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Let’s look at the bright side

Monday, Jul 16, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* When the governor claimed that House Speaker Michael Madigan wasn’t upholding Democratic Party values, he set himself up for this hit piece

Going before bright lights and television cameras to deliver his annual budget speech, Gov. Rod Blagojevich paid a professional makeup artist $600 to help him look good.

Records show the state paid Deborah Dee, a professional stylist from the Chicago-area town of Crystal Lake. Blagojevich spokeswoman Abby Ottenhoff said the $600 amount included payment for Dee’s travel and consultation on the lighting.

When asked Friday why state government paid for makeup, the administration said the billing was a mistake and produced documents showing that Blagojevich’s personal campaign fund paid Dee.

But the state paid her with tax money, too. Ottenhoff said Friday that Dee has sent a reimbursement check, but a spokeswoman for the comptroller’s office said the state hasn’t yet received it.

Now, six hundred bucks really isn’t a lot of money for lighting consulting and makeup, particularly since it included transportation costs from the Chicago suburbs. And if the governor’s office hadn’t paid the consultant with state funds, it probably wouldn’t even be a story.

But it sure is difficult to talk about Democratic Party values when you’re spending tax money on makeup. So, I prefer to look at the bright side. Perhaps this story will help keep the governor’s mouth in check.

* The leaders seemed to back away from the brink on Friday (Capitol Fax subscribers know at least one reason for this). Reporters tended to focus on the conflict in their weekend stories, but, in a helpful sign, the governor agreed to cancel Sunday’s special session and Speaker Madigan told reporters after the leaders meeting that the insults had subsided.

The governor also appears to be backing down a bit from his previous threats to take Madigan to court over the Speaker’s refusal to call special sessions at the times specified in the governor’s proclamations. This tidbit was buried in an otherwise entirely negative analysis…

[Blagojevich] also distanced himself from another unpopular move: threatening legal action because the Illinois House held a special session at 10 a.m. instead of 2 p.m. as his executive order specified. One lawmaker called him “insane” for making an issue over the time.

“That’s a lawyers’ thing. They’ll figure that out,” he said in the interview. Asked if his lawyers take their instructions from him, Blagojevich said, “Not really.”

* Senate President Jones even inserted a tiny ray of daylight between himself and the governor last week…

(A)fter Blagojevich announced his plan for a gross receipts tax on Illinois businesses, Jones said he would not call any 750-style bill for a vote on the Senate floor. They stood together, and 750 stalled in the House.

On Friday, Jones made clear that the governor’s health-care plan is not his priority.

“It is not falling by the wayside, but we’re not looking at any of the general revenue dollars in the budget for health care,” he said.

Jones spokeswoman Cindy Davidsmeyer added that he is now flexible regarding 750. “He said about a week ago that everything is on the table,” she said.

She said Jones and Blagojevich were bound by policy, not politics.

“If he departed on the issues,” she said of Blagojevich, “we would depart from him.”

* The change in attitude is coming none too early because Speaker Madigan was beginning to fire back at the governor last week…

“We’ve had failed leadership by the governor before the legislature,” Madigan [told WGN radio’s Spike O’Dell]. “What we try to do is bring people together, not divide. And Blagojevich’s style is deliberately designed to divide, to tear people apart. I disagree with that. That’s the disagreement. Do you want to bring people together or tear them apart?” […]

Asked on Fox if he was concerned whether the stalemate among Democrats who control state government could rejuvenate Republicans, Madigan said, “Yes I am.

“That’s why I said several times this morning, ‘Let’s end the rancor. Let’s come together.
Let’s recognize problems. Let’s work with people. Let’s not be tearing people apart,’” Madigan said. “If we continue on this path, a sufficient number of Illinois voters would simply say, ‘Enough with those Democrats. Let’s throw them out of the Capitol building.’”

* And my syndicated column this week tried to put the governor’s behavior into some perspective

Despite what you may have read in some newspaper editorials or Statehouse news coverage lately, it is my considered opinion that Gov. Rod Blagojevich is not insane.

