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Sunday, Jul 8, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller
This just in… *** Important updates in “red” ***
Sunday, Jul 8, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller * 4:19 pm - The Senate just proved what a complete waste of time and money these special sessions are. They convened today’s special session (#5, in case you’re keeping track) and adjourned it almost immediately and without conducting any business whatsoever. What a farce. Twice-failed statewide candidate Jim Oberweis is the group’s secretary, and Steve Rauschenberger, another guy who couldn’t move up the ladder, is the organization’s president. Rauschenberger was on the Illinois Senate Republicans’ payroll earlier this year as a budget advisor. Not sure if he’s still drawing checks, but I have a call in to the SGOP to see how they feel about this new website. [UPDATE: Rauschenberger is no longer on the SGOP payroll.] I would caution you again, as I did in comments earlier today, that the comments about impeachment here are getting way out of hand and are borderline delusional. Please try to tone it down. Impeachment of the governor on the facts at hand today has ZERO chance of happening. Thanks.
[Emphasis added.] The leaders meeting has been moved to 6:30 tonight.
* 5:17 pm - Rep. Lou Lang just claimed that the governor worked out an “arrangement” with the Senate Democrats and Republicans allowing the members of the Senate not to show up at the Statehouse today. Madigan responded that, to his understanding, it was confirmed that Senators would be told that they would not be required to attend today. He answered “Yes” when asked by Lang if members of the two chambers were being treated differently. Lang suggested that all members attend tonight’s scheduled leaders meeting. I’m also hearing that Senate President Emil Jones told his Democratic members yesterday that they didn’t have to be back to town until Tuesday even though there was a special session today and another will likely be scheduled for tomorrow. * 5:47 pm - The governor’s spokesperson said just now that she didn’t know anything about what Madigan and Lang were referring to regarding telling Senate leaders that their members didn’t need to show up for special session today. Another inside source said she has been pretty heavily involved in caucus discussions and would probably have known if such an advisory had been issued. She didn’t hear anything about it, either. Tomorrow’s topics will be the State Universities Retirement System and funding for FY08 for the Department of Healthcare and Family Services “to provide assistance to sexual assault victims and for sexual assault prevention activities.” No specific legislation was defined in the proclamation.
Special session wrap-up
Sunday, Jul 8, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller * There wasn’t much new in the papers today that we didn’t cover yesterday, but here’s a wrap-up story…
* And another…
* And another…
* And in case you missed them, here are the audio files from yesterday…
Duckworth won’t run again
Sunday, Jul 8, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller From the Daily Herald…