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Chill, please

Wednesday, Jul 11, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Yet another editorial board puts Gov. Blagojevich on the psychiatrist’s couch

Rod Blagojevich is going bonkers. That’s one explanation for the often counterproductive, sometimes bizarro behavior that’s been coming out of the governor’s office for months now. […]

Maybe Blagojevich just has a severe case of attention deficit disorder. Maybe he bores easily. Maybe he craves conflict to keep the creative juices flowing. Whatever, it’s not working. What’s that they say about doing the same thing repeatedly while expecting a different result?

Look, the governor is not insane. Detached from some harsh political realities? Perhaps. Too eager for a fight? Definitely. But not insane.

* And then we have stuff like this

Tensions are high in Springfield, and a suburban lawmaker got caught up in it Tuesday when she called Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich a “blithering idiot.”

Longtime Republican state Rep. Rosemary Mulligan of Des Plaines said she forgot to put her hand over her House desk microphone and accidentally uttered the put-down meant only for a staff member’s ears.

“It was my fault. I shouldn’t have said it,” Mulligan told the Daily Herald.

But she didn’t exactly back away from the remark either.

“Do I think he’s a blithering idiot? Yeah. Do I think he knows anything about the budget? No,” Mulligan said. “It really is demeaning to be down here with this guy because he does things that make you lose your cool.”

Yes, he certainly “does things that make you lose your cool,” as Rep. Mulligan noted. But falling for it means you’re playing his game.

Calling him insane, or demanding his impeachment is far goofier than anything he’s said so far this year. Everyone needs to cool out a bit.


  1. - bored on 1 - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 8:57 am:

    Cool out. As I watch any change of vacation or a life fade away and you say cool out. Give us a break, Rich. Rep. Mulligan was totally in her rights to say what she did. GRod has lost his touch with reality, and his petty bickering with Speaker Madigan is getting old. I almost miss the old days when all he did was tell the story of the little girl who thought he was Mayor Daley. Now we hear “Come back to the Democrats”, or “It’s not my fault”. All of this while he wastes money flying back and forth, bringing up bills that stand no chance of passing, irritating people who are ready for their summer (5 weeks until school starts and I have spent no time with my son), and being an annoying presence. I for one am ready for him to go back to Chicago.

  2. - game plan - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 8:59 am:

    The emporer is naked folks. They’re finally telling him he’s naked.

  3. - First - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 8:59 am:

    Well, he is both those things, and it is a free country, so let them say what they want, geesh.

  4. - SHS - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 9:11 am:

    In my opinion, there is definantly something amiss with the current governor. I think it is tough, being under the federal microscope, when he can clearly see what became of Governor Ryan.

    It is enough to make anyone crack.

    During the days of the MSI investigation, there was also some fragile mentality at the top level.

  5. - capitol view - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 9:11 am:

    perhaps the Gov will learn to meditate in India.

    Wait - didn’t Jim Thompson cancel a trip to South Korea, to stay in Springfield for the 1991 prolonged budget session? Perhaps the General Assembly can get it done while the current Governor is half a world away…

  6. - Siyotanka - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 9:12 am:

    I have now begun to hear the phrase “state shutdown” and “Furlough”…these are scarie terms for employees who depend on working to make ends meet. Does anyone REALLY think this type of action can produce a compromise as it did for PA…??

  7. - Leigh - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 9:14 am:

    Did anyone ever think it would actually sink to this level? This is beyond embarrassing. How will they ever pass a budget with all this game playing. I wish the governor would just grow up and take his job seriously for one day.

  8. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 9:16 am:

    I don’t think the Governor is insane. I do, however, recognize a man who likes to fight and bully, slander and insult. Blagojevich’s behavior does not help the situation we face together.

    Unlike a Speaker of the House, a governor can singularly change things. If he doesn’t like the tone in Springfield and Chicago, he can set a new one. He leads by example. Unlike a Speaker, a governor doesn’t have to negociate with dozens of legislators before he opens his mouth. He only represents himself even at the minimum.

    Blagojevich has set the tone we are seeing. After five years of him, the General Assembly, dominated by his own party, doesn’t want to work with him anymore. He has had five years to establish a working relationship, and he has chosen not to. He ran in 2002 against them, has made it a point to embarrass them repeatedly, and his tirades against his fellow politicians has been taken beyond the photo ops, press releases and bus tour stops. He should have stopped acting like a brat years ago, but has instead decided it was good politics to behave like this. Not good for anyone, not good for the state, just good for him. His behavior is very self indulgent and fails to recognize the job he spent millions convincing us he could do.