I can’t believe I had to actually write that sentence, but there seems to be a trend to claim that the governor is losing his marbles. The Peoria Journal-Star editorialized last week that Blagojevich was “going bonkers” and more than just implied that he is insane. A House Democrat went one step further and told reporters that Blagojevich was a “madman” and “insane.” House Speaker Michael Madigan’s spokesman cracked wise last week that the governor has Attention Deficit Disorder.

Yes, Blagojevich is a bit “different,” but we’ve all known that for a long time, haven’t we? He is who he is — a somewhat goofy enigmatic who tries so hard to see the bright side of whatever situation he finds himself in that some believe he may be slightly pathological. But that dogged optimism has helped him weather more storms than anyone can count, and he’s obviously relying on it to get him through the supreme mess that the legislative overtime situation has become.

The truth is that while he does love a fight, the governor’s recent over-the-top remarks about Democratic state party chairman and House Speaker Michael Madigan (”right-wing George W. Bush Republican”), his taunting, confrontational style with legislators (calling them in seven days a week for special sessions and then not showing up himself for all of them) and his refusal to offer up real compromises yet are all just part of his usual schtick. He’s been doing this for years.

* More special session reports, compiled by Paul…

* Short Saturday for IL lawmakers at over $12,000 cost

* It pays to be a lawmaker: Part time job that surpasses other states

* Bethany Carson: Governor says no gaming without health care

* Ralph Martire: It’s simple — state needs more revenue to pay its bills

* School officials: Lawmakers break promise

* Rep. Kosel: Voters should urge governor to pass budget, ’stop playing games’


Adding… Nobody seems to have noticed that the governor hasn’t filed a new special session proclamation since the middle of last week. That may be yet another hopeful sign.

…Adding more… This just came in from a pal…

I didn’t think about it last week, but another positive sign is that Emil’s focus this week (through the Education Committee) is on education, not health care.


  1. - Doug Dobmeyer - Monday, Jul 16, 07 @ 9:55 am:

    I’m getting real sick of this extended session. If the prima donna’s in the statehouse would sit down a budget could be adopted. Madigan passed one that if not ok then should be the starting point of any discussions. The Gov. has indicated he would phase in his medical ideas.

    We have better things to do in Illinois then watch the little games in S’fld.

    Doug Dobmeyer

  2. - Cassandra - Monday, Jul 16, 07 @ 10:05 am:

    Oh no, not 750 again. Maybe Jones figures that the Chicago suburbanites who would be paying for 750 are on vacation and won’t notice when the legislature takes their state school funding money and redistributes it to Chicago and even Downstate. Maybe they won’t notice until their property tax bills go up, up, up next time around.

    I think I see where this is going–soak the suburbs via 750 and expand gaming for everything else.

    Also interesting to watch the struggle between the health care funding libs and the school funding libs. Looks like Jones is giving short shrift to the health care libs.

  3. - Team Sleep - Monday, Jul 16, 07 @ 10:14 am:

    Rich, when is Blago worried about speaking with a forked tongue? As long as his soundbites are clever and his message gets across, he doesn’t care. And flying back-and-forth on a regular basis - while declaring he knew the session would not end on time - should also show us that he is out-of-step and doesn’t seem to care about how he uses tax dollars.

  4. - Macbeth - Monday, Jul 16, 07 @ 10:20 am:

    I assume Blagojevich feels that flying back and forth gives him more of a “national” stature. I know a couple of corporate guys who figure that if they have a jet — and use it regularly — then they’re taken more seriously of businessman of “import.”

    This is yet another bit of bad advice received from one of his mysterious “national” consultants.

  5. - Little Egypt - Monday, Jul 16, 07 @ 10:30 am:

    Rich, without a Special Session proclamation, does that mean no per diem for legislators?

  6. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 16, 07 @ 10:31 am:

    Not necessarily. As long as they convene at least one special session during a session day, they get their per diem checks.

  7. - Esteban - Monday, Jul 16, 07 @ 11:28 am:

    It sounds as if the guv’s makeup artist sent a
    bill to both the state and his campaign committee.
    How else would each have know about it?

