This just in, Part 2…
Thursday, Jul 26, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller * 5:34 pm - Senators are trickling into the chamber, so let’s open up a new thread. It could be an interesting evening as the Democrats may attempt to move a budget, the governor’s health care bill, a 90 cents per pack increase in the cigarette tax and the rate relief legislation. We can probably expect a long wait while the two parties caucus, however. Also, if you’re just joining us, or missed part of the old thread, there’s been an update on the Cardinal George story. Despite the repeated insistence by the governor’s office that the Cardinal was calling Senate Democrats on behalf of the Illinois Covered plan, and other sources reporting the same thing, a lobbyist for the Catholic Conference said several minutes ago that to his knowledge, the Cardinal “has had no direct communication on this issue at this time” and it was “unknown” if he would. Some other big news in the old thread which kinda got buried is that Congressman Ray LaHood is planning to announce his retirement tomorrow. Word is that Rep. Aaron Schock is giving the race a close look, which would be very bad for the Illinois House GOP since Schock’s district is so heavily Democratic. Listen to the Senate debate here. * 5:48 pm - I’ve told Paul to abandon his post and head to Boone’s. No sense in making him wait around. So, the party will start soon. Get over there and buy the guy a beer if you can. * 5:51 pm - The Senate is now taking up the rate relief bill. Rep. Schock, by the way, was one of 33 House members who voted against the rate relief bill. The roll call can be downloaded here. * 5:56 pm - Interesting news from the Daily Herald…
* 6:06 pm - House Republicans voting “Yes” on the electric rate relief bill: Bost, Cole, Coulson, Cultra, Durkin, Hassert, Bill Mitchell, Moffitt, Munson, Myers, Pritchard, Reboletti, Sommer, Tracy, Watson. * 6:18 pm - The AP has a story up about LaHood…
*** 6:38 pm *** The Senate has approved the electric rate relief bill 40-13-1. You can find the roll call here. It now goes to the governor. *** 7:10 pm *** The Senate has adjourned for the evening without taking up the budget bills or the health insurance bill - or anything else beyond several resolutions. That’s it for me. Time to head to the party.
- Downtown - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 5:45 pm:
Cong. LaHood had some very complimentary words for the House Democrats in the Washington Post today which seemed odd when I read them, now however they make a little more sense.
- Ray's Patio Inn - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 5:47 pm:
Why is LaHood really retiring? That’s a QFTB if there ever was one. First, the bizarre Bradley thing and now this. Has he maxed out his pension?
- GettingJonesed - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 6:09 pm:
How can our dream boat run for Congress if he voted wrong on the $1 billion rate relief plan?
What terrible timing…poor thing
- Palatine - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 6:51 pm:
It figures BIG BUSINESS BASSI voted against the electric rate relief bill. She doesn’t care about her constituents. She has also voted against the 7% property cap tax bill in the past which we all benefitted from.
- BlueByrd - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 7:04 pm:
Nice to see Rod’s people can’t tell the truth, even when talking about the Cardinal. Simply amazing.
- A Citizen - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 7:05 pm:
Senators should not “Trickle in the Chambers”. there is serious work to be done!
- Cassandra - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 7:14 pm:
Schock should run. He’s young and can recover if he loses.
The Republicans desperately need to replenish their Illinois bench of elderly George Ryan hacks.
- Rockford Rant - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 7:43 pm:
So, we see that every Rockford area legislator except Chuck Jefferson voted against their own Com Ed customers. Interesting…wait until the press gets ahold of them.
- The 'Broken Heart' of Rogers Park - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 7:47 pm:
What, no Senate proclamation for Paul?
- A Citizen - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 7:56 pm:
I think with this senate, he may be better without it !!
- downhereforyears - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 8:04 pm:
Actually Bassi did the right thing, despite public opinion. Took guts. It would have been a lot easier for her to vote in favor of the bill. Note to Palatine…. you must not really understand… we would prefer dependable power not politics! Grow up.
