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This just in…

Monday, Jul 9, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 9:50 am - This is not exactly breaking news, but I thought you’d want to hear some audio from yesterday’s press bangs after the leaders meeting (which included several dozen legislators). Click the links to download the MP3 files…

* Speaker Madigan

* Senate GOP Leader Watson

* Rep. Jay Hoffman, speaking for the governor’s team (Part 1)

* Hoffman, Part 2

* Hoffman, Part 3

* 1:14 pm - From Eric Krol

We’re here live at Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s daily event, an anti-gun measure press pop designed to pump up legislation sponsored by freshman Democratic Sen. Dan Kotowski of Park Ridge to ban the “high-capacity ammunition feeding devices that are needed to operate assault weapons,” according to an administration release.

We’re waiting to see if Sen. Kotowski shows up. After all, last year, he told the Daily Herald he would not vote for fellow Democrat Blagojevich for governor and instead would write in the name of Cook County State’s Attorney Dick Devine. We’ll see if Kotowski shows up to bask in the glow of the TV lights or stays true to his anti-Blagojevich stance. […]

We’ll also be looking to see whether the governor continues his public feud with House Speaker Michael J. Madigan or tamps it down to try to get a little closer to, you know, actually starting to negotiate a budget deal.

* 1:21 pm - Today’s leaders meeting is tentatively scheduled for 4:30 pm.

* 1:29 pm - Paul counted 27 Senators in the chamber today, out of 59 total members. That’s more than yesterday (18), but is still pathetic. The Senate adjourned yet again without conducting any business whatsoever after about a seven-minute session. 84 of 118 House members were present.

* 1:34 pm -
Sen. Kotowski did not attend the governor’s Chicago press conference today, according to a reporter at the scene.

* 1:35 pm - The guv fled without taking questions from reporters. Still waiting on the proclamation to see what, exactly, the special session will focus on.

* 1:45 pm - The governor did not formally announce a special session on gun control today, but the gist was that one would be called in the near future on Kotowski’s bill to ban certain high-capacity ammo clips and possibly other bills out there as well.

As I already told you, the Illinois State Rifle Association sent out an overheated press release yesterday which claimed, in part…

It is expected that Kotowski will introduce legislation that would result in the banning and forced confiscation of most of your guns.

That ain’t gonna happen. If any legislation like that was ever introduced, it would get no more than a tiny handful of votes in each chamber.

* 2:47 pm -
Rep. Osterman just said he would only call SB 1007 (Kotowski’s large-magazine ban) when he has the votes to pass it. He also said he hoped that the prime focus of the overtime session remains on the state budget, but said that he thinks there’s time to deal with this issue as well. It sounded a little like he was trying to distance himself from the governor’s hot-dogging on the issue.

* 2:56 pm - Krol updates us on the governor’s presser…

Guv was a half hour late. Relatives of gun crime victims spoke, often emotionally. Blagojevich used the event as opportunity to bash legislative leaders who wouldn’t call this bill banning high-volume ammo clips. He didn’t mention Madigan by name, but the inference was clear.

As was made perfectly clear by Rep. Osterman, he will call the Kotowski bill for a vote when he has the votes to pass it. That means, obviously, that he doesn’t have the votes yet. So, the attack by the governor claiming that unnamed legislative leaders are holding up Kotowski’s bill is completely false.

* 3:14 pm -
Here’s more on the governor’s flat-out deception on the Kotowski-Osterman bill…

He says he wants a special session to deal with a bill that would ban large capacity ammunition clips.

And why a special session?

Governor Blagojevich drew a dotted line between the bill’s dormancy and House Speaker Michael Madigan.

“How is it that a bill that passed… the State Senate that would ban ammunition clips like this, didn’t get a chance to have a vote in the House?”

Because it didn’t - and doesn’t - have enough votes to pass, governor.

He may have finally overreached on this one.

* 3:24 pm -
The latest special session proclamation is out. This one, called for tomorrow at one o’clock, is about the budget for the state’s supportive living program. Read it here.

* 4:46 pm - Illinois Information Service has the raw tape of the governor’s gun announcement today. Go here or just listen below…


The IIS story is below…



  1. - PA also has problems - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 9:57 am:

    Pa. Awakes to Partial State Shutdown

    Residents of Pennsylvania Awake to a Partial Government Shutdown, Furloughs for 24,000 Workers
    A Pennsylvania driver license center is shown with a “Temporarily Closed” sign on the door in Philadelphia, Monday, July 9, 2007. Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell late Sunday ordered a range of state government services shut down and placed about a third of the state workforce on indefinite unpaid furlough after frantic last-minute negotiations failed to break a budget stalemate.

  2. - He makes Ryan Look like a Saint - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 9:59 am:

    Rich, In your memory (or memory of other bloggers) has there ever been a worse overtime session? If so, when and what is the history behind it?

  3. - Prentiss - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 10:23 am:

    Old pumpkin-head is bucking to be the third Lieutenant Governor. By the end of this term we’ll probably have ten Lieutenant Governors. How’s that for reducing government?

  4. - Little Egypt - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 10:23 am:

    Blago has enough people speaking for him. I don’t intend to download Jay Hoffman’s comments but I do have to wonder what Jay Hoffman wants in his future that he’s cozying up so much to Blago and risking going down with the ship.

  5. - Jake - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 10:24 am:

    Why don’t the GOP leaders come up with a budget? I know it’ll never get called for a vote, but at least it’ll show they’re interested in this, gets some of their priorities out there. Beats just sitting around.

  6. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 10:26 am:

    You should listen to Jay’s comments. He’s good at this.

  7. - Little Egypt - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 10:37 am:

    Unless Jay Hoffman is a miracle worker and can knock some sense into Blago, he’s just another talking head. Not gonna doit.

  8. - Six Degrees of Separation - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 10:46 am:

    PA’s crisis also involves a Governor who won’t budge on a pet issue (an energy tax on electricity to fund conservation and alt energy efforts) that is not exactly resounding with the public.

    The difference is, PA’s budget is currently in the black, and they are not trying to raise $3-4 billion for additional programs.

    It remains to be seen if the players in IL will allow a shutdown. My bet is it won’t happen.

  9. - Milorad - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 11:55 am:

    My guess is that there will be a shutdown. This Governor is just to dense headed.

  10. - capitol view - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 12:18 pm:

    I know the standards of the Constitution for impeachment of a state official — but I am curious: what does it take to get thrown out of the Democratic Party? Does it take calling the Democratic Party Chairman a “George Bush Republican”? This gov is not a Democrat, he is a Blagojevich — only cares about himself. He must know that his actions and statements cannot help the rest of the Democratic Party legislative races in the next election. Of course, the shortened timeframe for circulating petitions for the 2008 election - due to the Obama primary date switch - means a minimal cooling off time between the end of session and that filing period. Let’s see if a record number of Democrats choose not to run for re-election, fed up with the nonsense taking place under the Dome while their Party (sic)is in control

    Can he at least be sanctioned, warned, that his conduct if continued will result in his termination as a member of the Democratic Party in Illinois???

