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Can’t anybody over there play this game?

Friday, Jul 6, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Todd Stroger saga gets weirder by the day

Cook County Board President Todd Stroger said Thursday that he was diagnosed with prostate cancer months earlier than his administration has previously disclosed. […]

Stroger revealed he was diagnosed with prostate cancer in April 2006 and decided to keep it private.

Earlier this month, Stroger’s spokeswoman said he was diagnosed only about 10 months ago after he was chosen for the ballot.

Stroger blamed the discrepancies on his communications team.

Either he’s not telling the truth again, or his communications team is one of the worst ever and should be cleaned out right away.

* More

His medical condition was not grave and did not immediately threaten his life, Stroger said. Because of that, he said, it was not imperative that he inform Democratic Party officials or the public. He said he was suffering from a slow-growing cancer that could be treated without surgery, at least initially.

“What I had was something that would not truly affect me until sometime into the future if I didn’t do anything at all,” Stroger said. “It’s not like a brain tumor that grows very quickly and you don’t know what’s going on. Prostate cancer generally takes some time to develop.”

* Well, he didn’t “do anything at all” for over a year. I understand denial. We all have that problem sometimes. But most of us are private citizens and what we do impacts only ourselves and our familes. Stroger, on the other hand, is the County Board President. He has an obligation to every citizen of the county to stay as healthy as he can, or at least be up front about his situation.

This is a recurring problem with the Stroger family…

With a an election approaching, the public was initially told the elder Stroger would be fine, his recovery was routine, and he’d soon be back running county government. None of that was true, but John Stroger was re-elected. When the truth came out, an interim board president was appointed, then party bosses slated Todd Stroger to run for his dad’s position.

[Emphasis added]

* And let’s get back to this point for a moment…

Mr. Stroger said he did not intend to deceive voters or Democratic Party officials about his ability to hold office, but rather meant to keep a burden from his mother, Yonnie, who was dealing with the illness of her husband, John Stroger Jr.

Again, if he’s telling the truth, protecting one’s mother from news that could be devastating, especially when she’s already going through a crisis, can be considered noble. But, again, he was being considered at the time for an appointment to the general election ballot. He had an obligation that rose above family. If he didn’t want to tell his mom, he should’ve just taken a pass on the appointment.

* This is also worth noting…

U.S. Rep. Danny Davis, who was jockeying to replace John Stroger last summer, said he doubts an earlier disclosure of Todd Stroger’s cancer would have affected the race, as party bosses “pretty much set the pace.”

Davis is probably right. Disclosure likely wouldn’t have meant a loss to Tony Peraica, but the ballot appointment was so controversial that I can see how Stroger might have wanted to keep it a secret. That decision was wrong on all counts.

Todd Stroger is not nearly the bad guy that he’s often made out to be. But he’s his own worst enemy and he makes himself impossible to defend.

Also, I’m getting tired of the goofy nicknames in comments, particulary regarding Stroger. Please avoid them in the future or your comments could be deleted. Thanks.


  1. - Ravenswood Right Winger - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 9:26 am:

    What a joke. Cook County Democrats=Politburo. Where is the vaunted Mike Noonan when Todd needs him? Is he stuck in the gold-plated elevator at the County Building?

  2. - Peoria Pete - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 9:32 am:

    Rich- How goofy is too goofy? You allow a lot of nicknames for Blagojevich in the comments. I don’t think Todd S. is particularly worthy of respect from the public, and you’re right, he keeps digging a deeper hole for himself. Maybe he’s not cut out for the job, and maybe the Dems should have looked beyond the “S” in their rolodex for a candidate??

  3. - The Horse - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 9:39 am:

    how do you spell …


    … just wondering

  4. - Skeeter - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 9:39 am:

    I think people are missing an emerging story. There is definitely a break in the Cook County Democratic organization and the Stroger stories are adding to it. Every time his name is in the news, the old guard is weakened.

    There was a lot of support for Forrest Claypool in 42, and 42 went for Peraica. Further, it was little reported that the Stroger/Claypool matter played a significant role in Reilly’s defeat of Natarus. There was definitely a feeling of “let’s get rid of these guys” in 42, and the Claypool endorsement of Reilly got a lot of attention. These new stories will add to it. It will be interesting to see what happens in the primary election. Expect 42 to have a new Committeeman, and I suspect that others in that position will also be tossed. It will also be interesting to see if people like Claypool and Danny Davis can work together to bring in a new slate. Beavers’s daughter has already lost, so he’s been shown to be weak. Who will be next?

    The other interesting note is that the Republicans still have done nothing in Cook County to take advantage of this. I’ve lived in 42 for nine years, and I literally cannot tell you the name of the 42nd Ward Committeeman. They should be sending out off-year mailers pointing this out.

