* Is this what caused Gov. Blagojevich to threaten to shut down state government yesterday? I think so, and am hearing even more about the possibility of a deal this morning. Finke has a few details of a compromise budget being worked on by the four legislative leaders without Blagojevich…
House Minority Leader Tom Cross, R-Oswego, would not describe details of a plan outside of saying it will be “fairly limited” in growth.
Other Republican sources said that, as of Wednesday, the plan would not rely on raising cigarette taxes or expanding gambling, that it would contain no capital program and that education funding would increase by $650 million. That represents the midway point between the $400 million suggested by Madigan earlier this year and a $900 million increase sought by Senate President Emil Jones, D-Chicago. […]
None of the suggested education increases comes close to the $1.5 billion sought by Blagojevich. There’s also no mention of the governor’s plan for universal health-care coverage that has all but disappeared from budget discussions held by the four leaders without Blagojevich in attendance. If the plan comes up for a vote at all, it is expected it will be handled separately.
* That Chicago casino appears less likely now, and there may be bad news for mass transit riders…
There also were indications from House Minority Leader Tom Cross (R-Oswego) that a potential Chicago casino that could fund schools, state construction and other needs is “floating away into never-never land,” and a state bailout for the CTA may not be acted on in the short term.
* More…
“No casinos on the table. Zero casinos,” Senate President Emil Jones said. “Two steps forward, two steps back. They want it for capital. I want it for education.”
Jones voiced frustration after hosting another bargaining session with legislative leaders, but not Governor Rod Blagojevich. For his part, the governor told CBS 2 he is still counting on the revenue an expansion of gambling would generate in the year ahead.
“One day, gaming is on the table. The next day, it’s off the table,” the governor said, and he added he thinks it’s likely to return to the bargaining table.
* The AP throws in this line at the end of a brief story about how Gov. Blagojevich is still reviewing the electric rate relief legislation…
The relief package has also been intertwined with budget negotiations for months, and delaying action on it could give the governor some leverage as budget talks continue.
* Speaker Madigan’s spokesman dumps cold water on organized labor’s call for an income tax increase…
“The conditions that the governor has created makes it, I think, impossible to do that,” said Steve Brown, spokesman for House Speaker Michael Madigan.
* And the goofiness continues…
“At the end of the day, do people really care whether the Cubs win in 14 innings or 9 innings? It’s whether they win or lose. Do we care if the Bears win in overtime or regulation? Well, what we care about is whether they win or lose,” Blagojevich told reporters Wednesday.
- Southern Illinois Voter - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 10:05 am:
Goofy? Rich, you’re being kind….
- Bluefish - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 10:16 am:
What Blago is missing is that it is now the 18th inning, the fans are locked in the stadium and cannot escape, the beer vendors stopped selling in the 7th, the concession stands ran out of food in the 10th, the bathrooms all have overflowing toilets and are unusable…and the umpire has now announced that even if the Cubs score the winning run, if it is not scored the way he wants it scored than he will continue the game until they do.
- Esteban - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 10:21 am:
There is a simple solution to all of this IF
the votes are there in both houses: Pass a budget
with a veto-proof majority, override a veto by
Blago, and then go on vacation. If he responds by calling another Special Session, don’t show up for
it. End of story.
- A Citizen - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 10:53 am:
I would suggest the guv is a total idiot, but some of my friends are idiots and out of respect for them I shall refrain.
- still here - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 10:56 am:
Bluefish - well put.
I have a question. Casinos, wasn’t this an issue a few years back when the buyers for that open license either had records or the feds stepped in and pointed out they were connected to organized crime? Have they found more upstanding people to run them?
- Mr. W.T. Rush - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 11:01 am:
Come On Rich Admit that you were completely wrong with your diagnosis. PeterPressRelease is a total whack job. You can change. Real Men can admit mistakes!
Also Sen. Belch confirms Health Care Nor Issue Numero Uno in his district.
Carol Ronen news Letter
“Dear Neighbor,
As we continue to work towards passing this year’s budget, I thought you might be interested in seeing the results of the survey I recently mailed to constituents.
Since I first entered office, I’ve done my best to maintain an open dialogue with you and each of my constituents. The more I learn about your situations and your concerns, the better I can advocate on your behalf in Springfield. And nowhere is that more important than with the State Budget, which reflects our values by setting spending priorities.
That’s why in April, I mailed a survey to households in the 7th district, seeking input on this year’s state budget. Your responses poured into the office over the subsequent weeks.
When asked which areas were in need of additional funding, you responded:
Public Transportation: 80%
Alternative Energy Programs: 75%
Education: 74%
Health Care: 72%
Environment: 65%
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 11:09 am:
Rush, didn’t you see the headline in today’s CF?
- Anonymous - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 11:11 am:
People care that the game is not rigged. It’s rigged.
Leadership would be firing the ICC over their auction, blame Jones for usurping democracy & Democrats (floor antics on the vote for a freeze & not allowing Martin Cohen onto the ICC to begin with), AND supporting a freeze and only a freeze.
- Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 11:41 am:
Question: If a budget is passed by both houses, sits for 60 days while the Gov ponders it, he whips out his veto pen, and the Legislature comes back to override it in the Veto session (I assume the GA is adjourned after they pass the budget) does it mean Hynes can’t write any checks til the second week of November or thereabouts? I think the number of, ahem, “volunteers” will gradually drop to a low number in the coming few months even if they are promised a paycheck at some future date, and some of them won’t come back at all.
- Macbeth - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 11:54 am:
I would assume that letting a budget sit for 60 days on a desk — and letting the state flounder — would be political suicide. Better to lead by veto and be overridden — thereby going down fighting — than to do nothing and whine and threaten.
But I could be wrong. Maybe this is part of Blagojevich’s well-funded, well-connected road to the White House.
And perhaps those some folks who voted him for a second term will be pleased to have a state without a budget.
Actually, I’m surprised there’s not more anger over the gov’s telling folks to “sit tight” over the electric legislation.
Who knows? Blagojevich apparently has a significant bit of support in Illinois.
- checkmate - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 11:59 am:
When the GA sends the 12 month budget over for the gov to ponder for 60 days, can’t they at the same time, in a separate package, send over 1/12th of that budget to satisfy the gov’s one month request?
- Sprinflield Watcher - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 1:07 pm:
The correct saying G0V. is NOT if the game goes 14 innings or 9 innings. The correct saying is “It’s not if you win or lose, but how you play the game”.
- Hack Slacker - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 1:23 pm:
Too bad its an intra squad game, Rod!
- Cookie Monster - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 1:39 pm:
Take healthcare out of the mix. It is a national issue and should be worked out in Washington. Both the House and Senate should pass a budget that can override a veto, then do what the can to impeach the Gov, if that is possible.
- BIG R.PH. - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 2:38 pm:
It all depends on who you are playing.
If you are playing the Sox it’s a bad thing.
There went half of the Chicago vote. (Oh I forgot Chicago only votes straight Democrat. No brains-No headaches)
- Mini Ditka - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 7:22 pm:
The Bears analogy may be an unintentionally apt analogy to Blago: a flashy 100-yard TD in the first seconds of the game, and tanking all the rest of the way.