  11. - A Citizen - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 12:19 pm:

    Listened to the audio clips - the leaders should go to the same meeting Madagin goes to next time. Hoffman handles the press well but it still should have been the gov speaking for the gov. Madagin and the others seem capable of impromptu public speaking, why not the gov? Too many falsehoods in his minefield? Or is he really inept without a script?

  12. - Gimme A Brake - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 12:24 pm:

    To Jake- Republican Leader Cross did introduce a budget just before scheduled adjournment on May 28th. His budget gives more money for schools, makes the full pension payment all without raising taxes on people or employers. As you predicted it has not been called but with any luck the state’s final budget will look similiar to the one introduced by Cross.

  13. - A Citizen - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 12:32 pm:

    Here we are, almost mid July, in those dangerous uncharted waters with no budget. The ship of state is still afloat, apparently no leaks and all seems well. Is this Reform and Renewal - The New Way of Doing Business? No GRT, no grandiose new programs, no income tax increase, no sales tax increase! What’s not to like?

  14. - Little Egypt - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 1:00 pm:

    A Citizen - yes he is inept, also bungling, unskilled, incompetent, useless, lacking ability, not up to it, amateurish, unqualified, sloppy, clumsy, crude, ill-equipped, and last but not least, unprofessional, all without a script. That’s the kindest I can be to Mr. Blago.

  15. - restless in Chicago - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 1:29 pm:

    With all this Blago bashing…can anyone count how long Madigan has been down there voting for all the underfunding of everything? Wasn’t Madigan around for the last part of Thompson’s term (like 10 years worth) and then Edgar too? He has been down there long enough to explain his votes…Blago has only had 5 years to screw things up while Madigan has had a quarter of a century! That is 25 years…so doesn’t he also bear some responsibility - I think so!

  16. - Rebel13 - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 1:29 pm:

    Hmmmm, gun control issues! And you said he would not be bringing this up and ISRA was just blowing smoke!

    NEVER underestimate how low this Guv will go!

  17. - OH YES - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 1:31 pm:

    Please Governor stop your press conferences adn get down to business. Your media like Lil Bush are sickening. Governing by media event is not solving the problems. Sit down and talk and settle the budget.

  18. - A Citizen - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 1:31 pm:

    - Little Egypt - Well said, and I read it all in one breath! By the way the symbol for the Blagojevich Party is a joining up of the south halves of a donkey and an elephant both headed north.

  19. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 1:34 pm:

    Rebel, as I said on the other post, what I said was that he wouldn’t announce that he wants to confiscate all your guns, as ISRA claimed he would.

    If you were a subscriber, you’d know that I was the first one to write about this press conference last week. I knew it was coming.

  20. - Question - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 1:34 pm:

    Does anyone know how many peolple were killed in illinois last year by a gun with one these massive ammunition magizines attached?

  21. - A Citizen - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 1:36 pm:

    - restless in Chicago -
    That darn Madagin, it’s all his fault - YES! He’s the new boogeyman. I didn’t realize he had so much power as to single handedly accomplish that. Boy did I misunderestimate him or what?

  22. - Rebel13 - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 1:40 pm:


    They never confiscate ALL our guns at once. They just do it one at a time until they are all banned. That is their long-term plans

  23. - Rebel13 - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 1:43 pm:

    Rich, but thank you for the updates. I just found this site due to the budget issues and it looks like you are posting all goings-on.

  24. - dk57 - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 1:46 pm:

    I cannot imagine why pro gunners are often portrayed as irrational and paranoid.

  25. - ABolt243 - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 1:51 pm:

    Define “Massive Ammunition Magazines!” Many popular sporting arms to day come with magazines larger than the limit proposed.

    I’d say that no one was killed by a gun with a “Massive Ammunition Magazine” but rather people were killed by a PERSON using a gun. Many people were also killed by other people wielding crowbars, bats, kitchen knives and cars.

  26. - Rebel13 - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 1:52 pm:

    We are not paranoid, just vigilant. Very different meaning. Especially during a special session along with the fact that the original bill was about criminal sex crimes, then changed to outlaw gun magazines.

  27. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 1:55 pm:

    Rebel, if you had bothered to look rather than just repeating ISRA talking points, you would see that the original legislation was a mostly empty vehicle bill effecting the criminal code. Changing contents of vehicle bills happens all the time at the Statehouse.

    That argument has been beaten to death on the pro-gun sites, and it reveals a complete lack of understanding about how the process works.

  28. - Team Sleep - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 1:56 pm:

    What nonsense.

    I don’t care how smart or deft Jay Hoffman may be; he is merely being a shill for the guv. He has a mound of money in his campaign coffers and can do as he pleases - and he wants a higher office. All things considered, he just needs to keep Blago happy. He’s doing so and I’m sure he will do as much to be a burr in Madigan’s saddle as he can.

    But a working budget needs to be finished. And soon. One-month budgets are okay in the short-term but they are hurting essential services are causing the feds to withhold matching dollars. We can’t live without matching dollars for Medicaid and transportation needs.

    Lou Lang’s speech was awesome. When Blago repeats the “1.4 million don’t have healthcare” line that many times, you know he’s never going to get off of his high-horse.

    It’s also a sad state of affairs when only 27 Senators show up on a MONDAY. And seven minutes?

  29. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 1:56 pm:

    The original legislation replaced the word “the” with the word “the.” Again, this is common legislative practice. Some may not understand it, but that’s part of the sausage-making process.

  30. - Rebel13 - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 1:59 pm:

    I guess you are correct in Rich, but, take a look at SB1007. I was referring to another bill. Either way, HB or SB, same legislation trying to get pushed through. I don’t belong to ISRA and I only saw the bulletin here on your site. I know how the process works, but the way it is done is sneaky and low. The ends do not justify the means.

  31. - howie - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 2:01 pm:

    Rich, you have to know if Blago and Kotowski had their way nobody in this state would own any guns except the cops, and that’s just not acceptable.

  32. - ABolt243 - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 2:02 pm:

    dk57, I cannot imagine how anti-gunners believe that legislating against inanimate objects will keep evil people from doing evil things. There’s a gun on the counter behind my desk. It’s been there all day. Not once has it jumped up and tried to shoot me or anyone else in range!!!
    Look around a the 40 states that have shall issue CCW. See what has happened to the crime rates. Look at real statistics, those from the state files, not those drummed up by other antis that only count what they want to. Get into the 21st century. The police can not and will not protect every person out there. Self-defense is a do-it- yourself project. Like any other job, you need the right tools.

  33. - dk57 - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 2:04 pm:

    Vigilant and uninformed are a sweet combo, rebel.oh and armed too. Take your vigilance to and learn how this place works. Got to go now. Kotowski and I are on our way to your house to take your guns one at a time.

