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The merry-go-round

Friday, Jun 22, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Some of you were outraged at the reports of the governor’s high-flying expenses. I was, too, but I have a different outlook on the controversy in my Sun-Times column today…

The big story in Springfield this week was about how Gov. Blagojevich is spending $6,000 a day to fly back and forth to the Statehouse a few days a week. The revelations sparked an outcry from those who believe the governor should stay in Springfield until the problems that caused the overtime legislative session are solved.

Others have a different idea. Instead of flying in for a couple of hours of negotiations that are going nowhere, perhaps the governor should just stay home.

The idea is to cut the governor out of the process and do a deal without him. I don’t have much hope that it will happen, but it’s worth a shot.

* Meanwhile, the leaders did finally agree late yesterday to a one-month budget. Actually, they agreed in principle to put one together. Details can be funny little things…

Despite major differences over the state budget, Gov. Rod Blagojevich and the state’s legislative leaders finally agreed on something Thursday: They all want to avoid a government shutdown. Blinking for the first time in months, the governor and the leaders backed away from the ongoing stare-down that has kept them in Springfield three weeks longer than scheduled.

They emerged from a nearly three-hour, closed-door meeting to announce they would put together a bare-bones budget that will keep government operating for an extra month or until an overall budget agreement is reached.

* As Bethany Carson reports, it’s not a completely done deal

The leaders aren’t exactly holding hands and singing “Cum Ba Ya,” however. Madigan said there’s “a five-way agreement in concept” to enact a temporary budget, but “there are items to be negotiated.”

* Bethany also had this tidbit…

(W)hen the leaders went around the room to state their priorities for this “clean slate” budget, here’s what they reportedly said:

Blagojevich — affordable health insurance for all
Jones — education
Madigan — a “workable” budget
Watson — to “live within in our means and pay our bills”
Cross — unfunded pension liability and an infrastructure program

* The governor just couldn’t help himself yesterday, and made it a point to jab Madigan at almost every opportunity…

Blagojevich, a Chicago Democrat, praised the Democratic-controlled Senate for rejecting a budget approved by House Democrats. Blagojevich and the Senate say the House plan doesn’t spend enough on education and health care, accusing House Speaker Michael Madigan of shortchanging children and the needy.

The Senate stood up for “fundamental Democratic values,” the governor said. That’s a thinly veiled slap at Madigan, who’s also chair of the Illinois Democratic Party.

Blagojevich went on to compare the rejection of Madigan’s budget to Londoners surviving Nazi bombing in World War II.

* But, as he often does, he botched the reference…

“And this is, in many ways, not unlike what Winston Churchill said, after England and Britain were able to sustain the first wave of the Nazi bombing, that this is ‘not the beginning of the end, but it is the end of the beginning.’ ” […]

But the governor got the context of Churchill’s declaration wrong. The British prime minister made the remarks after an Allied victory over German forces in North Africa in 1942, two years after the German bombing attacks in the Battle of Britain.

* And after expressing outrage that Madigan’s spokesman had called the governor’s behavior “sexist” last week, Deputy Gov. Sheila Nix defended the comparison to Hitler’s Nazis…

Madigan spokesman Steve Brown said “it certainly was an unfortunate choice of words to invoke the invasion of the Nazi forces in comparison to the budget” negotiations. Deputy Gov. Sheila Nix said Blagojevich was citing Churchill’s words and giving context to when they were said but not “in any way” comparing the budget negotiations to the Nazi bombings.

“He’s just saying when Churchill said it,” Nix said.

Whatever. They should probably forgetting about releasing those letters that they ginned up from a few feminist activists demanding a retraction from Madigan. Calling the governor’s behavior “sexist” for refusing to negotiate with House Majority Leader Barbara Currie is one thing, falling into the Godwin’s Law trap is quite another.

* CBS2 had this observation about yesterday’s events…

It was the governor’s first appearance in weeks in front of news cameras. It ended when reporters tried to ask about the ongoing FBI investigation of his allegedly corrupt fundraising.