  5. - Bill - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 9:42 am:

    So far, President Stroger has done an admirable job dealing with the problems he inherited with the budget, the juvenile detention center, Stroger hospital, etc..He continues to be a strong advocate for the citizens of Cook County. His personal medical problems have no place in a public debate. If his ability to perform his duties is not impaired his medical situation is irrelavent.

  6. - Bill - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 9:47 am:

    Reilly won because of strong support from organized labor and a general dissatisfaction with the arrogant incumbent. It had nothing to do with that loser Claypool. Rich Miller’s endorsement was much more important to Reilly than Claypool’s.

  7. - Team Sleep - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 9:48 am:

    Skeeter is right. The GOP in Cook County should be doing more and should have done more last year. Peraica had to do too much on his own. True, he had a good staff and could raise a lot of dough, but in the end the Dems were able to push more. Peraica was left out to dry.

  8. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 9:56 am:

    PP, there are two reasons for discouraging the nicknames for Stroger.

    The first is that some people just like to do drive-by insults and hurl abuse. I’m tired of it.

    Secondly, why can’t I ask you to elevate yourself out of the kindergarten playground a bit? I don’t think it’s too much to ask.

  9. - anon - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 10:18 am:

    “Stroger has done an admirable job”?? My goodness, the guy and his spokes people can’t keep thier stories straight. He has cut jobs that benefit Cook County residents only to bloat his administration with family and friends. Tell me what has he done that is admirable?

  10. - Skeeter - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 10:20 am:


    With all due respect, I was there and you weren’t. I was one of the people introducing Reilly to neighbors. I got a lot of comments in my building when the Claypool endorsemeent came out and I personally made sure my building knew about that endorsement. The feedback was extremely positive. Claypool is very highly respected in my corner of 42.

    The unions were great. They provided money and they did some nice work pointing out Natarus’s record. Rich’s endorsement of course helped also and further added credibility. However, the facts remains that Natarus very publicly suppported Stroger over Davis, 42 went for Claypool in the primary and then rejected Stroger in the general.

    Bill, you claim Claypool is a loser. He sure won in 42 though. The 42nd thought enough of him and so little of Stroger that they actually went for the GOP in the general, and then tossed the alderman who endorsed Stroger.

    You claim that Claypool is a loser, but it looks like he sure wins in 42.

  11. - Captain America - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 10:31 am:

    Again best wishes to Todd Stroger for a speedy and complete recovery from his prostate cancer diagnosis.

    But even when he and/or his campaign staff seek to lie, deceive, or mislead, they can not get the story straight. This story is significant because of the predicate lie about John Stroger’s future fitness for political office before the March primary.

    I don’t think Todd Stroger is an evil person, and I certainly have no personal animosity towards him. Nonetheless despite my credentials as a solid Democrat,as a genuine progressive on most policy issues, and as a believer in minority political empowerment, I consider him politcal anathema.

    He is doomed because he is occupying an important political job that he is not competent to perform - he simply lacks the requisite political and administrative skills It’s like a repeat of the Eugene Sawyer tenure as Mayor after Harold Washington’s death.

    Personally, I think Natarus was going to lose to Brendan Reilly irrespective of the Stroger reaplacement selection process. But I defintely agree that voter anger about Todd Stoger’s selection by the political bosses played a significant role in the general anti-incumbent mood of the electorate during the February primary and April run-off races. Voters were more receptive to an anti-incumbent message.

    For example, in the 43rd Ward, Michelle Smith, an aggressive, intelligent and articulate challenger, mounted a strong and credible campaign agisnt the incumbent Vi Daly. Smith earned the Sun-Times endorsement which gave her campaign legitiamcy. I am convinced that anger about Stroger,coupled with the ward’s strong support for Forest Claypool in the March 2006 priamry,gave Smith’s campaign a really big boost. Vi Daley had such strong community credentials that she didn’t even have a challenger in 2003. Claypool’s endorsement really boosted Smith’s cnadidacy. It was Alderman Daley’s impeccable community credentials, rather than her political skills, that enabled her to survive a spirited challenge.

  12. - Chicago Cynic - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 10:31 am:

    Todd made the worst of all possible worlds. First, he vowed to defend county services for the poor. Then he decided the place to cut the budget was not among his overpaid friends and family, but instead among front line health care workers and prosecutors. So he guts the health care system in the name of not raising taxpayers, but then he says well I guess we’ll have to raise taxes.

    Yea Bill you’re right. He’s doing a heckuva job.

    Between Rod and Todd, maybe we’ll finally get the right of recall in our next state constitution.

