Morning Shorts
Monday, Jul 9, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson * Opinion: Chicago can’t compete without good trains * Fading transportation services? * Residents, lawmakers still waiting on electric rates deal * Cashing in, or a justified pay hike?
* Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn pushes for programs to aid military families * Low wage workers benefit immediately from minimum wage hike * Sun-Times Editorial: Stroger should have made diagnosis public * Animal Farm: Duckworth won’t run again * Tammy Duckworth backing away from another run for Congress; more here
- Patriot - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 9:11 am:
I thought the electric rates deal was a “done deal” months ago. What happened?
- Writing On The Wall - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 9:20 am:
White collar crime pays dividends in Illinois.
- Tammy we love you - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 9:37 am:
Why should Tammy want to put herself through another campaign that Karl Rove and company will destroy a real hero? She served her country with honor and got no honor from Bush’s hacks.
- Cassandra - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 10:41 am:
Maybe Ms. Duckworth could run for governor when
her husband is safely home. We certainly need some changes in the executive branch.
- Disgusted - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 7:51 pm:
Re Chicago’s transportation: I’ve been wondering why the Chicago Trib that I get on weekends only have absolutely nothing in it about the goings on at the Capital. Then a co-worker said that a friend of a friend from Chicago came to Spfld. for the weekend and was stunned by the amount of information in the paper. She claimed that much of Chicago knows next to nothing about what’s going on over the budget and Blago’s shenanigans.
And she said that a lot of people think the CTA has already been promised for sale, to a non-American company.
So what’s up with the Tribune? Can’t afford a reporter in Springfield??