  34. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 2:05 pm:

    Howie, don’t be ridiculous.

    And even if you were correct (and you’re not), this is not a dictatorship. One person cannot just have their way.

  35. - A Citizen - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 2:06 pm:

    Everytime we get on this gun control subject I get p’d off all over again and go out and by another gun or two and a case of ammunition. Then I have to dig another hole in my backyard to secret them away. This is getting expensive and I am running low on real estate!

  36. - Aaron Burr - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 2:06 pm:

    Guns did someone say guns.
    In my day two political opponents would have a duel to settle a matter.
    One would bet on Madigan to outgun the Guv.

  37. - Ken in Aurora - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 2:13 pm:

    Rich - Kotowski’s bill as it stands will make a substantial percentage of currently available firearms illegal to maintain in Illinois. This is *not* a so-called “assault rifle” bill - it affects the majority of handguns sold today and many rifles.

    How would you like it if you found the spark plugs for your boat engine had been banned? Don’t you think it would affect the utility of your boat? How would you feel if you were constantly told your boat is an immoral device only used by criminals?

  38. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 2:14 pm:

    ISRA claimed that Kotowski wanted to confiscate “most of your guns.” That’s complete bull.

  39. - Assault Rifle Owner - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 2:15 pm:

    Rich, as usual you were ahead of the curve on the anti-gun rally today.

    But you have to admit that ISRA also got out before Guv/Kotowski got their press coverage.

    And with the media portraying the proposed legislation as “anti-gun”. you have to admit that Blago/Kotowski plyed into ISRA hands.

  40. - Skeeter - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 2:16 pm:


    Nevada is one of those states that all CC. How did they do last week? Great law. That guy was just able to walk right in and open fire.

    Anybody who believes the ILRA SHOULD be barred from owning a weapon. It is a sure sign that the person is paranoid and delusional.

  41. - Ken in Aurora - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 2:17 pm:

    Rich, I have no doubt that he wants to - but even he isn’t stupid enough to try. Yet.

    I’m telling ‘ya, ISRA does more harm than good with their shrill warnings. Tinfoil hat stuff.

    But just because they’re paranoid doesn’t mean that certain factions aren’t out to ban the guns!

  42. - Ken in Aurora - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 2:23 pm:

    Hey, Skeeter - all guns are banned from casinos in NV. See, gun laws work!

  43. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 2:24 pm:

    Actually, I just misspoke. ISRA claimed that Kotowski would introduce legislation to confiscate “most of your guns.”

    That statement made ISRA look foolish. So, when the proclamation comes out and the governor doesn’t want to “confiscate most of your guns,” then expectations will proved to have been raised too high.

    So, no, Assault Rifle Owner, I don’t think that ISRA made a shrewd move here whatsoever.

    And by the way, I’m currently shopping for a semiauto shotgun. So you can leave the “Miller is an anti-gun nut” ravings at the door.

  44. - steve schnorf - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 2:27 pm:

    Rich, why don’t you do a gun thread every day, and these guys can say whatever they want on it, and the rest of us don’t have to sort thru it?

  45. - Ken in Aurora - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 2:27 pm:

    “And by the way, I’m currently shopping for a semiauto shotgun. So you can leave the “Miller is an anti-gun nut” ravings at the door.”

    Ooooh, an evil semi-auto! ;)

  46. - Greg - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 2:27 pm:

    Skeeter and Rich,

    I think most gun owners (myself included) know and expect special interest groups to exaggerate the merits/weaknesses of legislation relevant to them. I don’t see the ILRA’s press releases as less factual than those coming from environmental groups, estate tax opponents, Blago’s office, you name it.

    Point is, I hope you realize that there are plenty of smart, well-informed gun owners who oppose 10+ magazine bans, yet understand the concept of exaggeration.

    As an aside, I quickly learned after moving to Illinois from Oregon 3 years ago that the biggest problem with Illinois gun laws is the diverse patchwork of local laws varying by city and county. I find myself checking local statutes anytime I travel inter-county on my way to the outdoors!

  47. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 2:31 pm:

    I’d be interested to know if the Governor’s Office actually filed a witness slip in support of the Kotowski measure while it was in the Senate or did any lobbying on the bill’s behalf?

    Or is this just more grandstanding by the Grandstander in Chief?

  48. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 2:32 pm:

    Greg, that ISRA “action alert” went way beyond mere exaggeration.

  49. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 2:36 pm:

    And speaking of ironies, look for the Gov’s legislative leader, Jay Hoffman, to vote AGAINST the Kotowski bill in the House.

    This 2006 Illinois State Rifle Association Voter’s Guide lists Jay Hoffman as their endorsed candidate. As is State Rep. Dan Reitz, another longtime ally of the Governor, and State Rep. Kurt Granberg, the Governor’s new-found friend.

  50. - ABolt243 - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 2:38 pm:

    Been busy adjusting my tinfoil hat and oiling my 500 round magazines, so I missed the news from NV. Just looked though, seems there are two casinos on the strip that are posted with “NO GUNS” signs. Guess what, New York, New York is one of them. Yep, good old “gun free zone” strikes again!!.. Just glad two servicemen had the cojones to stop him before someone was killed. The did it at great danger to themselves though. They were lawabiding citizens that obeyed the sign and didn’t have a gun with them!!

    Question for you… Hanguns of any type have BANNED in Chicago for years. All other guns have been registered for years. How many points has the crime rate gone down because of it??

    Now, go to any other state but Wisconsin and show me the huge increase in crime rate that has occured when their CCW bill was enacted. No, Wisconsin is not a statistcal anomaly, it’s just the only other state besides Illinois that denies it’s citizens their Constitutional right!!!!

  51. - Greg - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 2:42 pm:


    I suppose you’re right. My more important point is that many of these laws’ opponents have a more thorough understanding than certain mouthpieces’ press releases suggest. And I think that goes for many special interest groups.

    For example, after the Senate’s second reading of the magazine ban, I visited the local gun store to make sure I bought a magazine I needed before it had the chance to become illegal. ALl of the clerks were remarkably well-versed about the bill…I was surprised.

    Guess I’m just an apologist for the rest of us…

  52. - Knee Deep In The Hoopla - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 2:42 pm:

    I like Steve Schnorf’s idea. Although, if guns kill people, then pencils flunk tests. I also find it comical that many legislators look at the “aggressive” styling of certain weapons as opposed to their capability when deciding whether or not to ban certain guns and rifles as “assault weapons.” Finally, JBT was not incorrect on the “rolling pin” analogy, taken, as usual, out of context by Governor Rainman.

  53. - South of I-80 - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 2:43 pm:

    To “Citizen” @2:06pm.
    You can buy Wood Land and have it assessed for property taxes purposes under SB17. This will accomplished three things:

    1)Very low property taxes (taxes based on 5% vs 33.33% of market value) Note: Does not apply to Cook County!