Blagojevich left the room under a hail of unanswered questions.

It was the way all of the governor’s meetings with the media end, and why he usually goes to great lengths to avoid news cameras. The political effect is that he is much weaker than during previous budget stalemates, when the governor made effective use of the media to verbally pummel his foes.

* What’s ahead?

Asked about the likelihood of another one-month budget for August, Cross said, “I think it’s a possibility. If things continue the way they have been, I think the odds are great.”

* Related stories…

* State leaders looking for short term fix

* Budget process is only temporary

* Gov, leader move to keep state government running

* Editorial: Governor should do more than ‘visit’ the Capitol

* Stateline: Illinois governor runs up travel tab

* Editorial: Waiting for Blago

* Lack of budget hangs up planning by community agencies

* Krol: Hynes play politics with information on state pay


  1. - His Airness - Friday, Jun 22, 07 @ 9:50 am:

    That’s rich! Blagojevich went on to compare the rejection of Madigan’s budget to Londoners surviving Nazi bombing in World War II.
    Corruptovich is extremely confused!

  2. - decaturboy - Friday, Jun 22, 07 @ 9:50 am:

    Blago has spent over $75,000 flying back and forth to Springfield to try to settle the budget. He wants to be at home with the wife and kids. Would he have said the smae if he was still a congressman or state representative?
    Blago if you want to spend with the family; resign and get a job in Chicago. Save the state.

  3. - The End is Drawing Nearer and Nearer - Friday, Jun 22, 07 @ 9:53 am:

    It was the governor’s first appearance in weeks in front of news cameras. It ended when reporters tried to ask about the ongoing FBI investigation of his allegedly corrupt fundraising. Blagojevich left the room under a hail of unanswered questions.
    Come clean, “Mr. Clean Has A Houndstooth”

  4. - Gus Frerotte's Clipboard - Friday, Jun 22, 07 @ 9:59 am:

    Don’t forget that to do a budget without the Governor, you not only need to get 3/5 of the General Assembly to support some sort of revenue and spending plan (hard enough as it is), you have to cobble together that 3/5 majority from that subset of legislators who don’t care about (a) projects in their district, or (b) jobs for their friends and relatives.

    The reason all those MOUs were needed was that nobody trusted the Governor to do their special projects unless it was in writing. If the Governor’s not a part of the budget, no MOUs. And if legislators were frustrated that the Governor wasn’t doing their projects when they were ostensibly on the same side, think of how unlikely it is their projects will get done when they’ve declared open war on him.

    To say nothing of the fact that any legislator who votes for a final budget over the Governor’s objection should pretty much count on everybody they ever recommended for a job being kicked out of state government.

    You can argue all day long about whether or not the Governor has squandered his opportunity to be the state’s chief executive, but those are executive powers you can be sure he’ll use if the General Assembly cuts him out. You have to figure a fair number of “pork” projects will be necessary to get votes on a final budget; without that, the legislative leaders will have their hands full. That’s why I just don’t see the Governor being cut out of the process — not that legislators want him there (many of them surely don’t), but because they don’t want to pay the price of not having him there.

  5. - Winnie - Friday, Jun 22, 07 @ 9:59 am:

    I guess it’s okay for Democrats to throw out Hitler references and no one says anything…what a classy party.

  6. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jun 22, 07 @ 10:03 am:

    Gus, there’s a very simple way to cut him out of the pork distribution.

  7. - Mrs. Fisher's Chips - Friday, Jun 22, 07 @ 10:16 am:

    When the governor said yesterday that he wanted to avoid a gov’t shut down “at all costs” by God he meant it. He will spare no expense in making sure the doors stay open. If he has to buy a gold-plated jet to fly back and forth faster and more frequently he will. Nothing is too expensive when it comes to protecting the taxpayers of Illinois.

