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This just in… *** Important updates in “red” *** Mass transit deal delayed? *** Governor could imperil lower electricity rates ***

Thursday, Aug 2, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 1:25 pm - Interesting

A ruling issued this week by a Springfield-based federal judge calls into question the legality of Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s 2005 rule requiring Illinois pharmacies to dispense emergency contraception.

The governor’s rule was designed to prevent pharmacists from being able to deny women access to “Plan B” contraceptives, even if pharmacists disagree with dispensing the drug on moral grounds. Some pharmacists consider Plan B a form of abortion because the drug can prevent a fertilized egg from implanting in a woman’s uterus.

U.S. Judge Jeanne Scott Tuesday denied a request by Wal-Mart to throw out a lawsuit filed against the Arkansas-based company by pharmacist Ethan Vandersand.
Scott sided with Vandersand, who had claimed that he was legally protected from discipline by the Illinois Health Care Right of Conscience Act when he denied to dispense Plan B. […]

But Scott disagreed and wrote in her ruling, “The statute prohibits discrimination against any person for refusing to provide health care because of his conscience.”

She also wrote: “Providing medication … constitutes health-care services. Any person, including Vandersand, who refuses to participate in any way in providing medication because of his conscience is protected by the Right of Conscience Act.”

*** 1:34 pm *** The key word in the following piece is “September.” There’s scuttlebutt going around that the budget might pass in the next several days and then the two chambers could come back in September for a special session on the capital plan (at least, that’s what the House Republican line is)…

A deal to bail out the CTA, Metra, and Pace may be fallen apart in Springfield - all because of partisan politics.

State Representative Julie Hamos (D-Evanston) – who chairs the House Mass Transit Committee and has been the brains behind the plan – claims House Republicans are holding it as a political hostage in order to get a plan to build new roads and schools passed.

“The Republican leaders were talking about waiting to vote on the transit bill unitl September. September is too late. September is after there’s already a shutdown, and really, already a meltdown,” said Hamos.

House Republican Leader Tom Cross (R-Oswego) tells me there is a correlation between the two.

“A number of our people believe that we need to do mass transit and a construction bill - it’s important to do them both,” said Cross.

Hamos says she had as many as 20 Republicans on board – but now they’re dropping like flies.

CTA fare hikes and service cuts take effect September 1st, which is a big reason why Hamos is so upset at this turn of events.

*** 1:47 pm *** As you already know, the governor has asked electricity consumers to “sit tight” while he takes a close look at the electric utility rate relief bill.

He doesn’t have much time.

One of the key aspects of the bill is a provision for five-year electricity supply contracts with locked-in prices. The locked-in prices, negotiated by the attorney general’s office, for Ameren’s customers expires tomorrow.

Rep. John Bradley, who was one of the point people on the relief package, said on the House floor today that the governor’s failure to act on the legislation is jeopardizing all the work done on the bill.

“All bets are off” for Ameren customers if the bill isn’t signed tomorrow, according to a spokesperson for Attorney General Lisa Madigan.

The spokesperson added that wholesale electricity prices have risen considerably since the original contracts were negotiated, so if the bill isn’t signed by tomorrow and the contracts have to be renegotiated, consumers will suffer.

The governor’s press office has not yet returned phone and e-mail messages.

*** 2:00 pm *** Today’s 2 o’clock meeting between the four legislative leaders could be very crucial. Right now, we’re getting two conflicting versions of what’s really going on.

1) Senate President Jones is leaning towards doing a budget deal with Speaker Madigan that pares down pretty much every request by Gov. Blagojevich and includes no capital plan - which brings up the September special session that the Republicans want for capital and their threat to withhold votes for a mass transit deal unless they get the session or a capital bill now.

2) Jones is still leaning more towards Gov. Blagojevich’s battle plan.

We may know soon. Then again, maybe not. One never knows anything for sure around here, especially when there’s still six days to go before the shutdown begins.

*** 5:50 pm *** The leaders meeting wasn’t necessarily a bust, but there was no breakthrough, either. More in tomorrow’s Capitol Fax.


  1. - A Citizen - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 1:59 pm:

    Comment? comment? We don’t need no stinkin comment! We need a governor!!!