  8. - Bluefish - Monday, Jul 16, 07 @ 11:39 am:

    It’s about time the Senate starts to do something. At least the House has the appearance of working with their Committee of the Whole hearings.

  9. - Captain America - Monday, Jul 16, 07 @ 11:39 am:

    The Governor’s in-your-face tactics, deliberately attacking Madigan and other legislators, appear to be poltically irrational. He’s succeeded in making most legislators very angry - more than anything else. Questions about his competence and his intellect (no command of details or in depth understanding of policy) seem justified based upon his performance
    during this legislative session.

    It’ s comforting to know that the Governor has some idea how he would like the session to end. It’s disturbing that he has no understanding that his tactics and strategies have been counterproductive with respect to achieving his objectives. No one knows how it’s really going to end: the Governor, Madigan or Jones.

    I concur with Ralph Martire that the fundemental problem is that the State needs more revenues.

    It’s encouraging to know that the Senate Democratic caucus is becoming disenchanted with Senator Jones as a result of the revelations in the media.They should be equally upset about his obtruction on the electricity rate relief issue, his oppostion to various reform and ethics initiatives, and his miserable performance as Senate President this session. Jones is second only to Blago in terms of blame for the overtime budget impasse. If Jones had not been Blago’s lapdog/enabler, we would have had a budget before May 31.

  10. - i d - Monday, Jul 16, 07 @ 12:00 pm:

    I am against giving more taxes to a state that over pays the legislators, wastes money on overtime sessions for political battles, gives money and jobs as political favors and has no regard for the good of the state as a whole. Follow the money! When some smoke filled room, under the table deal is finalized, this budget will pass in less time than it takes for the ink to dry on the newspaper headlines announcing the wonderful compromise among legislators.

  11. - Mr. W.T. Rush - Monday, Jul 16, 07 @ 12:33 pm:

    Young scribe methinks your “not insane” diagnosis is not based on medical facts.

    Here is just a peek at the shrink’s chart.

    1. Call special session every day/don’t call em

    2. Make them stay/let them go home

    3. I’ll be in SPI until the budgets done/ Fly to Chicago twice for press conferences.

    4. All members in the meetings/let’s do small groups.

    5. I voted for Reagan & took Fast Eddie’s cash/Madigan’s a George Bush Republican.

    6.I’ll come to caucuses every week/ just kidding….
    Need we say more. Mr I.M.NotInsame is a total whack job.
    ‘Nough said

  12. - fedup dem - Monday, Jul 16, 07 @ 1:59 pm:

    Rich, perhaps the Governor has misplaced his Special Session proclamation forms. Or perhaps he ran out of them!

  13. - restless in Chicago - Monday, Jul 16, 07 @ 2:34 pm:

    Is it clear yet? They can’t find anyway to cut spending so they are going to hike the income tax per HB750 by a whopping 67% for the individual taxpayer! They are going to spread around the sale tax now to include all those “services” except for lawyers and generate a whole bunch of money…all on the backs and wallets of the individual tax payer while cutting property taxes by a mere 10%…as a rebate! Businesses get a huge break…per Ralph, A+ Illinois and Metropolitan Planning Council - This is the best they can do…an income tax hike so they can continue spending money to make sure they all get re-elected again by giving this money away…and Lisa Madigan has enough money in the state’s coffer to make it an easy ride for her after her dad gets her in the Gov’s office.

    Hold unto to what little you have and get ready to pay more at the end of the day! They will quote this survey that says - yes, the taxpayers in Illinois want an income tax increase to fund education…anyone here take part in that survey?And does a sample size of 600 make it all that representative? This is the best these guys can do? Maybe some of them should step down - and let some fresh ideas and people try something new…like govern with some fiscal responsibility?

  14. - Papa Legba - Monday, Jul 16, 07 @ 3:47 pm:

    “Perhaps this story will help keep the governor’s mouth in check.” When pigs fly!

    I agree that Rod is not clinically insane. Although, he does exhibit many characteristics of someone with a loose grasp on reality.

  15. - Bill - Monday, Jul 16, 07 @ 4:51 pm:

    I caught Madigan on Fox Sunday. The guy is a master. I had forgotten how good he is during his self imposed press exile.

