Chapa LaVia won’t run for Congress
Tuesday, Aug 7, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller
* This wasn’t unexpected. It would have been a tough race, even if she made it through the primary against at least one well-funded opponent and somebody who ran last time.
From the Tribune…
State Rep. Linda Chapa LaVia, an Aurora Democrat, announced Monday that she will seek another term in the state legislature — a decision that rules her out as a potential challenger for U.S. Rep. Dennis Hastert’s 14th District congressional seat.
Although Hastert (R-Ill.) got about 60 percent of the vote in defending his seat last year in an election that gave Democrats control of Congress and ended his run as House speaker, Democrats believe they have a solid chance to win there in 2008. That’s due in part to changing demographics in the district — which begins on the western tip of DuPage County and stretches almost to Iowa.
Hastert is expected to announce whether he will run again in the next two to three weeks, spokeswoman Lulu Blacksmith said Monday.
* Beacon News…
“It was a long decision, I can tell you that,” said Ron Cook, a Chapa LaVia campaign staffer. “She is flattered and honored by the people willing to step forward and support her for this position.”
In the end, Cook said, Chapa LaVia felt she could do more good by remaining in Aurora as a state representative. He said it was not a matter of being qualified for the position, and her committee found support for her run at the office.
“She’s very dedicated to (the 83rd) District,” Cook said. “Her value is where she’s at, with her role now in the state, and she can’t improve on that by going to Congress.”
* Daily Herald…
Former Fermilab physicist Bill Foster, St. Charles attorney Jotham Stein and Hastert’s 2006 opponent, John Laesch, are the remaining Democrats seeking the position.
On the GOP side, state Sen. Chris Lauzen of Aurora, Sugar Grove businessman Jim Oberweis and Geneva Mayor Kevin Burns have expressed interest.
* Meanwhile, columnist Terry Bibo claims to be puzzled about Congressman Ray LaHood’s retirement…
‘Now’s a good time for me.”
That was Ray LaHood’s summary of his reasons for pulling the plug on Washington, D.C., when he spoke to the Journal Star editorial board shortly after announcing his decision. […]
“I can’t think of a thing in the world that I really want to do,” he said. “I can’t think of a bill I want to introduce.”
Really? Nothing about health care or insurance? Nothing about Iraq? Nothing about the problems in subprime mortgages or rising gas prices or how we’re going to pay for all this stuff eventually?
Since he’ll be in office for another year and a half, that’s puzzling, if not alarming. But a lot of things Ray has said and done in the last few years have been puzzling. The running-for-governor thing. The president-of-Bradley-University thing. It does seem like his resume has been out there, doesn’t it?
This is a 2008 Illinois Congressional campaign open thread.
- OneMan - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 8:55 am:
She would have made the primary a lot more interesting.
- Fan of the Game - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 8:55 am:
“Really? Nothing about health care or insurance? Nothing about Iraq? Nothing about the problems in subprime mortgages or rising gas prices or how we’re going to pay for all this stuff eventually?”
The only thing on the list over which the federal government should have any control is the war in Iraq, and an independent thinker from the minority party won’t have much influence there. Bibo can be puzzled, but he’s not being realistic. For a better view of LaHood’s career, check David Broder’s column.
- Undercover - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 9:00 am:
Bill Foster looks like a great candidate. Much more serious than the kid that ran the last time.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 9:00 am:
- fedup dem - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 9:01 am:
Regarding Cong. LaHood, he likely felt that if didn’t get out now, he would end up losing, either in the expected Democratic tidal wave next year or as a candidate for statewide office draggonned into running by a decimated state GOP organization.
As for Rep. LaVia, the demographics of the district made it fairly unrealistic for her to run for the Congressional seat once it became clear that Hastert wasn’t going to step down early. Had there been an election this year (allowing LaVia a free shot at running) she would made the run. But she is unknown in the western two-thirds of that district, and giving up her State House seat to run makes little sense under those circumstances.
- Napoleon has left the building - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 9:06 am:
Chapa would have been a good candidate, but I’m guessing her polling showed she could not have won the general.
Rich - keep your eye on Burns, I hear he’s lined up some very important supporters.
- ZC - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 9:07 am:
Strange column by Bibo. As a minority member of the House, LaHood’s expected impact on actual floor legislation concerning health care, insurance, subprime or gas would be asymptotically close to zero. The sad purpose of the House minority today is to make life hell for the majority - and there’s decent evidence that kind of bomb-throwing doesn’t appeal to LaHood. What he is probably signaling here is he feels the likelihood of the Republicans taking back the House in 2008 is small.
- OneMan - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 9:12 am:
Also I think Linda would be in a good position to run for Mayor of Aurora in a couple of years. No way Weisner runs for a second term.
- Sarah - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 9:35 am:
I think that Linda would be a very strong candidate for mayor of Aurora… and would surely do a better job.
