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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY (Part 2) - Ronen; State Board of Elections (use all caps in password)

Tuesday, May 22, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Jones-Madigan; Poll data; Guv; Civil unions; Electricity; Halvorson; Kotowski; Indiana; Amtrak; Hultgren; J. Jones (Use all caps in password)

Tuesday, May 22, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Question of the day

Tuesday, May 22, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

The Daily Herald has a piece today about tax breaks

For the 2005 budget year - the most recent available, which covered the last half of 2004 and the first half of 2005 - myriad tax breaks enacted over the years reduced the state’s cash flow nearly $6.6 billion.

But some of those breaks go to individual taxpayers, not big corporations…

For instance, the single largest tax break is the nearly $1.3 billion the state doesn’t get from the collective grocery and medical shopping tab of Illinois residents [on the sales tax]. […]

Similarly, the state income tax is not applied to retirement income - whether from an IRA, pension or Social Security. If it were, there’d be nearly $828 million more for the state to spend each year.

Question: Would you support ending either of these two exemptions? Why or why not?


Gas prices hit home

Tuesday, May 22, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

The Tribune story on record high gas prices contains the usual estimate that driving will increase anyway…

Despite high prices, observers say Americans will drive more on vacation this year than last, meaning demand for gasoline will stay strong. According to estimates by the AAA, 38 million people will hit the road this weekend, up about 1.7 percent from last year.

But this part is just as important

The auto club said people on vacation typically compensate for higher gas prices by eating out less often and practicing other economies. They don’t stop traveling.

And this is somewhat misleading because it ignores a critical sector of the populace…

Lynne Kiesling, a senior lecturer at Northwestern University’s department of economics, said that although gasoline is as expensive as any time in history, the burden for many families is less.

“Household incomes are higher” than in the past, Kiesling said. She said the share of income spent on gasoline is lower now than a generation ago.

And while quite comprehensive, the article somehow misses this tidbit

…the U.S. Department of Transportation says drivers actually logged fewer miles than usual over the last three months.

* The Glengariff Group just finished a statewide poll on gasoline prices…

52% of Illinois resident said they had to postpone spending on other purchases they wanted to make, while 46% said they did not. More than half of Illinois residents have changed their spending patterns based on this latest surge in gas prices.

But most importantly, take a look at this…

Hardest hit appear to be minority communities with 76% of Hispanic residents altering their spending habits and 61% of African American resident altering their spending habits.

Has the price at the pump impacted your wallet yet?


Stroger blames media, Daley dodges press, reporters fawn over Jackson

Tuesday, May 22, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This is always the best route to take when faced with bad press. Not

What’s the biggest challenge facing Cook County right now? The $500 million budget deficit? Layoffs and cutbacks? Management of the county juvenile detention center?

Nope. Board President Todd Stroger said Monday it is the media.

“The biggest challenge probably has been working through the bad press,” Stroger said in discussing his first months in office. He spoke and took questions during the Cook County League of Women Voters’ annual meeting. […]

“The commissioners — they’d work much better with me if they couldn’t read,” Stroger said. “Because then we’d sit down and talk about the issues. — But since there’s so much where the press says, ‘Well, Stroger should’ve done this, he should’ve done that, Stroger did that, Stroger’s got an elevator.’

“So now (commissioners) are afraid to make a move because they’ll be looked at as working with the bad guy.”

* And while Mayor Daley and his wife sat for some TV interviews yesterday, print and radio reporters were snubbed

But amid a day carefully designed to showcase the mayor’s success, there was no time scheduled for the newspaper reporters and radio journalists who are stationed in the City Hall press room and cover him on a daily basis.

Daley also did not hold a question-and-answer session open to all reporters, as he does about three times a week.

* Meanwhile, it looks like Ald. Sandi Jackson was a big hit yesterday with reporters. This CBS2 story is just one example

The south lakefront’s Ald. Sandi Jackson (7th) is the most closely watched of the nine freshmen aldermen. Her husband, Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr., has already served notice that he may run for mayor in 2011. He had to skip Monday’s parties and fly to Capitol Hill immediately after his wife was sworn in.

* Sun-Times

Monday was inauguration day at City Hall, but it might as well have been called “Tre’s Day.”

That’s how much 3-year-old Jesse Jackson III — known to his parents as “Tre” (pronouned Tray) — appeared to enjoy the ceremony that saw his mom, Sandi Jackson, sworn in as 7th Ward alderman.

* Tribune

Later in the day, Sandi Jackson held another, “community swearing-in” at the Rainbow Beach fieldhouse. Greg Mathis, star of the nationally syndicated TV show “Judge Mathis,” presided at that event in the new alderman’s South Side ward.

* Brown

Even the star of the freshman class, Ald. Sandi Jackson (7th), was trying to blend in as best she could with her husband, U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., sitting behind her during the inauguration ceremony and conducting his own interviews.

“I’m going to roll up my sleeves and do all the hard work,” she promised.


Morning Shorts

Tuesday, May 22, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson

* Sun-Times Editorial: A wise blueprint for education

* Group proposes new school funding plan

* Madigan polls his caucus on cash ideas

* Editorial: The shifting debate in Springfield

* Editorial: Pay for play bill deserves chance in the Senate

* Franks wants questions answered

* Council supports CeaseFire

* Madigan looks to get MySpace sex offenders’ info; more here

* Editorial: Shocking data a useful tool for concerned parents

* Editorial: Measured advance to protect access to public information

* Bernstein: Don’t let red ink drown our transit system

* CTA aims to cut worker benefits

* Chicago teacher’s union chief: we’re not afraid to walk; more here

* Rockford council sends letter to the Governor

* Home rule discussion for Rockford


* Reader comments closed for the holiday weekend
* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Jack Conaty
* New state law to be tested by Will County case
* Why did ACLU Illinois staffers picket the organization this week?
* Hopefully, IDHS will figure this out soon
* Pete Townshend he ain't /s
* Open thread
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* Live coverage
* Selected press releases (Live updates)
* Yesterday's stories

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