  16. - AKA - Monday, Jul 16, 07 @ 5:23 pm:

    Rich, I just saw Andy Shaw reporting, that if a budget is not approved by next Monday, an organization of ministers will take over the House. They will occupy the seats and vote on a symbolic budge.

    Lets see, they have been called the House of “Representitives”, the House of “Commons and now the House of “Lords”!!!

    P.S. Sorry Senate, it looks like you have been demoted!!

  17. - Squideshi - Monday, Jul 16, 07 @ 6:46 pm:

    Now: House Bill 750

    Later: Constitution Convention, Amending the Illinois Constitution, Progressive Taxation

  18. - Balance - Monday, Jul 16, 07 @ 6:53 pm:

    Cassandra and restless,

    I have been concerned about an income tax increase all along, but I think it is still a long shot.

    I think Madigan might approve some type of income tax increase. He has stated that some new revenue is necessary. However, he doesn’t want to give Blago too much new money to campaign on.

    Blago is presumably going to veto any income tax increase. The senate can presumably override, but a few republicans will need to vote for the tax increase in the house. I’m not sure that Madigan can swing any republicans to support this.

    I think some gaming expansion is more likely (Cross supports) and Blago is less likely to veto.

  19. - Esteban - Monday, Jul 16, 07 @ 7:01 pm:

    Regarding the legislators’ salaries: Any House
    or Senate member worth his or her salt is doing
    this as a full-time job-it’s inevitable, despite
    what the job may be called. I worked for a House
    member and saw the kind of hours he put in.

  20. - Thankfully Retired State Employee - Monday, Jul 16, 07 @ 7:48 pm:

    Re: Make-up artist. The sad thing is that probably a dozen people looked at that invoice before it was paid by the state, including the Comptroller’s office.

  21. - Norseman - Monday, Jul 16, 07 @ 8:11 pm:

    Everytime I hear the House and Senate going through the ritual of opening and closing eight (for now) special sessions, I can’t help but wonder why they can’t even agree to adjourn several of them sine die. As long as they keep open one special session, they still keep their per diem.

  22. - ChicagoDem - Monday, Jul 16, 07 @ 9:17 pm:

    Calling Madigan a ‘right wing conservative’ is a bit extreme. Don’t be surprised if the Gov. starts calling everyone who opposes him as the right wing conspiracy!

  23. - Time to Move - Monday, Jul 16, 07 @ 11:28 pm:

    If the people in charge can’t or won’t cut expenses then I don’t blame anyone or any business that leaves the State. Watch the funds drain away. They can only shoot themselves in the foot so many times.

  24. - Awaiting the Inevitable - Monday, Jul 16, 07 @ 11:51 pm:

    For more than three months now, it has been apparant that Madigan would end up the victor in this drama. Blago-Jones are on the wrong side with the public, and in a supermajority senario there is absolutely no way to round up the votes needed to do anything approaching the BIG tax-and-spend plans promoted all session by Blago-Jones.

    So the only unknown is how long it will take for Blago-Jones to accept the inevitable. Tragically, the cost of this wait is the diminishment of our governmental process and the enthusiasm of many good people in it.

    If this session were evaluated in terms of leadership, Madigan gets high marks for saving us from the insolvency that Blago-Jones would have forced upon us. Blago continues being short-sighted, insincere and self-aborbed. Emil, unfortunately, flames out at the close of a long legislative career, when he should have peaked with his supermajority. Sadly, Emil was blinded by his rivalry with Madigan.

    Soul searching will be in order for Senate Democrats (Rod will be spared that exercise, as he lacks the necessary component).

  25. - Doug Dobmeyer - Tuesday, Jul 17, 07 @ 12:34 am:

    Saw Speaker Madigan interviewed by Carol Marin tonight - very statesman like! Emphasized he was a Democrat and embarrased by that party having total control of state government unable to do anything.

    He once again suggested that talks be held to accomplish someting. That works when people are committed to accomplishing something. I suppose Madigan tires of talking to himeself though.

    Doug Dobmeyer

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