Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Speaker Madigan on tax hikes, GOP critics of the rate deal, recusing himself from property tax discussions; the governor’s health insurance plan, education funding prospects in the Senate and Stroger Hospital
Wednesday, Jul 25, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller
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This just in… *** Important updates in “red” *** Panel passes cig tax hike *** Committee approves health insurance plan ***
Wednesday, Jul 25, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller [Bumped to the top because of breaking news.] * 10:58 am - Chicago TV stations 2, 5 and 7 have all sent crews to Springfield. The Chicago TV people think something is about to happen. They’re gonna be sorely disappointed [or maybe not - see the next post]. Still, they did manage to get interviews with the governor yesterday, so the trip hasn’t been a total loss. Perhaps that’s why there was no leaders meeting yesterday. The guv may have been just too busy with the TV guys. The Senate Dems will hold a caucus later today on the health insurance bill, followed by session. If they have the votes, we could see some action today. I’ll bet that will be a pretty rough caucus meeting.
* 12:39 pm - What he said. * 1:26 pm - There will be no leaders meeting today. They haven’t had one of those in awhile. * 1:39 pm - Not exactly a huge surprise…
*** 2:06 pm *** The Senate Revenue Committee just approved the cigarette tax hike 6-3 on a straight party line vote. One Republican (Sen. Murphy) was absent. The governor’s revamped health insurance plan is up next in the Public Health Committee, which is meeting in the same room. * 2:35 pm - The Illinois Republicans have posted the video from last night’s “Chicago Tonight” episode featuring House Republican Leader Tom Cross and Senate GOP Leader Frank Watson… ![]() * 3:00 pm - Paul had this scoop the other day and I didn’t have room for it. Sorry, buddy…
* 3:20 pm - From the SJ-R…
*** 3:42 pm *** The Senate Public Health Committee is still taking testimony on the governor’s revamped health insurance proposal, but some Senators had to leave so they took a roll call. It passed, along party lines, 7-4. * 3:48 pm There’s a bit of a tussle at the committee hearing now because the vote was taken before opponents had a chance to testify. Not that it would’ve mattered.
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Wednesday, Jul 25, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller
Question of the day
Wednesday, Jul 25, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller Yesterday, I asked what you thought was the most corrupt organization or entity in the state. Today, I’d like to know what you think is the least corrupt (or even most honest, if you’d go that far) entity in Illinois. Like yesterday, it doesn’t have to be a political or governmental entity.
We’re Number One!!!
Wednesday, Jul 25, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller * Oy…
* History…
* Sigh…
* Stuck…
* Deadline looms…
* But the deadline may help…
Legislators are human beings, and humans don’t usually take big actions unless some sort of deadline is hanging over their heads. * Spin…
* Red herring…
No Democrats are saying that the governor would go along with an income tax hike. I don’t know where that question came from. And the governor has no power to compel members to attend a special session. All it takes is two people in each chamber to convene the specials and adjourn them sine die. * Good advice…
Cigarette tax hike update
Wednesday, Jul 25, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller * I thought I had a scoop this morning about the cigarette tax proposal, but the Tribune also got the story…
The Senate Democrats as a caucus are not “pushing” the tax hike yet, as subscribers know. But we could see a vote on this bill in today’s Senate Revenue Committee. * Speaker Madigan said last weekend on WBBM Radio’s “At Issue” program that he could support a cigarette tax hike to fund healthcare expansions, so the idea is definitely alive and well. * More from the Trib story…
That liquor tax idea has been floating around for several days. When the Legislture is looking for more money in an overtime session, nobody is safe from higher taxation.
Are consumers getting hosed, or are they just greedy or ignorant of the facts?
Wednesday, Jul 25, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller * The reaction to the electric rate deal is pretty interesting. The deal provides substantial relief this year to people, but only as a percentage of their bills. Some see the lowball dollar figures bandied about by Republicans and others and believe they’re getting the shaft…
* All the hype in the media about the rate hikes helped fuel expectations of big dollar rebates. But, in reality, ComEd’s increases weren’t all that spectacular…
* It all depends how you look at it. A 50 percent or more reduction in the increase sounds like a lot of cash, and it’s complicated for the mathematically challenged who think this means a 50 percent reduction in their actual rates. This goes to show that people don’t really know how much they’re paying every month…
* The push for a rate freeze, particularly Downstate, probably raised expectations way too high. And since coverage always follows conflict, the greatest nay-sayers are the ones who will get the most press…
* And here’s something else that the press isn’t covering. Since the new bill does away with the disastrous and stupid reverse power auction crafted by the goofs at the ICC, consumers will be spared from yet another huge rate hike next year, when the second reverse auction was scheduled to take place. * All that being said, there are still legit concerns about this proposal, the biggest being that eventually the rates start going back up again and the relief lasts just four years. After that, everybody will be paying what they were paying up until now, unless this Illinois Power Authority can negotiate better rates. I think it might be able to do that, considering how skewed the reverse auction turned out to be. For proof of how bad the auction was, consider that the utilities and Exelon are giving back a billion dollars to the consumers. They had to be pretty flush with cash to afford something like that. Everybody on that Commerce Commisson who voted for the auction should resign in disgrace. * More details…
* And finally, much is being made of Exelon’s role in funding the reductions in the rate increases…
* But Exelon ain’t exactly hurting…
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s issue of Capitol Fax (Use all caps in password)
Wednesday, Jul 25, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller
Morning Shorts
Wednesday, Jul 25, 2007 - Posted by Paul Richardson * Russ Stewart’s 7-25-07 newspaper column * Opinion: More government control not the health-care answer
* State working on rules for smoking ban * Expect up to 15,000 at AFL-CIO Democratic presidential forum * Editorial: A better way for Illinois teens
* Improving access adds profits * More pollution in Lake Michigan irks Blagojevich * Illinois politicians pressure Indiana governor to yank BP permit * How safe is Illinois Beach state park? * Editorial: Law would toughen rules, penalties for sex offenders * Animal Farm: Henry Hyde heart surgery * McLean Co. Pundit: Hastert not running * Next Cook Co. budget fight begins with hope for early finish * Stroger closer to empowering board inspector * Watchdog for Cook County corruption OK’d * Aldermen move to strip Burge of his city pension; more here and here * U of I to vote on online funds