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Question of the day

Wednesday, Jul 18, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

A House Republican-sponsored resolution was all the talk yesterday

House Speaker Michael Madigan (D-Chicago) allowed his chamber to vote on a GOP-written resolution that calls on the governor to “reside in Springfield” during the duration of the Legislature’s overtime session or while lawmakers are in special sessions convened by Blagojevich. […]

An aide belittled Tuesday’s vote, insisting the governor had overnighted in Springfield with the exception of this past weekend since declaring the first of eight special sessions in early July.

“The governor’s been here, and it seems like there are more important issues facing the state of Illinois than this that the House could consider,” Blagojevich spokeswoman Rebecca Rausch said.

The Post-Dispatch has this analysis

The resolution has no legal force, and was dismissed by Blagojevich’s defenders as a cheap attempt to embarrass him. But it’s telling as a measure of the frustration of lawmakers who have been kept at their Springfield desks well into the summer, not allowed to adjourn and powerless to break the budget impasse.

You can read more about it here and here.

Question: Now that the governor has agreed to stay in Springfield until the negotiations are completed (even though he’s taken a couple of trips back to Chicago for a press conference and then a Cubs game last weekend when the General Assembly wasn’t in town), was this a cheap shot that could undermine delicate budget negotiations? If not, explain why. And, please, try to put any knee-jerk hatreds aside.


  1. - Bluefish - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 10:14 am:

    Cheap shot? Probably. Good idea. Probably. Just remember that if this stalemate continues through mid-August it will be time for his daughter to return to school. His commitment to remaining in Springfield is only in effect as long as it works for his family. Once he faces the prospect of not having dinner and bed-time stories with his kids Air Blago will fly again. So it’s a good idea to try to pre-empt that now.

  2. - Moderate Repub - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 10:18 am:

    None of my hatreds are knee Jerky:) As far as whether it could undermine budget talks. It could have impact, but not anymore of an impact than the multitudes of other things that have supposedly taken us a step backwards. The whole “We are going to sue the Speaker because he did not convene at 2 oclock” was much more childish than this. THis was not just about him staying here in overtime (if it was then yes this would be childish) this is also about the Governor NEVER ingaging the GA during the spring, or for the three out of the past four sessions for that matter. It baffles me that he never engages the GA, I mean he was here as REp before, why doenst he get it that he has to be a presence here? (Thats retorical, because no one knows that answer)

  3. - decaturboy - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 10:20 am:

    How could the governor’s supporters feel this resolution was trying to embarrass him; heck this whole year’s session has embarrass him and the whole state government.
    Could this be a way of getting back at the GUV for the special sessions on guns and other nonbudget matters?

  4. - ole timer - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 10:24 am:

    Let’s see now. ‘…delicate budget negotiations…’ House, Senate & Governor all controlled by Democrats. Kudos to Madigan for trying to not bankrupt IL. Otherwise, the ‘leadership’ should show some; act like adults; do their jobs. In private industry, this paralysis would be grounds for termination. Gov stay in Springfield? Why bother; he isn’t doing anything in any case.

  5. - Number 8 - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 10:25 am:

    Cheap shot — yes. Will it undermine the budget negotiations — no way. Rich, you know as well as anybody that the governor always sees the positive side of things (some here have referred to it as delusional). The governor views these exchanges as healthy dialouge. Its the speaker who takes actions like this (or being calle a republican) personally.

    The governor probably sees this as part of the process. Its politics, its a game, and its not a game for the weak. The governor isnt weak.

  6. - FED UP - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 10:27 am:

    I dont think it was a cheap shot and it is no where near as petty as name calling like blago has done. Blago needs to realize his ideas are going nowhere and fighting with your own partys leaders is a bad idea.

  7. - Captain America - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 10:30 am:

    Yes, it was a cheap shot,potentially counterproductive. But it’s pr3etty clear to me that the Governor was not as fully engaged as he needed to be before the May 31 budget deadline.

    Given that the Governor has been oblivious to the barrage of informed editorial denunciations of his performance and his lack of leadership the last several months,I don’t think the resolution will “ruffle the Governor’s hair.”

  8. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 10:39 am:

    It was a silly PR stunt, something this governor would admire had it come from his office.

    It also smacks of desperation and powerlessness.

    On the other hand, this is now a part of the official record, and historians will better understand the poisonous atmosphere Blagojevich has created for the State in 2007.

    Great going Rod!

  9. - capitol view - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 10:40 am:

    I would have preferred a resolution barring him from Springfield until the budget is passed. The Governor is irrelevent after June 1st — 3/5 to pass an immediately effective bill now, 3/5 to override. Let the General Assembly perform its historic and constitutional duty and address revenues and appropriations.

