Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » This just in… *** Important updates in “red” *** Even higher cigarette tax? *** Cardinal George * not directly * lobbying SDems for IL Covered *** LaHood to announce retirement tomorrow? *** House approves rate relief bill ***
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This just in… *** Important updates in “red” *** Even higher cigarette tax? *** Cardinal George * not directly * lobbying SDems for IL Covered *** LaHood to announce retirement tomorrow? *** House approves rate relief bill ***

Thursday, Jul 26, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 12:13 pm - My buddy Ryan Hermes has been back in Springfield and blogging for WLS Radio the past couple of days. His latest update…

A proposal to crack down on predatory lending just passed out of the Illinois House.

Up next, the Senate.

The bill, SB 1167, can be found here.

* 12:41 pm - As if it didn’t have enough trouble, AFSCME is now lobbying against Senate President Emil Jones’ budget bill.

* 12:47 pm - Another update from Ryan Hermes…

It looks like a vote on the electric rate relief package will be coming this afternoon. […]

A source tells me that [problems] should be ironed out soon and the relief plan should pass both the House AND Senate today.

*** 2:11 pm *** It looks like the Senate has a new amendment that increases the proposed cigarette tax increase from 75 cents a pack to 90 cents a pack. The old amendment imposed a 37.5 mills per cigarette tax increase, while the new amendment proposes a 45 mills increase. It also has this language…

The county board of any county may, by ordinance or resolution, impose a county cigarette tax upon any person engaged in business as a retailer of cigarettes in a county located in this State. If imposed, the tax may not exceed the rate of 100 mills per cigarette sold or otherwise disposed of in the course of such business in this State.

[Adding… 100 mills would be $2 a pack.]

Meanwhile, Health care providers have been asking for an increase in their reimbursement rates as part of any agreement to support the governor’s health insurance plan. (The Illinois State Medical Society filed in opposition to the insurance bill this week, however.) That same Senate amendment would create a new “Healthcare Provider Relief Fund.” According to the amendment, 17 percent of the cigarette tax money raised will go into that fund.

* 2:27 pm - An amendment to be taken up in Senate Executive Committee at 3 pm will raise the state’s borrowing authority to $34,348,149,369 from $27,658,149,369 - if you’re having trouble reading those big numbers, the increase is about $6.7 billion.

* 2:29 pm - The Illinois House is debating the electric relief bill. Listen here.

* 2:37 pm - The Senate plans to runs its budget proposal through the Approriations 2 Committee today at 3:30 pm. Download the proposal here and here.

*** 3:11 pm *** Bringing out the big guns. The governor’s office confirms that Cardinal Francis George is telephoning some Senate Democrats (Catholics, of course) to urge them to change their minds and vote for the governor’s health insurance bill. He appears to be making progress.

The governor asked the Cardinal earlier today to make the calls.


5:18 pm UPDATE: The governor’s office has insisted, and did so yet again a few minutes ago, that the Cardinal made the calls, and other good sources backed that up. But I got through to the Catholic Conference a bit ago and was given this statement by one of their lobbyists:

“To my knowledge, he has had no direct communication on this issue at this time.”
The lobbyist added that it was “Undetermined” whether the Cardinal will make calls on this bill.

Contacts were apparently made by the Cardinal’s staff, however. Sorry about that.


* 3:49 pm -
The president of Dominick’s Finer Foods has released a letter praising the governor’s health insurance plan, but offering some additional suggestions. It’s not the Cardinal, but it’s something.

* 4:01 pm - The Daily Herald has a story up about the new cigarette tax hike…

Told Thursday that their 75-cent cigarette tax increase likely won’t bring in as many millions as first predicted, Senate Democrats responded by adding another 15 cents to make it a 90-cent per pack hike. […]

As proposed, all other counties in the state would gain the same authority to impose up to a $2 per pack tax as well. DuPage County has been lobbying lawmakers for this in an effort to try to fill its budget shortfalls. […]

Raising the tax another 15 cents would bring in nearly $50 million more.

*** 4:48 pm *** Rumors have been circulating in Washington, DC that Congressman Ray LaHood will announce his retirement tomorrow. A very top source with close access to LaHood says that will, indeed, happen. More later, perhaps.

*** 4:49 pm *** The House has approved the electri rate relief bill 80-33.

The roll call can be found here.

* 4:59 pm -
The House has adjourned until tomorrow morning.


  1. - Anon - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 2:02 pm:

    This bill is just another example of Madigan imposing his will on his fellow lawmakers. Sickens me.

  2. - Kmoney62704 - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 2:14 pm:

    Here comes the rate relief bill.

  3. - Anon - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 2:15 pm:

    Just to clarify I am talking about Madigan’s SB 1167.

  4. - Tom - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 2:28 pm:

    Over a $100 a carton in Chicago. They should be ashamed.

  5. - Macbeth - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 2:30 pm:

    Aren’t cigarettes the *cause* of significant medical maladies? Why shouldn’t they be taxed up the wazoo?