    2) More property to dig holes on.

    3) Additional money, through property tax savings, to buy additional guns & ammo when the gun controll issue comes up again.

  54. - jwscott72 - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 2:44 pm:

    You’re falling for the oldest trick in the book.
    Guns are a wedge issue and the Governor is using it to distract from the budget mess.

    We need to stay focused on the budget, the most important legislative issue at the moment. Hold their feet to the fire on the budget. We can discuss guns afterwards until we’re blue in the face.

  55. - Skeeter - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 2:46 pm:


    I’m not sure that is correct. I looked at the Nevada law and did not see an exception. You may be right, but I didn’t see it.

    In addition, did anyone else think the wording of the “action alert” was odd? It spoke about “humiliating” gun owners and “stripping” them. It sounds like these people really like their guns.

  56. - steve schnorf - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 2:48 pm:

    This running commentary is a good example of why the leaders prefer not to have their members sitting around while budget negotiations are in overtime. They have nothing productive to do and start to do silly s—.

  57. - Assault Rifle Owner - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 2:50 pm:

    Rich, check my postings, I haven’t ever referred to you as anti-gun; in fact, I think you do a good job of steering down the middle, as difficult as that is.

    But I never said the ISRA move was shrewd or accurate; I merely point out that I believe that teh Guv/Kotowski played into ISRA hands by holding the rally and stating their intention to introduce “anti-gun” legislation, making ISRA appeals all the more believable to the uninformed.

    BTW, I am not a member of ISRA or NRA, but I am a member of my local sportsmen’s club.

    Rich, I also agree with you that a massive gun grab, though desired by Kotowski, Blago and Daley, is politically DOA in Illiniois. However, incremental encroachments are regular occurances in our state.

    P.S. Rich, I’d recommend a Remington 1100 12 gauge. Enjoy.

  58. - Jaded - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 2:52 pm:

    I am a gun owner, and I don’t have a problem with Kotowski’s bill. Sure he is anti gun, but he is not the only anti gun legislator out there. He is the target because the ISRA and the NRA do not like Kotowski from his previous role with the Illinois Citizens for handgun Control. So, it actually is personal with them, and that is fine, but I agree with Rich that they certainly don’t advance their cause by sending out goofy press releases.

  59. - steve schnorf - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 2:53 pm:

    I haven’t had a semi-automatic shotgun since an old Browning 12 40 years ago. Boy, was it heavy. Is it still made?

  60. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 2:55 pm:

    I’m looking at the Benelli Super Black Eagle ll with the slug barrel.

  61. - FED UP - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 3:02 pm:

    blago wants people talking about a gun bill that is going nowhere instead of the fact we are in overtime and the budgt is going nowhere. the sun times today stated that blago was doing another of his campaign style apperances at a black church on sunday saying hes not leaving springfield without his 2 billion dollar health care plan. Does the state health insurance cover mental illness because blago is obviously nuts. There are not enough votes in the senate for this plane and the house rejected it without a single yes vote. Unless Blago and E. Jones have sold enough state contracts and state jobs for there campaign funds to pay for health care for everyone blogo is dillusional

  62. - ChicagoSouthSide - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 3:05 pm:

    The House stands adjourned until tomorrow at 1PM…another day of no results, although I thought Rep. Black might have a heart attack during his comments…sadly my computer isn’t very ’strong’ (that’s a techie word) and the audio frequently locks up.

    Rich: is today’s 4:30PM Leaders’ Meeting at the Gov’s Mansion going to be broadcast live? That might actually be interesting (okay, maybe that might be interesting).

  63. - i d - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 3:05 pm:

    I am totally focused on the budget; however, I did murder a large beetle with my toilet Saturday night.

  64. - Jeff Trigg - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 3:06 pm:

    On the subject of the media pointing out exaggerated claims like the ISRA’s, why don’t they point out the more than exaggerated claims of groups like A+ Illinois, Martire’s Center To Tax The Poor To Pay For Millionaire Government Pensions, IEA, IFT, AFSCME, etc.

    From the A+Illinois website.

    “In general Illinois remains a low tax state overall, ranking 47th in the nation, and increasing the state commitment to education would not change that.”

    That’s way beyond exaggerated. And they peddle this crap daily with hardly anyone calling them on it.

  65. - jwscott72 - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 3:07 pm:

    I think i d’s story might be more compelling than the leaders’ meeting. LOL

  66. - Ken in Aurora - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 3:09 pm:

    Legislative newbie question: they need 60% to pass *any* bill at this point, right?

  67. - Jeff Trigg - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 3:12 pm:

    BTW, what does anti-gun legislation have to do with the budget? I thought Blagojevich wanted them working full-time on the budget? And why is this battle between the Governor and the Speaker with the President being left out of it? If the Speaker and President could agree on something, they don’t need the Governor. Why isn’t Madigan trying to work with Jones instead of Blagojevich? There’s something completely fishy about this whole drama. Hold on to your wallets.

  68. - ABolt243 - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 3:15 pm:

    Rich, Good choice!! You gonna get that with the thumbhole stock?? That might make it an Assault Weapon some day!

  69. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 3:17 pm:

    It’s unclear whether they sell that model with the slug barrel.

  70. - Jaded - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 3:29 pm:

    If you want a slug gun, go get a mossburg bolt action. It is way more accurate than any semi auto, and much cheaper than any Benneli model. Run lightfield slugs through it and you get accuracy out to about 125 yards (at least 100).

    What do you mean FINALLY overreached? This guy has been overreaching since January 2003.

  71. - S. Illinois - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 3:30 pm:

    Rich - I hope the gov is not reading today’s posts. He might re-think that invite to the CapFax Sea Cruiser!

  72. - 45 - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 3:39 pm:

    Rich -

    In 1994, Gov. Blagojevich sponsored constitutional amendments (HJR 23, 24) that created terms limits for constitutional officers and legislators. HJR 23 limited constitutional officers to 2 terms.

    The next time you see the Governor, ask him (1) if he still shares that belief and (2) if he will abide by the term limit.

  73. - A Citizen - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 3:43 pm:

    - South of I-80 -
    Thanks for the tip - I just got back from my Gun Shop and they had a Thompson 45 Cal (semi not full) in for cleaning. It was a beautiful piece of machining. They can even get me the large round magazine. I think I’m going to order one, it sure was nice!

  74. - Jaded - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 3:43 pm:

    Oh, and another thing. If this guy knew anything about the legislative process or would have paid more attention while he was in the House, he would know that many bills pass one chamber and fail for a lack of votes in the other. It is called a bicameral legislature and it part of the democratic process. If he wants a unicameral legislature, maybe he should go be the governor of Nebraska (please)!

  75. - Session Specialist - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 3:46 pm:

    Wow, he got the proclamation down to one page this time!

