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This just in… *** Important updates highlighted in “red” ***

Thursday, Jul 5, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 11:00 am - Paul is out of town, so I won’t be able to do much live-blogging today. You can pick up the slack in comments by live-blogging the House’s Committee of the Whole at noon, if you so desire. Listen or watch here.

* 11:26 am - Despite taking much heat for doing a TV ad for Barack Obama and being too bipartisan, Sen. Kirk Dillard recently sent a red-meat campaign fundraising letter into his Senate district that bashes the Democrats for attempting to raise taxes, supporting a “massive” gaming expansion, dissing electric utility consumers, ignoring high gas prices and trying to cut job-creation incentives.

Trouble is, it’s a political fundraising letter and Dillard starts it off by saying he’s “at my desk on the Senate floor,” and includes his state telephone number at the bottom.

You can download the entire letter here [pdf file].

* 11:53 am - Steve Schnorf, a veteran commenter here and a former budget director, had this excellent point in comments today…

Did anyone besides me wonder how the Committee of the Whole went from being just the sort of dialogue we were looking for on Monday to a game that speaks for itself on Wednesday?

* 11:57 am - From Dick Durbin’s campaign…

Preliminary #s for Sen. Durbin’s second quarter fundraising show more than $6 million on hand and more than $2.4 million raised. The amount raised is expected to be higher than all other Senate Democratic incumbents up in ‘08.

The amount on hand is also expected to be to be higher than all other Senate Democratic incumbents up in ‘08, with the exception of Sen. Kerry, who has funds remaining from his Presidential campaign. The official FEC report will be available on July 16.

* 12:08 pm - At least one teachers union is turning thumbs down on the governor’s lottery lease scheme for now. From Dave Comerford at the Illinois Federation of Teachers…

We can’t support the lottery plan at this time. Right now, there is no plan to replace the funding that the lottery provides for general state aid. Also, we want to make sure there are no problems with the unions that represent the employees there.

We support the bond issue concept, but there has to be a plan for the future and we have to make sure that normal cost is taken care of also.

* 12:18 pm - Unbeknownst to myself and most others, the governor’s office did, indeed, write out a Lottery lease proposal back in April and presented it to Speaker Madigan’s staff in legislative draft form. The guv’s office reminded the Speaker of this in a memo it sent to him today.

I’m told Madigan is seriously considering putting the draft into bill form and giving it an up or down vote in the House. Stay tuned. [UPDATE: Scroll down to the 2:01 pm entry for more.]

Meanwhile, the governor’s office also presented Madigan with a proposed House resolution on the pension fund problem that includes no details of the governor’s Lottery or bond scheme proposals. The resolution simply supports coming up with a solution to the pension system by the end of the session.

The governor’s people were reportedly calling around the past few days asking House Democrats to vote “Present” on any Madigan-proposed resolution about the Lottery lease idea. Apparently failing to secure enough pledges, they’ve switched gears and asked that their feel-good resolution be presented instead.

The resolution and the cover letter about the governor’s original draft language can both be downloaded here.

* 12:32 pm - The House has begun. Rep. Jack Franks has been appointed chairman of the Committee of the Whole. 97 out of 118 members are present. Listen or watch here.

* 12:48 pm - Blink and you’ll miss it. The Senate has adjourned for the day. They’ll reconvene tomorrow at ten. The chamber did nothing today. The real “work” will be done at today’s hearing of the Senate Revenue Committee, which will hear testimony on leasing the state Lottery.

* 12:57 pm - As I’ve told you before, my father is a big Barack Obama fan and has decorated his 1963 Cadillac with huge “Obama ‘08″ stickers. The AP ran a photo today of Obama leaning up against Dad’s car…

And the Politico had this item at the end of a story on Obama’s speech to some transcendental meditation types…

Behind him, a man driving a red, white and blue 1963 Cadillac convertible with the word “Obamalac” and “The Time Is Now” carefully stenciled across it was being gently chided by a wiry, smiling meditator.

“The time is now,” the driver said, as he headed out of town.

“But the time is always now,” the local man said.


And I hope he doesn’t get himself on the wrong side of the Secret Service while he’s out there tooling around. A photo here of the Obamalac has this caption…

At one point the owner of this car pulled up in front of Obama’s ride, and the secret service told him to move on.

Oy, again.

