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VRDOLYAK INDICTED *** Updated x9 ***

Thursday, May 10, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

*** The full indictment can be downloaded here. ***

*** The press release issued by Fitzgerald can be downloaded here. ***

*** If you missed Fitzgerald’s press conference, you can watch part of it at NBC5’s website by clicking here. ***

*** UPDATE 9 *** Vrdolyak’s mouthpiece speaks to the Sun-Times

Responding to the indictment, Vrdolyak’s lawyer, Michael Monico, said: “We do not believe that the charges will withold the scrutiny of a public trial. He did not engage in a scheme with Mr. Levine. He did not pay him any money, and he did not agree to pay him any money. Mr. Vrdolyak is not guilty of these charges.”

*** UPDATE 8 *** From the press release…

If convicted, each count of mail fraud and wire fraud carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine, and the bribery count carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. The Court, however, would determine the appropriate sentence to be imposed.

*** UPDATE 7 *** John Kass’ column is already up. It ends like this…

I never thought they’d get him. They don’t call him Fast Eddie for nothing.

*** UPDATE 6 *** ABC7 is carrying the press conference live right now. Go here. NBC5’s live video feed can be found here.

*** UPDATE 5 *** From the indictment…

VRDOLYAK and Levine agreed that VRDOLYAK would solicit Smithfield Properties to purchase the Scholl Property and that Levine, with VRDOLYAK’s knowledge, would misuse, and did misuse, Levine’s position and influence as a [Finch University of Health Sciences/Chicago Medical School] CMS trustee to arrange a sale of the Scholl Property to Smithfield Properties in exchange for a payment that would benefit Levine. VRDOLYAK ultimately entered into an agreement with Smithfield Properties to receive a $1.5 million payment after Smithfield Properties acquired the Scholl Property and repaid certain project costs. VRDOLYAK and Levine agreed that after VRDOLYAK received the $1.5 million payment, VRDOLYAK would deliver a portion of that amount to Levine.


At different times, VRDOLYAK and Levine discussed disguising VRDOLYAK’s transfer of the money to Levine through various subterfuges: by arranging for VRDOLYAK to make a sham loan to Levine’s wife, by having VRDOLYAK repay a loan that Levine would make with a business associate of VRDOLYAK’s, and by having VRDOLYAK make payments to Levine in cash. During this time period, VRDOLYAK talked with Smithfield Properties about the timing of Smithfield Properties’s payment to VRDOLYAK and VRDOLYAK then shared this information with Levine.

*** UPDATE 4 *** From CBS2

Vrdolyak is accused of scheming with businessman and Republican insider Stuart Levine to get a kickback for Levine from the 2004 sale of the old Dr. William F. Scholl School of Podiatric Medicine at 1001 N. Dearborn St. for a condo project.

Vrdolyak, 69, was charged with one count of mail fraud, two counts of wire fraud and one count of bribery, according to the U.S. Attorney’s office. He will be arraigned at a later date.

*** UPDATE 3 ***
From Crain’s

Former Chicago Ald. Edward Vrdolyak (10th) has been indicted on federal fraud and bribery charges, the U.S. Attorney’s office announced early Thursday afternoon.

*** UPDATE 1 *** John Kass explained “Operation Board Games” in a column

Just as that March 2005 memo downgrading Fitzgerald was making its way to the White House, Fitzgerald’s office in Chicago was proceeding in a fascinating political corruption probe involving alleged kickbacks requiring state approval for the construction of hospitals.

That case would mushroom into Operation Board Games, revealing bipartisan political influence in hundreds of millions of dollars invested through state pension funds. […]

The FBI and federal prosecutors here investigated how hundreds of millions of dollars in public pension investments were made, and the influence exerted by political insiders who brokered ridiculously lucrative pension fund deals.

Fitzgerald characterized the scheme as “pay-to-play on steroids.” The investigation began with hospital construction irregularities, and it led like a trail of bread crumbs to top Republican and Democratic insiders in Illinois.

Those who have pleaded guilty include senior Republican fundraiser Stuart Levine and Democrat Joe Cari, the former finance chairman for the Democratic National Committee. Cari and Levine are cooperating with federal authorities. […]

Individuals A and K have not been indicted. But the Tribune identified them as Big Bob Kjellander (pronounced $hell-ander) and his buddy, Big Bill Cellini, the political boss of Springfield.