- Humboldt Park - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 8:19 pm:
When you set out for distant Ithaca,
fervently wish your journey may be long, —
full of adventures and with much to learn.
Of the Laestrygones and the Cyclopes,
of the angry god Poseidon, have no fear:
these you shall not encounter, if your thought
remains at all times lofty, — if select
emotion touches you in body and spirit.
Not the Laestrygones, not the Cyclopes,
nor yet the fierce Poseidon, shall you meet,
unless you carry them within your soul, —
unless your soul should raise them to confront you.
Fervently wish your journey may be long.
May they be numerous — the summer mornings
when, pleased and joyous, you will be anchoring
in harbours you have never seen before.
Stay at the populous Phoenician marts,
and make provision of good merchandise;
coral and mother of pearl; and ebony
and amber; and voluptuous perfumes
of every kind, in lavish quantity.
Sojourn in many a city of the Nile,
and from the learned learn and learn amain.
At every stage bear Ithaca in mind.
The arrival there is your appointed lot.
But hurry not the voyage in the least:
’twere better if you travelled many years
and reached your island home in your old age,
being rich in riches gathered on the way,
and not expecting more from Ithaca.
Ithaca gave you the delightful voyage:
without her you would never have set out:
and she has nothing else to give you now.
And though you should find her wanting, Ithaca
will not surprise you; for you will arrive
wise and experienced, having long since perceived
the unapparent sense in Ithacas.
Translated by John Cavafy
- Anon - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 8:23 pm:
Who else in rumored in the running after LaHood?
- Good For Consumers???? - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 9:29 pm:
Listen, if you think the electric bill was so good for consumers, why do you think the utilies are smiling so much??????
- vinny - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 9:45 pm:
what’s your guess on them settling before the 31st? also what’s the scoop on shut downs or layoffs of state employees. like your site,hope you can shed some light on this thanks.
- Concerned Voter - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 10:01 pm:
Would it be too much to expect that the guvs office actually has a contingency plan if no budget is passed by the end of the month?
Lot’s of democratic supporting union state employees could be affected by that.
Rich, if you get any info, please keep us up to date. Thanks.
- Anon - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 10:44 pm:
So is it only union employees who get furloughed (except essential union employees) and all non bargaining unit staff (even non essential non bargaining unit staff) who get to stay, work and be paid, albeit late?
- A Citizen - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 11:00 pm:
No! If you are a state employee, you are skrwd, but you will get paid sooner or somewhat later. Now, that makes you feel like a what? . . . Right. Thank the guv!
- Reality Check - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 11:15 pm:
Of course the Senate adjourned without passing a budget. That’s because there is no budget Emil can pass in the Senate! He simply does not, nor will not have the votes to do anything on his own. When will he realize that the time has come to go sit with the Speaker and develop a budget that the Speaker can get the holdouts in the Senate to vote on, and avert a horrible state government shutdown. It’s the only way he can save face, because face it MAdigan has already proved he is way too much for the President to handle. The speaker has more influence on at least 6 senators (maybe more), and can keep Emil from passing anything. Too bad, I thought Emil was smarter than this. WORK WITH THE SPEAKER TO PASS A BUDGET AND COME BACK TO SPRINGFIELD JUST 6 MONTHS FROM NOW AND GO AT THIS THING AGAIN. Mr. President its time to show some leadership and end this nasty battle that is more about who’s ‘winning’ that the people of Illinois.
- Silent Majority - Thursday, Jul 26, 07 @ 11:18 pm:
Hey Rich, why not have a caucus at a bar in the Chicago area for those of us that live in the new state capitol. Give us about a week’s notice and the place will be packed.
- Captain America - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 7:49 am:
Humboldt Park
I don’t have my Cliffs notes handy.
Please translate/explain the applicabilty of this verse to the subject at hand to us ignorant philistines. I admit I’m weak on the hunamnities - blew them off aas an undergrad to my everlasting sorrow.
- Separation of Church and State? - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 8:16 am:
Cardinal George and Governor Blagojevich both need to go to confession first.
Rather lengthy penance for Governor Blagojevich.