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This just in…

Friday, Jul 27, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

[Bumped to the top for obvious reasons.]

* 9:17 am - The governor has called a special session for tomorrow at 9 am to take up the matter of a one-month budget. House Speaker Michael Madigan just told his members to plan to be in session throughout the weekend, as well as next Monday and Tuesday.

Adding… The current one-month budget expires next Tuesday.

* 9:29 am - I just asked Senate President Emil Jones’ spokesperson about the special session proclamation. She talked to Jones and issued this statement from him: “We are working on a twelve-month budget.”

* 9:33 am - That looming deadline of July 31st was specifically cited by the governor’s office as reason for the special session proclamation, which apparently hasn’t yet reached the House, according to Speaker Madigan.

The “bright rumor” had been for days that the leaders would stay in town this weekend and members would go home. But Senate President Jones was coy with some of his members yesterday, and reportedly wouldn’t indicate one way or another what the schedule might be.

* 10:05 am - The governor’s special session proclamation (number 9, if you’re keeping track) can be downloaded here.

* 10:16 am - Thanks to a commenter for reminding me about this memo, sent by Secretary of State Jesse White to all of his employees this week…

“Recent news reports of an Illinois government shutdown have raised questions regarding the impact of the office of the Illinois Secretary of State.

“If a shutdown does occur, the Illinois Secretary of State’s office will remain open and employees will be required to work their normal schedules. Employees will be compensated, as always, for this time.”

* 10:47 am - Rep. John Fritchey has announced that he will run for 32nd Ward Democratic Committeeman. Read the press release here.

* 10:49 am - My intern Paul, who is “retiring,” just got a nice round of applause from the entire state Senate.

* 11:17 am - I’ll post the audio of the availability in the subscribers only section, but the AP has this

Senate President Emil Jones says he’s not interested in another temporary budget. He wants to come up with a real budget.

*** 12:00 pm *** WLS reporter Ryan Hermes has posted excerpts from interviews with three legislative leaders.

* President Jones…

“Myself and the other two leaders, Cross & Watson & the speaker sat down to talk about the budget.”

- “The governor let his views be known, but we’re the legislative leaders.”

- “It’s up to us to make that decision as to what we should do and where we should compromise.”

- “We should fashion a budget to were we don’t have a government shutdown.”

- “We’re taking about education, healthcare, capitol program, mass transit funding.” […]

- “I intend to try to get it (budget) done around the first week in August - no later than the first week in August . I’m working towards a budget for a full year, not just a one month extension.”

* Speaker Madigan…

- “I think we could do a 12 month budget before Tuesday or Wednesday of next week.”

On yesterday’s leadership meeting:

- “I found it to be a very productive meeting. We identified the areas of difference and had some very productive discussions as to how we can find sufficient revenue to pay for - say - an increase in education.”

- “Our plan is to meet again today.”

- “I’m very hopeful that this process (meeting without the governor present) will give us a 12 month budget some time next week.”

* Leader Cross…

“I still think we’ve got a long way to go.”

- “One side (Senate) wants to spend into the billions and the other side (House) says they can get it done with existing revenues.”

- “You have to look to the Democratic party and the Democratic administration and say ‘why can’t you get this done?’”

* 1:12 pm - From Ryan Hermes’ WLS updates

I just saw Senate Republican Leader Frank Watson (R-Greenville) come strolling out of the governor’s office.

He told me he met with Governor Rod Blagojevich for about 30 minutes.

The two talked about “building a relationship.”

A little late for that.

* 3:38 pm - FYI, the four legislative leaders have been meeting in Senate President Emil Jones’ office since about 2 pm. The governor, as before, was not invited. There was hope throughout the Statehouse that Jones might try to convince the governor to rescind his special session proclamation. But his spokesperson said a while ago that the Senate planned to meet tomorrow, as per the proclamation.

*** 4:15 pm *** Paul reports that it was just announced that there will be no further leaders meetings this weekend. This afternoon’s leaders meeting concluded a few minutes ago. Cross and Watson talked to the press. Madigan refused. Jones is still in his office. Audio later in the subscriber section.

* 4:20 pm - The budgeteers will meet this weekend. That often means there was progress on an outline. Special session will continue as planned, but don’t expect a big turnout.


  1. - BlueByrd - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 9:32 am:

    Ha, that is a great comment from Emil, love it!

  2. - Downstate - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 9:35 am:

    And rather than try to wrap it up on 4th down we will punt for another 31 days. I am curious as to whether the new 1 month budget will include the August state aid payment for schools. I know that there are a lot of districts that will not open their doors until they are assured their first payment will be received. The last time the state told the districts that they would skip the August payment and then receive it at the end of the fiscal year they got screwed.

  3. - downhereforyears - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 9:40 am:

    If you ask me the governor is more concerned about making sure the state fair goes on as planned……I’m told there is a great Elvis Look-a-like appearing

  4. - maybe? - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 9:40 am:

    “Bright rumor?”

