This just in…
Tuesday, Jun 19, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller * 1:11 pm - The AT&T cable TV bill just flew out of the Senate, 54-0-1. It now goes to the governor. * 1:17 pm - The Senate has adjourned. Paul will have Rick Nielsen audio and photos soon. *1:38 pm - Here is the audio from Rick Nielsen; photos will be up shortly. Thanks to Tom from Metro Networks for the clip from inside the chamber.
* 1:55 pm - Alice Cooper is playing the DuQuoin State Fair this year. * 2:28 pm - Dick Gephardt will be one of the featured speakers at the governor’s dog and pony show for the legislative leaders. * 3:15 pm - AG Madigans appeal of the FOIA case has been turned down. Madigan wanted to represent Guv Blagojevich in a FOIA case seeking to compel his office to release federal subpoenas. The courts have ruled it woud’ve been a conflict since her office already advised the guv to release the info. * 5:25 pm - The leaders meeting just ended. Audio later. * 6:10 pm - Audio from after the leaders meeting:
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Tuesday, Jun 19, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Question of the day
Tuesday, Jun 19, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller Who would be your ideal Illinois governor? Explain.
Hynes stirs controversy *** Updated x1 ***
Tuesday, Jun 19, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller * Sen. Donne Trotter, who handles the budget for the Senate Democrats, is not pleased with Comptroller Dan Hynes’ warnings of a budget “meltdown” next month if the powers that be don’t get their acts together soon. We discussed the Hynes memo yesterday.
* And, in the same story, House Majority Leader Barbara Flynn Currie, who was dissed by the governor last week, explained that Blagojevich’s initial budget plan was so ambitious that it’s tough to reach an agreement that can be acceptable to the guv and a three-fifths majority in both chambers…
* Meanwhile, last week the Daily Herald tried to get the comptroller’s office to talk about the possibility of a government shutdown and was flatly rebuffed…
* And the State Journal-Register, which got the leaked Hynes memo before anyone else, editorialized on the subject today…
*** UPDATE *** Something for you state employees out there. From an e-mail…
I’m getting kinda tingly about this, for some reason *** Updated x2 ***
Tuesday, Jun 19, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller As I told you yesterday, Cheap Trick is coming to the Statehouse today. Actually, it may just be frontman Rick Nielsen…
The leaders meeting is scheduled for 2:30 this afternoon. So far, the only scheduled state flight that I can find so far is from Midway to Springfield. The guv prefers O’Hare, but occasionally uses Midway. According to, the flight left at 9:02 this morning and is scheduled to arrive at 9:55. If that is the governor’s plane, then he may actually show up in time to have his photo taken with Nielsen. Then again, maybe it isn’t him and he’ll just show up later today. At last check, Syverson hadn’t filed his resolution yet, but when it is filed it will be posted here. *** UPDATE 1 *** Nielsen (we’re still waiting word on the others) will be on the Senate floor at 11:30 this morning. Also, that flight above may have just been the regular shuttle. The same plane is heading back north again. *** UPDATE 2 *** Syverson’s resolution can be downloaded here.
Stroger has cancer
Tuesday, Jun 19, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller First, let me say that I wish Cook County Board President Todd Stroger all the best in his fight with prostate cancer…
So, why did the Sun-Times have to dig out this little fact from insider sources while every other media outlet in the county was kept in the dark? Here’s a representative story from yesterday…
But now, according to the Sun-Times, Stroger wants to take everything public…
Count me as one of those who thinks Stroger gets too much bad press. Political reporters have never given the guy an even break, but way too often his office simply bungles things. He cuts administrative costs at the hospital, but the stories focus on a handful of egregious patronage hires. He consolidates services, and the papers say he’s slashing critical care. The House votes to provide $100 million in funding, and pundits say he shouldn’t get the money until he cuts the waiting lines, which seems a bit bassackwards if you ask me. Of course, he brings a lot of this on himself. His elevation following his father’s stroke caused an understandable outcry, which wasn’t helped by his so-called “allies,” particularly that blowhard Bill Beavers. As far as I can tell he’s never really walked through the budget with reporters so they could separate the hype from the facts. And he missed a golden opportunity when the House voted to appropriate that $100 million to point out how the cash would be used. And now we have the initial coverup of his health status, which is gonna drive the reporters even more insane. Remember, he was elected in November, after he was diagnosed with cancer, according to the official timeline.
Morning Shorts
Tuesday, Jun 19, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson * Illinoize: The ‘bright side’ of the overtime session * Editorial: Woe is the poor, overworked state politician * Lawmakers finalizing deal on electric rate relief * Approved bill could save money on energy costs * Electric rate deal said to be close * Editorial: Funding for the RTA with firm conditions * New rules adopted for malpractice cases
* Campaign reformers targeting Illinios * WurfWhile: GOP Mayor Kevin Burns forming 14th Congressional District exploratory committee; more here * Tribune Editorial: The drip, drip, drip on Obama * Obama calls memo about India ’stupid’ * County’s health system faces an ax
* Opinion: Cook Co. joining city as immigrant haven? * Chicago Public Radio: Doctors hitting the exits at Cook Co. hospital * Daley stands pat on environment * Southern Illinois’ Rend Lake piling up honors