Morning Shorts
Friday, Jul 6, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson
* Kadner: Sen. Crotty hopes to revive bill to make secret settlements public
* Illinoize: Legislators posturing for judgeships?
* From the people to to gov, welcome to Illinois
As for Blagojevich’s name being on the signs, Claffey said, “It’s quite customary for states and cities, including the City of Chicago, to have the chief executive’s name up on a welcome sign.”
But critics have taken issue with the governor’s tendency to do this. He also had his name added to 32 signs on the Illinois tollway system. They not only cost $480,000, but touted an I-PASS project initiated by a previous administration.
* Editorial: No easy answer on older drivers
There’s little doubt that lawmakers are less motivated to restrict older drivers than teens because, in part, seniors yield political clout that adolescents lack. In fairness to legislators, though, Illinois already employs some of the nation’s most stringent laws for older drivers. It is one of only two states that requires those older than 75 to undergo a driving test every two years. At age 87, license holders must take a driving test annually.
* Some minimum wage earners not happy
* Fire Marshal to lose two weeks salary for DUI
* Ban on horse slaughter upheld
* Opinion: State should take lead in treating vets
* Bill aims to keep Great Lakes clean
* Illinoisan for President; Cox who?
* City plans to outsource hiring
* Friday Beer Blogging: Little Kings Edition
- Lula May - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 8:12 am:
What’s so interesting about the signs is: Blago was so critical of previous Governors for doing this. Putting their names on everything including literature.
Now surprise, surprise Blago’s name is on everything. Once again the perennial hypocrite. This man has no shame.
- Squideshi - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 8:20 am:
There’s no reason to have the Governor’s name on these signs–it’s an unnecessary expense and only costs the taxpayer when the signs need to be changed between administrations.
- game plan - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 8:41 am:
Good idea Maggie. You’d be surprised. Unions use buy offs as a form of bribery. If you settle with employee X then we won’t file a failure to bargain or some other nonsense that costs government bodies upwards of $250,000 before a labor board. Those are the laws that bind government bodies and still the general assembly takes away management rights. I don’t get it.
- Wumpus - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 8:54 am:
Does Blago think everyone is stupid? He must think we all are Bill with his “Madigan Right Wing Budget” Quip.
- Pat collins - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 8:58 am:
Little Kings was the cause of my first EVER launching lunch due to drinking.
3 for a buck night at a Champaign campus bar+late night chem lab (where my partner told me he had 12) and I had to drink 13.
BAD IDEA. Going to Garcia’s for pizza right afterward was a WORSE idea.
- Ed Wynnnn - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 9:02 am:
What is the deal with State Fire Marshals? Seems like we get a new one every 7 months or so, and each one seems to have problems.
- Five Man Electrical Band - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 9:04 am:
Can we get the legislature to pass a bill while they are waiting for the budget, prohibiting this name-plastering of Rod’s?
- Fire Ron Guenther - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 9:13 am:
patCollins-I loved Little Kings night. I could easily do a case and then wobble home from O’Malley’s! (RIP)
- The Horse - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 9:46 am:
re the minimum wage …
as a small business owner, I have
a) raised prices
b) reduced staff
we are not talking primary wage earners here. Rather its kids, second income earners, and moms coming back into the workforce part time. I am not giving them the raise, my customers will or I will have to close
- Bill - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 9:50 am:
You are sooooo full of it. Try making a little less profit.
- Anonymous - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 10:08 am:
Horse is correct - My minimum wage earners are not the primary breadwinner, but second income producers.
Those evil business profits you seem to rail against provide
Jobs and fund the taxes you seem to embrace at every opportunity.
- Little Egypt - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 10:19 am:
My spouse commented this morning that Blago is more infatuated with being called “Governor” than he is at actually governing. In fact, he is inept at governing. Therefore, in the future, I will cease to call him governor, goverNOT, or anything resembling a leader. The only surname he deserves is “Mr.” and that’s being extremely courteous on my part.
- Bill - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 10:59 am:
I just think that the people who do the real work should reap some of the benefits. $7.50/hour is not going to break you.
- steve schnorf - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 12:52 pm:
Bill, I know you’re a good Democrat, but that’s going a little far with the populist gig. You know that the people who put up at-risk capital, and the people who manage the business and the banks that loan them money. and the marketing people that sell the goods or services are all contributors to the income the business earns.
“the people who do the real work” sounds like you are about to break into “Union Maid” or something.
- Anonymous - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 1:01 pm:
No $ 7.50/hour will not break me, but lets do some math shall we. 20 people working 2,080 hours means my payroll expense has gone up $ 46,000. Plus I have to factor in increased employer SS payment on that 46 grand, plus workmen comp (premium is based on payroll) unemployment insurance, My point is at my level $ 7.50 per hour with fringe benefits become $10.00 per hour.
I expect my taxable income will drop by more than a 1/3 this year with the new improved minimum wage contributing the bulk of that increased operating expenses, and yes that means less taxes paid by me. To avoid this pay cut I need to look to fire 3 people to hope to get even. So you don’t get upset with me, I will not fire 3 people but if one should voluntarily quit, I doubt I will replace that person on the payroll.
Again profits create jobs and pay taxes so our politicians can squander, I’m sorry “invest” the money.
- Squideshi - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 1:33 pm:
“Can we get the legislature to pass a bill while they are waiting for the budget, prohibiting this name-plastering of Rod’s?”
I’m sure that Blagojevich would just veto the bill; although, it would be interesting to hear what excuse he comes up with this time. This is the type of thing that we need binding initiative and referendum to address; and should a constitutional convention be approved, I hope that this is one reform that gets implemented.
- Anonymous - Friday, Jul 6, 07 @ 3:43 pm:
If you take a look at worker productivity over the past decade, it has risen much faster than employee compensation. As a result, employers have been operating with an economic windfall. Secondly, if you look at total employment in Illinois since the last minimum wage increased it has increased too.