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Tuesday, May 8, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

This just in… Senate Exec Committee will take up the GRT bill at 2:05 hearing today..

UPDATE: SDem amendment will raise the GRT rates to 1 percent (from .8) and 2 percent (from 1.95).

Also there’s a new tax credit applied against the GRT of 2K per employee up to 25 fulltime equiv for 1 percent taxation level and 50 FTE for 2 percent level.

UPDATE: A governor’s spokesperson just told me that the guv will testify at tomorrow’s comittee of the whole.

UPDATE: 7 to 6 Do Adopt. Viverito voted NO and Halvorson voted YES with a statement about how it needed further work.


Uh, Jennifer, I’m 45 and too busy to be bored

Tuesday, May 8, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

From your Chicago Sun-Times columnist, Jennifer Hunter

But Sree Sreenivasan, new media professor at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, says the effectiveness of Web sites and blogs as political tools may only go so far: “It’s still a small percentage of people using these technologies.”

Most are young and what Sreenivasan terms “early adaptors.” And, as he concludes, the impact of young voters “is notoriously hard to predict.” It was thought they were going to turn out in big numbers in 2004 but that didn’t happen.

In the end, who has time to blog? After reading four newspapers each day and my e-mails and doing my work, I’ve had it. Blogging remains a luxury for the young — or the bored.

Bonus question of the day: How old are you?

Secondary bonus question of the day: Are you bored?


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Tuesday, May 8, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Question of the day

Tuesday, May 8, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

As you may or may not have noticed, Attorney General Lisa Madigan scored a big PR success this week. It started with this press release

Attorney General Lisa Madigan and Illinois Department of Public Health Director Dr. Eric E. Whitaker today have demanded that all Illinois marketing and sales of the “Cocaine” energy drink immediately cease. The Attorney General has made the demand in a letter sent to California-based Redux Beverages, LLC, the manufacturer and distributor of the product.

“This is a product that glamorizes illegal drug use and it is highly irresponsible and reckless,” said Attorney General Madigan. “The State of Illinois will not tolerate its sale, especially to children.”

Advertisements for the drink describe it as the “legal alternative” to the street drug cocaine and promote the use of an ingredient in the drink that creates a burning sensation to simulate the throat-drip effect of using cocaine. The company is actively promoting the product and recently hosted a “Cocaine Energy Drink Launch Party” in Chicago.

The company then pulled the product off Illinois shelves…

An energy drink that it’s makers call “Cocaine” is no longer available in Illinois.

And then the company pulled it nationwide

An energy drink called Cocaine that was pulled from store shelves in Illinois last week is being discontinued nationwide. The company that produces the drink said today it’s pulling the drink because of concerns about its name. Redux Beverages LLC of Las Vegas says the company will sell the drink under a new name for now.

I seriously doubt that anyone has any sympathy for a company that would do such a scummy thing as market a drink called “Cocaine,” and I also doubt anyone wants to promote the use of an illegal drug. Count me solidly in both of those categories.

But, all that aside, should government step in on stuff like this? Explain.


“Intense” might be the right word here

Tuesday, May 8, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

State Sen. Mike Noland got an earful this week from some of his Carpentersville constituents. The village is a hotbed of anti illegal immigrant activity, and Noland held a two-hour public meeting to discuss pending legislation that would allow them to have a drivers certificate. Props to Noland, who said he is “inclined” to support the bill, for having the stones to hold the meeting in the first place.

The Daily Herald story was pretty basic

A controversial bill before the state Senate that would allow illegal immigrants to legally drive drew more than 50 people to Carpentersville village hall Monday night, mostly to speak out against the bill.

With the Senate expected to vote on House Bill 1100 in the coming weeks, state Sen. Michael Noland, a Democrat from Elgin, took time to address residents and field questions related to the bill. Many of the audience members wore red T-shirts promoting Fox Valley Citizens for Legal Immigration, a group supporting a proposed measure in the village targeting illegal immigrants.