    What we are seeing is the result of a governor who doesn’t have enough political strength to get what he wants passed in his own legislature, six months after being re-elected. This is a disaster for everyone. No one wins.

    It is a disaster Rod Blagojevich made. As we smolder and stink, everyone is focused on him - and that is exactly what every brat of any age always dreams of, isn’t it?

    Insane? Not really, but at what point do psychiatrists recognize insanity when it relates to megalomania?

  9. - Indeed - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 9:17 am:

    “Everyone needs to cool out a bit.”

    Well said.

    Blago is prone to juvenile behavior, but his Repub and Dem enemies make him look like the adult by comparison. The impeachment talk and some of the nasty name calling is ludicrous and silly beyond belief.

    I don’t think there’s anyone in the general assembly who doesn’t need a diaper change. They’re all an embarrassment to this state.

  10. - Springpatch is nice in the summer - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 9:26 am:

    Rich: I’d sure like to hear your explanation of why the guy is acting the way he is? Because he cares about his programs? He wants to kill the King (Madigan)? He want to divert subpoena headlines (look at all the bad press he is getting anyway). Why? That is the big question–Why is he acting like this?

  11. - Latham Place - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 9:26 am:

    I can’t “cool out” when money is being wasted with Special Sessions day after day and nothing is being accomplished. It is bogus the way the Gov spends money! It’s obvious he has never had to live on a strict budget.

  12. - Patriot - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 9:34 am:

    The Gov needs to “cool out.”

  13. - Anon - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 9:36 am:

    Nobody does this better than Blagojevich. He is poking and prodding and really irritating people. However, the worst attack that comes out of his mouth is that Speaker Madigan is a “republican,” or a “George Bush republican.” He has Madigan publicly saying that this is the governor’s fault becuase of his failed leadership. Mulligan is calling him a blithering idiot. Lang, Franks, Bost — all attack him, yet he doesn’t get personal. He sticks to attacks on principles.

    Put all of the quote together from this overtime. You’ll see that Blagojevich has been relatively focused on substantive issues and criticisms on this level, whie the rest are getting petty and nasty. The editorial boards can say what they want. The governor is getting under their skin and is making them look petty. Public opinion will follow shortly behind.

  14. - bored on 1 - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 9:37 am:

    When I see GRod on the news he always looks like there is some joke that only he gets.
    Here’s the truth…we are all sick of it. Stay up late tonight, have a slumber party with the budgeteers, and get the budget DONE. it worked in the movie “Dave”.

    Everyone needs to stop grandstanding and get to work. To GRod I say this: Grow up. Do your job. And get ready…because all of this is going to come back to haunt you soon.

  15. - bored on 1 - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 9:39 am:

    To Anon: it is nice to see that people from the Governor’s office actually read Capitol Fax. Nice try, but down here, I am not buying it.
    Your boss needs to stop playing around and get on the budget. The real issue, not the made up ones that get him air time.

  16. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 9:45 am:

    For the most part, Anon hit it right on the head. This is exactly what he did during the campaign last year. It drove you all over the edge then, and it’s doing it again now.

  17. - Fan of the Game - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 9:46 am:

    Posted by Rich Miller

    Calling him insane, or demanding his impeachment is far goofier than anything he’s said so far this year. Everyone needs to cool out a bit.
    Including Governor Blagojevich

  18. - Anon - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 9:51 am:

    I love it. It will only get better.

  19. - schroedk - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 9:54 am:

    I’m not one that necessarily gets into semantics, but I believe people should be allowed to express their frustration and both principles and people when it’s called for. People are getting upset, and rightly so. Yes, there is blame to go around, but it would be difficult to argue against most of the blame going in Blago’s direction. FWIW, “idiot” can be defined as “an utterly foolish and senseless person”, which I think is a fantastic definitive of Mr. Blagojevich. Similarly, “blithering”, taken from “to blather”, is defined as “to talk or utter foolishly”; again, a fitting description for Mr. Blagojevich.

    Yes, these can be inflammatory terms in today’s PC world, but I for one appreciate it when people call a spade a spade.

  20. - Jaded - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 9:56 am:

    Anon 9:36, how about when he threatened Mike Jacobs? Was that not personal? Or when he singled out Frank Watson in the leaders meeting the day he decided to call the special sessions. Frank Watson has had absolutely no say in anything that goes on the the GA since January, and yet he is the focus of this guys rant in a leaders meeting.