  8. - politicaljunkie - Friday, Jun 22, 07 @ 10:26 am:

    MSNBC did a piece this morning on expenses related to Blago flying back and forth to Springfield. They interviewed an editor from the Trib. He said it was another example of Rod giving the “middle finger” to legislators and the city of Springfield. The pretend governor is always looking for national media exposure. Guess he got what he wanted.

  9. - Gus Frerotte's Clipboard - Friday, Jun 22, 07 @ 10:28 am:

    Rich, I’m not talking about the distribution — I’m talking about the implementation. As I understand it most of the pork is channeled through state agencies as grants. If the Governor just directs those agencies not to release the grants, what’s the General Assembly’s recourse? It’s one thing if the Governor tries to spend money he doesn’t have — then the Comptroller and Treasurer can cut it off — but I don’t see how they make him spend money he doesn’t want to spend.

  10. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jun 22, 07 @ 10:30 am:

    Sure they can, Gus. Laws can be changed.

  11. - blago hater - Friday, Jun 22, 07 @ 10:32 am:

    Maybe we will have the budget meetings end this week like a famous HBO series fading to black and not knowing what really happen.
    Oh, that is what been happening the past couple weeks as Blago jets back to chi-town.
    I guess he will be out at old ball park this weekend for the Crosstown.
    Maybe state government will fade into black or better yet sea of red.

  12. - i d - Friday, Jun 22, 07 @ 10:33 am:

    In this day and age, why do the leaders not use teleconferencing for budget meetings?

  13. - Gus Frerotte's Clipboard - Friday, Jun 22, 07 @ 10:38 am:

    Which laws, Rich? I’m not trying to be difficult here, it’s just that if OMB and the agencies aren’t going to devote money and manpower to managing the many pork grants that will be necessary to get votes on this budget, it seems like it’s going to be very difficult for the General Assembly to actually make it happen. Many state government agencies have large units devoted to cutting checks; what if they just stop working? It’ll show up as a Bill Holland audit finding in a few years, but we’ve seen what difference those make. Until somebody gives me a good explanation of how exactly the pork money gets spent if the executive agencies decide not to play ball, I don’t see any reason to change my assumption.

  14. - steve schnorf - Friday, Jun 22, 07 @ 10:39 am:

    Rich, didn’t the court’s reject the “if it’s specifically appropriated he has to release it” argument during the Walker wars?

  15. - steve schnorf - Friday, Jun 22, 07 @ 10:41 am:

    Even as I posted the previous comment, I realized that there are other ways. They could approp the money to the Comptroller or the Treasurer, or even to themselves, or directly to grantees.

  16. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jun 22, 07 @ 10:41 am:

    Steve and others, I’ll have more on this soon.

  17. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jun 22, 07 @ 10:42 am:

    Steve wins the Buick.

  18. - Gus Frerotte's Clipboard - Friday, Jun 22, 07 @ 10:46 am:

    Interesting point, Steve. I suppose the fact that it’s always been done through the executive branch doesn’t mean it has to be in the future — I’m curious to find out what the options are. Thanks, Rich.

  19. - VanillaMan - Friday, Jun 22, 07 @ 10:49 am:

    I know the Londoners survived the Nazis flying over and dropping bombs on them.

    But can Illinois survive Blagojevich flying over and dropping bombs on us?

  20. - FDR - Friday, Jun 22, 07 @ 11:01 am:

    I knew Winston Churchill and he is no Winston Churchill.

  21. - 4d3 - Friday, Jun 22, 07 @ 11:22 am:

    I’d LOVE to see the GA or Comptroller administer pork projects. The problem with these grants is that many of the grantees are shady at best, and want no accountability for their money. Look at DCEO - they had to build up a separate infrastrucutre just to process these pork projects. If the General Assembly issued these grants directly, that would be a bit like the fox guarding the hen house. Bill Holland should sharpen his pencils, because he would likely have one massive pile of audit findings to report when all was said and done.

