This just in…
Wednesday, Jun 20, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller [I’ve removed the 12:24 pm update and started a new post here. Continue discussing other items mentioned in this post.] * 11:02 am - The governor’s plane was initially scheduled to take off at 10 o’clock today, but it appears the vessel won’t be wheels up until noon. As I told you earlier, the leaders meeting is supposed to start at 1 o’clock, so he’ll be cutting it close. * 11:08 am - While we’re waiting for the leaders meeting to start and the House and Senate to get going (listen to Senate here and the House here), let’s take a look at a couple of new websites.
* 11:20 am - Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn will be the keynote speaker at the Taxpayers Federation annual meeting today at noon in Chicago. Since he may criticize the governor’s tax proposals again, the speech might get some coverage. * 11:35 am - The governor has signed legislation into law which would move the primary date up to the first Tuesday in February. The bill passed both chambers last month, but wasn’t transmitted to his desk until last week. The legislation can be found here. [Hat tip to a commenter.] * 11:44 am - Senate is convening now. * 11:47 am - Orders are slowing down a bit for our charity project, most likely because I haven’t been promoting it much this week. If you haven’t ordered something yet, please get yourself over there and buy something. Thanks. [I’ve removed the 12:24 pm update and started a new post here. Continue discussing other items mentioned in this post.]
- 312 - Wednesday, Jun 20, 07 @ 11:04 am:
United just had some systemwide computer outage that delayed tons of flights… Oh wait… He can’t be BOTHERED to fly commercial like the rest of us ‘common folk’, he has IDOT (and our tax $$$) to shuttle him around at his leisure.
Did he decide to take a longer jog today?
- Dream Job - Wednesday, Jun 20, 07 @ 11:17 am:
Milo’s tardiness is wrong on so many levels.
He’s a great example for today’s youth.
- Crimefighter - Wednesday, Jun 20, 07 @ 11:27 am:
So the governor hasn’t done anything with the budget, but signed the bill moving the presidental primary to Feb. 5th…apparently the primary date is more important than the budget.
- Robbie - Wednesday, Jun 20, 07 @ 11:37 am:
I like the Senate Republicans website, though I think the We Are Illinois website is just kinda blah.
- michael_k - Wednesday, Jun 20, 07 @ 11:40 am:
Umm…. The GOP’s website looks just like Hillary’s campaign website. Does anyone else notice this and think it’s very weird?
- michael_k - Wednesday, Jun 20, 07 @ 11:40 am:
My apologies, the SENATE GOP’s website.
- Fan of the Game - Wednesday, Jun 20, 07 @ 11:41 am:
The Senate Republicans’ site looks good but…
1) The Post-it Note that implores people to sign up for a free account should be a link to that sign-up page
2)One of the “Must Read” headlines reads, “Illinois Republicans step into budget talks with THEIRY own priorities.” Nice spelling.
3) Frank needs to get rid of the beard!
The Republican Party site is better than it was–much better. However, too much info is “below the fold” because the banner is so big. Don’t make people hunt for information and links.
- Delete the Governor - Wednesday, Jun 20, 07 @ 11:47 am:
Milo’s tardiness and absence shows his respect for our legislature.
- Macbeth - Wednesday, Jun 20, 07 @ 11:50 am:
Is he working in Chicago? Or is he starting his day at 1pm?
- Skeeter - Wednesday, Jun 20, 07 @ 12:07 pm:
With regard to the 11:47 update: I have ordered t-shirts for the twins.
One note on that: Had there been a line on the order form to make an additional contribution to Sojourn, I would have done so. I’m not sure if Cafe Press can do that. If not, a link on this site might be helpful
- Steve - Wednesday, Jun 20, 07 @ 12:17 pm:
I remember Blago showing up late for Senator
Demuzio’s funeral….they were forced to wait
for him to begin the service
- Taylor Street - Wednesday, Jun 20, 07 @ 12:29 pm:
Gosh - I would love to be getting petitions signed for office in August, especially downstate if there is no deal on electricity rates.
- jwscott72 - Wednesday, Jun 20, 07 @ 12:34 pm:
The Senate makes me sick. Why are they wasting time on a stupid resolution instead of working on one of the budget options Rich outlined in the Fax? It’s time for an adult to step up in that chamber!
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 20, 07 @ 12:42 pm:
If you want to discuss the Senate resolution, please go here. The issue has now been given its own, separate post.