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Thursday, May 3, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

Now this is an idea I can support 100 percent…

“I can’t think of anybody who wouldn’t get excited about seeing him flying around, launching corn into the audience.”

“Eventually, I think we need to move towards a fully automated robot mascot.”

“Robots are pretty non controversial. And nondemoninational.”

“We haven’t repressed robots.”

“Everybody loves FarmBot and everybody’s hugging him. I think FarmBot’s as soft as metal can get.”

And I totally dig that Lincolnesque stovepipe hat “which shoots fireworks.” Not sure if the jetpack will work, but it’s a nice idea.

[H/T: IP]


Bonus question

Thursday, May 3, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

I’ve been thinking of using this story about Springfield’s weird gnat problem in a clever little Statehouse analogy…

“Gnats suspected in chicken deaths ”

Buffalo gnats, which are members of the black fly family, have become special pests this spring in central Illinois. Nearly anyone who has spent much time outside over the last week or so has been harassed by the gnats, and some people suffer painful welts because of their bites.

According to the Illinois Department of Public Health, the gnats have a substance in their saliva that can trigger an allergic reaction in people, other mammals and birds. The gnats feed on blood and inject their saliva into host animals while feeding.

Agriculture officials do not know how the gnats are killing chickens, but they suspect the immediate problem could be an allergic reaction, blood loss or even suffocation because the gnats clog the chickens’ breathing passages.

Dr. Colleen O’Keefe, a veterinarian with the Illinois Department of Agriculture, said people with chickens or other birds should get the animals into some type of screened area.

“We did a little research, and it appears the gnats don’t do well in the dark. So, if possible, you should get them in a darkened barns and put some fans on them,” O’Keefe said.


“Buffalo gnats will land anywhere they can find skin on which to suck blood. Essentially that is all the females want; blood. They will seek this from any mammal they can find and people will often times be their prime target.”

The Web site goes on to explain that swatting at the little pests is not all that effective. […]

But the true solution to the vampire gnat problem is - no, not garlic or teensy-weensy little wooden stakes - but warmer temperatures. As the water they grow in warms up, we are told the gnats will begin to vanish.

Help me write my next newspaper column. Best suggestion(s) wins lunch on me at a restaurant of my choice. (I promise it’ll be a decent place.)


Obamarama - Trib breaks little new ground

Thursday, May 3, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

The Tribune has a couple of stories today on Barack Obama’s time in the Illinois Senate. One of them, which required the combined efforts of four Trib reporters, breaks almost no new ground. Poker playing buddies, cautious nature, fights with Rickey Hendon and Donne Trotter, blah, blah, blah.

The other looks at pork projects that Obama doled out. Some of it is new info, some of it isn’t.

During his nearly eight years in Springfield, he tucked special earmarks into massive budget bills to shower small bequests on inner city schools, parks and youth service agencies.

But some of the larger grants Obama sponsored were tied to political allies and show how difficult it is even for politicians advocating reform to avoid the appearance of favoritism as they dole out taxpayer funds. Several non-profit directors, for instance, gave money to Obama’s campaigns soon after their allotments were awarded. […]

“It happens that there were major supporters in my district who had been supporters before they got member initiatives,” Obama said, noting that some of his contributors had been his allies for years.

One of those long-time supporters was Rev. Michael Pfleger, the politically active leader of St. Sabina Church. He gave Obama’s campaign $1,500 between 1995 and 2001, including $200 in April 2001, about three months after Obama announced $225,000 in grants to St. Sabina programs.

Also, the Tribune has set up a new web-page devoted to all things Obama. And they have another story today about the Obama campaign’s fight with a would-be disgruntled MySpace entrepreneur.

This is a Barack Obama open thread. How do you think his campaign is going so far?


Question of the day

Thursday, May 3, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

First, the setup

Calling abstinence-only education a failed experiment, a spokesman for family planning and health groups urged the adoption of more comprehensive sex education programs in Illinois.

“Public spending for education is at a premium, and it is important that we spend every dollar wisely,” said Jonathan Stacks, campaign manager of the Illinois Campaign for Responsible Sex Education, which is backed by Planned Parenthood of Illinois and the Illinois Caucus for Adolescent Health. “Abstinence-only programs have no impact on student’s age at first intercourse, number of sexual partners and condom usage.”


Planned Parenthood is trying to strike from Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s proposed budget a $1.2 million grant that would go to an organization that produces sex education programs for Illinois schools — programs critics allege are ineffective because they teach abstinence-only.


