C’mon. No goofy drive-by comments please. Explain.
- Ravenswood Right Winger - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 9:45 am:
State Rep. Aaron Schock (R-Peoria). Young, conservative, has won two tough races. And he takes his job seriously, unlike some who throw jelly beans on the General Assembly floor.
I don’t have specific person in mind, but I know what they should do: Live in the Governor’s Mansion (at least while the GA is in session), have regular meetings with the legislative leadership and acknowledge that the area south of I-80 is not a desert wasteland.
Rudy Gulianni: someone who successfully cleaned up a large corporation [NYC] and took it from high crime, high taxes and fleeing business to a thriving city. We need someone who leads by example, someone who has already proven him/herself and who is not tied to Rezko, Jesse or any other self-interest.
Arnold or Newt also fit the description. We know they’re all busy with other concerns right now but you asked for ideal.
Smart, proven businessman, creative, can attract creative, competent staff, willing to be innovative, willing to take on the teachers unions, independent.
Dieter, didn’t Peter Fitz back down from a fight when he decided not to run for re-election and move to Virginia or Maryland or wherever it was instead?
Bill Brady…still think he was the best choice. Has specific plans for the state, doesn’t have the history of ethics issues, and looks for real solutions instead of rhetorical nonsense.
Fitgerald was an interesting choice as well. Schock? He may be dreamy, but as Gov? Wow…now I see how we got into this mess in the first place with Governor Hair.
Aaron is a great guy, but is he 25 yet? He wouldn’t be a bad choice, but he looks 14. Hard to take serious.
My pick is Rep. Rich Myers (R-94). Rich is a class act. He is always willing to listen to others and work with them (sorely needed around here), go out of his way to help out people when they need it and wouldn’t use the Governor’s office to test drive his ambitions for higher office.
If all else fails, I could run for Governor. How hard could it be?
Looks like there is only one realistic candidate. It is still Brady. He has a proven track record in both the public and private sector. He knows where Springfield is, and could bring IL, back from being the laughing stock of the midwest.
Rod Blagojevich. I voted for him in ‘02′ and in ‘06′ and he has done what he said he would do. While some on this blog may find his methods unorthodox, I still believe that he truly cares about people and fights for them every day.
I believe that health care will become a very big issue this summer for a couple of reasons. First, we are entering presidential primary season. Health care will reenter the public discourse in a big way. Second, like him or not, Michael Moore’s movie “Sicko” will be released on June 29th and he will put the horrible state of health care in the U.S. right out in the open for all to see. For those who say that this is a national issue and not a state issue, I tell you to look back at blagojevich’s announcement speech in August of 2001. He told you that there were problems in the state and that we couldnt wait for Washington DC to act.
He raised the minimum wage without waiting for the federal government. He passed the Equal Pay act without the federal government. He guaranteed that women who are prescribed birth control by their doctor are not denied their meds by their pharmacist. He mandated new mercury reduction standards that go far beyond any federal effort to protect our environment. He made this state one of the most union friendly states in the country (while AFSCME may object, they got a very good contract). He provided health care to hundreds of thousands of people who didnt have it before he came to office, including ALL KIDS.
And now he wants to provide health care for all. Dont say he didnt tell you that he would do this. And dont say that this is a national issue because for as much as you all say that nothing gets done in SPringfield, the reality is that, compared to the federal government, we get a lot of good things done here in Illinois.
Rod Blagojevich is my governor, and, if he runs again, I will knock on doors, pass out lit, and get out the vote.
A bit off topic, but in light of current events: talk about the road not traveled. It was Blago 37%, Vallas 34% in the 2002 primary. On this point, it’s also worth noting that for all the dislike Blago currently engenders Downstate, Downstate is the reason Blago is governor. He carried 56 percent of it in 2002, his margin statewide. Even though he won’t leave it, Chicago _didn’t_ elect this fool. He came in third in the primary there.
I agree with the first South Sider. Joyce would make a great governor. He understands the issues and understands the politics behind the issues. Sometimes thats good and sometimes its bad but not understanding the politics is what causes the problems in Springfield. Using this knowledge in a positive way is something Joyce is capable of.
How about just an average governor? Right now we don’t even have that.
We need a governor who shows up to work on time. One that listens. One that builds teams. One that is bipartisan. One that is humble. One that lives in the Mansion and works at the Capitol. One that has running committees and teams designated to working with other state leaders to pass legislation smoothly. One that knows that an annual budget means that a budget is needed every year.
We need a governor who doesn’t staff offices with partisan hacks that paid for their positions with campaign contributions. We need a governor who will pass reform, or pass executive orders to reign in the unethical behavior they see in their own office.
I don’t care what gender they are, what party they are, what age they are. I don’t even care if they are all that “good”.
We just need someone to show Rod Blagojevich how to do his freaking job.
A Democrat,
Your post is the best I have read in a long time. My sentiments exactly! In addition to the accomplishments that you delineated, Governor Blagojevich also increased funding for education more than any governor in history and addressed the state pension funding issue through the use of bonds and increased state funding. Unfunded pension liabilities decreased as a percentage during his first 5 years and he has reformed benefits somewhat without hurting retireees.
Gov. Blagojevich promised to end business as usual and he has by taking his issues to the people. No longer can the Speaker dictate the state budget behind clossed doors. Rod Blagojevich is the people’s governor. If he decides to run again, I will be right there with you helping to get out the vote.
Tell the next generation that RB is the people’s governor.
- prairiestatedem - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 11:17 am:
One of the most honest hardest working people in Illinois politics today…Sheriff Tom Dart. Tom has a consistant record of cleaning up quagmyers of corruption. He reformed DCFS as a state rep, prosecuted public corruption as an Assistant State’s Attorney and As Sheriff is working to reform the second largest Sheriff’s office in the nation.
On top of all those accolades he understands Illinois as a whole (how many chicago pols ever even come close to that). Not only is he married to a downstater he has also actually been to all 102 counties!
He is the only person I know that would go into the office with such a background and have the (non testicular) fortitude to actually get the reform we so desperatly need across our state.
Honesty,ethics and genuie leadership ability, Dart would be the exactly what is needed at this time of crisis in Illinois
I was feeling good based on Rich’s and South Sider 2’s feedback — and then I read A Democrat and Bill. Now I’m feeling queasy.
Your facts may be technically correct, but I can’t help but scratch my head and think “Why is the state in such a mess, then?” It can’t be all Madigan and Jones’ fault.
