Morning Shorts
Monday, Jun 25, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson * Sticking together: Female legislators say job is more than mere representation * Chicago Public Radio: Lawmakers tackle overcrowded schools * Will bill tilt cable rates? * Editorial: Governor should sign tow law, protections for college news * Wage hike law set to take effect July 1st * Illinois House to take up casino smoking ban issue
* Editorial: Nix smoking ban exemption for casinos * Aaron Chambers: Syverson gets his moment as life of the party * Lawsuit reform battle heats up again at state capitol * Fewer buyers opt for state’s prepaid tuition program * Illinois launches meth database * Obama to get rid of 2 campaign donations * Dawn Turner Trice: For a patient, Stroger seems quite political * Chicago Public Radio: Stroger’s personal attorney still of public defender’s payroll * Opinion: Stroger misses an opportunity to educate the public * Cameras might be set up to monitor public housing
* Scandals, legal fees cost taxpayers $13M in Chicago * Sun-Times Editorial: Are city red light cameras about safety or revenue? * Illinoize: Gordon vs. Moore vote fraud case proceeds * Cicero town president hit with order of protection * Water commission bill may go into effect unsigned
- Lula May - Monday, Jun 25, 07 @ 9:15 am:
Question ? How many of the 62% who oppose smoking in casino’s go to casino’s ? Most people who go to casino’s already have one foot in the grave. Buses full of seniors spending their pensions on gambling. They have bigger problems than secondhand smoke.