Speaking of mayors, I haven’t heard of any big names (or big money) that Kevin Burns has lined up. He’ll need them both. He has very little name recognition in Kane County, not to mention the rest of the district, while the other two guys are pretty well-known. I just don’t see his opportunity.
- grotberg's spirit - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 9:48 am:
Does this mean that Chapa has the scoop that Denny is running? Why else would she bail? Is Foster that good? Or did MJM promise her something to stay? Maybe a state position? Her name ID in the far west areas of the 14th would have been a problem, but don’t you think she could have been Chris CPA? He’s wayyyyyy right and she’s more the speed of the 14th? This decision before Denny’s final decision makes me wonder??
- True Observer - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 11:23 am:
The Big O is coming.
When he goes to Washington, all the posters will go to their shrink.
- Undercover - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 11:34 am:
Who’s the Big O? Oberweis?
Chapa should run for mayor.
- Team Sleep - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 12:23 pm:
Denny will run again. He and his top advisors would be furious if Lauzen or Oberweis took the seat. And while impeding democracy or candidate choice, Denny would not be the first politician to run just to spite everyone who wanted to run.
LaHood saw a good opening and ran with it. Why should anyone be surprised? His district director left last year, his kid was not picked to be a U.S. Attorney, he was told “no thanks” in regards to the Bradley post and he would be in the minority from 2009-2011. He’s 61. Most people retire at that age anyway.
- Fire Ron Guenther - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 12:51 pm:
Any word on Democratic opposition to Jerry Weller & John Shimkus? Or are they somewhat safe?
- True Observer - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 1:17 pm:
He’s 61. Most people retire at that age anyway.
Only if they’re some patronage worker or fireman or policeman and go on to a second career.
Politicians only retire if and when they have to.
LaHood’s ulterior motive was to try to move his son into his office or in the alternative the state’s attorney’s office in Peoria.
State Rep. Aaron Schock had too much of a head start for the Republican nomination. He will be the only serious candidate for the nomination.
It also looks like Lyons, the Peoria County State’s Attorney is not going to bite and stay put. He was the most serious Democratic candidate for the 18th.
LaHood’s timing was connected to Lyon’s having to decide between State’s Attorney and the 18th.
- Highland Online - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 1:23 pm:
Is John Simmons going to run against Shimkus?
- keep up with the jones - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 3:41 pm:
Lyons has parents with health issues and is committed to his family. It is a great loss to the Democrats that he is not running he would have been a winner.
- EMILATITAGAIN - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 4:30 pm:
Kevin Burns has no chance of winning in the district. He is a small town mayor who thinks that he can make the jump to US Congress? Come on. Now that Chapa La Via isn’t running the contest will be between Lauzen and Oberweis. They are the only two that can come up the money to run. Lauzen has the grassroots mobility and Oberweis of course the cash to put together a credible campaign cmte.
- Central Illinoisan - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 5:58 pm:
True Observer: I hope you’re right and Darin LaHood is left with no political avenues. Keep the family dynasty garbage in Chicago.
I’d prefer Leitch in the 18th but I have not heard of him expressing an interest in Congress.
- bluedog demo - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 7:29 pm:
Bibo was dead on correct in asking about LaHood’s comment concerning ” nothing left for me to do ” . Had great fun in needleing the ” hoods ” staffer over this statement. Nothing I asked ? A US congressman would have no interest in issues such as Iraq, the war on terrorism, national security, health care, high gas prices, the environment, quality schools, good paying jobs, outsourceing, loss of pensions, keeping Social Security solvent, etc. etc.. I guess coming from a GOPers viewpoint ” get government out of the way ” Lahood was staying true to form. He and his likekind cronies are perfectly happy to ” let the market decide ” . Good riddance !
- Captain Jack Harkness - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 8:40 pm:
I do believe Congressman Hastert is going to be on the ballot in the 14th CD, and with the nomination secure, he will resign the nomination and allow the 14th CD Republican Chairmen to replace him on the ballot. With the Chapa LaVia threat neutralized for taking the 14th CD, only Foster can seriously compete for the Democrats in the district, and he will may not make it out of the primary.
Denny’s preferred successor would likely be Tim Schmitz.
- 14th Resident - Wednesday, Aug 8, 07 @ 12:13 am:
Tim Schmitz isnt running….from what I heard, his insiders didnt like the polling numbers they received back.
- - Wednesday, Aug 8, 07 @ 5:22 am:
It’s our understanding polling data showed Ms. Chapa-LaVia easily winning the Democratic nomination, but FAR behind either Lauzen or Oberweis.
While it’s possible Ms. Chapa-LaVia may seek to replace Weisner as Mayor of Aurora if he wisely exits, it’s also possible Ms. Chapa-LaVia is contemplating a statewide campaign in 2010 (so we hear)
- Central Illinoisan - Wednesday, Aug 8, 07 @ 8:32 am:
Leitch is interested. I’m a little slow keeping up with politics in the summer.