    Under a Con-Con deal cut with Ogilvie, the budget process now begins with a Governor’s proposed budget rather than with a legislative commission offered budget of what the next year’s appropriations needs would be based on the current year’s spending levels and new legislation fiscal impacts. After the Governor’s budget is offered, the General Assembly passes whatever it chooses. A Governor can threaten to veto, but after June 1st the 3/5 duality makes that a hollow threat.

    Madigan and Jones need to caucus and then consult with each other on what they will offer the Republicans to pass a functional budget that meets education and human services needs, plus a bond program for long overdue projects, and then at least Tom Cross needs to be brought into discussions.

    The Governor can be kept advised, but he has no role in the process at this point. Let him stay at home in Chicago. It may be to his advantage to be kept powerless at this point, to appear blameless for however new revenues are generated.

  10. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 10:41 am:

    Cheap shot. I don’t think so because it is true. The GUV has been absent, essentially as the football coach, trying to win the game but not being on the sideline working the players through the game challenges either during the regular or extension session.

  11. - yawn - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 10:48 am:

    Yes, it was just more silliness. Why the Repubs continue to go out of their way to prove they are every bit as clueless and immature as the Gov is a mystery.

    If the Gov’s race was held again today, I bet Blago would win by an even more decisive margin.

    The Repubs are so worthless they are making Blago look good. And that’s saying a lot.

  12. - North of I-80 - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 10:59 am:

    Cheap? Not really… the costs to taxpayers for the security, the near-exclusive use of the state plane, personnel, executive protection unit covering both the mansion and Ravenswood for 4+ years is very expensive. The causes are arrogance and selfishness and using state resources as his personal piggy bank. This pretend monarchy really irritates those who can see it, thus far, only the legislature, state workers around him and a few of you in the press. This resolution is the legislature striking out at and bringing to light what some see as poor leadership, poor decision-making and arrogance of the Governor.

  13. - Bill - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 11:12 am:

    The resolution wasn’t a cheap shot, it was just stupid and typical of republcans lately. The cheap shot occured when the so-called democrat “Speaker” ruled that it passed when it obviously lost. Way to be a good democrat,Gary! Maybe they should pass a resolution that the real Speaker should leave his fortress once in a while and actually personally preside over “his” house.

  14. - so-called "Austin Mayor" - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 11:21 am:

    “The resolution has no legal force, and was dismissed by Blagojevich’s defenders as a cheap attempt to embarrass him.”

    They forgot to finish the sentence “a cheap attempt to embarrass him into doing his damn job.”

    Blagojevich may not have invented governing by stunt, but he certainly made it the status quo in Springfield. It’s too late for his team to start crying political stunts about it now.

    – SCAM

  15. - Leigh - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 11:26 am:

    Wouldn’t be surprised if the vote is used in a political ad for a Republican candidate for governor in ‘10. If turn about is fair play, the governor deserves it for all his reckless and ridiculous behavior. However, it doesn’t really assist with the issues at hand, does it.

  16. - Bill - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 11:28 am:

    No it doesn’t…and it won’t hurt us in ‘10 either.

  17. - Justice - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 11:33 am:

    How can you possibly embarrass someone who has done that to himself countless times. He shrugs it off, thinks to himself that he is getting under their skin, and continues to do what he does best…nothing of any real significance. The legislature needs to pass a budget irregardless of the governor’s presence. I say the blame lies with the legislature at this juncture, not the governor. Trying to embarrass him is simply a distraction. A lot of that going on because our legislators are inept and most without a backbone to do anything on their own unless told to do so. I don’t think we elected any of them to follow. The truth is they are there to lead and do what is best for their constituents, not what is best for their careers. Reality and experience in this administration says they will choose the latter.

  18. - amy - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 11:49 am:

    i’m not a fan of any of the players in this
    long summer scenario, but I do wonder…..why
    can’t the legislature just legislate? Does
    the Congress require the presence of the President
    to get legislation passed? Doesn’t he give a
    clue on what he would veto and the Congress
    carries the water for the party? Why is
    Springfield so different?

  19. - Truthful James - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 11:50 am:

    I am reminded of the ultimate of insults

    “Nothing I could say would insult you.”

  20. - Emilatitagain - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 12:08 pm:

    Heck no! It wasn’t a cheap shot! He has the nerve to call a special session…say he will be here right with the legislators…and then openly bucks his statements by going to a frickin’ cubs game! Some nerve

  21. - Emilatitagain - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 12:09 pm:


    Good idea let’s hope republicans get their act together and are storing away all these things. It seems the campaign cmte’s sometimes have shorter memories than the voting public

  22. - bored now - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 12:19 pm:

    i think it’s a legitimate frustration on the part of the general assembly. gotta laugh, though, at republicans bringing this up. aren’t they the ones who argue that people should be able to live where they want? or is it that democrats have to be ghettoized, and only republicans can live where they want?