Why do we have to fund health care first and education second? Why can’t the RTA region be allowed to raise some reginal tax money to fund transportation? Why can’t we raise the income tax and lower our property taxes? Why are legislators told to be in Springfield five days a week — w/o a per diem and when they are not invited to sit in on leader negotiations — and yet the Governor get’s to spend $100K over the last three months on airplane bills in order to sleep in his own bed every night?
Why is electric rate relief not a top priority for this Governor? How can this Governor tout ethics, yet look the other way as all his pals are making big bucks setting up lobbying shops inside the Governor’s office?
Why is the word “compromise” not in the Governor’s vocabulary?
You gotta conclude that the Governor is thoroughly out of touch with the common man’s needs. And that’s why, despite all the good things he’s done, no one can trust this guy to run a popsicle stand, let alone the state.
I dont fully understand your post. Why is it wrong for a leader to have a top priority? One could hardly say that the governor has not supported education (see Bill’s post for the numbers). To your comment about “compromise,” you just dont understand that compromise with the Speaker will mean that neither education, nor health care will get anything (in addition to a number of other issues that good democrats support).
I would say that the governor is far more in touch with the common man’s needs than you would lead us to believe. I think that he would be happy to compromise if it didnt mean giving in to the powers that have led us to where we were before he was elected: poor health care, underfunded education, underfunded pension, lax environmental standards, women treated as inferiors, labor our in the cold, and children not provided for as they should be. “Compromise,” as you call it, led to these shortcomings. The governor’s unwillingness to “compromise” has allowed us to do things differently and see some good results (results that you didnt even dispute).
You know he has done good things. Stop reading the rants of the haters and accept what you know to be true — this governor has done a good job.
Sometimes I feel like the lone Republican on this site. Tom Cross would be a great governor because he actually talks with both sides and knows how to build unity through compromise and listening.
My candidate for governor would have to be a “freedom of choice” politician. No, I am not saying “Pro-choice.” Gay rights, abortion rights, gun rights, etc. should all be a matter of choice rather than law. My “freedom candidate” would do his best to pass “Jessica’s Law.” My “freedom candidate” would never be elected Governor in Illinois, the land of Liberal Looniness.
Paul Vallas
He knew school systems and state finance.
Instead the democratic party choose worst governor and a better candidate. After Blago like Clinton the democrats might have along period of time before they get the governor’s office back.
Both decent, honest, hardworking guys. Which is why da “machine” didn’t support them.
As for Lisa Madigan or Kevin “Fists of Steel, Face like a boiled potato” Joyce……..it would be nice to find “leaders” who didn’t rely on “daddy” getting them elected.
I’ve had it with leaders who use family connections to get where they are. Be they named Bush, Clinton, Daley, Madigan, Blago-Mell, Joyce, Lipinski, Hynes, or whoever else I am missing.
I like Rep. Joyce and I hope he doesn’t “clock” me for posting this.He would make a good governor but why mess with success. The Governor has always been willing to compromise and has compromised on several issues, gaming , for example. The cornerstone of his camapign was not raising income and sales taxes. He is sticking to his promise while trying to negotiate alternative sources of revenue for our state. He rightly is opposed to a tax “swap” believing, correctly, that it won’t work, is poor policy, and favors the rich over the working citizen. He strongly favors a utility rate freeze and has said he will sign one. It is the GA that must pass one and that seems to be beyond their ability at this point. When the Governor tried to address Cook County property taxes, the Speaker boycotted the meeting because he doesn’t like the Assessor.I would hope that the Leaders realize that they are all democrats and start to work together. If the state shuts down it won’t be solely because of the governor and the president.
Why not Frank Vala. The man can prove he gets things done. He’s been on television. Likeable man. Maybe the airport authority will be a start of that journey.
Actually Blago has been terrible on pensions. The pension liability has risen $7.1 billion since 2004, that’s even includign the $7.0 billion in POB’s (some of the POB’s were used to fund general ops that year because of revenue shortfalls).
Remember the “pension holiday” we have to pay that back at 8.5%
The pensions were funded at around 48% when the Governor took office. They are close to 60% now. The pension holiday was the speaker’s idea, not the governor’s.
The truth shall set you free.
Number one on my list is Tom Dart. Here’s a guy who’s record speaks for itself and who understands the entire state, having actually traveled to every county. We could use someone short on ego and large on integrity.
Number two on the list has to be Hynes. Here’s a lowkey guy who knows how to get things done. There’s no fluff. Some might say he’s boring, but he gets the job done with integrity.
Read the COGFA 90% pension funding report. The only year since he has been in office that he has made the 1995 contribution requirement was 2004 - and that was through bonding, not using state revenues.
My choice would be Blago for a third term. He has done exactly what he said he would. And he has not done exactly what he said he would. He is the best double talking governor we have ever had. He’s great at campaigning, fundraising, and ducking the press. His priorities are family, family, and family, and by golly he’s going to stay at home and be with his girls, even if it means not spending much time in Springfield to help negotiate a new State budget. That’s what phones and faxes are for. He has a great amount of respect for his father-in-law, Dick Mel, who helped propel Blago to the position he is in now. He has a huge campaign war chest that will pay his bills even though the common citizen lives from paycheck to paycheck. He chooses not to live in a huge heat guzzling, electricity sapping, fully staffed mansion provided at taxpayers expense, because State law says he must “maintain” a residence in Springfield but the law doesn’t say he has to live there. However, when he does choose to stay overnight on some cold wintry night, thank God there won’t be any ice on the driveway. And why should he live in Springfield anyway when he has the Illinois State Department of Personal Transportation at his beck and call with planes and helicopters. He’s living like Donald Trump on the taxpayers dime and folks, what a life it is. He could only imagine 5 years ago or so how good life could really be as governor of the State of Corruption, er, Illinois. The word “compromise” is not in his vocabulary. He threw that word out because he just might look like he’s a team player and who wants a team player when you can have things going so well in Illinois? He spends time in Springfield when his great intuition tells him he is needed the most, he always shows up on time, and stays for the entire meeting(s) he has scheduled. Blago’s my boy alright. I say give him the checkbook and sit back and see all the wonderful things he’s going to do for himself, his friends (campaign contributors), and perhaps even something for the little guy. Yes, folks, we have the best governor that money can buy. How can you improve on that? See Bill, I can agree with you once in a while.
The 1995 ramp was a time bomb passed by republicans to explode after they left office. The Governor has put more dollars into the state pension fund than any other governor. The 1995 requirement was deemed to be unpayable by the GA and was revamped by SB 27 in 2005.
I don’t know a name, but a person who had Jim Edgar’s self-discipline and appreciation for the role of government, George Ryan’s empathy for people and ability to work with all sides of an issue, and Jim Thompson’s ability to inspire and communicate would be a pretty good start.