*** UPDATE 2 *** The Tribune has a brief story up…

Sources have said recorded conversations included Levine speaking to a number of figures, including former Chicago Ald. Edward Vrdolyak.

A lawyer for Vrdolyak, Michael Monico, said this morning he had not been made aware of any charges. Randall Samborn, a spokesman for the U.S. attorney’s office in Chicago, said the office had no comment.

Vrdolyak has never before been charged criminally, despite frequently coming under investigation during his decades in politics.

I wonder what this might be about? [Emphasis added]…



Patrick J. Fitzgerald, United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois, together with Robert D. Grant, Special Agent-in-Charge of the Chicago Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation; Thomas P. Brady, Inspector-in-Charge of the U.S. Postal Inspection Service; James Vanderberg, Special Agent-in-Charge of the U.S. Department of Labor Office of Inspector General in Chicago; and Byram Tichenor, Special Agent-in-Charge of the Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation Division in Chicago, will hold a press conference at 1:30 p.m. today, Thursday May 10, 2007, to announce federal criminal charges resulting from Operation Board Games, a public corruption investigation of alleged insider-dealing, influence-peddling and kickbacks involving private interests and public duties.

The press conference will be held in the U.S. Attorney’s Press Conference Room on the 11th floor, north end, of the Dirksen Federal Courthouse, 219 S. Dearborn St., Chicago. The charges and a detailed press release will be available shortly before the start of the press conference. There are no court appearances scheduled for today in connection with this matter.

I’ll open comments when we know what’s going on.


Will Madigan make the Century Club? *** Updated x24 ***

Thursday, May 10, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

Updated and bumped up and comments are now open. Check update “2″ for some breaking news. We’ll use this later today to live blog the House debate on Madigan’s resolution asking members for an up or down nonbinding vote on whether they support the GRT and I’ll open comments at that time.


*** UPDATE 24 *** The Farm Bureau website has a clip of Madigan’s comments, or you can click below…


Also, the rollcall is now online. Click here.

*** UPDATE 23 *** The rollcall still isn’t online, but the “PRESENT” votes were: Marlow Colvin, Will Davis, LaShawn Ford, Connie Howard, Chuck Jefferson, Al Riley and Eddie Washington. I don’t know if it makes any difference, but they are all African-American Democrats.

*** UPDATE 22 *** Madigan went straight to his office without commenting to reporters.

*** UPDATE 21 *** You can find the rollcall at this link in a few minutes.

*** UPDATE 20 *** 0 YES; 107 NO; 7 PRESENT

*** UPDATE 19 *** Speaker Madigan closes the debate.

“A proposal for the imposition of a gross receipts tax in Illinois, would constitute a fundamental shift of philosophy of taxation in this state.”

This would be the first time that Madigan has specifically come out against the GRT.

Madigan said that when people start companies they figure on losing money in the first year or two, and the GRT would harm those business plans.

“The gross receipts tax is a regressive tax.”

“Even his own lt. governor has stated opposition to the tax. The mayor of Chicago has stated opposition to the tax…”

“I plan to vote ‘NO’ today.”

*** UPDATE 18 *** Rep. Bill Black: I don’t want to see unnamed sources say, there’s really 35, 45, 55 votes for the gross receipts tax… they just didn’t want to vote against the Speaker… and at a date to be determined they will rise and say they support it.

No means no.

*** UPDATE 17 *** From the Tribune’s Clout Street blog [emphasis added]…

Earlier today, House Speaker Michael Madigan (D-Chicago) made his strongest comments to date on the governor’s plan, saying there seems to be more support for an income tax than the governor’s gross receipts tax. Blagojevich has promised to veto an income tax increase.

Madigan, speaking to WGN-AM’s Spike O’Dell this morning, repeated his position that some type of tax increase is needed. But he still isn’t saying what he favors.

*** UPDATE 16 *** House GOP Leader Tom Cross: “From a policy standpoint (the GRT) just doesn’t work.”

*** UPDATE 15 *** Stephens moved that the resolution vote be exempted from the Century Club award. Madigan: “We were ahead of you. That was the plan.”