    Calling Madigan a Republican is an attack on principles? Mike Madigan has done more for the Democratic party in Illinois than Rod Blagojevich will ever pretend to do. So just because Madigan is not for the GRT he is Republican. Daley came out against the GRT as well, so I guess that makes him a Republican too. There are 37 Senate Democrats, and he can’t get 30 votes on a health care bill. Does that mean there are only 29 real Democrats in the Senate?

    You are right about one thing, the Governor is getting under their skin. He is getting under their skin because he decided to come to work May 23rd, and the rest of them have been working since January. His getting under their skin is just a continuance of his governing by games.

    Finally, public opinion will not follow, because by and large the public opinion is that they are all “blithering idiots” and the only thing this overtime session does is prove the public right.

  21. - Cassandra - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 10:01 am:

    I don’t know where public opinion is going but Blago certainly isn’t crazy. He, like a gadzillion political leaders before him in history, is trying to get the difficult stuff out of the way before
    he gets too close to the next campaign time-wise.
    You want to be reaping the benefits along with happy citizens at that point, not struggling to
    put through a controversial program. We’re talking
    a third term at least here, that’s clear.

    It’s not like the things he wants to do are bad things. He wants to give more money for education
    and make health insurance available to the 1.4 million Illinoisians who don’t have it. Now, I think education has too much money already, with precious little to show for it other than $300k salaries and plush pensions for school superintendents. And there has been surprisingly little advocacy from those 1 million plus Illinois adults who don’t have health insurance…maybe the problem isn’t as bad as some would have us believe. But you can’t fault Blago on his choice of the issues. And he is trying to do these things without taxing the middle class, to boot. I don’t like him, but I can’t fault his goals.

    And he’s right about the lack of urgency as well.
    Other than legislators wanting to get back to their lucrative other jobs, there is no rush. The money will keep coming in (our money), the pensions and salaries will be paid, and who cares if the legislators have to work a little harder and a little longer. Do we owe them a free ride.
    After all, they are about to get a big raise.
    Let them earn it.

  22. - Captain America - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 10:09 am:

    I like the Governor personally and I liked his health care plan. But his conduct during this legislative session has made him political anathema. The Governor has made a complete fool out of himself during the last several months. People who respect the office, and responsible state legisaltors, have nothing but contempt for our Governor. He’s got no one to blame but himself.

    If the general public were paying any attention, the Governor’s favorability/approval ratings would be lower than President Bush’s. It’s really a very sad state of affairs.

  23. - AsAMom - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 10:19 am:

    Vanilla - you hit the nail on the head - he should lead by example. Give no respect - get no respect.

  24. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 10:23 am:

    The Governor isn’t insane. He’s a megalomaniac and a pathological liar, but definitely not insane.

  25. - Little Egypt - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 10:24 am:

    Blago reminds me of a little skinny boy who lives next door to a grade school, stands in his fenced-in backyard and insults, taunts and jeers the kids on the school ground. He knows they can’t get to him because he can run back into his house to the safety of his mommie when the kids come pounding at the door. Yeah, he’s nuts because he thinks he can govern this way.

    I disagree that there is no rush for a budget. Illinois is dependent on at least two major sources of funding from the Federal government that require matching State funds; i.e. Medicare and roads. I know for a fact that the road money will be lost if this State doesn’t get its act together. I used to work for the Federal Highway Administration and that money will go to another state very very soon if we don’t get a budget. There’s no way to put it on hold until the “kids” work out their differences.

    There will be no third term for this guy.

  26. - Don Gwinn - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 10:46 am:

    Hmmm. . . maybe “insane” is over the top.

    How does “Professional Son-In-Law” grab you?

  27. - ChampaignDweller - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 10:47 am:

    I think we should all cool out when the governor chooses to do so as well. His behavior is beyond shameful, and in the end, the very people that he purports to represent, the working poor, are going to be hurt because bills aren’t being paid and we’re facing a government shutdown. At the rate he’s going, I fully anticipate him to challenge Madigan to a duel, or something equally bizarre. His antics aren’t exactly the kind of behavior we expect from someone who is serious about getting something done. Governor, either lead this state or get out of the way so that someone else can.