- railsplitter_68 - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 1:16 pm:
Rep. Jim Sacia. Every time I’ve met him or hear him speak, I walk away impressed. His background and experience allows him to understand all the issues facing state & local government. He has a mind for details and an amazing memory. He has great people skills and a “common touch”. (NOT arrogant or aloof like so many politicians are). He is a retired FBI agent, so he understands crime and law enforcement. He owns a farm implements dealership, so Sacia understands business and how important small business is to our economy. (unlike our current guv)
Sacia has served on school board and county board, so he knows local government. As a legislator, he works hard and follows through…and he has to because his district is sprawled over 5 counties. I have seen a lot of politicians come and go over the years, I wish there were more of them like Jim Sacia !
Wanted: Governor for the State of Illinois. Skills required:Jogging, frequent traveling aboard small aircraft, and the ability to sneak out back doors to avoid the press. Ability to avoid overnight stays a must. Must be uncompromising and intractable, able to name call, curse, and accuse others of your own shortcomings. High visibility position, but press interviews not necessary. Ability to develop sudden surprise strategies not previously referenced, is a must. Must be able to attract contractors in exchange for large campaign contributions, and give the simultaneous impression that this constitutes “no more business as usual”.
Why does everything on this website have to break down into a discussion about Blago?
My perfect governor would be an independent who wants to keep taxes low but not have the disingenuous notion of increasing state government while trying to juggle around finances every May to do so. Cutting or keeping taxes low does not mean you have to cut government spending but it does mean that spending must stay level. Since Roe vs. Wade isn’t going to be overturned any time soon, abortion stances won’t matter. We need a budget hawk who will cut waste, get the state up-to-date on Medicaid and childcare payouts and use a veto threat only on spending and appropriations bills that will either harm the state or put us in a bind the year following the last budget. A perfect candidate would also restore funding to our public universities so that people like my brother and sister-in-law don’t have to take out even bigger loans or face the prospect that their schools are on the receiving end of cuts and criticism.
Well the 1995 funding law was funded every year until Blago took office. As for the holiday - last time I checked the Gov has the final say on the budget.
If we can’t bring back Paul Vallas, then I vote for the Guv/Lite Guv combination of Lisa Madigan + Tom Dart. (Either order)
Lisa’s shown she’s not a clone of her dad (which isn’t all bad!) Her consumer efforts have been laudable. Dart and his criminal justice experience could be a winning combination.
Plus, the two of them ‘have a clue’. They understand you can’t govern by press conferences — they can work with the legislature — they get urban + downstate issues.
I can’t decide what one word describes our current gov — inept, gadfly, mope, empty shell, moron, incompetent, self-centered, egoist, etc etc etc.
In the immortal words of Red Forman from ‘That 70’s Show’, I think the most appropriate term would be ‘DUMBASS!’
Kirk Dilliard. A moderate GOPer from the suburbs who has experience behind the glass doors & in the Senate. Other hopefuls: Jack Franks, Ray LaHood, or Patrick Fitzgerald.
I want a governor that pushes conservative prinicipals, preferably Ronald Reagan’s. The state GOP has turned so far away from it that’s why they’re not in power hardly.
- Napoleon Has Left The Building - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 2:25 pm:
Bill - “why mess with success?” that’s great, I haven’t laughed so hard since I voted for Sanjaya.
Lisa Madigan, she’ll be an ideal Governor someday.
Anyone in the mold of a Nelson Rockefeller. Knows how to modernize state government, building infrastructure, strict drug laws, collaborate with labor unions, anti-proctectionist, and a conservationist…
Or Jim Edgar… that would be fine too….
- Captain America - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 2:50 pm:
I voted and actively campaigned for Paul Vallas - he would have been far better prepared to deal with the State’s fiscal problems. In retrospect. it is clear that the Stare of Illinois would be much better off today if Downstate labor had not swept Blago to victory in the 2002 primary. In this respect it is ironic that downstaters have such an intense dislike for Blago now.
If George Ryan had not been a criminal, he would have been reelected to a second term easily and I believe Dan Hynes would have been elected Governor last November. Dan is the exact oppo0site of Blago - knowledgeable, competent , and engaged - not to mention ethical. I honestly believe Dan meets the most of the criteria set forth by Steve Schnorf, except that he does not have Jim Thompson’s campaigning and communication skills.
Unfortunately, we tend to elect the best campaigners and the most attractive people, instead of those best qualified to govern.
I believe Lisa Madigan will be the next person elected as Governor in 2010. I’m sure she’ll do an excellent job based upopn her performance as Attorney General. The only potential Republican nominee that I can see giving Lisa a run for her money would be Patrick Fitzgerald. The reason that I think a Fitzgerald candidacy would be plausible,if not likely,is that I think we are very close to a tipping point on public corruption in Illinois. An independent like Fitgerald could sweep to victory as a Republican nominee running on an anti-corruption platform.
Captain, good post. Lisa will be tough to beat if she runs in 2010, although two or three more budget fiascos could put a Republican like Bill Brady in play. We are to the point in Illinois where even a conservative like Mr. Brady can’t cut programs to the bone, so he could at least run on fiscal sanity and keeping taxes low - without a hidden card like the GRT or an employer payroll tax.
- Springfield First - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 3:07 pm:
Senator Frerichs - one of the few downstate politicians who could be elected (i.e. a Democrat) and from a town of 500 people to boot!
I still have to go with Peter Fitz. He doesn’t have to listen to anyone (has his own money) and does things the right way. Why else do you think he PO’ed everybody when he was in congress.
A Democrat - Sorry, not prepared to drink the Kool Aid that you so obviously have gulped. That may make me a bad Democrat, as you say, but a clear-headed voter.
Someone down the middle, who has the ability to get both sides to work together, a sense of budgeting, creative, discipline to stay focused -no bright shiney objects syndrome, shows up on time, lives close by, hmmm - Cross or Vallas comes to mind. Lots of Republicans crossed over for Vallas. How about a woman - could Lisa control her dad and Emil? Not.
- Hynes for Governor - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 5:18 pm:
Hynes is the easiet answer….Sorry, the guy is as honest and as fair as they come and will get the support of Republicans as well…. No more Madigans in office…The apple sometimes doesn’t fall too far from tree and when they do, we get GW.
Claypool? That is kind of interesting. Considering his southern Illinois roots and his “reform” platform, he could do well. He ran well in the Cook Co burbs and might be able to connect down south. But I just don’t see it happening.