  23. - Downstate Dem - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 12:19 pm:

    I don’t think the Gov’s people should be offended or embarrassed, this whole session has been an embarrassment to the entire state.
    However, my mom always taught me to take the high road . . . a bill to keep the Governor in Springfield is really just tacky.

  24. - Esteban - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 12:20 pm:

    Blago set himself up for it…he’s his own
    worst enemy.

  25. - downhereforyears - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 12:35 pm:

    Memo to bored now…..Are you even paying attention? That comment was even dumber than what Blago has been doing this session. I will admit however that it is a shame it has come down to this garbage. MADIGAN, JONES, CROSS and WATSON pass a budget, leave town for the summer. Let Rod figure out by himself what to do next.

  26. - Little Egypt - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 12:45 pm:

    The resolution was not necessary, needed or effective. People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones at MMadigan for how he presides over “his” house. Tickle Me Emil has the audacity to gavel in and out the Senate for about 20 minutes, and not every day at that, just enough time for his members to collect per diem. What I don’t understand is why Blago continues to call Special Sessions that allow the legislature to collect per diem when I’m quite sure this would have all resolved itself without any input from Blago, unless he thinks if he gives the legislators money for expenses, they will in turn shove through his universal health program. There is no other reason for him to play the political games he is if it weren’t for this insurane program of his that I previously thought was DOA but now seems to at least be on life support. I’m convinced the only reason Blago has put himself in the middle of this fracas is for the publicity. He probably feels that any publicity is good publicity. So folks, how to you like having your state completely controlled by democrats, a/k/a Keystone Cops? I’ve participated in a Chinese fire drill that had better organization and control than this bunch of lily-livers.

  27. - da mare - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 1:09 pm:

    silly, silly, silly, it’s silly. would any of you want to be scrutened they way G-Rod has been scrutened?

  28. - Wumpus - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 1:26 pm:

    No cheapshot, it is obviously true.

  29. - question - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 1:41 pm:

    Rich, why would a “capitol police” car be speeding west on Laurel(I was on Laural at 2nd St.) all lit up? Isn’t that a bit far from the Statehouse??

  30. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 1:43 pm:


    If the U.S. House sends a bad spending bill to the Senate, the Senate will reject it. All spending bills in Congress must begin in the U.S. House, although Senators can add funding through amendments and inserts. At the federal level, House members do take into account whether or not the president and the senators will pass the spending legislation. This is why we all saw such ridiculous overspending during the last four years of GOP rule: the GOP knew Bush would sign anything they sent him. Plus, Congress is in session all year, and the heads of the House and Senate also call their meeting times during August and December “special sessions”.

    I think what Madigan and Jones want is a budget that won’t get vetoed and thus won’t require another special session. If they can hammer out a plan supported by Blago and approved by their respective chambers, they can get out of dodge much sooner.

    Do I think this is a poke in the eye? Yes. But was it a poke in the eye when Blago called legislators “drunken sailors”? Yes. What goes around comes around. Karma, fourth grade style.

  31. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 1:47 pm:

    “question,” I dunno. Lunch?

  32. - Squideshi - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 1:48 pm:

    “…was this a cheap shot that could undermine delicate budget negotiations? If not, explain why.”

    I don’t think this was a cheap shot–it is a legitimate concern. Blagojevich spends far too little time in Springfield, and who better to call attention to that other than the Illinois House?

    Could it undermine budget negotiations? Sure. I don’t really think, however, that it is any worse than Blagojevich repeatedly calling Madigan a right-wing Republican.

    In addition, the passage of this resolution wasn’t a decision made by any one person–it was a group decision, decided by a majority vote of our State Representatives (In other words, while Madigan, with his one-man stranglehold on the Rules Committee, can effectively prevent any bill from being reported out of committee and coming to a vote or even being debated, in theory, he can not force a bill to pass the House, as that requires more than Madigan’s consent alone.)

    Maybe Blagojevich wants to move the state capitol to Chicago? I’m not casting any judgment on that idea; but if that’s what he wants to do, he should propose it, rather than just skirting around the issue by residing in, doing so much business in, and maintaining so many key state agency offices in Chicago. I mean, right off the bat, it seems to me that there are more people around in Chicago; and Chicago has a better transportation system than Springfield, so perhaps with Chicago as capitol, there would be better access to and, therefore, better oversight of state government by the public. It’s not like we haven’t moved the state capital at least twice before.

  33. - Bill Baar - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 1:49 pm:

    These guys are salesmen. The face-to-face contact is important and it’s hard for them to work without it. Failing to live in the mansion is a real problem. It’s not trivial.