  13. - Bill - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 10:34 am:

    Actually, I was there. There is more to the 42nd ward than your building. Claypool lost to an almost dead opponent who couldn’t actively campaign. The fact that the ward went to crazy Tony is a only a testament to the lakefront liberals’ and resident republicans’ distaste for the process. When Claypool endorsed Brendan it was so distatsteful that we were tempted to pull out completely. Claypool is just another Daley hack who is out to get any working men and women he can. Look at his performance at the Park District where he gleefully cut services that the parks had routinely provided for decades. His privatization schemes did irrepairable damage to what was once the best public park system in the country.
    His obstructionist tactics on the county Board speak for themselves. If he is stupid enough to run for county-wide office again you will see what a loser he really is.

  14. - Skeeter - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 10:43 am:


    You may be right. If “concealing the fact that a candidate’s health makes him completely unable to serve” and then “putting a family member into position after the primary” is “the process”, then sure, the 42nd doesn’t like the process.

  15. - Captain America - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 11:09 am:

    Despite my strong reservations about Todd Stroger’s fitness and competence, I concur wholeheartedly with Rich’s position on the nickname issue in this case. I think the most frequently used nickname was unnecessarily demeaning, particularly when repeated ad nauseum. I’ll probably meet and greet Todd Stroger sometime in the future, and I plan to be friendly and cordial despite my intention to support some alternative candidate. I think he’s a nice guy and a good man - I just don’t want him to be Cook County Board President.

    He’s definitely in a tough spot given the terrible fiscal mess that he inherited from his father. I can’t agree with Bill that his perforamnce has been admirable. I beleive his short tenure in office has been an unmitigated public relations disaster, reinforcing the negative image that he already had in the minds of many voters.

  16. - Bill - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 11:17 am:

    I agree that his PR has been terrible. I hope that he corrects that. But his actions since he has taken over with regard to reforms at the Juvenile detention center and the hospitals has been admirable. His work on balancing the budget shows that he can and will make hard choices, and his pronouncements regarding a tax increase shows that he will be honest with the citizens.

  17. - Skeeter - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 11:18 am:

    With regard to names:

    Can we get a ruling on whether we can refer to Chairman Stroger as “Toddler”?

    The name is not that offensive, and seems to fit.

  18. - Skeeter - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 11:20 am:


    Since when is “adding relatives to the payroll in jobs paying over $100,000″ a hard choice?

    He knew all the eyes would be on him, and he did it anyway.

    Business as usual, and people are tired of it.

  19. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 11:21 am:

    The ruling is: It’s become repetitive and gratuitous and I’m tired of it. Elevate yourself.

  20. - fedup dem - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 11:37 am:

    So Mr. Miller, you seem all too willing to give this walking embarassment to Cook County a break, simply because of the multitude of screwups he has been responsible for. That makes no sense, unless you are looking for something in return (which I trust is not the case).

    Stroger and/or his handlers have continually betrayed the people of Cook County. He deserves to be criticized and ridiculed at every opportunity, because he has brought it upon himself. If Todd Stroger had any honor within him, he would resign immediately. Alas, that is not the case.

  21. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 11:40 am:

    FD, just because you have an opinion doesn’t make you right.

  22. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 11:44 am:

    Also, I find it curious that I whack the heck out of Stroger for 90 percent of this post, but some inist on picking out the last 10 percent, where I ask that they not resort to childishness and suggest that he’s not as bad as he’s been made out to be. Strange.

  23. - North by Northwest - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 12:21 pm:


    Your defense of Stroger belies the public record. Maybe you missed the reports of the independent court-appointed monitors of continuing violence aganist children at the Juvenile Center, or the NBC and Crain’s stories on the complete melt down at Stroger Hospital, leaving thousands of patients out of luck.

  24. - Limerick - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 12:22 pm:

    The public’s right to know
    Trumps a mother spared from woe.
    But why give a hoot-
    Todd’s an empty suit!
    Daley and Beavers now run the show.

  25. - Captain America - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 1:38 pm:


    Perception is for all practical purposes reality in the political world. Therefore, the PR gaffes have had a major impact on Stroger’s ability to get things done even if he knew what to do and was inclined to implement sensible administarive reforms.

    My understanding is that a Court will soon be taking jurisdiction over the juvenile center so things have to get better when this occurs.

    Discharging doctors and nurses, which leads others to seek employment elswhere, is cutting to the bone. I agree that Dr. Robert Simon is doing a good job/the best he can under very difficult circumstances. I see Stroger Hospital as a vital social safety net institution, and share Dr. Qnentin Young’s fears that the County public health system is now in critical condition.

    Todd Stroger has no political credibility with the electorate, therfore he can’t request a tax increase at this time. Claypool probably would have had the political capital to pass a tax increase, if he were inclined to do so , after making some cuts and implementing some reforms.