I think Dart has the best chance to scare Madigan away from running. He’ll have a big army and he doesn’t care what M Madigan wants. He’ll also have Obama’s support, which will help when he’s living at 1600 Pennsylvania.
Bill Daley. He would have brought together the business community and forced them to swallow the tax increases necessary to fund education and transportation the way it needs to be done, and then brought the unions to the table to hold them accountable for the new $$.
Good statement, Cap’n. Ethics are key to the next election and the “prom theme” we’ll all see. Vallas? Forget it, if you ever worked with/for him you’d understand. Claypool? The Eddie Haskell of politics … a business-like “voice” other than Ron Gidwitz would work … someone who has a stake in economic growth and improved education funding …
Rauschenberger vs L Madagin - Either one wins we all win. They, especially Rauschenberger understand state government down to the brass tacks and can and would make it work in a way we could both admire, respect and be proud.
John O. Jones. Four years of straight talk would sound so good after the Blago years.
- Clara "The Clairvoyant" - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 6:37 pm:
I think there are a lot of decent political types out there that would serve our state well as governor. Among the democrats I like Dan Hynd and Lisa Madigan as long as they have the backbone to do what is right for the citizens of Illinois even when asked to do otherwise by their Party’s leadership.
Among the Republicans, I would vote for both Peter and Patrick Fitzgerald as both men are known for their integrity which is something that we have been lacking in our last couple of governors. Steve Rauschenberger and Chris Lauzen are also good candidates for Governor of Illinois. They have the integrity, compassion, and the intellectual skills required to make excellent governors of Illinois.
My vote for an ideal governor would be either Patrick Fitzgerald or Paul Vallas. I know one is republican and the other democrat, but I think both of them are ethical people.
I don’t care who is elected governor as long as the person is honest and willing to work with the legislature for the better of the people of Illinois. I would also add that the person must be kind.
Bill and A Democrat I am glad that you two are around for morbid humor. Your guy is so bad that George Ryan is looking good.
Bill Brady would be my choice for governor. He is sharp, honorable and has proven to be a team leader. My second choice would be Dan Hynes. Dan knows how the state finances function. My third choice would be the Auditor General Holland. With Holland, state contracts would be on the straight and narrow.
Rod may think he will get another 4, but he is more likely to get 4 to 10. After Rod gets his “appointment” to Wisconsin, and Lisa gets appointed to US attorney with a Dem. President, Dan Hynes for Gov. and Alexi for Lt. Gov.
- Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 9:38 pm:
I’d suport Lisa over just about any Republican, but any of the three would make excellent Guvs
Ideal situation?
Joyce takes Maloney’s Senate seat, “dethrones” Emperor Jones as Senate President, Lisa becomes Guv before being elected to the Senate after ousting “Turban Durbin” or Barack “What do I do now, Emil?” Obama.
Joyce follows Lisa as Guv, as well as becoming a middle weight contender.
I wish I could support a GOPer, but I’m not aware of any active in Illinois politics who’s worthy of a leadership position.
- Long Time Reader; First Time Poster - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 10:11 pm:
Can I vote twice?
I think Tom Cross represents the future of the ILGOP.
I also have liked Ray LaHood, although I can’t really put my finger on why. I guess I just like how he’s proud to be a Republican, but isn’t afraid to stand up to party leadership when he thinks they are making a mistake or it isn’t good for his district.
- Ihatework - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 9:41 am:
Mike Ditka!!!
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 9:43 am:
C’mon. No goofy drive-by comments please. Explain.
- Ravenswood Right Winger - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 9:45 am:
State Rep. Aaron Schock (R-Peoria). Young, conservative, has won two tough races. And he takes his job seriously, unlike some who throw jelly beans on the General Assembly floor.
- Fire Ron Guenther - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 9:48 am:
Bring back Chief Illiniwek! Annoy Rich Miller! Elect State Rep. Chapin Rose for Governor! Republican from Charleston!
- Lula May - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 9:52 am:
Peter Fitzgerald. Ethics - Ethics - Ethics
- OK, no - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 9:52 am:
I don’t have specific person in mind, but I know what they should do: Live in the Governor’s Mansion (at least while the GA is in session), have regular meetings with the legislative leadership and acknowledge that the area south of I-80 is not a desert wasteland.
Too bad Paul Simon is no longer with us.
- North of I-80 - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 9:53 am:
Rudy Gulianni: someone who successfully cleaned up a large corporation [NYC] and took it from high crime, high taxes and fleeing business to a thriving city. We need someone who leads by example, someone who has already proven him/herself and who is not tied to Rezko, Jesse or any other self-interest.
Arnold or Newt also fit the description. We know they’re all busy with other concerns right now but you asked for ideal.
- Nice Suit - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 9:54 am:
Ray LaHood. Too bad he’s wrapped up in Bradley talks. He’s level-headed and fair.
- BlogFreeSpringfield - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 9:59 am:
As an antidote to our current affliction, I would recommend a heavy dose of low-key pragmaticism. Would D.Hynes fit the prescription?
- South sider - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 10:06 am:
Kevin Joyce.
No BS. Not afraid of anybody (including Madigan).
And if you don’t like it, he’ll clock you.
- Ferdy - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 10:06 am:
Paul Vallas. Then maybe kids wouldn’t come last in this state.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 10:08 am:
South Sider, while perhaps inappropriate, that was a great comment and made me laugh.
- Cassandra - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 10:14 am:
Mayor Bloomberg
Smart, proven businessman, creative, can attract creative, competent staff, willing to be innovative, willing to take on the teachers unions, independent.
- Dieter - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 10:17 am:
Peter Fitzgerald. Would bring ethics back to Springfield and wouldn’t back down from a fight.
He would make things entertaining, if nothing else…
- Bluefish - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 10:17 am:
Sen. Pam Althoff. Good leadership skills and can work with both sides of the aisle.
- OK, no - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 10:18 am:
Bloomberg? Gulliani? Yeah, that’ll work. Nothing we midwesterners like better than New Yorkers telling us what to do.
What the heck, let’s bring back Alan Keyes while we’re at it.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 10:19 am:
Dieter, didn’t Peter Fitz back down from a fight when he decided not to run for re-election and move to Virginia or Maryland or wherever it was instead?
- the wonderboy - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 10:21 am:
Bill Brady…still think he was the best choice. Has specific plans for the state, doesn’t have the history of ethics issues, and looks for real solutions instead of rhetorical nonsense.
Fitgerald was an interesting choice as well. Schock? He may be dreamy, but as Gov? Wow…now I see how we got into this mess in the first place with Governor Hair.