Not many incendiary quotes were included in that piece, or the fact that the “red T-shirts” bore the slogan “Illegal means Illegal.” But the Courier News had a much more in-depth story that provided some - uh - “interesting” quotes from the audience…

“Do you know they are really heavy drinkers? We all know they love tequila and Corona. Why do we need more on the road?” Many in the crowd applauded him after he finished speaking.

Therese Battaglia of South Elgin asked Noland whether he held dual citizenship.

“I want to know that your loyalties are to this country, these people, this race and not to anyone else.”

Many applauded her comments as well. Noland said he didn’t have dual citizenship.



A matter of trust

Tuesday, May 8, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Eric Zorn hits it right on the head today with a column about the governor’s gross receipts tax and business opposition. It all boils down to who you trust, Zorn writes. Do you trust that Blagojevich has come up with a reasonable, fair plan, or do you trust big business to take care of the uninsured and assume that their arguments against this “job killing” proposal are valid?

Thing is, I don’t trust Blagojevich. Neither do many in his own party, which is what promises to make the coming days so fraught and fascinating. […]

He uses his bully pulpit to propose giving babies one free book a month, stopping minors from getting tattoos, banning violent video games or importing pharmaceuticals and vaccines. But he runs and hides from one of the main challenges of his office — issuing timely rulings on clemency and pardon petitions — and he’s been inept, at best, at policing corruption in hiring and contracts. […]

The gross receipts tax might well be his boldest, bravest and least poll-tested initiative ever. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, an independent liberal Washington think tank, last week released a 5,000-word analysis of the pending gross-receipts tax proposal, calling it “a constructive step toward making Illinois’ tax system stronger and fairer” that needs just “a few modifications” to avoid unintended negative consequences.

But to win this battle, Blagojevich will need more than think-tank support. He’ll need trust.

And, I would add, there’s precious little trust of this man at the Statehouse.

* The trouble is, this state’s reporters tend to despise Blagojevich and it’s becoming very clear that they are refusing to give him even close to a fair shake. That’s their right, and the governor brings much, if not most, of that on himself, but the agenda has become pretty obvious: Whack the guv at every turn for just about anything.

Yesterday, the AP moved a story about the guv’s inauguration fundraising…

At least eight companies donated $125,000 to pay for Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s January inauguration, including some with business interests in the state.

The donations, most of which ranged from $5,000 to $10,000, amounted to a fraction of the $1.25 million collected from businesses for Blagojevich’s 2003 inauguration.

I’m not sure exactly what the story was about. Did eight companies contribute $125,000 each? Can’t be because they raised a total of $1.25 million. If their contributions were only a “fraction” of the total, then is it really even a story? Frankly, considering all the hoo-ha about Blagojevich, I figured he was probably raising a lot more from connected insiders. It’s almost (repeat: almost) refreshing to see that he took in so little from those sorts.

Also, take a look at this piece from a southern Illinois paper that quotes Chamber honcho Doug Whitley without offering up any response from the other side…

“We have people asking why they came to Illinois when they could have gone to Missouri,” said Whitley. “We have people asking why they would want to do business in a state that is making situations difficult for them. I’ve had people tell me personally of how they can’t afford to absorb the tax for themselves, let alone for the increases their distributors are going to be putting into items to cover the taxes for them.”

Among other points, Whitley pointed out that the governor is using outdated information.

“We were slow entering the recovery that so many states were seeing,” Whitley admitted. “We know we didn’t start seeing signs of recovery until 2005, but our Governor seems to love the year 2004. That’s the year he keeps drawing his information from when he gives speeches about this. In 2004, we hadn’t started to recover, so of course, the numbers look worse. But, the last two years have seen a turnaround that the GRT is going to kill.”

All good points. Valid. Reasonable, even. But offered up in a completely uncritical manner.

I’m not sure what the governor has to do to get an even break, but it’s clear that those who operate the “filter” don’t think he deserves one. I would assume that most commenters here believe the same, but just remember what could happen if this practice continues with a future governor whom you support.

More tax and spend stories, compiled by our diligent intern Paul Richardson…

* Swapping state pension plan doesn’t save money, says report

* Study examines Illinois state pensions

* Advocates: Governor is holding transit hostage

* More RTA funds urged, gas tax suggested

* Gross receipts keeps plugging on

* Tax plan will be defended in the House

* Tax organization rejects governor’s budget plan


What happens in Vegas does not necessarily stay there

Tuesday, May 8, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

What a dumb idea.