  22. - Mr. W.T.Rush - Friday, Jun 22, 07 @ 11:28 am:

    Fresh from his Thursday “budget victory” (tee hee)
    The GRod crew is circulating the following letter to labor unions to use against House members. Some have told the GRodders to %#%)&#Q(%&)Q% off.
    You be the judge …how does this get 71?

    General letter sample

    Our schools are crumbling, students are squeezing into overcrowded classrooms, working families are seeing their healthcare disappear, and critical infrastructure is being ignored.

    The budget that was passed by the House of Representatives is not a “no growth budget” it is a deficit budget that puts the State of Illinois in a crisis situation. It has no capital plan. What about our roads? What about our bridges? It underfunds education and cuts healthcare for children. It cuts services to seniors, including 400,000 meals to seniors through the Meals on Wheels program.

    We need our legislators to quit playing games and get to work on the real issues that our state faces. Representative _______ needs to think about his constituency and what this budget will do to the people he serves. The same folks that elected him are now being punished because of political games. It is time for him to stand up for what he knows is right and pass a budget that serves the people of Illinois rather than a budget that hurts them.

  23. - Number 8 - Friday, Jun 22, 07 @ 11:30 am:

    I would love to see the public thrashing that Blagojevich would give anybody who tried to approp money to the Comptroller, Treasurer, or even themselves. Would Dan Hynes or Alexi Giannoulis be a part of this back door pork spending?

    Rich, there is no way that the Speaker would allow this, would he? Its absurd!

  24. - Lost In Space - Friday, Jun 22, 07 @ 12:36 pm:

    Virgin Galactic to Offer Public Space Flights.
    $200,000.00 round trip, right up his airness’s alley.

  25. - Watch Your Language... - Friday, Jun 22, 07 @ 1:06 pm:

    Somebody needs to clue Bethany in, it’s Kum Ba Yah.

  26. - truman democrat - Friday, Jun 22, 07 @ 1:37 pm:

    It is time to give them heck.
    Buy them all Kennedy’s Profiles In Courage and act like grownups and not bun ch of kids.
    Soon Comedy Network will replace Lil Bush with Lil Blago. Even the actions of our guv makes our prez look good.

  27. - fed up - Friday, Jun 22, 07 @ 1:38 pm:

    Why would Gov. Elvis run away when reporters ask about FBI investigations into his administration??

  28. - Up His Medications - Friday, Jun 22, 07 @ 1:45 pm:

    Because Milo’s posse of attorneys have told him to do so. Don’t say or elaborate anything anymore!

  29. - Common Sense - Friday, Jun 22, 07 @ 2:54 pm:

    I would just like to point out that the Gov was probably not referring to the circumstances surrounding Churchill’s speech, but merely to the words themselves. I took him to mean that this one-month budget does not mean they are close to the end, but just getting started; hence, they are at the “end of the beginning”. I do not think he meant to imply anything about the budget talks being like a Nazi bombing of any sort and quite frankly think that to take offense to it is ridiculous. Why would anyone in their right mind actually compare something relatively trivial like a budget to a world war? I know many people would retort that our Gov is not in his right mind, but seriously it just would not make sense. It may have been a bit pretentious of him to borrow words with such a past to them, but he was just trying to make a point that we should basically not get our hopes up with this temporary budget because there is still no end in sight.

  30. - game plan - Friday, Jun 22, 07 @ 4:49 pm:

    Just like all those running for office - don’t ask don’t tell. Look at Stroger. No indepth interviews by the media. Hide when you can. It happens at all levels of elected officials. It’s disgusting.

  31. - Gregor - Friday, Jun 22, 07 @ 6:48 pm:

    “I would love to see the public thrashing that Blagojevich would give anybody who tried to approp money to the Comptroller, Treasurer, or even themselves. Would Dan Hynes or Alexi Giannoulis be a part of this back door pork spending?”

    Well, giving Alexi such a gift would rankle Madigan’s pride, but he’s a big boy and would weigh his pride versus sticking it to Blago AND getting the credit for cutting the Gordian knot.

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