  6. - Ghost - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 2:33 pm:

    I dont mind them taxing cigs out of existance. the problem is they may tax them out of existance, so it may be a bad idea to project a large revenue stream based on the assumption people will continue to purchase the same quantity of cigs in IL.

  7. - fedup dem - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 2:35 pm:

    So don’t smoke, Tom! Tell yourself that you’re not fighting an addictive habit, just battling excessive taxation!

  8. - Macbeth - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 2:36 pm:

    Ah. That’s true.

    Well, they won’t buy them in Illinois. They’ll do what we used to do with Coors, fireworks, and gasoline — cross the Mississippi into Missouri.

    Or drive out to Indiana. (Wherever one went to bootleg the essentials.)

    But if this is the best they can do, have at it. Frankly, I’d rather see a revenue stream dead than more lives lost due to lung cancer.

  9. - anona mouse - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 2:44 pm:

    SENATE bill, that would be Emil Jones, if it was Madigan it would be HOUSE bill

  10. - Commonsense in Illinois - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 2:58 pm:

    Is there a BIMP or two lurking about, Rich? Looks like the approp amendments might be a 12 month, but I don’t see the revenue bills.

  11. - FED UP - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 3:18 pm:

    The cig tax wont raise the money neccasary because people will quit(good thing) and others will go out of state to buy cigs and get ags and other items too costing the state tax money. Cig taxes are fine but you cannot count on them as a revenue source. Cook Co. is only collecting 2/3rds its projected amount of cig tax because people are buyind cigs elsewhere problem is cook co now will have to raise other taxes because it spent the money it projected would come from cig tax. Illiois pols are spending money that will never be collected.

  12. - anon2 - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 3:24 pm:

    LOL about the Coors. What a mystique used to surround that brand (back in the 1960s, when cars were big, gas and cigs were cheap,…..)

  13. - Anon - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 3:25 pm:

    Just to respond to anona mouse. There is little thing called amendments and they can completely change the original bill. So a house member can take a senate bill and pretty much make it his or her own. Get it?

  14. - Values Matter - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 3:29 pm:

    How is the State Senate’s #1 swing vote, Sen. Mike Jacobs, going to vote on this one?

  15. - Capitalist Pig - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 3:31 pm:

    The projected money from the tax is a cooked book number that would make any Enron accountant jealous. These folks are voting in a tax increase for next year by underfunding social(ist) bs programs this year. What a crock.

  16. - OneManBlog - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 3:32 pm:

    The Cardinal…

    So he is willing to do this even though he has issues with some of the govs stands on other issues?

  17. - Capitalist Pig - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 3:36 pm:

    So where is the “seperation of Church and state” crowd now? Is it only a crime against humanity when it’s a conservative issue that religious types are working for? Is this guy straight out of The Godfather III?

  18. - Little Egypt - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 3:36 pm:

    OK, would someone explain to this non-financial wizard why we are in this gawd awful overtime special session, whatever you want to call it, to adopt what MMadigan has been touting as a “balanced budget”, live within our means, no new huge programs? Now only to see that a Senate amendment will increase the State’s borrowing ability an additional $6.7 BILLION. Why do we need that kind of additional borrowing authority, what is it going to be used for, and why in the name of anything is this being done by a governor who proclaims “no new taxes”? Isn’t this going to just put this State into a deeper gigantic financial hole? And if they are playing with numbers this year and this kind of borrowing authority, when will it stop? What about next year when Elvis comes up with yet another project that is going to cost big bucks that Illinois does not have. And why isn’t the press covering this? Why aren’t the citizens of this state outraged at the debt in this State. What are we doing to the next generation of taxpayers - that would be our children and our grandchildren? Steve Schnorf, enlighten me please!

    My personal opinion is that Blago inherited a huge financial problem in this State and he’s doing nothing but piling on top of it, just because he has an agenda, he has plans, he has programs he wants to implement, he wants to leave a legacy. Well he will certain leave a legacy.

  19. - BIG R.PH. - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 3:45 pm:

    Once again all Legislative members should NEVER FORGET. If you pass a new tax, the taxpayers will do WHATEVER it takes to avoid that tax. This is what this country was founded on. (Think Boston Tea Party).

    Therefore to balance a budget you only have 3 options:

    1) Raise Taxes-See above
    2) Cut Expenses-Not a chance with this group
    3) Expand the base from which you tax and grow the economy. This is why you have $900 mill extra this time around.

    If any of these idiots had a clue, they would hold the line on spending and cut taxes to be competitive with other surrounding states. This would help capture the revenue that they are losing by sales going to other states.

    It’s called conservatism and it works EVERY time it has been tried.