* 2:01 pm - With a hat tip to a commenter, the House has just moved two amendments out of Rules Committee.

House Amendment 1 to HB 2055 has the governor’s Lottery lease language. House Amendment 1 to HB 3755 has the guv’s pension bond language.

So, it looks like we’re gonna get a floor vote.

* 2:10 pm - Rep. Kurt Granberg and Rep. Jay Hoffman are carrying the governor’s proposed House Resolution on resolving the pension fund crisis by the end of the session. HR 575 can be found here.


  1. - maybe? - Thursday, Jul 5, 07 @ 11:59 am:

    “Did anyone besides me wonder how the Committee of the Whole went from being just the sort of dialogue we were looking for on Monday to a game that speaks for itself on Wednesday?”

    Maybe when Madigan and Franks signalled they had no interest in seeing this pass?

  2. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 5, 07 @ 12:03 pm:

    “Maybe,” I think that was abundantly clear in Madigan’s original letter, which the guv’s office thought was so great.

  3. - maybe? - Thursday, Jul 5, 07 @ 12:06 pm:

    Its disappointing, to say the least.

    Boy! I can’t wait until they have to pass the GRT just to pay the $5 billion pension payments in a few years!

  4. - So Ill - Thursday, Jul 5, 07 @ 12:24 pm:

    Spent last week on vacation in Florida. Nice to see I didn’t miss all THAT much.

    Anyway…I watched some of ‘1776′ last night on
    AMC. Nice to see that our current leaders are just like our leaders back then (well, the ones that bickered, argued, and nearly came to blows on the Continental Congress floor).

    ‘Bicker, bicker, and resolve…not one damn thing do we solve’.

  5. - michael k - Thursday, Jul 5, 07 @ 12:39 pm:

    Glad to know 21 of them had something else more important to do.

  6. - OneMan - Thursday, Jul 5, 07 @ 12:43 pm:

    Just looked at the resolution, that does not have nearly enough detail to vote on…

  7. - illini pols - Thursday, Jul 5, 07 @ 12:44 pm:

    $36,000 a day for special session
    $6,000 per Gov’s airflight between Chicago - Sfd.
    Getting no where on the budget priceless………….

  8. - Captain America - Thursday, Jul 5, 07 @ 12:53 pm:

    No disrespect to anyone else, but when Schnorf talks people listen - at least I do and everyone else should do so. He’s a technocrat with superior in-depth knowledge of state government process, but he has the soul of a political junkie like the rest of us.

    I was shooting the breeze with the Maine township Republicans before the Des Plaines July 4 parade. We agreed that Illinois Republicans need to move toward the middle to become contenders for State offices.Only moderates can win State-wide offices, with the possible exception of Steve Rauschenberger.

    I never met Kirk Dillard in my life, but For all practical purposes, I believe his commercial for Obama was a sincere, but carefully calculated declaration of intention to run for Governor. This “red-meat” fundraising letter confirms my initial impression. More power too him, although I will be coting for the Democratic candidate, who won’t be Blago.

    The failed leadership of the dysfunctional Democratic triad has created a real breakthrough opportunity for the Republicn Party.

    It’s a mystery to me why any incumbent candidate can not understand the necessity of avoiding the overlap between political advocacy/fundraising and official legislative/exceutive duties givem the legal problems of our current and last governor.

    No Republican of any stature will challenge Senator Dick Durbin because it would be an exercies in futility. It’s going to be a Democratic year in 2008. And Dick Durbin will have all the money he needs to win. In addition, he does a very good job as United States Senator, despite whst the Durbin-haters say. I’m not particulaly imprssed with Harry Reid, and I think that Dick Durbin could be become the next Senate majority leader in the not-too-distant future.

  9. - Anon - Thursday, Jul 5, 07 @ 12:54 pm:

    The Senate has already adjourned!

  10. - Limerick - Thursday, Jul 5, 07 @ 1:18 pm:

    While the leaders play games to destroy,
    Our interests become a toy!
    They are costing us bucks,
    Yet their budgets all suck.
    They demean the people of Illinois.

  11. - Wumpus - Thursday, Jul 5, 07 @ 1:22 pm:

    ROll Tide! Rich, tell Obama not to cover up the O.

  12. - Wumpus - Thursday, Jul 5, 07 @ 1:32 pm:

    PS, Rich a good thing your dad did not have a knife in the 1 mile radius of Obama.