- OK, no - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 10:22 am:
I’m sure Dieter must have meant Patrick Fitzgerald, right?
- jwscott72 - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 10:26 am:
Aaron is a great guy, but is he 25 yet? He wouldn’t be a bad choice, but he looks 14. Hard to take serious.
My pick is Rep. Rich Myers (R-94). Rich is a class act. He is always willing to listen to others and work with them (sorely needed around here), go out of his way to help out people when they need it and wouldn’t use the Governor’s office to test drive his ambitions for higher office.
If all else fails, I could run for Governor. How hard could it be?
- the Patriot - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 10:28 am:
Looks like there is only one realistic candidate. It is still Brady. He has a proven track record in both the public and private sector. He knows where Springfield is, and could bring IL, back from being the laughing stock of the midwest.
- A Democrat - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 10:30 am:
Rod Blagojevich. I voted for him in ‘02′ and in ‘06′ and he has done what he said he would do. While some on this blog may find his methods unorthodox, I still believe that he truly cares about people and fights for them every day.
I believe that health care will become a very big issue this summer for a couple of reasons. First, we are entering presidential primary season. Health care will reenter the public discourse in a big way. Second, like him or not, Michael Moore’s movie “Sicko” will be released on June 29th and he will put the horrible state of health care in the U.S. right out in the open for all to see. For those who say that this is a national issue and not a state issue, I tell you to look back at blagojevich’s announcement speech in August of 2001. He told you that there were problems in the state and that we couldnt wait for Washington DC to act.
He raised the minimum wage without waiting for the federal government. He passed the Equal Pay act without the federal government. He guaranteed that women who are prescribed birth control by their doctor are not denied their meds by their pharmacist. He mandated new mercury reduction standards that go far beyond any federal effort to protect our environment. He made this state one of the most union friendly states in the country (while AFSCME may object, they got a very good contract). He provided health care to hundreds of thousands of people who didnt have it before he came to office, including ALL KIDS.
And now he wants to provide health care for all. Dont say he didnt tell you that he would do this. And dont say that this is a national issue because for as much as you all say that nothing gets done in SPringfield, the reality is that, compared to the federal government, we get a lot of good things done here in Illinois.
Rod Blagojevich is my governor, and, if he runs again, I will knock on doors, pass out lit, and get out the vote.
- ZC - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 10:36 am:
Still gotta be Paul Vallas.
A bit off topic, but in light of current events: talk about the road not traveled. It was Blago 37%, Vallas 34% in the 2002 primary. On this point, it’s also worth noting that for all the dislike Blago currently engenders Downstate, Downstate is the reason Blago is governor. He carried 56 percent of it in 2002, his margin statewide. Even though he won’t leave it, Chicago _didn’t_ elect this fool. He came in third in the primary there.
- bored now - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 10:37 am:
illinois, brought to you by rod blagojevich.
it was only a matter of time…
- South Sider 2 - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 10:53 am:
I agree with the first South Sider. Joyce would make a great governor. He understands the issues and understands the politics behind the issues. Sometimes thats good and sometimes its bad but not understanding the politics is what causes the problems in Springfield. Using this knowledge in a positive way is something Joyce is capable of.
- VanillaMan - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 10:55 am:
The ideal governor?
How about just an average governor? Right now we don’t even have that.
We need a governor who shows up to work on time. One that listens. One that builds teams. One that is bipartisan. One that is humble. One that lives in the Mansion and works at the Capitol. One that has running committees and teams designated to working with other state leaders to pass legislation smoothly. One that knows that an annual budget means that a budget is needed every year.
We need a governor who doesn’t staff offices with partisan hacks that paid for their positions with campaign contributions. We need a governor who will pass reform, or pass executive orders to reign in the unethical behavior they see in their own office.
I don’t care what gender they are, what party they are, what age they are. I don’t even care if they are all that “good”.
We just need someone to show Rod Blagojevich how to do his freaking job.
At this time, that would be ideal!
- Bill - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 10:58 am:
A Democrat,
Your post is the best I have read in a long time. My sentiments exactly! In addition to the accomplishments that you delineated, Governor Blagojevich also increased funding for education more than any governor in history and addressed the state pension funding issue through the use of bonds and increased state funding. Unfunded pension liabilities decreased as a percentage during his first 5 years and he has reformed benefits somewhat without hurting retireees.
Gov. Blagojevich promised to end business as usual and he has by taking his issues to the people. No longer can the Speaker dictate the state budget behind clossed doors. Rod Blagojevich is the people’s governor. If he decides to run again, I will be right there with you helping to get out the vote.
- corvax - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 11:01 am:
I’m with Ferdy and ZC–Vallas is the man, a budget guru of unassailable character.
- Will - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 11:03 am:
Zombie Paul Simon.
Or clone Dick Durbin.
- poli sci guy - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 11:05 am:
Twenty-five posts and not yet a mention of Lisa Madigan. What gives? Personally, I think Patrick Fitzgerald ought to be Illinois’ governor.
- Dollar USA - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 11:08 am:
Tell the next generation that RB is the people’s governor.
- prairiestatedem - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 11:17 am:
One of the most honest hardest working people in Illinois politics today…Sheriff Tom Dart. Tom has a consistant record of cleaning up quagmyers of corruption. He reformed DCFS as a state rep, prosecuted public corruption as an Assistant State’s Attorney and As Sheriff is working to reform the second largest Sheriff’s office in the nation.
On top of all those accolades he understands Illinois as a whole (how many chicago pols ever even come close to that). Not only is he married to a downstater he has also actually been to all 102 counties!
He is the only person I know that would go into the office with such a background and have the (non testicular) fortitude to actually get the reform we so desperatly need across our state.
Honesty,ethics and genuie leadership ability, Dart would be the exactly what is needed at this time of crisis in Illinois
- South Sider - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 11:20 am:
I was feeling good based on Rich’s and South Sider 2’s feedback — and then I read A Democrat and Bill. Now I’m feeling queasy.
Your facts may be technically correct, but I can’t help but scratch my head and think “Why is the state in such a mess, then?” It can’t be all Madigan and Jones’ fault.
Why do we have to fund health care first and education second? Why can’t the RTA region be allowed to raise some reginal tax money to fund transportation? Why can’t we raise the income tax and lower our property taxes? Why are legislators told to be in Springfield five days a week — w/o a per diem and when they are not invited to sit in on leader negotiations — and yet the Governor get’s to spend $100K over the last three months on airplane bills in order to sleep in his own bed every night?
Why is electric rate relief not a top priority for this Governor? How can this Governor tout ethics, yet look the other way as all his pals are making big bucks setting up lobbying shops inside the Governor’s office?