  76. - Rebel13 - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 3:46 pm:

    I don’t think Nebraska would have him!

  77. - HOT ROD MOVIE - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 3:47 pm:

    Two things to add today. First, I think I finally understand some of the Gov’s thinking. He is going to bring up specific vulnerable budget items and then rail against the GA for not supporting them, just like with the funding cuts rhetoric today. He’s convinced that if he says it enough, the public will believe that the GA shorted single mothers and sex crimes victoms and I’m sure veterans are next (or at least soon). And that they want to put machine guns into the hands of every terrorist willing to come to Illinois. Can his millions convince the public of his populist ways or will the public believe their local legislator and media outlets that we have a Gov who is playing politics with their state government and its budget. He’s betting on his track record.
    ALSO, has anyone else noticed the advertisements for a new movie called HOT ROD? I think the Speaker should organize a special viewing on the house floor. Its totally sophmoric plot line seems perfect for the situation at hand.

  78. - jwscott72 - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 3:50 pm:

    Ken- The passage threshhold depends on the effective date of the law. If it’s immediate (like the budget would be), it requires 3/5. If it’s after 1/1/08, it requires a majority vote. More information can be found at 5 ILCS 75.

  79. - HOT ROD MOVIE - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 3:51 pm:

    “Smack destiny in the face”
    click here:

  80. - what's up - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 3:51 pm:

    Why does the Governor keep throwing more red herrings into the mix? Right now most Illinois citizens think about the idea of guns and the current budget deadlock is a citizens revolt against the capitol. Pitchforks and gun toting citizena telling government do your job we sent you here for.
    Blago still does not get it. Why show up in Springfield now after wasting 6 months? Then you keep throwing out stupid ideas. You should be worry about services for the citizens, public assistance getting out,and state workers getting paid after August 1st.
    Thank you for messing up so bad that ConCon will bring new approach to government in Illinois.Maybe banning all son-in-laws of ward bosses who think he’s Elvis from holding any office in Illinois. Secondly, taking away state pensions rights from lawmakers for messing up the state pension system so much.
    If we do not have to pay George Ryan; then strike all the current members and any member who has served as Governor or lawmaker since the under funding in mid 1960’s. That should help leave enough money to pay pensions to school teachers and state employees at a good level. Maybe if the constitution cut lawmakers and the Guv’s pension to 25% level rathner than 85% level they would act faster to save thier own pensions.

  81. - HOT ROD MOVIE - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 3:52 pm:

    sorry, couldn’t get the link to work. go to

  82. - He makes Ryan Look like a Saint - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 3:53 pm:

    Nothing like Duck hunting with an AK47. Man it is hard to miss….Just kidding. Actually the people that would use the guns they want to ban would get them no matter what. Gangs can get anything. What is the point.

    Also….Hurray for Steve Schnorff, I love your idea of a seperate thread.

  83. - Ken in Aurora - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 4:01 pm:

    jwscott72 - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 3:50 pm:


    He makes Ryan Look like a Saint - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 3:53 pm: “… Actually the people that would use the guns they want to ban would get them no matter what. Gangs can get anything. What is the point.”

    Thank you *so* much for equating me and other law abiding gun owners with gang members for wanting “to use the guns they want to ban.” Do you know *anything* about Kotowski’s bill and what he’s trying to ban?

  84. - smoke and mirrors - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 4:05 pm:

    What happen to Education reform?
    What happen to solving the electric rate problem?
    What about pension reform?
    What about a budget?
    Now, guns who cares about guns with all the other problems?
    Plus what happen with the smoking ban?

  85. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 4:08 pm:

    “Smoke,” the General Assembly is perfectly capable of doing more than one thing at a time. And, since they’re just sitting around doing nothing, there seems to be plenty of time for this thing as well.

    Electric rate negotiations are ongoing, as are budget talks. The smoking ban passed and will take effect January 1.

  86. - Mr. Sun - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 4:16 pm:

    So, Rich, what’s the deal with electric rate negotiations? I heard there was going to be a vote tomorrow, and now there’s no agreement. Do you know the scoop?

  87. - Ken in Aurora - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 4:16 pm:

    “The smoking ban passed and will take effect January 1.”

    Woohoo! I can hardly wait - no more smoky restaurants!

  88. - Huh? - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 4:30 pm:

    Rich -

    A Benelli Super Black Eagle is a great shotgun. After 35 years of shooting right handed guns, I bought a left handed Super Black Eagle. THe best shot gun I ever shot.

    One thing you ought to know about that gun, you have to shoot something like 4 boxes of heavy hunting shells to break it in. Read the owners manual to make sure. Once it’s broken in, it will shot any shotgun shell form light trap/skeet to 3 1/2″ magnums.

    The Super Black Eagle is also very easy to break down to clean. Pull 2 pins and undo the forarm cap and it comes apart into 4 pieces. Pull 1 more pin and the bolt comes apart. Watch out for the firing pin and its spring, I had mine fly out over my shoulder the first time I took it apart.

    Wonderful shotgun. I have never heard anybody who owns one say anything bad about them.

    The gun may not come with the slug barrel. You may have to buy it as an extra. I would suggest that you get it with a scope mount if you are going to use for deer hunting.

  89. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 4:41 pm:

    Talking to people about their shotguns has been an interesting experience for me. It seems like almost everybody praises their own guns and says bad things about other guns.

    The other one I’m looking at is a Browning Gold. I’ll be making up my mind soon, but I’m leaning towards the Benelli partly because of the felt-kick reduction technology. Thanks for all the input.

  90. - Dozer - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 4:42 pm:

    The governor in is raw audion on the IIS website talked about calling a special session for a gun ban — a ban on semi-automatic assualt weapons. The Gov said he would call sessions for both the mag ban, so called assault weapons, one gun a month and other gun bills.

    So I would say that while the ISRA alert may seem over the top, the Governor said he would call it.

    you should also look to the preamble of the legislative intent of a couple fo the past bills to ban gun that have been introduced:

    “The General Assembly finds that the high rate of fire and capacity for firepower of semiautomatic assault weapons, assault weapon attachments, and large capacity ammunition feeding devices pose a significant threat to the
    health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of this State, that the use of these weapons, devices, or attachments for sport or recreation is substantially outweighed by the danger these weapons or devices present to human life, and that restrictions should therefore be placed on the manufacture,
    delivery, and possession of these weapons, devices, and attachments.”

    SB-1195 93rd GA

    pay particular attention to ‘the use of these weapons, devices, or attachments for sport or recreation is substantially outweighed …’

    they will ban anything they can attach a name to and demogue.

    As for Blago, let us remember these tidbits:

    “Blagojevich said the price was set high to make people think twice about
    buying a gun.

    “This is, in a small way, another part of the cooling-off period,” he said.
    If the cost of owning a firearm is raised, he said, people will put more thought
    into the decision to buy one.