*** UPDATE 14 *** Rep. Ron Stephens: The governor mentioned yesterday that the electric rate issue is so critical, but the governor has not yet bothered to even call a meeting to negotiate the issue.

*** UPDATE 13 *** Rep. Julie Hamos: Also voting “NO” today. “I hope that our votes today will not be misinterpreted that… (we need) efforts to change (business tax structure).” “The governor has made a compelling case… that businesses are not paying their fair share in Illinois.” Suggests a “modified GRT,” perhaps a “value added tax” or a “gross margins tax.”

*** UPDATE 12 *** Rep. John Bradley: Disagrees with Hoffman when he said that the House should wait and see what the money will be used to fund. Bradley is saying that it’s important to look at the GRT for what it is, a regressive tax.

*** UPDATE 11 *** More Hoffman: The resolution doesn’t even match the changes that the Senate made.

Hoffman also read a letter from SEIU and the Laborer’s Union, which claims that the vote on the resolution is “premature.” The labor leaders (Ed Smith and Tom Balanoff) ask that all members vote “NO.” Hoffman said he would also vote “NO.”

*** UPDATE 10 *** More Hoffman: “I don’t understand why people can’t hear that (speaking of the governor’s promises not to raise income or sales taxes)… Unless we have 71 votes in this House to raise the income tax, why are we even talking about it?”

*** UPDATE 9 *** Rep. Jay Hoffman, Blagojevich’s House floor leader, is speaking. “We have three weeks to get together, to pass a budget… Why are we doing this today? Who would vote for a tax increase without knowing where the money is going to go?”

*** UPDATE 8 *** Rep. Rosemary Mulligan just asked Madigan whether they should continue with the vote because of the governor’s request that everyone vote “NO.” Madigan: “I would recommend that we engage in a good faith (debate)”

*** UPDATE 7 *** Paul says that House Republicans have signs on the back of their laptops which read: “No means no governor”

*** UPDATE 6 *** The House has begun debating the Madigan GRT resolution. Go here for live audio and video.

*** UPDATE 5 *** A reporter buddy just cracked that the guv’s request for “No” votes on Madigan’s resolution is like “the high school coach who forfeits the game rather than get skunked.” lol

It doesn’t appear, from that comment and the AP story below, that reporters are impressed by this move.

*** UPDATE 4 *** The AP’s take on the situation…

Facing the possibility of a serious defeat, Gov. Rod Blagojevich began lobbying lawmakers to vote against his very own tax plan Thursday.

The Illinois House plans to vote on a resolution testing whether lawmakers support the governor’s plan for a $7.6 billion business tax. The tax is widely expected to suffer a sound defeat, which would be a serious blow to Blagojevich’s chances of ever getting it passed.

So Blagojevich announced that he wants lawmakers to vote “no” - but not because they oppose the plan. He’s portraying a “no” vote as “a clear message that this issue is too important for a rush to judgment on a nonbinding resolution.” […]

Spokeswoman Abby Ottenhoff denied the request for votes against the plan was an attempt to put a better spin on an inevitable defeat.

*** UPDATE 3 *** My interview this morning on WBEZ can be found here, or you can listen below…


*** UPDATE x2 *** This just in from the governor’s office [emphasis added]…

“Yesterday was a good and productive start to the budget discussion in the House of Representatives. Members asked good questions, raised valid concerns and expressed an interest in working together to meet our state’s biggest challenges like healthcare and education.

“Considering that this meaningful dialogue was initiated just 24 hours ago, it would be premature to conclude the discussion today and ask members to make a decision before they have an opportunity to get answers to their questions and offer their ideas. So we are asking all members to vote ‘no’ to send a clear message that this issue is too important for a rush to judgment on a non-binding resolution.”

It looks like Madigan may get the trophy after all. LOL

*** UPDATE 1 *** If you were wondering about my mention of the House’s “Century Club” trophy, here are a couple of photos. The trophy is “awarded” to members whose bills receive at least 100 “NO” votes. Madigan’s resolution on the GRT might get close. These were taken with my Treo, so they’re not great.

