. - A Citizen - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 9:37 pm:

    Dang, Bill, I think they burned our bacon! Ali Ata? Who’d uh thunk it? The plot thickens. Has Fitz put in his budget plan yet?

  30. - Little Egypt - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 9:39 pm:

    Bill, you are correct about pigs/hogs. However, even you would all agree that they stink and they roll in the mud. If you’re a hog producer or a politician (same thing), they say it’s the sweet smell of money. It’s also Illinois politics. Use that great loophole Rod and bring on the special session (don’t call it OT) so the politicians can get per diem.

  31. - Bill - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 9:47 pm:

    It looks like Ali is in deep doo doo! I’m sure the governor is very disappointed in him.

  32. - Bill - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 9:49 pm:

    I have no trouble what so ever understanding President Jones. Now Gary Forby…that is a different story.

  33. - Downstate Dem - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 9:53 pm:

    Where is the democratic leadership, not the feed at the trough leadership, the real stuff, that says, lets realisticly look at things and find a way. Many governers have in the past . . . this budget crisis we have right now is nothing but “hogwash”

  34. - Reformed - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 9:58 pm:

    Ain’t you gettin a little rediculus…

  35. - peoria pete - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 9:58 pm:

    Where have you gone Gov. Blago? Illinois turns its lonely eyes to you- woo, woo, woo. God bless you please, Mr. Blago, Emil loves you more than you will know, whoa whoa whoa, whoa whoa whoa….

  36. - Little Egypt - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 10:17 pm:

    Bill, and Forby is a product of public education. Sad isn’t it?

  37. - A Citizen - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 10:22 pm:

    - Little Egypt - “is” or perhaps “are” ? And is there a problem with that?

  38. - rich miller - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 10:24 pm:

    I have never had trouble understanding Sen Jones.

  39. - Mike - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 10:32 pm:

    Any action on AT&T bill in Senate tonight. Heard house vote was 113-0. Never dreamed that it would have sailed thru like that.

  40. - Little Egypt - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 10:47 pm:

    A Citizen, if only I had not placed a comma, it would have been “are”. However, I would never put Bill or anyone else in the same category as Forby.

  41. - Poolside from Hotel Ibiza - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 10:48 pm:

    What’s so dammed important about Ali Ata that Milo may not make an appearence tonight?

  42. - A Citizen - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 10:52 pm:

    - Little Egypt - Sorry, just having a little fun - I am in recovery for my outbursts of highschool humor.

  43. - Little Egypt - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 10:59 pm:

    Poolside, Blago is usually prepared to answer anywhere from none to 1 question without cue cards. He hasn’t memorized the answers to any Ata questions yet.

    A Citizen - I knew you were joking. Wanted to make sure Bill knew I was too.

  44. - aquanet+ - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 11:08 pm:

    Friday, June 1, 2007 should prove to be an exciting “spin” day with regards to budgets and indictments.

  45. - peoria pete - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 11:12 pm:

    This is somewhere on the border between interesting and frustrating. Aren’t the legislators supposed to have hearings on pending legislation in order to inform the public?? These last minute deals are the ultimate “screw you” to Illinois voters. Who cares what the people think?? I can smell the meat a-cookin’….

  46. - Anonymous - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 11:15 pm:

    Doesn’t anyone care that we don’t have a budget? Does anyoneone realize what work is involved with that? How sad for the Dems that they control it all and could not accomplish it.

  47. - Gregor - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 11:22 pm:

    I seem to remember some red-headed gal propose a seven day waiting period so we the people can see what these guys are trying to pass, BEFORE they pass it. The idea was pooh-poohed then, but I think she’s the one laughing tonight.

  48. - A Citizen - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 11:23 pm:

    Just “Google” Ali Ata - Ryan Edgar Blago Rezko etc. This can’t be good . . . for anyone.

  49. - While we're waiting....... - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 11:26 pm:

    Blagojevich Creates New Illinois Bonding Authority
    January 6, 2004

    Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich has rolled out a new super-bonding authority, which, he said, will save the state money. Blagojevich dissolved five state bonding authorities into the IFA. The entity has the power to allocate $5 billion in bonding authority for a variety of projects, including school construction, agricultural loans and economic development.

    Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich has rolled out a new super-bonding authority, which, he said, will save the state money.

    While the Blagojevich administration says the newly created Illinois Finance Authority, or IFA, is not political in nature, a majority of the current appointees and the entity’s executive director have donated money to Democrats.

    Blagojevich dissolved five state bonding authorities into the IFA. The entity has the power to allocate $5 billion in bonding authority for a variety of projects, including school construction, agricultural loans and economic development.

    “The new IFA is another example of how we are bringing change to state government, change that will help us to make smarter choices, be more efficient and more accountable to the people of Illinois,” he said. The move is part of the governor’s attempts to streamline state government.

    The IFA eliminates the Illinois Development Finance Authority, Illinois Health Facilities Authority, Illinois educational Facilities Authority, Illinois Farm Development Authority and the Illinois Rural Bond Bank.