    Blagojevich defended the increase, saying $ 100 per year is “not a
    significant burden. People interested in buying guns for the right reasons would
    certainly (pay) that.”

    – Chicago Sun Times 2-15-93 Monday, Final Edition By John O’Brien

    “In Illinois there is a real sanctity in regard to guns that, frankly, I
    don’t understand,” Blagojevich said.

    that from his attempt to raise the FOID card to $500.


  91. - NIEVA - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 4:49 pm:

    Yep they make a slug barrel version of that gun. Get you one and come on down to Gods country and do some shootin. You almost made me get a membership to the fax today!!

  92. - Huh? - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 4:50 pm:

    Rich -

    I have shot mossbergs, remingtons, ithacas, brownings etc. All of which were right handed shotguns, ie the shell ejects out the right side and if the safety is on the trigger guard, it pushes towards the left.

    I have enjoyed all the guns I have shot. I bought the Benelli because it is almost a goof proof shotgun and will shot any shell without adjustment.

  93. - hmmmm - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 4:52 pm:

    Here is the basics on what banning large capacity magazines does:

    It makes people who want to shoot more than 10 rounds have to stop to reload.

    the only people who would have their motives hurt by having to reload are those who wish to do a lot of harm to a lot of people, and those who want to do a lot of target practice.

    I am sure those who want to do a lot of target practice will bear the great burden of having to reload more for the good of our communities.

  94. - Jaded - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 4:59 pm:

    Can’t go wrong with a Benelli or a Browning. They make great guns, but I still swear by my bolt action slug gun for deer hunting. I have a Remington 11-87 for upland game, and like it, but had a miserable experience trying to run slugs through it.

    You will probably pay almost as much for the separate slug barrel, so being a man of your means, I would suggest you buy the Browning or Bennelli, and also buy a separate slug gun for deer hunting.

    Happy Hunting

  95. - A Citizen - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 5:02 pm:

    So, according to gov we have to buy one gun a month. Can I get a state grant or contract? How about a Small Business startup for The One a Month Gun Shop!

  96. - amy - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 5:06 pm:

    rich, please do not “schnorff” the gun issue
    on this site….we need everyone to read,
    contribute and think about this issue, not
    just the two extreme sides. people are dying,
    police are shot at, hunters have not near enough
    public land on which to shoot. it’s not just an
    issue for the “kotowskis” and “isra likes” to
    think about.

  97. - A Citizen - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 5:29 pm:

    Rich, just how big are those ducks you plan on using that slug barrel on?

  98. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 5:30 pm:

    LOL. They grow ‘em pretty big here. Probably all the corn.

  99. - Little Egypt - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 5:42 pm:

    Elvis has accomplished his mission today. He has changed the focus from his inability to orchestrate a budget now to when he will come to your house to confiscate your guns. I can assure you he will have to find my guns before he gets them and I do agree with Steve Schnorf - let’s not let Elvis distract us from his total inaction. As an aside, our local TV station did not say which Springfield church he attended on Sunday but I could have bet it would not have been one of our mega churches on the west side. I’m betting Pleasant Grove, Abundant Faith or Union Baptist, all very large churches with predominantly black membership. He would only go where he “thought” he had the best audience, but I’m betting he did not get a real warm reception wherever he went, no matter the race or faith.

  100. - A Citizen - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 5:53 pm:

    - Little Egypt -
    Folks in Springfield are pretty polite. They suffer fools well and tolerate nonsense knowing it for what it is. Afterall, that’s why it is the Capitol!

  101. - Bill - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 5:55 pm:

    Littl e,
    You are right about the choice of church. Rod was very well received and got an extremely warm response when he said he would not leave Springfield until he got universal health coverage. He was speaking figuratively of course.

  102. - Lainer - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 6:10 pm:

    Given that the SJ-R had two stories last week about geese wreaking havoc at a local golf course followed by a rampaging mute swan attacking a motorist… Rich may just need a gun that big to hunt local waterfowl : )

  103. - Squideshi - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 6:47 pm:

    “What does it take to get thrown out of the Democratic Party? Does it take calling the Democratic Party Chairman a ‘George Bush Republican’?”

    Ironically, Blagojevich CAN’T be thrown out of the Democratic Party. Even though political parties are private voluntary associations, Illinois unconstitutionally violates their right to freedom of association by forcing political parties to allow ANYONE to run on the party’s label and forcing political parties to allow non-party members to interfere in their internal candidate selection process (by requesting and voting their ballot at a primary election.) Membership in a political party is defined by LAW in Illinois, and it is a function of for what offices you have run, who’s petitions you have signed, what ballot you requested at a primary election, and in which township caucuses you have participated.

    It’s an insane system, really.

  104. - Squideshi - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 7:01 pm:

    I’m not too fond of the ISRA. They’re little more than a Republican front organization–they seem to care very little about the actual ISSUE. For example, in 2006, Rich Whitney ran supporting an open carry law here in Illinois, which is a RELAXATION of the laws we currently have; and the ISRA felt threatened enough to actually send out a letter to their members telling them NOT to vote for Whitney.

    Many Greens thought that Rich Whitney’s position on guns was out of step with the party’s platform (Rich didn’t–the platform actually doesn’t mention anything substantive about this issue) but most were willing to go along despite this one issue.

    Rich was the one that caused me to rethink my position on gun control. There is good scientific evidence for the deterrent effect; and while one of our Ten Key Values may be nonviolence, we DO recognize the right to self defense.

    One thing I am interested in knowing, however, is how far the pro-gun people propose that we go? Yes, the constitution does guarantee the right to bear arms; but to what extent? It’s obvious that this does not include things like weapons of mass destruction (nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons) but exactly WHERE should the line be drawn? Should people be allowed to drive around with loaded 50 caliber machine guns mounted on the backs of their jeeps? It is reasonable to to suggest that teenagers be allowed to carry uzis strapped around their necks into the mall?

  105. - Pseudolus - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 7:13 pm:

    I wish we knew who was giving Rod all this bad advice lately on the special sessions, etc. Or do you think it comes, like Rod’s budget policies, from his Imaginary Friend? Does Rod play The Decider, and his sycophantic minions all just go along?

  106. - Disgusted - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 7:15 pm:

    Little E: Pleasant Grove. And “A Citizen” is right. I spoke with a co-worker who was there and they just kind of tolerated him, so as not to be impolite.

  107. - Brother Love's Travelling Salvation Show - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 7:26 pm:

    I don’t think the Governor is very religious at all. Or maybe he’s some cross between B’Hai and Unitarian, ( nothing against those two faiths, just trying to illustrate how non-denominational Rod is ) because he doesn’t seem to attend any one particular church or faith regularly except as part of staged PR tours. I bring this up because I think one’s faith is not something you should manipulate and turn on and off for the press, and other people’s faiths should be respected and not used cynically as advertising platforms for travelling road shows full of lies and deceit. He doesn’t pick your church because you love God, you know. He picks it because he loves a crowd. particularly a polite crowd that won’t contradict him.