Why is the word “compromise” not in the Governor’s vocabulary?
You gotta conclude that the Governor is thoroughly out of touch with the common man’s needs. And that’s why, despite all the good things he’s done, no one can trust this guy to run a popsicle stand, let alone the state.
- Nickname - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 11:35 am:
Jessica Basham, House Democrat staff. Easy to work with, more intelligent than most people in the building.
- A Democrat - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 11:38 am:
South Sider,
I dont fully understand your post. Why is it wrong for a leader to have a top priority? One could hardly say that the governor has not supported education (see Bill’s post for the numbers). To your comment about “compromise,” you just dont understand that compromise with the Speaker will mean that neither education, nor health care will get anything (in addition to a number of other issues that good democrats support).
I would say that the governor is far more in touch with the common man’s needs than you would lead us to believe. I think that he would be happy to compromise if it didnt mean giving in to the powers that have led us to where we were before he was elected: poor health care, underfunded education, underfunded pension, lax environmental standards, women treated as inferiors, labor our in the cold, and children not provided for as they should be. “Compromise,” as you call it, led to these shortcomings. The governor’s unwillingness to “compromise” has allowed us to do things differently and see some good results (results that you didnt even dispute).
You know he has done good things. Stop reading the rants of the haters and accept what you know to be true — this governor has done a good job.
- Leigh - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 11:38 am:
Sometimes I feel like the lone Republican on this site. Tom Cross would be a great governor because he actually talks with both sides and knows how to build unity through compromise and listening.
- Patriot - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 11:47 am:
My candidate for governor would have to be a “freedom of choice” politician. No, I am not saying “Pro-choice.” Gay rights, abortion rights, gun rights, etc. should all be a matter of choice rather than law. My “freedom candidate” would do his best to pass “Jessica’s Law.” My “freedom candidate” would never be elected Governor in Illinois, the land of Liberal Looniness.
- decaturboy - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 11:52 am:
Paul Vallas
He knew school systems and state finance.
Instead the democratic party choose worst governor and a better candidate. After Blago like Clinton the democrats might have along period of time before they get the governor’s office back.
- irishpirate - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 11:56 am:
Either Glenn Poshard or Paul Vallas.
Both decent, honest, hardworking guys. Which is why da “machine” didn’t support them.
As for Lisa Madigan or Kevin “Fists of Steel, Face like a boiled potato” Joyce……..it would be nice to find “leaders” who didn’t rely on “daddy” getting them elected.
I’ve had it with leaders who use family connections to get where they are. Be they named Bush, Clinton, Daley, Madigan, Blago-Mell, Joyce, Lipinski, Hynes, or whoever else I am missing.
- Bill - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 11:58 am:
I like Rep. Joyce and I hope he doesn’t “clock” me for posting this.He would make a good governor but why mess with success. The Governor has always been willing to compromise and has compromised on several issues, gaming , for example. The cornerstone of his camapign was not raising income and sales taxes. He is sticking to his promise while trying to negotiate alternative sources of revenue for our state. He rightly is opposed to a tax “swap” believing, correctly, that it won’t work, is poor policy, and favors the rich over the working citizen. He strongly favors a utility rate freeze and has said he will sign one. It is the GA that must pass one and that seems to be beyond their ability at this point. When the Governor tried to address Cook County property taxes, the Speaker boycotted the meeting because he doesn’t like the Assessor.I would hope that the Leaders realize that they are all democrats and start to work together. If the state shuts down it won’t be solely because of the governor and the president.
- Bill - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 12:00 pm:
You can forget about ever having your garbage picked up, ever again. I think that you are going to have to move.
- SpfldPolitico - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 12:06 pm:
Why not Frank Vala. The man can prove he gets things done. He’s been on television. Likeable man. Maybe the airport authority will be a start of that journey.
- BLAH - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 12:26 pm:
Actually Blago has been terrible on pensions. The pension liability has risen $7.1 billion since 2004, that’s even includign the $7.0 billion in POB’s (some of the POB’s were used to fund general ops that year because of revenue shortfalls).
Remember the “pension holiday” we have to pay that back at 8.5%
- BLAH - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 12:27 pm:
Oh and he double counts is ed funding stats.
- Bill - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 12:41 pm:
The pensions were funded at around 48% when the Governor took office. They are close to 60% now. The pension holiday was the speaker’s idea, not the governor’s.
The truth shall set you free.
- Downstate Dem - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 12:44 pm:
Number one on my list is Tom Dart. Here’s a guy who’s record speaks for itself and who understands the entire state, having actually traveled to every county. We could use someone short on ego and large on integrity.
Number two on the list has to be Hynes. Here’s a lowkey guy who knows how to get things done. There’s no fluff. Some might say he’s boring, but he gets the job done with integrity.
- BLAH - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 12:55 pm:
Read the COGFA 90% pension funding report. The only year since he has been in office that he has made the 1995 contribution requirement was 2004 - and that was through bonding, not using state revenues.
- Little Egypt - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 12:55 pm:
My choice would be Blago for a third term. He has done exactly what he said he would. And he has not done exactly what he said he would. He is the best double talking governor we have ever had. He’s great at campaigning, fundraising, and ducking the press. His priorities are family, family, and family, and by golly he’s going to stay at home and be with his girls, even if it means not spending much time in Springfield to help negotiate a new State budget. That’s what phones and faxes are for. He has a great amount of respect for his father-in-law, Dick Mel, who helped propel Blago to the position he is in now. He has a huge campaign war chest that will pay his bills even though the common citizen lives from paycheck to paycheck. He chooses not to live in a huge heat guzzling, electricity sapping, fully staffed mansion provided at taxpayers expense, because State law says he must “maintain” a residence in Springfield but the law doesn’t say he has to live there. However, when he does choose to stay overnight on some cold wintry night, thank God there won’t be any ice on the driveway. And why should he live in Springfield anyway when he has the Illinois State Department of Personal Transportation at his beck and call with planes and helicopters. He’s living like Donald Trump on the taxpayers dime and folks, what a life it is. He could only imagine 5 years ago or so how good life could really be as governor of the State of Corruption, er, Illinois. The word “compromise” is not in his vocabulary. He threw that word out because he just might look like he’s a team player and who wants a team player when you can have things going so well in Illinois? He spends time in Springfield when his great intuition tells him he is needed the most, he always shows up on time, and stays for the entire meeting(s) he has scheduled. Blago’s my boy alright. I say give him the checkbook and sit back and see all the wonderful things he’s going to do for himself, his friends (campaign contributors), and perhaps even something for the little guy. Yes, folks, we have the best governor that money can buy. How can you improve on that? See Bill, I can agree with you once in a while.
