This just in… *** Important updates highlighted in “red” ***
Thursday, Jul 5, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller * 11:00 am - Paul is out of town, so I won’t be able to do much live-blogging today. You can pick up the slack in comments by live-blogging the House’s Committee of the Whole at noon, if you so desire. Listen or watch here. * 11:26 am - Despite taking much heat for doing a TV ad for Barack Obama and being too bipartisan, Sen. Kirk Dillard recently sent a red-meat campaign fundraising letter into his Senate district that bashes the Democrats for attempting to raise taxes, supporting a “massive” gaming expansion, dissing electric utility consumers, ignoring high gas prices and trying to cut job-creation incentives. Trouble is, it’s a political fundraising letter and Dillard starts it off by saying he’s “at my desk on the Senate floor,” and includes his state telephone number at the bottom. You can download the entire letter here [pdf file]. * 11:53 am - Steve Schnorf, a veteran commenter here and a former budget director, had this excellent point in comments today…
* 11:57 am - From Dick Durbin’s campaign…
* 12:08 pm - At least one teachers union is turning thumbs down on the governor’s lottery lease scheme for now. From Dave Comerford at the Illinois Federation of Teachers…
* 12:18 pm - Unbeknownst to myself and most others, the governor’s office did, indeed, write out a Lottery lease proposal back in April and presented it to Speaker Madigan’s staff in legislative draft form. The guv’s office reminded the Speaker of this in a memo it sent to him today. I’m told Madigan is seriously considering putting the draft into bill form and giving it an up or down vote in the House. Stay tuned. [UPDATE: Scroll down to the 2:01 pm entry for more.] Meanwhile, the governor’s office also presented Madigan with a proposed House resolution on the pension fund problem that includes no details of the governor’s Lottery or bond scheme proposals. The resolution simply supports coming up with a solution to the pension system by the end of the session. The governor’s people were reportedly calling around the past few days asking House Democrats to vote “Present” on any Madigan-proposed resolution about the Lottery lease idea. Apparently failing to secure enough pledges, they’ve switched gears and asked that their feel-good resolution be presented instead. The resolution and the cover letter about the governor’s original draft language can both be downloaded here. * 12:32 pm - The House has begun. Rep. Jack Franks has been appointed chairman of the Committee of the Whole. 97 out of 118 members are present. Listen or watch here. * 12:48 pm - Blink and you’ll miss it. The Senate has adjourned for the day. They’ll reconvene tomorrow at ten. The chamber did nothing today. The real “work” will be done at today’s hearing of the Senate Revenue Committee, which will hear testimony on leasing the state Lottery. * 12:57 pm - As I’ve told you before, my father is a big Barack Obama fan and has decorated his 1963 Cadillac with huge “Obama ‘08″ stickers. The AP ran a photo today of Obama leaning up against Dad’s car… And the Politico had this item at the end of a story on Obama’s speech to some transcendental meditation types…
Oy. And I hope he doesn’t get himself on the wrong side of the Secret Service while he’s out there tooling around. A photo here of the Obamalac has this caption…
Oy, again. * 2:01 pm - With a hat tip to a commenter, the House has just moved two amendments out of Rules Committee. House Amendment 1 to HB 2055 has the governor’s Lottery lease language. House Amendment 1 to HB 3755 has the guv’s pension bond language. So, it looks like we’re gonna get a floor vote. * 2:10 pm - Rep. Kurt Granberg and Rep. Jay Hoffman are carrying the governor’s proposed House Resolution on resolving the pension fund crisis by the end of the session. HR 575 can be found here.
Question of the day
Thursday, Jul 5, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller * Have two of central Illinois’ congressmen gone a bit batty? Check out this Ray LaHood story…
* And now, John Shimkus…
One applies for a job telepathically, and the other believes that relying on the good graces of a single monarch is the “best form of government.” What’s up with these two? Has being in the minority caused them to flip their lids? Discuss.
Governor lashes out at Madigan, won’t appear at Committee of the Whole *** Updated x1 ***
Thursday, Jul 5, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller [Bumped up for discussion purposes and updated.] In an angry letter to House Speaker Michael Madigan, Gov. Rod Blagojevich has declined to appear before tomorrow’s Committee of the Whole. The governor claims he won’t attend the meeting because Madigan is “more interested in playing games and taking solutions off the table than trying to find solutions to solve real problems,” which he specifically pointed to as causing the overtime session in the first place. Instead, the governor will be sending staff to the meeting. Blagojevich called a special session for tomorrow to discuss pension funding reform. Madigan, in turn, called a Committee of the Whole and invited the governor to attend. It’s not clear from the letter whether the governor has finally put his pension “solutions” into actual bill form. The governor proposed a lottery lease and a pension bond deal months ago, but has never had any legislation drafted. Madigan wanted him to do so before tomorrow’s meeting. Blagojevich demanded that Madigan come up with his own pension alternative if the House votes down Blagojevich’s still unspecified plans. “Rejecting one option without providing an alternative solution is both irresponsible and counterproductive,” the governor wrote. Noteworthy items are highlighted…
*** UPDATE *** From the SJ-R…
* More special session and budget updates, compiled by Paul…
I’m not sure I believe this yet, but…
Thursday, Jul 5, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller Maybe now we know why Mrs. Blagojevich was checking into swimming lessons in Springfield…
Morning Shorts
Thursday, Jul 5, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson * Cut People’s Gas rate-hike request in half: ICC staff * Bernie Schoenburg: Governor’s mansion use * State budget delay causes problems for schools * Editorial: Hoosier officials come to senses over electronic tolls
* Illinois state fire marshal pleads guilty to DUI; more here * Excerpts from recent Illinois editorials