  2. - Mr. W.T. Rush - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 2:03 pm:

    Apparently Giggles dragged out mostly MIA Mary Cohen to babble about taking 60 days to review the bill and the Ameren deadline not being real.
    They also confirmed they failed to get involved in the development of the bill.
    I guess this means Peter “I’ll Sign the Bill” PressRelease is not in town.
    Oh, I forgot. Now we call it “working at the Mansion.”
    Last night he waited until dark to take The Run and needed to two air conditioned cars.

  3. - OneManBlog - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 2:07 pm:

    In terms of at least the Plan B thing, at least OneMan saw it coming…

  4. - Lainer - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 2:23 pm:

    Some comments were made on the House floor today about the Minneapolis bridge disaster demonstrating the need for adequate bridges and roads… and hence, a capital bill. Will this increase pressure for such a measure, either now or next month?

  5. - Belle - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 2:29 pm:

    If the Ameren deal falls apart maybe she can reinstate the charges against them. I never liked the ‘it’s a crime, now it’s not’ deal anyway.

  6. - moz104 - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 2:33 pm:

    I disagree with the way you worded the section on Plan B and pharmacists. You say the lawsuit calls into question the legality of the statute itself (which is different from the article that you quote), when the lawsuit actually calls into question the legality of Wal-Mart disciplining the pharmacist under the statute.

  7. - moz104 - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 2:33 pm:

    I recant my last comment, I read the original post incorrectly. Sorry.

  8. - rachel - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 2:37 pm:

    We’re getting robo calls in the district office. They say they’re against a tax increase in the budget…..
    Do you think it’s the Gov’s office trying to scare people? From what I’ve heard, there is no tax increase in the budget.

  9. - Jerry - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 2:40 pm:

    there’s gonna be hell to pay in Springfield if the RTA doesn’t get the funding. Just wait until september, and all the sudden people start showing up to work later and later, commuting times jump, and all sorts of hell breaks loose. Not to mention fare hikes. Rush hour fares on CTA jumping 112.5%. That’s gonna go over well.

    And we all know who to blame - Tom Cross and Rod Blagovich.

  10. - Ghost - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 2:41 pm:

    I have an oddball conspiracy theory.

    Years ago, under Ryan as I recall, he came up with budget money by doing forced furlough days for state workers. These were challenged in court and ultimatly held to be illegal so the workers got paid. However, if the gov send most workers home for a few days do to the lack of a budget (lack of appropriated money) this would not run into the legal issues Ryan did. So a shutting down a portiong of government for a few days helps build up cash for other projects, a sort of stealth furlow.

    off to put on my tin foil hat…

  11. - OneManBlog - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 2:42 pm:

    Tom Cross?

    You didn’t need Tom Cross to do jack for mass transit until July 1st… This is all Milorods making.

  12. - Greg - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 3:21 pm:


    After reading through today’s comment board on the New York Times on the MN bridge stories, I can now appreciate your goal of keeping your comment boards relatively whack-job free, or at least correcting them. I don’t even understand why these papers have comment sections: they provide zero insight for the reader, though they’re great at feeding delusions. Appreciate the higher bar here.

  13. - Captain America - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 3:32 pm:

    I’m still confident that the RTA-PACE-CTA mass transit funding plan will be approved sooner or later. The Governor won’t be able to veto a bill in September - the public would be too outraged.

    There will be “heck to pay” if there are any draconian reductions in services or fare increases even if they are temporary. It will make the rate relief issue downstate pale by comparison.

    If anything goes wrong on the rate relief bill or the mass transit bill Blago will be primarily responsible for enabling the Republicans to have a seat at the table.

    But I would not want to be a suburban Republican legislator running for reelection next November if any mass transit service cuts are implemented.It’s clear that Tom Cross will bear a major responsibility given that Republican supporters of the Hamos bill are dropping offo like flies. Cross is jeopardizing his suburban Republican legislators by playing games. Of course, Cross and Blago are personal friends.

    For example, there’s a sharp young guy, Daniel Biss, running against incumbent Republican Beth Coulson. Republican obstruction could play right Biss’s hands. Goodbye, Beth Coulson!

  14. - A Citizen - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 3:37 pm:

    If they do pass the budget/appropriation bill does the gov still have 60 days to sign or veto if they make it an “Emergency” status bill? Also is a veto override effective immediately or does the 60 day limit also apply?

  15. - anon - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 3:45 pm:

    so glad they were able to agree to have a Cheap Trick day declared that’ll help pay the bills when the state workers aren’t being paid.