A recent study found that students who participated in abstinence lessons were just as likely to have sex as those who did not. Mathematica Policy Research Inc. did the study. The same report said both groups started having intercourse around the same time and ended up having around the same number of sexual partners.

Each year, the federal government spends about $176 million on abstinence education. Illinois accepts some of this money and has no intention of discontinuing the state-sponsored abstinence programs, said Tom Green, spokesman for the Illinois Department of Human Services.


Supporters of abstinence-only programs argue that alternatives fill students with falsehoods that won’t stand up against sexually transmitted diseases or unplanned parenthood.

“The whole idea behind safer sex is a lie. You’re teaching children that it’s OK to — wink, wink — engage in dangerous behavior,” said David Smith, director of the Illinois Family Institute. “It doesn’t make sense to remove funding for something that has shown to be promising, hopeful and works. Abstinence is 100 percent foolproof.”

You can find the study at this link.

Question: How do you feel about taxpayer funding of abstinence-only education programs?


GRT roundup *** Updated x1 ***

Thursday, May 3, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

Finally, somebody else tackles the issue of the Illinois Press Association’s unusually strident opposition to the governor’s gross receipts tax and its impact on press coverage…

(T)he IPA’s position has been troubling for reporters, including myself, and potentially calls into question whether newspapers are covering the governor’s proposal fairly. […]

And then [the IPA press release] adds this: “Consequently, the IPA board is encouraging member newspapers to write news stories that focus on ‘the community or local impact of GRT.’”

That sure sounds to me, and many others, like the IPA was trying to direct news coverage.

The problem with that is that straightforward newspaper reporting that points out real problems with the governor’s proposal could be called into question if the governor or anyone else thinks a corporate agenda, not just the facts, are behind that coverage.

That’s exactly right. The IPA, in its zeal to oppose this tax increase, has seriously undermined the work of every reporter who works on the GRT story.

* Meanwhile, the State Journal-Register called for a compromise today…

Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s gross-receipts tax - he prefers calling it the tax fairness plan - has been sitting for a long time now on the legislative launching pad.

After House Speaker Michael Madigan’s announcement on Wednesday, we suspect this tax rocket is likely to fizzle. Madigan is calling for a special meeting of his chamber as a “committee of the whole” to discuss Blagojevich’s plan that seeks to tax business transactions for all firms doing $2 million or more in annual commerce. The plan would garner $7.6 billion, most of which would go to education and health care.

Blagojevich’s plan may not be dead, but its pulse is hard to find at this point. On Wednesday, 61 House members signed a resolution opposing the tax. That’s not a good legislative start to say the least. Blagojevich so far seems to have taken an “it’s my way or the highway” approach” to the GRT.

We suspect Madigan’s call for the full House meeting next week is sending a strong message that the governor needs to consider compromise. We hope he gets the message.

* The Daily Herald had some comments from Speaker Madigan in its story today…

I said that I think we’re going to need a tax increase, and that’s as far as I’m going to go,” Madigan told reporters Tuesday after speaking to a gathering of business owners.

“I don’t think that any tax increase is popular. If I walk my block in Chicago, people don’t say to me, ‘Oh, Mr. Speaker, please raise the tax.’ They don’t come out of their house and say, ‘Would you please raise the tax,’” Madigan said. “Just the idea that you are prepared to raise a tax or impose a tax is not an easy thing to do.”

* Gatehouse had this one from Madigan…

“I think, when we get down to budget-making, that a majority of the legislature is going to recognize that we need a tax increase.”

* More tax and spend stories, compiled by “C” (aka Paul Richardson)…

* Educators rally to improve school funding

* Educators rally ‘as one voice’

* Majority in house hit governor’s tax plan

* Lawmakers voice opposition to Governor’s tax plan

* State lawmakers voice to oppose Blagojevich plan

* Madigan to convene entire House on GRT

* Governor’s tax plan to get full hearing

*** UPDATE *** You can download Speaker Madigan’s speech to the business groups yesterday by clicking here [mp3 file].


Jones faces new questions about family earnings

Thursday, May 3, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

Emil Jones says he didn’t know about his stepson’s contract with ComEd’s parent company, but if his credibility on the utility rate freeze issue was already in serious question because of personal friendships with utility execs and bigtime campaign contributions, it’s now teetering on the verge of extinction

At the same time Senate President Emil Jones went to unusual lengths to block a Commonwealth Edison rate freeze, his stepson’s computer-consulting firm was on the payroll of the utility’s corporate parent. […]

The disclosure set off questions about why Jones did not publicly disclose his familial ties to the utility, and prompted a call from Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn for Jones to “abstain” from any further negotiations or votes on rate-freeze legislation this spring.