    The House has had it on their schedule since the beginning of July:

    “…it stands adjourned until Friday, July 27, 2007; and when it adjourns on that day, it stands adjourned until Saturday, July 28, 2007; and when it adjourns on that day, it stands adjourned until Sunday, July 29, 2007, and when it adjourns on that day, it stands adjourned until Monday, July 30, 2007; and when it adjourns on that day, it stands adjourned until Tuesday, July 31, 2007;”

  5. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 9:44 am:

    Schedules can be altered. And often are.

  6. - maybe? - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 9:46 am:

    I know - I am just trying to get in your craw.

  7. - unclesam - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 9:52 am:

    Does this mean that Paul’s “last day” has been extended through the weekend?

  8. - Captain America - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 9:58 am:

    The Governor’s call for a special session for a one month extension is a obvious attempt to deflect blame for a possible shutdown, which will be directly attributable to his “executive filibuster” tactics.

    I’m against a one month extension. I think the legislature should be able to wrap this up by midnight on July 31 or soon thereafter, absent more gubernatorial hijinks and obstruction related to the likely legislative defeat of the Governor’s scaled back health care plan.

    I support the Governor’s health care proposal. But I am not willing to tolerate any additional budget delays associated with the Governor’s inabilty to sell his proposal to the legislature. His multiple efforts to bludgeon state legislators have been totally counterproductive, almost guaranteeing the defeat of his health care plan, even though he has reduced its scope significantly.

    My best guess is that the Senate Democratic caucus will revolt soon if Senate President Jones does not cut a deal with Madigan promptly

  9. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 10:07 am:

    “unclesam” Paul has to leave after today. No extension.

  10. - Anon - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 10:09 am:

    Hey Rich, have you seen the memo that Jesse White sent out with paychecks this week saying the SOS offices will not close on August 1st, regardless of budget situation?

  11. - Mr. W.T. Rush - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 10:10 am:

    Looks likes Mr. I.M. NotInsane has turned on his last ally with any power. Now he is down to Giggles, Sen. Belch, Jay MaGoo and Dunkin.
    Pretty sad collection

  12. - anon - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 10:10 am:

    I can’t see them spending the weekend, this late in the game, to just pass a one month budget. If they spend the weekend the rank and file are going to start to be more demanding about finishing up.
    It just better not screw up my Clapton Crossroads plans for Saturday.

  13. - Mr. W.T. Rush - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 10:14 am:

    Forgot to mention that Mr. I.M. NotInsane has not hinted what he wants in his one month budget. Let’s start with education spending.
    Any ideas? Let’s go ask Dick Kay

  14. - Julie Petri - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 10:22 am:

    Ray Lahood retiring. That means the Republicans and Democrats will have to fight out two new open seats in Illinois — Lahood’s district and probably Hastert’s.

  15. - Team Sleep - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 10:25 am:

    I would much rather have another one-month budget. We are starting to look pitiful. Rich, in this morning’s Cap Fax, you forgot to mention that Pennsylvania at least had a budget surplus. God forbid we’d ever try to pull that off in this state. Our leaders and governor are like a teenager who got an advance on his allowance: spend it now and hope for more!!!

  16. - HOT ROD MOVIE - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 10:25 am:

    Is my memory failing or didn’t the Gov say that passage of another on-month budget was nothing more than a right-wing republican budget? I’m sure I read that on the blog. So is the Governor now a right-wing republican?

  17. - Macbeth - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 10:47 am:

    So let me get this straight: if a shutdown occurs, SOS will remain open. Employees will be compensated.

    That’s great — but what’s the point, then, of a shutdown? ISP will police. Prison guards will guard.

    Who, exactly, is getting shutdown?

    And where’s the political pressure if everything is essentially status quo?

    Wait .. wait: I know the answer. The less significant — whatever that means — agencies will shut down. Right. Okay. I got it.

    And the impact of this will be … what? No paychecks for the employees of those agencies.

    And no pressure to do anything because, after all, those agencies are non-essential in the first place.

    So the government is shut down, real people go without paychecks, but … don’t worry! It’s just non-essential stuff. Meantime, we’re in no hurry.

  18. - Siyotanka - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 10:47 am:

    I for one support the SoS move…show up for work…do your job…show the people of Illinois WE “State Workers” do care about the jobs we do. The pay will come…or WE march on the Capitol…torchs and all.

  19. - anon - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 10:49 am:

    Senate just adjorned until Monday at 2 pm. They are now doing special sessions. So what is that about?

    p.s. excellent job Paul.. You really made Rich look good.

  20. - Anon - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 10:51 am:

    Does the goverment shutdown mean the state fair grounds shut down?

  21. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 10:58 am:

    “anon 10:49″ I called Jones’ spokesperson about that. So far, it looks like the Senate will convene as ordered. Stay tuned.

    Also, do me a favor and pick a nickname for yourself.

  22. - GA Watcher - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 11:30 am:

    Anyone else hearing that the Speaker is sending most House members home until Tuesday? Supposedly only the budgeteers will remain in town.

  23. - State Worker - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 11:34 am:


    Not me if we get laid off next Wednesday, I’m going golfing.

  24. - To GA - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 11:36 am:

    you are correct, no bills will be called in the House until Tuesday

  25. - jwscott72 - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 11:40 am:

    Another one month budget? Might as well. The drama continues.