  16. - Plutocrat03 - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 4:06 pm:

    “claims House Republicans are holding it as a political hostage in order to get a plan to build new roads and schools passed.”

    Can someone clarify this phrase to me? I have examined several local school building projects and fail to see any State participation.

    Whose schools are being built with State money?

  17. - for the People? - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 4:07 pm:

    anon 3:45 … and don’t forget their raises!

  18. - Plutocrat03 - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 4:15 pm:

    Additionally, what’s with the 60 day nonsense?

    An example is the ATT cable agreement which as I recall was touted as a great thing by both the House and Senate?

    Why is the Gov waiting on this as well as many other seemingly routine bills?

    Machiavelli, where are you?

  19. - amy - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 5:19 pm:

    judge scott just gave the Gov another opportunity
    to become a hero to the pro choice community
    since he will undoubtedly figure out some way
    to do as he wrote. if he does not figure it
    out quickly, Lisa will, stealing his thunder.
    but, get over it anti choicers, the judge’s opinion will not rule the day in Illinois.

  20. - ids - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 5:34 pm:

    The rate deal is another closed-door, smoke-filled room with not public discussion and not for the people. Blago should say so and point to Jones for the trouble and a freeze to work it out.

  21. - L.S. - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 5:46 pm:

    ids - you obviously have not paid the least bit attention to the rate relief issue for the past six months. This deal is the product of an extremely difficult negoiation and, while not perfect, is the best deal to get money back in people’s pockets and do away with the rotten reverse auction. Calling for a rate freeze now would be the single most counterproductive thing the guv could do.

  22. - curious george - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 6:03 pm:

    Blago is cleaning house at IDOT to save a few bucks… two “double exempt” employees ( BIP and TS) have been given their pink slips… are there more coming???

  23. - NoGiftsPlease - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 6:34 pm:

    Are the IDOT bridge inspectors still on the job today?

  24. - Pawn - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 6:51 pm:

    It’s hard to believe the considerable work done to come up with some type of Utility relief is now in danger of being pushed back to square one. Is there some way to force Blago to be examined to determine if he’s mentally competent to “continue” his job.

  25. - Mr. W.T. Rush - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 6:51 pm:

    About time to head for the run route.
    Look for those big black, air conditioned SUVs creeping along.
    Let’s cheer PeterPressRelease for all his work

  26. - maybe? - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 7:00 pm:

    Mr. W.T. Rush -

    You saying the Gov is still working while everybody else is gone?

  27. - Shatner - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 7:05 pm:

    If nothing is happening why are we talking about it?

  28. - A Citizen - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 7:07 pm:

    - maybe? -
    ” . . . still . . .” that’s too presumptuous. Do you have proof he’s ever worked on the budget? Jogging doesn’t count, it only helps him get in condition to run away from the feds.

  29. - Governor on a stick - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 7:17 pm:

    He’s waiting to sign bills during the state fairs, witha crowd and cameras all around, he loves that stuff. If the electric utility situation is unresolved by the time DuQuoin rolls around, it will probably be a very truncated PR tour of Southern Illinois this year. He got booed there in previous years, this year it may sound like the hog-calling contest!

  30. - Anonymous - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 7:54 pm:

    A message to the Governor. As a state worker I’m insulted that you think you can play us against Madigan. We do not need your phony compassion. You made it perfectly clear in your first term what you thought of state workers. So cut the bull.
    I don’t know anyone in my department that will be unable to pay their bills if there is a shutdown. It’s called budgeting your finances. We do not live paycheck to paycheck.
    So buddy your own your own. Leave us out of you PR crap.

  31. - Anonymous - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 7:56 pm:

    Sorry -your PR crap.

  32. - state worker A - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 8:00 pm:

    To - curious george - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 6:03 pm: Give cles - what District/Region were they from. First guess - Springfield (CO)- is this correct?

  33. - A Citizen - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 8:15 pm:

    When Blago’s thugs pull these terminations they succeed in getting that person(s) out of the way (or a political message sent) for a significant period of time. A lot of pain and hardship befalls the victim. When eventually the crude action is reversed the taxpayer pays the entire tab. The gov and the other perpetrators skate free. This is how the Chicago patronage machine works . . . and keeps potential witnesses for the feds “in line”. No budget and the dependent employees keep working. Why? Fear of the retribution of Blago’s machine.