Sen Gary Forby, whose amendment adding ComEd to his Ameren rate rollback and freeze bill was killed by Jones, voiced his suspicions to the Sun-Times…

“I think my people would probably not like this and maybe think that’s one of the reasons President Jones done this to me,” Forby said.

A companion article reports that Jones’ stepson also is doing very well with a college that has received a ton of pork money from the Senate President…

A firm headed by the stepson of Illinois Senate President Emil Jones stands to be paid up to $45 million from a no-bid tech deal it recently won from the City Colleges of Chicago.

The contract, awarded three weeks ago, comes on top of $55 million that John Sterling’s company, Synch-Solutions, already has been paid by the college system since 1999. […]

Jones in the past has controlled state grant money to City Colleges. In 2002, he steered at least $4.5 million to the colleges for computer upgrades at the same time his stepson’s information technology firm was winning no-bid contracts from City Colleges trustees. […]

“John Sterling is a successful businessman who worked for major companies doing technology before starting [Synch-Solutions],” Jones said in a statement Wednesday. “I have never interfered in his business, and he has never sought my counsel or advice in reference to securing business.”

And a sidebar reminds readers of other recent revelations about the Joneses…

Lorrie Jones: The Senate president’s wife, a psychologist, has seen her state salary increase from $116,460 to $186,000 under Gov. Blagojevich, who in 2005 promoted her to head the Department of Human Services’ mental health division. The Blagojevich administration rescinded its rule that the state’s mental health chief be a medical doctor just before Lorrie Jones got the job.

Emil Jones III: Jones’ son, hired April 3 as manager of real estate development for the Blagojevich administration’s Commerce Department. Earns $57,360 in his new post — a 7 percent increase over his previous state job, which he held from 1999 to November 2006.


Morning Shorts

Thursday, May 3, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson

* Governor received gifts from indicted woman

* Illinois House endorses new way of choosing President

* Opinion: State needs to direct funds toward mental health

Last year, a National Alliance for the Mentally Ill report graded Illinois’ health care system for serious mental illness an F. If the state is to improve its position, it needs to spend existing unspent money.

* Lawmakers discuss violence prevention program funding

* GOP goes after Durbin with ad

* Kinzinger won’t challenge Tim Johnson for Congress

* Bill would require libraries to block porn sites or lose funds

* Court: Horse slaughter can resume in DeKalb

* Sun-Times Editorial: Compromise needed to boost HIV testing

* Economist: State will lose money from smoking ban

Patrick Fleenor, chief economist at the Tax Foundation, a Washington-based educational group, said the state won’t save money and will most certainly lose it if fewer people buy cigarettes.

* Smoking ban not the worst possible

* Editorial: Smoke-free, healthier state just a pen stroke away

* Smoking ban raises worries

* Editorial: Governor should sign statewide smoking ban

* What Illinoians are saying about the smoking ban; more here

* Editorial: Hard to be disappointed with smoking ban

* Sun-Times Editorial: Underfunded transit nears end of the line

* Tribune Editorial: Breaking the CTA doomsday cycle

The best thing that happened to mass transit riders this year was an Illinois auditor general’s report that showed both sides are right: The CTA is underfunded and mismanaged. Maybe now they can stop arguing about whose fault it is and fix it.

* Ex-governor Thompson accused of lying about fees in Black case; Mark Brown’s take

* Lynn Sweet: Obama’s Illinois workers trained to help campaign elsewhere

* Over 400 city employees top $10,000 in overtime pay in 3 months

“It was a pretty normal winter. No huge snowstorm. No disaster natural or man-made. . . . It looks like purely political motivation to help out the mayor and his allies on the City Council,” said Ald. Joe Moore (49th), who eked out a victory over Daley’s opposition.

* Stroger’s controversial hiring picks OK’d

* Tribune Editorial: Stroger’s friends and family

* Chicago City Council members list outside income

* Ald. Burke scores big with law firm, Wall Street


Thursday, May 3, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

Just a quick note to tell you that my new web hosting service will hopefully begin operation tomorrow, but we may need to work out some bugs over the weekend. Either way, things will start to change for the better around here very soon.

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* Reader comments closed for the holiday weekend
* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Jack Conaty
* New state law to be tested by Will County case
* Why did ACLU Illinois staffers picket the organization this week?
* Hopefully, IDHS will figure this out soon
* Pete Townshend he ain't /s
* Open thread
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