    Paul deserved that round of applause. I had a chance to meet Paul early last night at Boone’s. He is a very remarkable young man who was willing to take ten minutes to talk to non-legislative powerhouse me. He’s going to go far in life.

    The conversation would have been shorter if every lady in the place wasn’t hitting on him. LOL

  26. - DOWNSTATE - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 11:40 am:

    there is s bright side to a state shutdown,the working men and women who supply the state with it’s much needed services will get a breather from all the appointed troves Blago has put into office.

  27. - Hoosiers can do it, why can't we? - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 11:51 am:

    Meanwhile, in Indiana, they are fighting over what to do about a billon-dollar SURPLUS to their budget.

    What are we thinking?

  28. - Macbeth - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 11:54 am:

    >> What are we thinking?

    Probably, we’ll be thinking about re-electing Blagojevich once this is over and forgotten. That’s Blagojevich’s plan — and I’m sure it’s the plan of a good chunk of the state, as well.


  29. - A Citizen - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 12:19 pm:

    This “session 2007″ is becoming a soap opera - you can miss a few days or a week or more and tune back in and you have missed nothing of significance. Government that governs least governs best? Then Illinois should be the poster child - not the bastard child.

  30. - JJ - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 12:20 pm:

    The Secretary of State won’t close down the DMV’s because they generate too much revenue. From what I understand, these employees will report to work regardless - and they will EVENTUALLY get paid for the time there is no budget. These guys at the DMV make the minimum the state pays. How do they expect these people to work and pay their bills when no check will becoming until the budget is passed?

  31. - SeerSucker - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 12:20 pm:

    Is it true the Senate also passed a deal to give the “retiring” Paul a six-figure state pension with free health care and comped tuition? Madigan promises to have it on the governor’s desk before Paul can drive to Champaign-Urbana.

  32. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 12:26 pm:

    Illinois has no DMV.

  33. - JJ - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 12:31 pm:

    People call it the DMV around here. No one calls it the Secretary of States office. My ignorance is showing.

  34. - Macbeth - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 12:48 pm:

    True, the SOS memo — as I understand it here — didn’t say *when* the employees will get paid.

    Weren’t paychecks delayed back in the 90’s sometime? By a week or so?

  35. - Little Egypt - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 1:29 pm:

    MMadigan says, “I’m very hopeful that this process (meeting without the governor present) will give us a 12 month budget some time next week.” And that’s the answer to most of this budget fiasco - keep Blago out of it. Let him carry out his threat to veto a veto-proof budget.

    Personally if I were Blago, I would want a budget by State Fair so I could get out of Dodge and stay out. I can’t imagine that he will come to Springfield and march in the parade. If he does, he will likely ride on a BF utility truck hollering about how he brought rate relief to the citizens of Illinois just so he will be out of hearing range of the hecklers. Last year’s fair parade he was booed and heckled and was programmed to shout back “insurance for All Kids, insurance for All Kids.”

    School districts are waiting on this state budget so they can put together their budgets. It’s our children who are going to suffer now and for many years to come. There are lots of people dependent upon a paycheck provided by money from the State other than just State employees.

    Macbeth, you are 100% correct. Blago was first elected gov. in ‘02, budget fiasco in ‘04, re-elected in ‘06, budget fiasco in ‘07. There’s plenty of time for him to rebound from this mess before the next election. Patrick Fitzgerald, where are you and why are you taking your sweet time?

  36. - Fan of the Game - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 2:02 pm:

    * 10:49 am - My intern Paul, who is “retiring,” just got a nice round of applause from the entire state Senate.
    Sweet for Paul. Best of luck to him. Think he’ll be a great success.

  37. - Dan Vock - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 2:09 pm:

    Well, in Indiana the state gov’t is showing a surplus, but local governments say they’re broke or worse and people are screaming for property tax relief.

    By the way, the vast majority of states were expecting surpluses this year…

  38. - Ex-IP'er - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 2:57 pm:

    I have the inside track to the discussion: the Senator reminded the Governor that to call the electric rate bill a vote for “relief” or a vote for “rebate” is a misnomer. Plain and simple: those who voted “yes” voted FOR a rate INCREASE; they have rubbed sand in the eyes of Illinois citizens. Think about it; the citizens may very well let their pocket books robbed by the “yes” voting legislators remind them when casting their votes in the next election. The Gov said he will VETO the bill. Yep, that’s exactly what happened.

  39. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 3:15 pm:

    I-Per, it’s not an increase. The rates have already increased and will be partially refunded. That’s really not a very honest analysis.

  40. - Ex-IP'er - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 3:45 pm:

    You make a very good point, but I thought some percentage increases were illustrated for Ameren in the agreement.

    BTW I propose a 2008 Campaign slogan:

    “Don’t vote for those who raised your volts!!!”

  41. - Mr. W.T. Rush - Friday, Jul 27, 07 @ 5:02 pm:

    Sources say GUMBY has delivered a one month budget, but they fund schools at FY07 rate — which will mean a cut for many schools —which means zip-zero-nada votes.

    And people wonder why they’re known as the Blaggomopes.

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