  28. - Bill - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 11:10 am:

    He who laughs last…

  29. - Little Egypt - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 11:14 am:

    Yes but Bill, YOU have been laughing with us the past several days. Your postings are not nearly as supportive post-November as they were pre-November. Seen and heard enough my friend?

  30. - I Hate Quantas - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 11:15 am:

    …but I finally agree with Rep. Mulligan on something.

  31. - Cassandra - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 11:17 am:


    The bills are being paid, and we are not facing a government shutdown.

    We are still paying taxes, right? The govt is still collecting them? They’re collecting mine.

    All this talk about government shutdowns is totally silly and, although not a conspiracy theorist, I suspect the liberal contingent that wants to raise our taxes. Not to mention the
    many “non-profits” whose $200k and up directors are frequently heard weeping to the press about
    imminent financial disaster.

  32. - Little Egypt - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 11:20 am:

    Cassandra, you may be right. Time will tell.

  33. - ChampaignDweller - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 11:25 am:

    You mean there isn’t a big backlog of medical care provider bills? Yes, taxes are still being collected, but apparently the expenditures are outpacing income. Frankly, if a government shutdown is what it takes to get the governor’s attention, then so be it (although I hate to see state workers and the public punished for his lack of leadership) and let the public deal with the governor at the next election.

  34. - SHS - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 11:27 am:

    I do wonder how it feels to be all alone, with no one in your corner.

    I wish that posters on this site were able to PM, each other. I have a diagnosis, I would like to throw out and discuss with some of the professionals on here.

  35. - Leigh - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 11:35 am:

    Bill, who do you think is going to be laughing? Sincere question, I really can’t see anyone but the Republicans winning this one. The taxpayers are already the biggest losers.

  36. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 11:47 am:

    If calmer minds prevailed then we would get to work on the August budget bill - just to keep govt running.

  37. - Ambulance Chaser - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 12:01 pm:

    Rosemary Mulligan slipped…so what? Much worse is said by many other pols, no doubt. Not altogether inaccurate!

  38. - Don Gwinn - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 12:12 pm:

    The catch on all those backlogged bills is that they don’t pay those when the budget is done on time, either. That’s just the way the state of Illinois does business.

  39. - Don Gwinn - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 12:25 pm:

    Sincere question, I really can’t see anyone but the Republicans winning this one.
    Really? The Illinois GOP? Official motto: “Winning Isn’t Everything!“?

    I’m not seeing it.

  40. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 12:41 pm:

    LOL, Don. Too funny.

  41. Pingback Peorians already know that, thank you very much | Peoria Pundits - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 12:41 pm:

    […] Rich Miller of Capitol Fax doesn’t think much of today’s Journal Star editorial. I’d just like to remind folks that the editorial page that thinks Blago is nuts is the same editorial pade that insistedthat the city ought to close a fire station, but increase money it spend on planting flowers. Advertisement This ad space is available. Contact me for details. About the author: Billy Dennis is lifelong Peorian, having attended Kingman, Glen Oak, Woodruff High School and Illinois Central College before finally tricking Eastern Illinois University into granting him a bachelor’s degree in journalism. He’s reported on police, fires, labor, local government and schools all across Illinois and Missouri. A former liberal Democrat, life experience turned him into a small-l libertarian. Contact the author. […]

  42. - Lula May - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 12:46 pm:

    He lost the GRT what was it 107 - 0 ? I believe he said that was one of his up days. I think that pushed him over the edge. No one has ever said no to Rod.
    All his life friends and family have always given him everything he has asked for. He could charm or hustle his way through life. I’m not kidding.
    This was the biggest disappointment of his life and he does not cope well.
    After all don’t you people know who he is ? Don’t you ? Don’t you ?

  43. - Squideshi - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 1:05 pm:

    Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary provides the following two definitions for insanity:

    “3 a : extreme folly or unreasonableness”

    “b : something utterly foolish or unreasonable”

    In my opinion, Blagojevich is being unreasonable AND engaging in extreme folly/utter foolishness; so technically speaking, this is insanity.

  44. - Observation - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 1:05 pm:

    I sure hope that one of the investigations begins confiscating some state employee staff computers. I do not work for the government, nor do I work normal daytime hours. I take some time during the day and generally enjoy the Capitol Fax commentaries. However, it seems that several bloggers are writing comments on state time. Perhaps the URL’s may not be showing up from state offices, but it’s easy enough to bring in a personal laptop and go wireless. My message to those state employees blogging during work hours: you are setting a very bad example and we taxpayers do not appreciate what you are doing. If you want to comment then you can wait until you get home - - - unless you believe that your comments are so worthwhile that you will have a political effect. Gee, that wouldn’t be ethical, would it? Stay off line during the day and get back to work! During the budget delay, you don’t have anything to do? Then go home without pay and wait for the call back. As a taxpayer, I don’t appreciate the state paying your salary to blog political.