Check out the photo behind the trophy in the first example. Madigan hisself…

A closeup of the trophy…

WBEZ just called asking for an interview, so some posting might be delayed. I’m supposed to be on around 9ish, so tune in your radio or click here to listen on the Intertubes.


Question of the day

Thursday, May 10, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

Setup, Part One, is Paul’s compilation of GRT-related news stories…

* Blagojevich defends tax plan, warns he’ll veto others\ taxes

* Governor goes long to defend tax plan

* Blagojevich tax plan may go nowhere

* Governor defends tax plan, warns of vetoes

* House to vote on governor’s tax plan

* Governor tries to sell his tax plan

* Governor: GRT or deep cuts

* Taxes vote set after rare day-long hearing

* Gov goes on offensive as House to vote on tax plan

* Governor makes plea for tax hike

* Koehler calls tax plan ‘unfair’ for businesses

* Editorial: GRT merits thumbs down from legislators

* Editorial: Blago must prepare to face political reality

Setup, Part Two, is this e-mail which was forwarded to me yesterday by a friend…

got a robocall at 1:45 today regarding the GRT. It said the Governor has laid out 3 options for Illinois…
1. Tax big business through a GRT
2. Multi-billion $ income tax increase
3. Make do with what we have.
Then I was supposed to vote for which option I preferred.

Question: Which of those three options do you prefer?


Surprising vote on gun bill

Thursday, May 10, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

The rollcall on this bill was pretty surprising

With suggestions that it could help limit tragedies like April’s Virginia Tech massacre, the Senate on Wednesday approved a ban on high-capacity gun magazines.

Ammunition clips holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition would be illegal under legislation that passed 31-26 and was sent to the House.

Sen. Dan Kotowski, a Park Ridge Democrat, sold the bill as one that doesn’t limit the manufacture or sale of guns in a state reluctant to toughen controls on weapons despite solid Democratic control of the Legislature. […]

But critics said the legislation does nothing to stop violence and would drive gun manufacturers out of the state.

The Illinois State Rifle Association has kicked up a lot of dust over this bill, claiming at one point that Kotowski was “dancing in the blood of the Virginia Tech victims.”

But the bill had bipartisan support and could not have passed without several Republican votes. You can download the rollcall here, but Republican Senators Althoff, Cronin, Dillard, Hultgren, Millner and Murphy all voted for it.

Murphy? Matt Murphy, who was backed by conservative money bags Jack Roeser in last year’s primary? I asked Murphy about his vote last night and he said that besides the fact that he supports stuff like this, the bill is popular in his district.

Anyway, here is a mailer that ISRA sent out a few weeks back attacking Kotowski. Click the pics to see larger images. It’s quite something…

soldier_kotowski1.jpg soldier_kotowski2.jpg



Morning Shorts

Thursday, May 10, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson

* Protesters rally against utility rates

* Protesters demand rate relief during capitol rally

* Illinois is still irate over rates

“We’ve heard our customers; we understand there are customers that the higher rates have created a burden for,” said Leigh Morris, spokesman for Ameren Corp. “We’ve proposed a number of (rate-relief) initiatives over the previous months, but we cannot proceed with those under the threat of a rate rollback and freeze.”

* Sun-Times Editorial: Power rollback would be a mistake

But Jones is on the right side in this debate. Refreezing the rates will do nothing to encourage competition, but the auction prices stand a much better chance. The freeze threatens to put off competition indefinitely. And lawmakers who support a freeze are telling ComEd it must buy power for more than it can sell it — remember, it no longer generates its own power.

* Cesspool of mismanagement cited in audit of juvenile center

* Mental Health system decried

“I’m fed up with the status quo,” Rep. David Leitch, R-Peoria, told those assembled around the Lincoln statue on the east side of the Capitol. “We have a system in Illinois that’s archaic, expensive and, worst of all, ineffective.”

* AG Madigan investigated Olympia meeting complaint

* Erwin selected as new education commissioner

* McQueary: If only I could get a life

* Mayor introduces ordinance to review police wrongdoing allegations

* Daley appoints nephew to states sports authority

* Shakman rips county inspector general office

  1 Comment      

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