  13. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 5, 07 @ 1:33 pm:

    Let’s not even think about that, OK? Thanks. lol

  14. - Mr. W.T. Rush - Thursday, Jul 5, 07 @ 1:35 pm:

    Anyone see the Blaggo yet? Seen him in town that is.
    Let’s start a rumor that he is headed fro Sen. Jones office and see if the media runs up the stairs….Chicago TV has sent about 1,000 years of expiernce to cover the non event.Carol Marin Mike Parker and some WLS dude Guess everyone is off for the week.

  15. - GettingJonesed - Thursday, Jul 5, 07 @ 1:36 pm:

    Filan just admitted they had no solid plan to make up the $650 million that the schools lose once the lottery is sold.
    No wonder the teachers are so mad

  16. - Just Observing - Thursday, Jul 5, 07 @ 1:39 pm:

    I have no problem with Sen. Dillard giving out his legislative phone number on a fundraising letter, as he only asked people to call in regards to an update on legislative matters.

    However, saying he was writing the letter from the Senate floor, whether he actually was or was not, was incredibly stupid and showed a tremendous lack of judgement.

  17. - Cap'n Crud - Thursday, Jul 5, 07 @ 1:51 pm:

    HB2055, HA1 and HB3755, HA1 appear to be lottery and bond legislation, sent to the House Floor today and ready to bake

  18. - Crimefighter - Thursday, Jul 5, 07 @ 2:07 pm:

    No Republican will challenge Dork Durbin because the state party leadership has demonstrated multiple times that they will just abandon the nominee every time because they have no backbone and have become anti-conservative. Dork Durbin really hasn’t done such a great job and is very vulerable, but with someone like the very clueless and incompetent Andy McKenna running the ship the state GOP has no chance, and conservatives may be forced to organize under a third party umbrella.

  19. - OneMan - Thursday, Jul 5, 07 @ 2:15 pm:

    Ok quick glance at the bill, two things stand out that will result in a discount of the price.

    Page 3 line 14, 19% set asides. If I can’t just pick the cheapest vendor, that increases my costs.

    Page 22 line 15. Ad policy, the state is going to regulate my advertising, if I get into a dispute with the state they could start using this to bring me to the table to strike a new deal, etc. Discount.

  20. - GettingJonesed - Thursday, Jul 5, 07 @ 2:31 pm:

    Opps the lottery takes cash away from the CHicago Schools and the pension bill does not put any money into the Chicago teachers pension fund and who buys lottery tickets?
    No wonder the teachers are p%%#%##^

  21. - Cassandra - Thursday, Jul 5, 07 @ 2:33 pm:

    I don’t think that fielding moderate candidates is going to bring the Repubs back in Illinois for a long, long time. After all, Radogno and Topinka are both moderates. They lost big, especially Radogno. The combination of national Republican meltdown and local recent history suggests that if they vote at all, the moderate Republicans are going to have to find themselves a Democratic candidate to support for state offices, including the governorship.

    We can be fairly sure it won’t be Blago. Maybe Lisa. Maybe Alexi, who does have a business background, despite the squiffy parts.

  22. - Captain America - Thursday, Jul 5, 07 @ 3:09 pm:


    I never cease to be amazed by the unfounded animosity towards Senator Durbin, First of all he’s a true downstater having grown up in East Saint Louis of all places, and his permanent home is in Springfield. Hailing from East Saint Louis means he came from very humble origins and is s self-amde man. Some constntly complain that the Democrats and Republicans systmeatically exclude downstater from higher political offices.

    I respect genuine philosophical differences between Republican and Democratic commnentators. Nor do I expect that people would/should agree with every action, position, or statement of any given elected offical. But the fact is that Time magazine ranked Senator Durbin as one of the most effective national legislators last year. Time magazine is not a liberal publication - it a middle-of-road status quo publication. I think it is fair to characterize Seantor Durbin as a liberal.

    Therefore, although I understand that you dislike Senator Durbin intensely for some peraonal or philosophical reason, your characterization of him as a “dork” seems less than enlightened/informed.

    Maybe you should tell us who you think Andy McKenna should be supporting. I don’t see any bright and shining stars out there on the Republican horizon, but then I’m a Democrat. I wouldn’t necessarily know about well-qualfied and well-funded Republicans who could easliy surmount the 2008 Democratic tide, that could become a landslide, depending upon the identity of the Democartic and Republican Dmeocratic nominees. Think positive! How about the US Attorney in Chicago, Patrick Fitzgerald? he’s honest, incorruptable and a genuine crimefighter.