  45. - Garp - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 1:07 pm:

    I bet the special sessions are saving the taxpayers a bundle. Many of these reps are double dippers and their full time job pays them a lot more tax dollars than their rep jobs. Correct me if I am wrong, but when they are in session they can’t collect there other salaries if they are public payroll jobs which means we should keep them there indefinitely.

    Also, Madigan is playing with the Gov. If the government shuts down, Blago gets the blame. He will scream, rant and blame till the corn is ready for harvest but the voters will only see him. The speaker, safe within his house of bricks could care less if he looks bad for a day, a week or months. The 13th ward will re-elect him and every member of the house has his picture with a heart around it on their bulletin boards.

    The Governor is being made irrelevant, played like a fool, accused of being unstable, shown to have poorly thought out ideas and programs and is being exposed as a terrible statesman. I would suggest that this is not great for long term political stability and he will not receive a free pass this next primary.

  46. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 1:25 pm:

    Observation, back off.

    State workers are allowed to use the Internet. No state agency blocks access to sites like the SJ-R, which has extensive comments. Your little warning is off base and flat-out wrong.

  47. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 1:58 pm:

    I, for one, would like to encourage state employees to blog on CapFax. The more time you are here the less time you are spending my money. Keep up the good work!

  48. - Capitalist Pig - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 2:08 pm:

    I agree with A. I also would like the GA to pass the GRT, a true gun confiscation bill and a full socialized healthcare plan. I can’t think of a better way for some real conservatives to get back on board the political wagon. Of course I’m in The Gov’s dreamland here because a) none of these would pass and b)there are no true conservatives with political ambition in IL

  49. - Limerick - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 2:19 pm:

    As Springpatch is hitting the rocks,
    Rod casts more of his rhetorical pox.
    Voters now entertain,
    (As they ask if he’s sane)
    Wistful thoughts about the Red Fox.

  50. - Can't Stand It - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 3:04 pm:

    If Rod Boy gets a 3rd term, I’ll go insane!

  51. - Bill - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 3:19 pm:

    The state employees do post some amusing comments but they better watch out or Cassie will start complaining about their jobs for life and their “lavish” pensions and salaries.

  52. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 3:24 pm:

    Third term is delusional. Where’s the base of support? Not the press. Downstate — you mean flyover country. Ethnics? No. Lakefront? Who ever won with them. Black churches? Ask Rev. Meeks. Business? Very funny.Who want’s give him big money and get the scrutiny of the U.S. attorney.

    The questions are: If (big if) Rod is not sitting at a defendant’s table in the Dirksen Building, will he have the testicular virility and/or money to duke it out with Lisa in a primary? With her approval rating through the roof? And his — god knows where after two terms.

    Question for the board: Who’s the Republican who can beat anyone statewide?

  53. - Garp - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 3:33 pm:


    The question is “will Rod have the testicular virility to beat Lisa Madigan after her father is done castrating him?

  54. - Bill - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 3:45 pm:

    hey Garp,
    It is a little early to start debating about the 2010 election but never underestimate Rod Blagojevich when it comes to a hard fought campaign. you should have learned your lesson last time.
    Maybe you can get Tony Peraica to run against him.

  55. - Cassandra - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 3:48 pm:

    And free….or almost free….health insurance, don’t forget. That Benefits Choice handbook which lays it all out should be required reading for every Illinois citizen…double required for those without health insurance who are neverthelss paying for state employee and retiree health care.

  56. - Garp - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 3:51 pm:


    I think Lisa Madigan might do a little better than Edwin-just a hunch. As for Tony-I think his march to burn Castle Frankenstein might be a little too much to overcome.

  57. - Gene Parmesan - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 4:04 pm:

    Blago v. Peraica in 2010? That’s Squideshi’s dream. That race would basically guarantee a 3rd party victory.

  58. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 4:14 pm:

    Doin the same over and over and expecting a different outcome is one of those definitions of bein nuts. If the voters put the gov into a third term then they (voters) will qualify as certifiable nuts. Then the gov can build 20 new and extravagant nut houses to care for them. Motor voter can sign’em up upon admission.