  34. - Undercover - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 1:54 pm:

    I think they should all stop whining and start acting like these are full-time jobs. They’re certainly paid that way!

  35. - Squideshi - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 1:54 pm:

    “The cheap shot occured when the so-called democrat ‘Speaker’ ruled that it passed when it obviously lost.”

    Excuse me, Bill? What exactly do you mean that Madigan “ruled that it passed when it obviously lost?” Are you saying that proper parliamentary procedure was not followed? If that is the case, why didn’t any Representative make a motion to appeal from the ruling, as is permitted by House Rule 57? There are 118 members, and it only takes 71 to sustain such an appeal–that’s 60%.

  36. - WARDOG - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 2:09 pm:

    Just a taste of Blagos own medicine for him. Overall–Stupid is as stupid does.

  37. - blogman - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 2:12 pm:

    If it is a cheap shot, he has brought it on himself. He still feels that he is free to point fingers and name call and blame others for the impass and is not even part of the process when it comes to budget negotiations. He is off doing unrelated press conferences in Chicago. The voters know who is to blame for this and he can’t continue to ignore it and hope it goes away.

  38. - question - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 2:17 pm:

    They must have been late for their lunch reservation then…

  39. - Bill - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 2:44 pm:

    It wasn’t Madigan who was holed up on his office as usual. It was Hannig. They could have called for a roll call but that would have shown just how few of them were actually there.
    Everyone knew that it just wasn’t that important.

  40. - Little Egypt - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 3:01 pm:

    Squid, on the radio this morning I heard the exact tape of the call for this crazy resolution yesterday. I really hate it when I agree with Bill but if you had heard what I heard, the vote was quite a sham. Bill, you owe me one.

  41. - hollyringo - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 4:19 pm:

    No, I don’t think it’s a cheap shot, but rather a wake up call. What extremes do we have to go to in order to get him to stay in town? I agree with Squid that it is a legitimate concern.

  42. - Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 5:49 pm:

    “Question”, to your question, there is a Mel-O-Cream donut shop at 2nd and Laurel. Either the Boys in blue had overstayed their welcome and were haulin’ it back to work, or they were buying the last batch of the day for the evening shift.

  43. - Squideshi - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 5:58 pm:

    “Squid, on the radio this morning I heard the exact tape of the call for this crazy resolution yesterday. I really hate it when I agree with Bill but if you had heard what I heard, the vote was quite a sham.”

    Can you be more specific? Pretty much all votes are a sham unless someone actually asks for a division of the assembly (a tallied, rather than voice vote, left to the determination of the Presiding Officer.)

  44. - reform - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 7:24 pm:

    Cheap. not with $6,000 air flights between Chicago-Spfd.
    Cheap,when the Governor has to hire a professional make-up person.
    Cheap,when you can not get this stupid politican to stop acting like a third world leader.
    Cheap,when this guy makes Gray Davis look like a great Governor.

  45. - Jechislo - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 9:54 pm:

    It really doesn’t make any difference if Rod stays in Chicago, Springfield, or Cairo the rest of the month. Rod is like the spoiled brat kid in the restaurant that ruins your $60 steak dinner. His Mom should have spanked the crap out of him at an early age; and his Dad should have kicked his butt years ago and let him know that his type of tantrums, tactics and antics won’t work when you’re a kid and they sure as heck won’t work when dealing with adults. This guy is an embarrassment to Illinois. PLEASE Mr. Madigan; take charge of the budget and let’s move on without Rod. Emil, just follow Mike’s lead and you’ll be fine.

  46. - Little Egypt - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 10:12 pm:

    Squid, I can’t give you a verbatim description of what I heard on WTAX AM radio this morning. But from what I heard, if it had been a roll call vote there’s no way that resolution would have flown out of the House. Perhaps WTAX has a website you can go to and listen.

  47. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jul 18, 07 @ 10:22 pm:

    LE, from my experience, loudness doesn’t always equal numbers. It’s not accurate to claim that something you heard on a voice vote would have necessarily translated into a different roll call. If it had, they would have asked for a roll call.

  48. - Squideshi - Thursday, Jul 19, 07 @ 8:26 am:

    “But from what I heard, if it had been a roll call vote there’s no way that resolution would have flown out of the House.”

    Was there something preventing anyone from requesting a roll call vote?

  49. - Mr Brown - Thursday, Jul 19, 07 @ 9:35 am:

    This is the exact same thing that Madigan criticizes Blagojevich for… I am not saying that Blago isnt to blame, but doesnt this make Madigan a hyporcit? You can say what you want about the speaker, but his popularity is about as low as its ever been. Not as low as Blago and certainly not low enough to damage… but LOW.

    This is hurting his members re-election chances. Just wait til a shutdown. Its the Speakers members who start circulating petitions in two weeks, not the Governor.

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