    I don’t think he sets a good example for his kids doing this either. And I’m apalled at people in the faith community who let themselves and their congregations be used in such a base manner, not challenging the governor with questions of their own, but blindly accepting his PR prattle as gospel.

  108. - Bill - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 7:28 pm:

    I guess your pal thinks standing O’s and choruses of “Amens” is just kind of tolerating the governor.
    Just because you and some of your fellow disgruntled employees don’t like the governor doesn’t mean that is the predominant public view.

  109. - Mr. W.T. Rush - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 7:38 pm:

    No Bill, the public thinks he is even a bigger goof than the work force or other elected officials.

  110. - Joe Schmoe - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 7:38 pm:

    Ask Blago when was the last time he had gone to church before yesterday….without the TV cameras….

  111. - Bill - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 7:40 pm:

    Maybe in your little world but not around here.

  112. - Little Egypt - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 7:48 pm:

    Bill, were you at the services at Pleasant Grove? I know more than just a few people who are members of Pleasant Grove, a couple of them pillars of that church community. A friend is an elder in that church and I know for a fact that the congregation was being polite with their standing O’s and Amens and yes, they were tolerating Mr. Blago (I just called him). And Bill, why does Elvis choose only churches with predominantly black congregations. Can you say pandering? The black caucus ought to be outraged by Elvis’ actions. BTW, if he said he would be in Springfield for the duration of the SS, then why did Elvis make it a point to be in Chicago for what he now believes is a press conference. I’m sure he could have found more than a few press people in Springfield who would have attended. Or was it just another orchestrated PR event with announcements only and no questions? Call him Shallow Hal. Talk about transparent.

  113. - Bill - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 7:49 pm:

    Around here we see Rod Blagojevich as a champion of the average working woman and man who along with President Jones is willing to stand up to the powers that be in the patch and big business to make sure that all Illinois citizens have a shot at a healthy life and a good education. He will not allow the cost of government to be borne by the hard working citizens while the rich and big business fail to pay their fair share.
    As far as the Blagojevich’s spiritual life is concerned that is nobody’s business but theirs. Their children love and respect their parents and are very proud of them. To imply otherwise says a lot more about you than it does about them.

  114. - Give Me A Break - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 7:51 pm:

    Hey Joe Schmoe: I’m sure if you could ask Jesus about providing health care to all his people, he would only agree if the funding source did not hurt the business groups and their ability to make a buck. I can hear Jesus now: “Well yes I did say love one another and treat your neighbor as yourself but come on, I didn’t mean it if the Illinois Chamber said it would cost their members some money”.

  115. - Huh? - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 7:55 pm:

    Bill - just about the time that I think you have seen the light and tossed the airbored governot under the bus, you hit the black ice of blind devotion and go skidding off the road of reality with your last comment.

  116. - Bill - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 7:56 pm:

    African American churches have traditionally welcomed politicians and elected officials to their churches to discuss policy issues and politics. It is not unusual for the Governor and others to attend services at those churches to convey to the people their stance on the issues of the day. The governor does not attend only African American churches but he does have a special place in his heart for those who have been strong supporters and who have warmly welcomed him in the past. It seemed like a very warm reception to me.

  117. - Huh? - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 7:59 pm:

    Rich -

    as my final comment about which shotgun to buy, find someone who will loan one to you for an afternoon at a range. The best gun is one that you can shoot and feels comfortable. Like I said, I have shot many different shotguns of all the various styles. The best ones I have ever shot are those that I liked, Benelli Super Black Eagle aside.

  118. - dupage progressive - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 7:59 pm:

    “Talking to people about their shotguns has been an interesting experience for me. It seems like almost everybody praises their own guns and says bad things about other guns.”

    Ok, Rich — please know I’m laughing, not judging — but you just confirmed to me that there’s something about guns & men and their guns.
    Is it a phallic thing or what???

    btw — great coverage on the special session/OT
    We are lucky to have you watching over this insanity. Thank you!

  119. - Give Me A Break - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 8:02 pm:

    What A County, What A State, What A Blog: Gun Control, Shot Gun Selection and Health Care policy being debated at the same time. You should be proud Rich.

  120. - Sarge - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 8:02 pm:

    So did His Hairness fly back to Springfield after his dog and pony show today? I guess they just don’t have any good media in Springfield these days. I’m sure his promise to stay in Springfield until a budget passed will be parsed so that somehow he didn’t mean that. Or it will somehow be the Speaker’s fault.

  121. - Holdingontomywallet - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 8:03 pm:

    Thanks for the chuckle, Bill. I read the funnies in the paper today and nothing made me laugh, but your post did the trick. Thanks for the knee-slapper, much appreciated!

  122. - Bill - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 8:04 pm:

    Speaking of religion Carol Marin called CapFax the “Bible” of Springfield politics and quoted Rich’s column about the pension “crisis” on Chicago Tonight. She then tried to moderate while Roland Burris kicked Judy Barr around the block a few times. Very entertaining stuff!

  123. - Little Egypt - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 8:26 pm:

    “African American churches have traditionally welcomed politicians and elected officials to their churches to discuss policy issues and politics.” YOU ARE CORRECT. “It is not unusual for the Governor and others to attend services at those churches to convey to the people their stance on the issues of the day.” YOU ARE CORRECT. “The governor does not attend only African American churches but he does have a special place in his heart for those who have been strong supporters and who have warmly welcomed him in the past.” NAME ONE OTHER NON-AFRICAN AMERICAN CHURCH ELVIS HAS ATTENDED IN THE PAST 8 MONTHS. “It seemed like a very warm reception to me.” BILL WERE YOU AT PLEASANT GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH ON SUNDAY, JULY 9 TO WITNESS ELVIS’ ATTENDANCE, YES OR NO ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION PLEASE?

  124. - Little Egypt - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 8:27 pm:

    I disagree with Carol Marin’s assessment that the Capitol Fax is the “bible” of Springfield politics. It is the “bible” of ILLINOIS politics.

  125. - FED UP - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 8:44 pm:

    I predict blago will be going to churces more and more with his spiritual counselors Jessie and meeks right after he gets indicted and is seeking support. To bad Ryan already emptied death row that was a brillant pr move that the media loved and it is very similar to blagos health care plan its just a ditraction. Notice no ones talking about the FBI’s corruption investigations of blago or blago wasting more taxpayer money to keep the press away from the freedom of information requests for what the FBI has subpeoned. No one asked the gov about Rezko lately. This is all blago giving people something to talk about other than things that involve his real activites.

  126. - Leigh - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 8:51 pm:

    Hey, regardless of how a person gets to church, there is always a chance they may listen to a teaching, have it touch their heart and make them change their ways. I hope he continues to attend church and I could care less which one, its not going to hurt him and just maybe he will become a better human.