  34. - Lainer - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 8:22 pm:

    What is HE thinking? You, Rich, told us months ago that the guv relished a good fight… but for cryin’ out loud, now he’s on the verge of sinking at least the Ameren part of the rate relief deal AND holding up paychecks/shutting down government at the SAME TIME? Perhaps he just wants to prove that he can win the next election without a single vote from anyone south of I-80?

  35. - Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 8:26 pm:

    The Hamos thing is pure puffery. Cross will get his beloved capital bill and Hamos will get her beloved transit bailout. Details are being worked out as we speak.

  36. - anon2 - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 8:48 pm:

    grod is now directing IDOT to inspect critical bridges. Is he going to do that with the political hacks that replaced the qualified engineers?

  37. - A Citizen - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 8:51 pm:

    And J.Luc Picard says “The Gov is Irrelevant” - “Make it so, Speaker”. And the Universe is restored to order.

  38. - Tired of this session - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 9:27 pm:

    No sighting of him jogging tonight. And believe me, I’m watching closely after 5 pm and my neighbors report any activity during the day.

  39. - Concerned Voter - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 9:29 pm:

    A previous poster mentioned state employees not living paycheck to paycheck. He must be on the guvs staff. There are many state employees that might not be living paycheck to paycheck, but surely don’t have the resources set aside that many of the politicians in springfield or chicago have. A late payday might not be too bad, but start missing a few and all hell could break loose in many families. Not only that, but in many state agencies, morlae has steadily been going down hill, this will only make it worse.

  40. - anon - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 9:41 pm:

    To curious george and IDOT engineer: As they keep saying: You ain’t seen nothing yet!!!!!Believe them- it is not going to be pretty.

  41. - Lainer - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 10:11 pm:

    To “tired of this session”: I seem to remember hearing or reading something years ago about Washington reporters knowing that a crisis was probably brewing if they noticed a spike in late-night pizza deliveries to the White House, Pentagon or State Dept. Maybe we’ll be able to tell that a deal (or a shutdown) is on the way if we see a surge in evening pizza deliveries to the Capitol or the Mansion?

  42. - Fed Up State Employee - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 10:11 pm:

    CV - Morale, morale? We don’t need no stinking morale!

    In my agency, it has hit rock bottom. I am hearing so many people lately say they absolutely hate coming into work and I’ve never heard that in 20 years. And Governor “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” is not helping. This has to be the most ridiculous, childish display of leadership I’ve ever seen.

  43. - It's Just Me - Thursday, Aug 2, 07 @ 10:41 pm:

    The State of Illinos is getting exactly what it deserves for the horrible way its citizens voted in November. I say it serves them right. Maybe next time they will look past the flashy campaign commercials and focus for more than 30 seconds.

  44. - IDOT Engineer - Friday, Aug 3, 07 @ 6:39 am:


    Was it something I said?

  45. - Mr. W.T. Rush - Friday, Aug 3, 07 @ 7:11 am:

    If there was no run he must have flown back to Chitown for the nite. Probably to comfort distressed state workers in the 312 area code.
    Oh yeah,…and have dinner with Wyma.

    “Working from the Mansion” is code for Blaggo and JayMagoo and “Fumbles” Harris tossing the Nerf Football around, While Giggles and Dunk cheer them on. That is usually on the schedule from 5:30 to 7:00.

  46. - Tollway Engineer - Friday, Aug 3, 07 @ 7:56 am:

    - IDOT Engineer
    Hang in there dude, the Feds will be coming to take Rod Blagojevich away very soon.

  47. - truth - Friday, Aug 3, 07 @ 8:13 am:

    Everytime Blago steps in it, some unsuspecting state employee(s) gets their pink slip(s).

  48. - Truthful James - Friday, Aug 3, 07 @ 8:48 am:

    Like most of you I wish this were just a mad, mad dream and we would wake up soon to find the sun was shining and the birds were chirping. But it isn’t.

    If you want to see the State school construction funding, go to the Capital Development Board, which forces projects down taxpayers throats.

    Regarding education and mass transit, see my comment on John Fritchey’s site. It regurgitates what I have been saying here. The crisis in each offers thoughtful legislators (is that an oxymoron?) the opportunity to craft new solutions for the betterment of all, instead of providing rewards to underperforming systems.

    The Democrats have a chance, given their strength to provide for the future of this state instead of concentrating on funding their own reelections.

  49. - anon - Friday, Aug 3, 07 @ 10:12 pm:

    How did this guy Blago ever win???????????

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