- Bill - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 1:00 pm:
The 1995 ramp was a time bomb passed by republicans to explode after they left office. The Governor has put more dollars into the state pension fund than any other governor. The 1995 requirement was deemed to be unpayable by the GA and was revamped by SB 27 in 2005.
- Bill - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 1:03 pm:
Little e,
Thanks for oyur unwavering support. I knew we could count on you!
- steve schnorf - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 1:13 pm:
Bill, how did the Republicans know in 1995 when they were going to leave office?
- steve schnorf - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 1:16 pm:
I don’t know a name, but a person who had Jim Edgar’s self-discipline and appreciation for the role of government, George Ryan’s empathy for people and ability to work with all sides of an issue, and Jim Thompson’s ability to inspire and communicate would be a pretty good start.
- railsplitter_68 - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 1:16 pm:
Rep. Jim Sacia. Every time I’ve met him or hear him speak, I walk away impressed. His background and experience allows him to understand all the issues facing state & local government. He has a mind for details and an amazing memory. He has great people skills and a “common touch”. (NOT arrogant or aloof like so many politicians are). He is a retired FBI agent, so he understands crime and law enforcement. He owns a farm implements dealership, so Sacia understands business and how important small business is to our economy. (unlike our current guv)
Sacia has served on school board and county board, so he knows local government. As a legislator, he works hard and follows through…and he has to because his district is sprawled over 5 counties. I have seen a lot of politicians come and go over the years, I wish there were more of them like Jim Sacia !
- one of the 35 - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 1:19 pm:
Wanted: Governor for the State of Illinois. Skills required:Jogging, frequent traveling aboard small aircraft, and the ability to sneak out back doors to avoid the press. Ability to avoid overnight stays a must. Must be uncompromising and intractable, able to name call, curse, and accuse others of your own shortcomings. High visibility position, but press interviews not necessary. Ability to develop sudden surprise strategies not previously referenced, is a must. Must be able to attract contractors in exchange for large campaign contributions, and give the simultaneous impression that this constitutes “no more business as usual”.
- Team Sleep - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 1:26 pm:
Why does everything on this website have to break down into a discussion about Blago?
My perfect governor would be an independent who wants to keep taxes low but not have the disingenuous notion of increasing state government while trying to juggle around finances every May to do so. Cutting or keeping taxes low does not mean you have to cut government spending but it does mean that spending must stay level. Since Roe vs. Wade isn’t going to be overturned any time soon, abortion stances won’t matter. We need a budget hawk who will cut waste, get the state up-to-date on Medicaid and childcare payouts and use a veto threat only on spending and appropriations bills that will either harm the state or put us in a bind the year following the last budget. A perfect candidate would also restore funding to our public universities so that people like my brother and sister-in-law don’t have to take out even bigger loans or face the prospect that their schools are on the receiving end of cuts and criticism.
- Reddbyrd - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 1:40 pm:
I think most of assumed the question refered to the Governor after Lisa Madigan….The logical choice is Andrew Madigan
- BLAH - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 2:07 pm:
Well the 1995 funding law was funded every year until Blago took office. As for the holiday - last time I checked the Gov has the final say on the budget.
- 312 - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 2:13 pm:
If we can’t bring back Paul Vallas, then I vote for the Guv/Lite Guv combination of Lisa Madigan + Tom Dart. (Either order)
Lisa’s shown she’s not a clone of her dad (which isn’t all bad!) Her consumer efforts have been laudable. Dart and his criminal justice experience could be a winning combination.
Plus, the two of them ‘have a clue’. They understand you can’t govern by press conferences — they can work with the legislature — they get urban + downstate issues.
I can’t decide what one word describes our current gov — inept, gadfly, mope, empty shell, moron, incompetent, self-centered, egoist, etc etc etc.
In the immortal words of Red Forman from ‘That 70’s Show’, I think the most appropriate term would be ‘DUMBASS!’
- Bill - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 2:14 pm:
They probably saw the handwriting on the wall. The bomb was set to go off in 2005.You know. You were there.
- scoot - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 2:14 pm:
Kirk Dilliard. A moderate GOPer from the suburbs who has experience behind the glass doors & in the Senate. Other hopefuls: Jack Franks, Ray LaHood, or Patrick Fitzgerald.
- Crimefighter - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 2:23 pm:
I want a governor that pushes conservative prinicipals, preferably Ronald Reagan’s. The state GOP has turned so far away from it that’s why they’re not in power hardly.
- Napoleon Has Left The Building - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 2:25 pm:
Bill - “why mess with success?” that’s great, I haven’t laughed so hard since I voted for Sanjaya.
Lisa Madigan, she’ll be an ideal Governor someday.
- Lovie's Leather - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 2:43 pm:
Anyone in the mold of a Nelson Rockefeller. Knows how to modernize state government, building infrastructure, strict drug laws, collaborate with labor unions, anti-proctectionist, and a conservationist…
Or Jim Edgar… that would be fine too….
- Captain America - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 2:50 pm:
I voted and actively campaigned for Paul Vallas - he would have been far better prepared to deal with the State’s fiscal problems. In retrospect. it is clear that the Stare of Illinois would be much better off today if Downstate labor had not swept Blago to victory in the 2002 primary. In this respect it is ironic that downstaters have such an intense dislike for Blago now.
If George Ryan had not been a criminal, he would have been reelected to a second term easily and I believe Dan Hynes would have been elected Governor last November. Dan is the exact oppo0site of Blago - knowledgeable, competent , and engaged - not to mention ethical. I honestly believe Dan meets the most of the criteria set forth by Steve Schnorf, except that he does not have Jim Thompson’s campaigning and communication skills.
Unfortunately, we tend to elect the best campaigners and the most attractive people, instead of those best qualified to govern.
I believe Lisa Madigan will be the next person elected as Governor in 2010. I’m sure she’ll do an excellent job based upopn her performance as Attorney General. The only potential Republican nominee that I can see giving Lisa a run for her money would be Patrick Fitzgerald. The reason that I think a Fitzgerald candidacy would be plausible,if not likely,is that I think we are very close to a tipping point on public corruption in Illinois. An independent like Fitgerald could sweep to victory as a Republican nominee running on an anti-corruption platform.
- Team Sleep - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 2:58 pm:
Captain, good post. Lisa will be tough to beat if she runs in 2010, although two or three more budget fiascos could put a Republican like Bill Brady in play. We are to the point in Illinois where even a conservative like Mr. Brady can’t cut programs to the bone, so he could at least run on fiscal sanity and keeping taxes low - without a hidden card like the GRT or an employer payroll tax.