  23. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 5, 07 @ 3:13 pm:

    I should’ve deleted the “dork” comment. Please elevate yourselves a little, people.

  24. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Jul 5, 07 @ 3:24 pm:

    Hmmmmm…..I hope that Rep. Currie is staring at the Sun-Times LTE from the Gov’s henchman at the Campaing for Better Health Care as the Rules Committee weighs the fate of HR 575. Then send it to the Personnel & Pensions Committee and start filing amendments.

  25. - the Patriot - Thursday, Jul 5, 07 @ 3:36 pm:

    Durbin will have too much money for any Republican to beat. However there are some good guys out there. We had two in the 06 Race, Brady and Rouschenberger (sp?). Both have proven track records and have their respective strong points.

    I think a brief review of the the ILGOP website speaks for itself, look at the “Chairman’s updates” the last entry is the 4-18-07 Cole beats Simon for Carbondale mayor.

    Hey glad to see the party paying attention down south, but are you kidding. Nothing has happened in the last 3 months that is note worthy for the Chairmen.

    Hello, is anybody home???

  26. - Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Jul 5, 07 @ 3:57 pm:

    Rich, is the Obamalac in as pristine a condition as it looks in that picture? If so, props to your pop for having a fine ride. Wish they still made Caddies that looked like that, carbon footprint notwithstanding.

  27. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 5, 07 @ 3:59 pm:

    Yeah, it’s in good shape. Great shape.

    It was my date car when I was 16, by the way. I needed all the help I could get, as you might imagine. Worked at the local radio station and drove the dad’s Caddy. It was a good life while it lasted.

  28. - Papa Legba - Thursday, Jul 5, 07 @ 4:26 pm:

    I have been waiting for this day. They day when MM got Rod so rope-a-doped his hair may fall off.

    I do admit though. What this has devolved into is way far past absurd. I am hard pressed to come up with a term for what is now occurring in Illinois Sate Government.

    What a mess.

  29. - Bill - Thursday, Jul 5, 07 @ 4:32 pm:

    I wouldn’t exactly characterize todays non-action as Rod being rope-a-doped. Maybe the other way around…
    I do agree that what is now occuring is a mess. August in Springfield is pretty hot…and what about those petitions for the early primary? Attendance is going to be really down.

  30. - Mr. W.T. Rush - Thursday, Jul 5, 07 @ 4:38 pm:

    Contest Over…No Sightings of Blaggo
    Apparently he did have some confused interviews with TV reporters….Some are now waiting for the photo op of climbing to night, night time in his jammies! Good night moon

  31. - pension bomb - Thursday, Jul 5, 07 @ 4:53 pm:

    WT Rush, you got the wrong book suggestion for Blago with “Good Night Moon”… considering his inability to move the budget, “My Pet Goat” seems the more apropos choice. Or if we expand to cover the entire legislative process, “Everybody Poops”. One book NOT on Blago’s reading list however is “how a bill becomes a law”. Too busy re-reading “The Prince” I suppose.

    Maybe he can borrow Madigan’s copy.

  32. - some former legislative intern - Thursday, Jul 5, 07 @ 4:58 pm:

    Once again, all of the action is in the House. When will Emil, Blago’s favorite legislative non-leader, actually do something to advance the governor’s proposals? I mean something substantive, Bill, like a floor vote.

    This governor is completely hopeless.

  33. - JP - Thursday, Jul 5, 07 @ 5:54 pm:

  34. - True Comparison - Thursday, Jul 5, 07 @ 6:28 pm:

    The House just adjourned for the day.

  35. - No way - Thursday, Jul 5, 07 @ 6:31 pm:

    Kirk Dillard has no credibility left. He should do the state and the GOP a favor by finally getting a real job.

    Maybe he could work for a Ford dealer and then do tv ads for the Toyota guy down the road. No, probably not.

  36. - thurber - Thursday, Jul 5, 07 @ 8:00 pm:

    I heard part of a radio clip of Senator Obama today saying something about the need to pass a budget and that a veto proof margin was required, did anyone catch all of what he said? and was he hinting at a budget deal the cuts Blago out of the loop?

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