  127. - Anonymous - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 8:59 pm:

    Who said anything about the Blagojevich children ? And your wrong Rod only goes to black churches.
    He or Patti do not belong to any congregation. He plays those churches.
    And talk about Roland Burris. I remember Rod’s first debate with Roland. He also played him. Came in with Rolands complete history and kept complementing Roland about what a great leader he is. More like a great fool.

  128. - A Citizen - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 9:03 pm:

    Are they still playing pin the tail on the gov or is the ldrshp mtng over? Audio? And thanks for the O.T.Rich - buy some Black Label with the per diem! You’ve earned it!

  129. - Arthur Andersen - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 9:24 pm:

    One would expect Gen. Burris (”someday the license plates in Illinois will read Land of Burris” is AA’s favorite Roland-ism) to be a forceful Blago acolyte given the number and amount of no-bid “consulting” contracts he’s pulled down the last few years.

    On to guns-Rich, I think you are on the right track with the Benelli. Brownings, Belgian or US-made, in my experience feel heavy as all get out after an afternoon in the field.

  130. - A Citizen - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 9:37 pm:

    But with a 1921 A1 Thompson Sub Machine Gun you can get ducks, geese, deer and cows all on the same hunt. That’s how it used to be done in Saline County by the Chicago visitors/hunters. A fun time was had by all and most of them made it home.

  131. - Blago's a joke - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 9:43 pm:

    Bill, I know you can’t help yourself but if you were watching the same show I was you are in denial about Burris’s performance. Even Carol kicked him around for being disingenuous But then again all you Blago types have mastered that skill. Do they send you to school for that? Maybe that is where they teach you niffty little repeatable lines like “Representative, do you know there are 1.4 million uninsured in Illinois” “Madigan is a REpublican” “Subpoena, what subpoena”

  132. - FED UP - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 9:47 pm:

    you forgot my wife making those real esate commisions from people recieving state contracts and donating to my campaign had nothing to do with me being gov

  133. - RJW - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 9:48 pm:

    And just for the record, I don’t have any love lost for Madigan or Jones either. I’m an equal opportunity hater. I think they should all be taken to the shed.

  134. - He Makes Ryan Look Like a Saint - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 10:14 pm:

    TO: Ken in Aurora - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 4:01 pm:
    You totally miss my point completely. My point is that restricting guns, ammo clips whatever is not going to keep them out of the hands of criminals. Period.
    I am a gun owner (many) and while a member of the ISRA, I think too many people are over the top on thinking that limiting access to guns will restrict the constitution. While I don’t agree with baning them, I do believe the chicken little routine people like you consistantly throw out is ineffective and make you look like morons.

  135. - Big W - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 10:28 pm:

    I have sold Browning Shotguns for the past 38 years, and have to say they have always been the bread and Butter, cream of the crop,,,,,that is until Benelli came into the picture……Benelli USA owned by Beretta ( which owns all the major shotgun manufactures , now),,,We are the largest Benelli dealers in IL. and several adjoining states… Benelli out sales all other shotguns by a close to 10 to one ratio, because of 1. the balance and weight, 2. no gas ports, inertia system. and 3. dependablity…….Rich, you can-not go wrong with the Benelli!

  136. - LINK - Monday, Jul 9, 07 @ 11:17 pm:


    The Benelli is a solid firearm and I have a friend who has the earlier model and bought the second barrel with cantilever mount for deer slugs - and it is dead on with the scope. While I own several (can’t afford the Benelli), many people stand behind the philosophy of one firearm for all - deer, upland, turkey and waterfowl. I had to fall back on my Mossberg 835 this past Spring when my SX2 and Mossberg 935 failed me - again. Good luck on finding a new one for under $1400 with a second barrel though…

    With regard to the earlier post about the Movie “Hot Rod”, I broke that news nearly two weeks ago but no one bit!

    Finally, great work on keeping those of us who are interested up-to-date! It is too bad that John Q. doesn’t care for the most part…

  137. - So Ill - Tuesday, Jul 10, 07 @ 5:21 am:

    Can I just ask –

    If the Governor refuses to discuss things with Barbara Flynn Currie because it’s a ‘leaders’ meeting’, then why in god’s name did legislative leaders sit through a two-hour meeting with Sheila Nix yesterday?

    At least Currie was elected. I’m not one who piles on Nix’s relatively high involvement, but this is ludicrous.

  138. - Pro-Gunner - Tuesday, Jul 10, 07 @ 5:52 am:

    Stay away from firearms. You’ll shoot your eye out.

  139. - Big W - Tuesday, Jul 10, 07 @ 7:09 am:

    I just had time to listen to the audio!!!!!
    OH MY GOSH!!! here we go again! it is the same game plan as always with BLAGO!!! I know I am a FAILURE, now lets divert attention to little children and guns….Bad, Bad, Bad!!!
    Give me a Break–Blago….You have already LOST the next election. Is anyone else getting ill listening to this guy?

  140. - Patriot - Tuesday, Jul 10, 07 @ 7:16 am:

    Big W: Only conservatives are getting ill.

  141. - Moderate Abe - Tuesday, Jul 10, 07 @ 7:28 am:

    The only thing Gun Control Legislation achieves, is taking away Weapons from Honest People who need to protect their children and Illinois Farms and Businesses. When gun control passes the Latin Kings and other gangs will still be able to get weapons easily off the black market.

  142. - Patriot - Tuesday, Jul 10, 07 @ 7:32 am:

    It seems to me that the more criticism the ISRA gets the more memberships they sell. Love the ISRA or hate the ISRA. Call the ISRA “over the top” if you wish. At any rate the ISRA will continue to protect your Second Amendment rights.

  143. Pingback ISRA and Blago, sittin in a tree « Illinois Reason - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 10:45 am:

    […] Oops. From the ISRA vitriol (with my comments [in italics, in brackets]): ISRA Action Alert: KOTOWSKI & BLAGOJEVICH PLAN AMBUSH OF GUN OWNERS ON JULY 9TH [wrong: Blago was acting on his lonesome here. Kotowski wasn’t even at the press conference and may not have even been invited, knowing Blago] Governor Blagojevich and State Senator Dan Kotowski [wrong: it was just Blago] are planning to ambush gun owners on July 9th by calling for a special legislative session on so-called “gun violence.” It is expected that Kotowski will introduce legislation [wrong: the legislation was introduced several months ago and has in fact already passed the State Senate] that would result in the banning and forced confiscation of most of your guns [wrong: SB1007 deals with removable, high-capacity ammo clips, not guns]. The hope is to ramrod this legislation through the General Assembly while the public is distracted by failed budget negotiations [they’ve been wrong on so much already… as has been clear from the start, Blago’s “hope” was to actually use this legislation to distract from the failed budget negotiations, not the other way around]. […]

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