- Springfield First - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 3:07 pm:
Senator Frerichs - one of the few downstate politicians who could be elected (i.e. a Democrat) and from a town of 500 people to boot!
- Democrat - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 3:18 pm:
Rich Miller he has all the answers.
- Wumpus - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 3:33 pm:
Why not Daley? Despite some of the goofiness, he is pretty effective…and corrpution would at least maintain its current level.
- Papa Legba - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 3:38 pm:
I still have to go with Peter Fitz. He doesn’t have to listen to anyone (has his own money) and does things the right way. Why else do you think he PO’ed everybody when he was in congress.
- here and there - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 3:46 pm:
Alderman Berny Stone
- South Sider - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 4:23 pm:
A Democrat - Sorry, not prepared to drink the Kool Aid that you so obviously have gulped. That may make me a bad Democrat, as you say, but a clear-headed voter.
Bring on Lisa Madigan.
- The Trib - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 4:44 pm:
Jim Hendry. This way every year, expectations will be high, but if you .500 the season was a success.
- Objective Dem - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 5:05 pm:
Lisa Madigan and Forest Claypool are two people I think would do a good job.
I see Paul Vallas’s name popping up. The media loved Paul and made him sound great but the reality was different. I’m glad he is not governor.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 5:06 pm:
Mike Jacobs!
- game plan - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 5:10 pm:
Someone down the middle, who has the ability to get both sides to work together, a sense of budgeting, creative, discipline to stay focused -no bright shiney objects syndrome, shows up on time, lives close by, hmmm - Cross or Vallas comes to mind. Lots of Republicans crossed over for Vallas. How about a woman - could Lisa control her dad and Emil? Not.
- Hynes for Governor - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 5:18 pm:
Hynes is the easiet answer….Sorry, the guy is as honest and as fair as they come and will get the support of Republicans as well…. No more Madigans in office…The apple sometimes doesn’t fall too far from tree and when they do, we get GW.
- Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 5:37 pm:
Claypool? That is kind of interesting. Considering his southern Illinois roots and his “reform” platform, he could do well. He ran well in the Cook Co burbs and might be able to connect down south. But I just don’t see it happening.
I think Dart has the best chance to scare Madigan away from running. He’ll have a big army and he doesn’t care what M Madigan wants. He’ll also have Obama’s support, which will help when he’s living at 1600 Pennsylvania.
- Wistful - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 5:39 pm:
Bill Daley. He would have brought together the business community and forced them to swallow the tax increases necessary to fund education and transportation the way it needs to be done, and then brought the unions to the table to hold them accountable for the new $$.
- jaundiced eye - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 5:46 pm:
Good statement, Cap’n. Ethics are key to the next election and the “prom theme” we’ll all see. Vallas? Forget it, if you ever worked with/for him you’d understand. Claypool? The Eddie Haskell of politics … a business-like “voice” other than Ron Gidwitz would work … someone who has a stake in economic growth and improved education funding …
- A Citizen - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 5:53 pm:
Rauschenberger vs L Madagin - Either one wins we all win. They, especially Rauschenberger understand state government down to the brass tacks and can and would make it work in a way we could both admire, respect and be proud.
- RightGirl - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 6:19 pm:
John O. Jones. Four years of straight talk would sound so good after the Blago years.
- Clara "The Clairvoyant" - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 6:37 pm:
I think there are a lot of decent political types out there that would serve our state well as governor. Among the democrats I like Dan Hynd and Lisa Madigan as long as they have the backbone to do what is right for the citizens of Illinois even when asked to do otherwise by their Party’s leadership.
Among the Republicans, I would vote for both Peter and Patrick Fitzgerald as both men are known for their integrity which is something that we have been lacking in our last couple of governors. Steve Rauschenberger and Chris Lauzen are also good candidates for Governor of Illinois. They have the integrity, compassion, and the intellectual skills required to make excellent governors of Illinois.
- irishmom07 - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 7:50 pm:
My vote for an ideal governor would be either Patrick Fitzgerald or Paul Vallas. I know one is republican and the other democrat, but I think both of them are ethical people.
- Huh? - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 7:54 pm:
I don’t care who is elected governor as long as the person is honest and willing to work with the legislature for the better of the people of Illinois. I would also add that the person must be kind.
Bill and A Democrat I am glad that you two are around for morbid humor. Your guy is so bad that George Ryan is looking good.
- Herself - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 8:34 pm:
Bill Brady would be my choice for governor. He is sharp, honorable and has proven to be a team leader. My second choice would be Dan Hynes. Dan knows how the state finances function. My third choice would be the Auditor General Holland. With Holland, state contracts would be on the straight and narrow.
- Luca Brazzi - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 9:16 pm:
Rod may think he will get another 4, but he is more likely to get 4 to 10. After Rod gets his “appointment” to Wisconsin, and Lisa gets appointed to US attorney with a Dem. President, Dan Hynes for Gov. and Alexi for Lt. Gov.
- Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 9:38 pm:
Bring back Dick Ogilvie.
- PalosParkBob - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 9:44 pm:
My wife and I worked for Vallas.
I voted for Joyce.
I’d suport Lisa over just about any Republican, but any of the three would make excellent Guvs
Ideal situation?
Joyce takes Maloney’s Senate seat, “dethrones” Emperor Jones as Senate President, Lisa becomes Guv before being elected to the Senate after ousting “Turban Durbin” or Barack “What do I do now, Emil?” Obama.
Joyce follows Lisa as Guv, as well as becoming a middle weight contender.
I wish I could support a GOPer, but I’m not aware of any active in Illinois politics who’s worthy of a leadership position.
- Long Time Reader; First Time Poster - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 10:11 pm:
Can I vote twice?
I think Tom Cross represents the future of the ILGOP.
I also have liked Ray LaHood, although I can’t really put my finger on why. I guess I just like how he’s proud to be a Republican, but isn’t afraid to stand up to party leadership when he thinks they are making a mistake or it isn’t good for his district.
- OneManBlog - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 10:15 pm:
Glenn Poshard, Paul Vallas
- Down South - Tuesday, Jun 19, 07 @ 10:16 pm:
Brady will run again and win.
- The Conservative - Wednesday, Jun 20, 07 @ 12:22 am:
Bill Brady, great choice.
- pyrman - Wednesday, Jun 20, 07 @ 6:34 am:
Jay Hoffman would make a great gov, we would get many of Blago’s ideas but none of the goofiness that Blago brings to the table.