“Hey, I know what we should do this weekend. Let’s take up the cable industry’s offer of a free trip to Las Vegas for an ‘educational’ experience!”


With just a month left in the legislative session, an estimated 12 to 14 members of the Illinois House and Senate spent a couple of days at a trade show for the cable television industry.

The three-day, expenses-paid junket came as the cable industry is fighting an attempt by telephone giant AT&T to change state law in a high-stakes battle for the eyes and wallets of television viewers. […]

While in Las Vegas, the lawmakers stayed at the Renaissance Las Vegas Hotel which, according to its Web site, features rooms with flat-panel television screens, a steakhouse called Envy and “convenient monorail access to the Strip.”

At the convention, the lawmakers got to see exhibitors ranging from HBO to Hustler TV, according to an overview of the conference.

The Tribune has a list of attendees

At least 11 lawmakers accepted the invitation, according to two members who took the trip: Senators attending included Environment and Energy Chairman James Clayborne (D-Belleville), Dan Cronin (R-Elmhurst), Kirk Dillard (R-Hinsdale), Randall Hultgren (R-Winfield) and Carole Pankau (R-Itasca); House members included Reps. Mike Bost (R-Murphysboro), Marlow Colvin (D-Chicago), William Davis (D-Homewood), Kenneth Dunkin (D-Chicago), Kurt Granberg (D-Carlyle) and Susana Mendoza (D-Chicago).

Davis, Mendoza and Cronin are not on the two main committees invited to the conference.

Some lawmakers said they are paying for part of their trip. Mendoza and Dunkin, for example, said they paid for their airfare.

So how is the trip logged? As a gift

A House ethics officer signed off on the trip but told lawmakers they would have to report it as a gift on their financial disclosure forms because the sponsor would likely spend more than $500 on airfare, meals and lodging, said Steve Brown, spokesman for House Speaker Michael Madigan (D-Chicago).

Bad idea all around.


Morning Shorts

Tuesday, May 8, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson

* Casino fight goes up in smoke

Some of the association’s individual casino members are softening their positions against smoking bans, saying they would support a nationwide, federal ban - especially if it included tribal casinos. With such a blanket prohibition, the logic goes, no one casino could benefit by allowing smoking - and drawing smokers from a non smoking casino.

* Vallas says odds are long on another run at governor

* Kadner: Giants doing battle to control cable TV

* Bradley preparing for a big week in Springfield

* Opinion: State must raise cap on charter schools

* IIS Radio: Cocaine drink, Internet safety, library filters

* ISU contacted as part of student loan probe

* Report: Early treatment breaks cycle of crime

* Cops say kids to attend classes less likely to commit crimes

* Illinois lawyers seek to resurrect tobacco case

* Parent group lobbies for recess bill

* Alcohol company alters ad reach

* Editorial: Madigan threatens to sue beverage company

* Secretary of State’s daughter suing police over arrest

* Editorial: General Assembly should allow Harper to test 4 year degree

* Clinton won’t concede Chicago to Obama

“We are competing across the country and I wanted to be sure that I had a chance to come here to let the people in this city and state know that I don’t consider Chicago or Illinois off limits to me,” the New York senator told reporters as she was surrounded by members of a group of mostly black ministers that she had met with at a downtown hotel.

* Will ban snuff out taverns?

* Opinion divided on state smoking ban

* Osbourne: Thanks to the state for smoking ban

* Roeper: Smoking ban could use case of stage fright

* Sneed: CTA cuts and Clinton/Daley

* Chicago teacher’s union challenger pins campaign on school violence


* Reader comments closed for the holiday weekend
* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Jack Conaty
* New state law to be tested by Will County case
* Why did ACLU Illinois staffers picket the organization this week?
* Hopefully, IDHS will figure this out soon
* Pete Townshend he ain't /s
* Open thread
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* Live coverage
* Selected press releases (Live updates)
* Yesterday's stories

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