    Becky Carroll, a spokeswoman for the Governor’s Office of Management and Budget, said the downsizing will save the state more than $2 million, in part by eliminating 22 jobs from the previous combined 40-person payroll.

    So far, Blagojevich has appointed nine of the board’s 15 members. There are no rules requiring the authority have a certain number of Democrats or Republicans, unlike some of the organizations being dissolved such as Illinois Development Finance Authority. However, the unpaid board members still must receive Senate approval.

    Cindi Canary, the executive director of the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform, said partisan divisions on a board can help provide different viewpoints.

    “It’s a good way of having checks and balances,” she said. “It doesn’t mean that appointing all Democrats means that you won’t have a division of opinion.”

    While there are no prohibitions regarding party affiliation, six of the nine members appointed have given money to the Democrats over the years. And the newly appointed director, Ali D. Ata, 51, a Chicago-area resident, has donated at least $35,000 to Blagojevich’s campaign committee.

    Ata’s appointment may be appropriate, Canary said, but the amount of giving does raise questions.

    “When we see someone giving $35,000, it raises a red flag,” she said. “The person may be the best person for the job, but it does beg for a second look.”

    Ata most recently served as the chief executive officer of Aaim LLC, a real estate investment and management firm. Ata also worked for more than two decades at Ondeo-Nalco, the world’s largest specialty water treatment company.

    He also served as chairman of the building committee and vice chairman of the finance committee of the board of directors of St. Jude Children’s Hospital, where he managed $500 million in construction projects.

    Carroll said political considerations are not part of the selection process.

    “No political considerations have been made here,” she said. “The most important consideration is their expertise.”

    Three IFA members have not given any money to state campaigns, according to the state. They are David Gustman, a Chicago-area resident and senior partner at the powerful law firm of Freeborn and Peters LLP; Timothy Ozark, a Chicago-area resident and founder of Aim Financial Corp. and chief executive officer of TKO Finance Corp.; and Andrew Rice, a Chicago-area resident and vice president at Jordan Industries, Inc.
    Among the six IFA members who have made contributions to Democrats over the past few years are:

    • Joseph Alford, a Girard resident and member of the Illinois Farm Development Authority, who has given $1,350 to Blagojevich since the Chicago Democrat first sought the governorship. Alford also sat on Blagojevich’s advisory committee on farms and farm families.

    • Michael Goetz, a Springfield resident and executive director of the Laborer’s Home Development Corporation, has donated $1,950 to various Democrat candidates since 1998.

    • Niantic resident Edward Leonard’s family-run Leonard Farms donated $200 to Blagojevich’s campaign fund.

    • Talat Othman, a Chicago-area resident and chairman and chief executive officer of Grove Financial Inc., has donated $4,000 to the Blagojevich campaign and another $250 to the governor’s father-in-law, Chicago Alderman Richard Mell. But Othman has also given $2,774.53 to Republican Jim Ryan’s campaign.

    • Joseph Valenti, a Chicago-area resident and former banker, contributed $400 to former gubernatorial candidate Paul Vallas.

    • Jill Rendleman York, a Fairfield resident and president and chief executive officer of Peoples National Bank, has contributed $2,000 to Blagojevich and another $1,500 to Jesse White.

  50. - skater - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 11:26 pm:

    whoops. typo in your 9pm post. maybe too much blogging while walking down the stairs? these comments are very silly–go to sleep my wonky friends. the party is just getting started.

  51. - peoria pete - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 11:33 pm:

    I can’t stand it… are the legislators actually working or just waiting to be told how to vote?? I am so comforted that we have outlawed horse slaughtering, but shouldn’t we also do something about electricity rates?? Oh- I forgot that Senator Jones has already made up his mind on that one. Rah! Rah! Chicago State U. !!!!

  52. - Anonymous - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 11:37 pm:

    Rich - please post comments. It is almost midnight. I want to go to sleep. I do respect Madigan. It is up to the Republicans at this point.

  53. - Name/Nickname/Anon - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 11:41 pm:

    If I am reading this right it looks like the vote squeaked by 30-29 for the bill:

    Rich….is this what you are hearing?

  54. - Anonymous - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 11:41 pm:

    I did hear tonight that Europe has released a study that shows horse meat is lower in fat and higher in something that reduces cholesterol than cow meat. Thanks for passing that bill.

  55. - UPDATES - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 11:46 pm:

    for those wondering -

    Gaming bill passed 30-29

    Loopholes bill being heard now

  56. - Papa Legba - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 11:48 pm:


    You are correct, people are getting silly. But… By my count it is 106-1 that Bill is always on point and always delusional.

    G’night all.

    BTW. Oh, never mind.

  57. - Norseman - Thursday, May 31, 07 @ 11:52 pm:

    Rich, you’re killing us. We crave your words of wisdom!

  58. - Anonymous - Friday, Jun 1, 07 @ 12:00 am:

    Is the clock going to stop, as it hs in the past?

  59. - UPDATES - Friday, Jun 1, 07 @ 12:02 am:


    Loophole bill passes

    Healthcare bill is up for debate now

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