  59. - Bill - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 4:35 pm:

    I don’t think the majority of the voters are unhappy with the results. I love this blog but it is not exactly an accurate cross section of the opinoins of the voting public.

  60. - Capitalist Pig - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 4:45 pm:

    It is only a cross section of those voting who do NOT reside in Cook County.

  61. - Reality - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 5:59 pm:

    Wordslinger has got it right today. What’s with Bill? Wordslinger: With regard to your QFTB: No answer at this time, sorry to say.

  62. - curious george - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 6:07 pm:

    If GRod was such a wonderful, conscientious and ethical person he would call a special session and support moving the ethics reform bill forward to passage now to pave the way for re-election.
    This would help show his continued concerns for no longer supporting ” business as usual” occurring in state government. That should really help him get re-elected in 2010. ( assuming he is not too busy collecting mega campaign contributions to run for president in 2012.)

  63. - Disgusted - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 6:07 pm:

    I think if you are in danger of being put on an unpaid furlough from your job, then you have every right to state your opinion of the persons causing same. Believe it or not, most state employees are not paid chauffeurs’ salaries.

  64. - Lainer - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 6:45 pm:

    Cassandra, I don’t know that I’d call $200 per month for me and two dependents “almost free” health insurance. Yes, I admit, it’s more affordable than a lot of private sector plans charge for family/dependent coverage. (I make $30,000 a year and am the sole support of my spouse and child) And it does provide really good coverage as long as I use a provider within that particular HMO. But it’s really stretching things to call it “free.”
    The notion that state employees get “free” health insurance probably stems from the fact that retirees with more than (I think) 20 years service do not have to pay a premium, and from the fact that the state still offers (along with several HMOs) a traditional indemnity plan that does not limit what doctor or hospital one chooses. However, that plan charges a much higher premium than the HMOs and a growing number of state workers (myself included) are choosing HMOs.
    Before I got my present job (which, by the way, I got fair and square without ever having made a single political contribution in my life and without knowing anyone in any current or past administration) I went without health insurance for two years (after having lost a previous private sector job). I understand the frustration taxpayers feel, for I am one and have been one for my entire adult life. I’m not counting on that pension (or Social Security, since both will probably be broke by the time I retire) anyway, and I would not object if my health and pension benefits had to be trimmed to keep the liability from getting totally out of control.
    BTW I do read this blog at work during my lunch hour and when I have some down time. I work in one of the legislative branch offices and the information we gather here is of value to us. But I always wait until I get home to post messages.
    Sorry to ramble on like this, but please don’t confuse the overpaid political hacks you read about in the paper with people like me and my co-workers.

  65. - Lainer - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 7:01 pm:

    One more thing and then I’ll shut up. Blago wants us to believe that he had incredible foresight six months ago, knew all along that there would be an overtime session and has a double-double-secret “plan” to deal with it. But in almost the same breath he says he “hasn’t thought ahead” three weeks to what will happen after the current temporary budget runs out. This is not good. Definitely not good.

  66. - Bill - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 7:23 pm:

    Relax, you are in good hands.Governor Blagojevich will take care of everything.

  67. - In the Sticks - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 9:50 pm:

    While the taxes may be collected, the state will not have the authorization to expend those funds without a passed and signed budget.

  68. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 10:03 pm:

    I don’t think the majority of the voters are unhappy…” Bill, how many of those voters, to borrow from Little Egypt, can still fog a mirror? We all know how those ballot boxes in Chicago are haunted .

  69. - Don Gwinn - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 10:30 pm:

    Maybe this is already in the main section, but Blagojevich apparently told the AP today that he has a plan to finalize the budget, that his actions are not random, and that everything so far has gone just the way he thought it would.

    Those were the words used on WMAY, anyway. We can all rest easy tonight, folks, it’s all going according to plan. The Governor moves in mysterious ways. There shall be a budget plan, but no man shall know the day nor the hour of its coming.

  70. - A Citizen - Wednesday, Jul 11, 07 @ 10:45 pm:

    My God !! I hope they have him on suey side watch.

  71. - Squideshi - Thursday, Jul 12, 07 @ 4:53 am:

    “Blago v. Peraica in 2010? That’s Squideshi’s dream. That race would basically guarantee a 3rd party victory.”

    Shhhh… You will give away our evil plan. :)

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