  20. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 3:47 pm:

    I would think the Cardinal would be more interested in legislation concerning:

    criminal and civil penalties and/or statutes of limitation regarding obstruction of justice, sexual abuse

    Forgive me father, but butt out

  21. - Capitalist Pig - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 3:50 pm:

    Big R

    Please. Enough with the common sense already. Why must you small minded people continue to droll on about economic facts. Don’t you understand? It’s about caring more about your fellow man. Do you not feel anything? Are you heartless? How dare you talk about what it will cost? Don’t you know that the cost is not an issue? Jeez man, pull yourself together and go apply for some state funded health care. ;)

    Democrats care more…..Republicans spend less…..hahahahahahaha the joke is on all of us.

  22. - Mr. W.T. Rush - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 3:53 pm:

    Why would the the Cardinal lobby for a bill that pays for abortion??????
    Tell us it ain’t so

  23. - Siyotanka - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 3:57 pm:

    What next…Bishop Fulton Sheen (Yes he is dead)…and the bobble headed CEO of Jack-in-the-Box

  24. - Macbeth - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 4:02 pm:

    Much like the ministers storming — or bumbling — into the capital, this thing with Cardinal George — this calling around to ask for votes (in exchange for what? Is this like selling indulgences? Didn’t this end around 1517 when Luther put the post-it on the door?) — it’s creepy. Creepy.

    These weird religious vectors — here and elsewhere with Blagojevich — divine mandates, acts of epic faith, exhorting the masses to do what’s right — it’s weird and creepy and … I don’t know what else: insulting, maybe? Condescending? A blatant disregard for the political process? A fundamental *misunderstanding* of the process? An identity confusion — Blagojevich is not Clinton, don’t not have Clinton’s brains, does not have Clinton’s charisma.

    Creepy. Weird.

  25. - Macbeth - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 4:05 pm:

    And then what … Mandela in the wings? Bono in Springfield the day before the shutdown?

    Shrivelled up, melon-esque Carville hunkered down in some war room?

    I don’t get it. Who is this guy? What is he doing?

  26. - calling - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 4:06 pm:

    Is the Cardinal endorsing more gambling or cigarette use to pay for the bill?
    We could free up some cash by eliminating the tuition tax credit for private schools….

  27. - Capitalist Pig - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 4:08 pm:

    I would have to say that Clinton is one man that RB has a lot in common with. This whole administration is Clintonesque. Think about it.

  28. - Devine Intervention Ploy - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 4:12 pm:

    Sure would like to hear those conversations between Cardinal Francis George those Senate Democrats.
    Maybe free passes to heaven.

  29. - Bill - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 4:19 pm:

    …well you can do anything but lay offa my blue suede shoes…blue blue blue suede shoes baby…

  30. - orlkon - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 4:25 pm:

    Why don’t they supply smokers with a Self Contained Smoking Apparatus (SCSA)–it’s a large plastic bag and a twist tie–as a smoker I think it should be on the market or provided free to the smoking public–At least that is an honest way of dealing with the health effects of smoking. Its been scientifically proven that smoking is an ADDICTION! Just add more tax to everything that’s not good for you

  31. - Southern Right - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 4:28 pm:

    Is the good Cardinal ok with the new bindo and tithes tax proposal to supplement this plan?

  32. - A Citizen - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 4:28 pm:

    Smoking is an addiction, a disability. Taxing it and legislating against smokers is a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

  33. - Little Egypt - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 4:30 pm:

    A Citizen - you may be onto something.

  34. - 45 - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 4:32 pm:

    let me guess…the Governor threatened to cut off state spending on social programs run by the Catholic Church…

    I am assuming that the Governor didn’t mention to the Cardinal that the health care bill gives dollars to local clinics for ‘family planning’ (ie abortion) services.

    finally i read the supermarket letter as saying health care is good and the Govs plan is a start but wont solve the problem. its NOT an endorsement of the plan. ask Dick Durbin.

  35. - Capitalist Pig - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 4:44 pm:

    Raising taxes and controlling the populous is the addiction.

  36. - This state is sorry - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 4:47 pm:

    What a sorry state we live in. This legislature has so much going on it’s really hard to focus on its accomplishments.

    When will the citizens seen results, good and meaningful results from Mr., Mr., and Mr.?

  37. - So Ill - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 4:54 pm:

    Rich, or someone, what’s the rate relief bill number?

  38. Pingback Citizens Utility Board Blog » Blog Archive » THIS JUST IN…House passes electric reform package - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 4:59 pm:

    […] The vote was 80-33. Hat tip, Capitol Fax. […]

  39. - Torie - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 5:01 pm:

    SB 1592 is the rate relief bill number

  40. - Mr. W.T. Rush - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 5:09 pm:

    Guess this means the Cardinal will be giving health care to all their employees?

  41. - Anon - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 5:21 pm:

    Hey calling, your eliminating the tuition tax credit for private schools comment was awesome… Not really. What would our tax bill be like without those private schools?

  42. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 5:37 pm:

    Let’s close this thread. It’s getting way too long. I opened a new one here. The Senate is about to go into session, although we can probably expect a long caucus by both parties.

Sorry, comments for this post are now closed.

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