    Many people dislike and distrust Claypool, particularly because he cut jobs at the Park District, which ruffled a lot of feathers. Personally, I think he has proven executive administrative skills that would have served us well in turning around county government. His skills as a candidate are not as compelling as his administrative qualifications. My undertanding is that he is not particularly well-liked by his colleagues on the County Board. Neither is Mike Quigley. But somebody has to stand up and be willing to take the heat for “fighting the good fight” by asking hard questions and proposing administrative reforms.

    I think other powers that be see Claypool as a threat to their personal political aspirations (e.g., John Daley, Mike madigan on Lisa’s behalf). Hence his ambitions to achieve an elective office with adminstrative responsibilities were thwarted. But he obviously was/is superior to Todd Stroger in every way.

  26. - Chicago Cynic - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 2:21 pm:


    Looking for your thoughts on whether, given the twin disasters of Rod and Todd, we might see the power of recall added to our future…

  27. - R.A. - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 2:28 pm:

    Rich’s headline for this post, “Can’t anybody over there play this game?” says it all.

    The lack of political savvy in the Stroger Administration is breathtaking. His chief of staff, Lance Tyson, is a top-notch guy who actually worked miracles in getting Stroger’s budget through the County Board by a surprisingly comfortable margin. But he’s the lone beacon in a sea of incompetence. The rest of Todd’s staff is made up of 8th Ward hacks and Stroger relatives. What’s more, most of them (like Todd himself,) are second generation 8th Ward hacks and relatives, meaning they never cut their teeth in real political battles like John Stroger and his cronies did. The old man’s crew fought for everything they got in politics. Todd’s crew has had everything handed to them.

    Who the hell are these spokesmen and women who keep fronting for Todd in media? There’s a new one every day and I’ve never heard of any of them. Todd desperately needs a p.r. pro who has a good reputation with the Chicago media to help dig him out of this mess.

    Then again, Todd’s problems probably are too deep for anyone to “spin” out of.

  28. - Jerry - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 3:04 pm:

    Stroger is proving to be a terrible politician. For the record, who is his spokesman/communications team? Perhaps he needs to hire some, I don’t know, professionals?

    He knew he was inheriting a budget mess. And his budget ended up slashing frontline workers and closing down vital facilities, while leaving the bureaucracy and patronage in place. He had hard choices to make, and he decided that it was more important to save patronage jobs. I realize that some front line workers would have to go in order to balance the budget, but he targeted the front line. He targeted sheriff’s deputies, health care workers, public defenders, and the like. The people who make county government work for his constituents. He then made all kinds of dumb, high profile moves that showed that he lacks any sense of public relations. He had the elevator incident. Hiring family members into key positions. And then he threatens a tax hike. He wanted to raid the Forest Preserve for funds. He hasn’t shown any willingness to make necessary cuts where it might hurt him.

    When he was introduced at Barack Obama’s UIC announcement rally, he was booed with a rage that one would expect would be reserved for President Bush. He had to be hurried off the stage, and they needed to beg people to quiet down. The SEIU people sitting in front of me were angry as all heck with him.
    The man has done a poor job at best in terms of governance, and has utterly failed at the political part of his job.

  29. - anon - Saturday, Jul 7, 07 @ 8:57 am:

    I have to agree with Bill. So he hired a few relatives. Wow !!!!! Major news. Give me a break. The man inherited a total mess in County government. Yes I know it’s his fault, he is the son of John Stroger. I think he has already cut more in his budget than all of his predecessors combined. And please…let’s not try to compare him to Blago. That man is a total joke. Are we to believe if Claypool or Peraica had won, the county would be in some sort of Utopia. I don’t think so. And by the way, I never hear any Claypool bashers. My uncle had 25 years with the park district and got axed under Claypool. No he was not a ghost payroller. How come no one writes about all the white collar cronies that got hired under Claypool at the Park District? Any one from that era knows it was bad, and boy did the parks improve! I am not crazy about Stroger, but the guy deserves a chance. The media should also leave the man alone regarding his health. Write about something important. Perhaps there is a story concerning Iraq that may be of some value for your readers. The Breaking Stroger Health Scandal doesn’t quite satisfy my hunger for news.

  30. - Reality - Saturday, Jul 7, 07 @ 9:12 am:

    Rich: Regarding your Friday 11:44 a.m. post–an example of no good deed going unpunished.

    Also, tracking back to Thursday’s commenter(s) complaining about the lack of Schakowsky-bashing, it should be noted that many of the posts/discussion topics here originate from news coverage in the MSM, and there is generally not a lot of negative coverage about Congresswoman Janice by such outlets, especially in Chicago. Very few things were written about her husband’s problems, for example, let alone her own questionable judgment calls and statements.

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