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Question of the day

Tuesday, Aug 7, 2007 - Posted by Rich Miller

Rate Attorney General Lisa Madigan’s prospects for the 2010 election. Do you think she runs for governor or reelection? Could she defeat Gov. Blagojevich in a primary? Explain.


  1. - Fan of the Game - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 9:39 am:

    Ms. Madigan has done a credible job in the AG’s office. She has the background. She has the organization. She has the clout.

    At this point, she kills Governor Blagojevich in a match-up, and she would be the favorite to win the governorship.

  2. - Northside Bunker - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 9:40 am:

    Ms. Madigan will not even have to worry about Rod Blagojevich by then, he’ll either be in federal court or prison by then.

  3. - Nostro - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 9:43 am:

    I see no major competition from either party. She’s in.

  4. - Mr. W.T. Rush - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 9:44 am:

    The AG is a cinch
    Blaggo probably will not be eligible
    The biggest question is why would anyone want this pile of *(&*%(%(*%*( ?

  5. - Pancake Breakfast Shakedown - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 9:49 am:

    Stick a fork in Blago, he’s done.

  6. - Skeeter - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 9:49 am:

    She could run for just about any office other than Mayor of Chicago and be considered a strong favorite.

    Like a lot of people, I questioned her experience and her political backing, but she has proved me wrong. People will vote for her DESPITE the fact that her name is Madigan, rather than because her name is Madigan.

  7. - Objective Dem - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 9:50 am:

    I think she can easily beat Rod but there are a few other potential primary opponents who would give a good fight and split the anti-Rod vote.

    The other big question is will Obama’s seat be filled and by whom? My money is that Obama will be President, VP, or at the least a major cabinet officer.

  8. - wild in the west - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 9:52 am:

    Is there a way to make this happen NOW? Lisa Madigan is one of the few reasons I am still proud to be a Democrat.

  9. - Megalomaniac Blagojevich - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 9:53 am:

    Lisa wins, Rod’s pardoned based upon mental ilness.

  10. - keep up with the jones - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 9:54 am:

    The AG has the step father problem. The Speaker is not well liked either by many Democrats. Like Hilary Lisa would never get elected if she used her real name or married name.

  11. - L.S. - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 9:55 am:

    A chimp on life support could beat Blago in a primary right now.

  12. - CRODAN - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 9:56 am:

    I think Lisa will win easily for Gov.(Blago could not even win for dog catcher right now.), the real question is who will run for for her current AG spot.
    Birkett (R)/ Jim Durkin (R) or Tom Dart(D) / or someone else?
    Blago is currently on his farewell tour just like George Ryan did during his last term. Instead of letting murders off of their death sentences they were given life. Blago wants to be known for “universal healthcare”. Maybe someone on his upcoming Federal jury pool was sick and could not afford the treatment / hospital stay.
    Can we all say sympathy vote, did not work too well for George!

  13. - Siyotanka - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 9:57 am:

    If Hillery wins..the Nation is run by a female…the time would be right for Illinois to be run by the same. I say go for it… If Obama wins the country is Illnois stays the same…Go for it!

  14. - Justice - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 9:57 am:

    Lisa Madigan’s prospects are excellent for Governor. She could handily beat Blagojevich. She is clean, other than creating an Inspector General who keeps complaints, findings and action taken secret. That could be a little tricky if one is running on “open government.”

  15. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 10:02 am:

    Does anybody else think that if Clinton wins the primary, Obama runs for Governor instead of for re-election? Lisa would make an excellent U.S. Senator in that scenario.

  16. - Tom - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 10:04 am:

    My guess is that Obama does not get the nomination this year and will not be the VP and so he sets his sights on governor in 2010. That sets up a really interesting race, his “charisma” and name recognition vs. Lisa’s organization and her strong record. I doubt that Lisa (more precisely her dad) would take the senate seat instead of running for governor. I guess that means that Danny Hynes is the next junior senator. Then does Tom Dart run for AG?

  17. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 10:06 am:

    ===A chimp on life support could beat Blago in a primary right now.===


  18. - capitol view - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 10:06 am:

    Blagojevich knows how to campaign - it’s the one thing that he is good at. And he already has a sizable war chest even if the unions and others stop adding to it.

    If the feds are truly closing in, then Lisa has nothing to worry about. Otherwise -

    the General Assembly should appropriate the bond projects to the Comptroller’s Office rather than under the Governor, so that he cannot claim credit for any of them - even if he deserves none.

  19. - corvax - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 10:10 am:

    she’s done an ok job, but i think most of you are overestimating her. whether rod runs again or not, i think this will not be a 2-way primary, with, perhaps, a candidate coming from the very effective jjjunior wing of the party (look at that track record–obama, meeks, alexi, cunningham, fioretti, mrs jjj, et al.)

  20. - Tom - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 10:10 am:

    All right, Rich, how about an perfectly healthy chimp?

  21. - gulag - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 10:12 am:

    Too early to tell. Lisa has staked her entire future on this electricity deal actually working out . . . if prices continue to go up (which they will) her fingerprints are all over it.

  22. - Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 10:13 am:

    After losing the White House run, Barack comes back and runs for governor. Lisa runs for Senate. Rod runs from the guys in Cell Block D.

  23. - Tunes - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 10:16 am:

    Yes, Lisa runs for Gov. and beats Blago in a landslide. That is- if he hasn’t already appointed himself to Obama’s Senate position or been indicted. As long as he doesn’t get re-elected, - anybody would be a huge improvement at this point.

  24. - jaundiced eye - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 10:18 am:

    Keep an eye on Dan Hynes.

  25. - Wumpus - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 10:20 am:

    Unless obama wants to be pres and get some executive experience, why the heck would he leave the best job in the land. 6 years, hard to defeat an incumbent?

    Anywho, Lisa got in on her pop’s coat tails and has not screwed it up, she is likeable and will win easily given the electoral make up in this goofy state.

  26. - Tom - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 10:20 am:

    Attorney General Madigan will run for reelection to the Attorney Generals office unless the governor does not run. She is a good democrat and does not want to take on a sitting governor.

  27. - Lisa Has Enough Machine to Win - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 10:21 am:

    Lisa runs a well-oiled political machine. She has strong backing in Chicago. She is well-liked south of I-80 also. Meanwhile, Rod has alienated his base and could not garner a simple majority of the votes in the last election, where a former Socialist running as a Green garnered enough protest votes to put the Greens on the map. Lisa would win easily.

  28. - wndycty - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 10:22 am:

    If Lisa wants to be governor she better start working on Obama’s presidential race. If he does not make it to the White House (president or VP), I fully expect him to run for Governor and Lisa has no chance.

  29. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 10:27 am:

    Although she has been in office over one term, I don’t know squat about Lisa Madigan other than the fact that she is Mike Madigan’s daughter. Her term in office has been rather ordinary. There is nothing in her work that should spark excitement across the state. She does not look like a leader, or sound like one. Her campaigns have been suitably dull.

    Perhaps most bloggers here have become exhausted by Blagojevich and would like to vote for either a dull white guy like Hynes, or a dull white gal like Madigan, but don’t expect all voters in Illinois to feel similarly.

    Obama needs executive office experience before he is taken seriously by a majority of US voters as a presidential candidate. He knows this. 2008 has been a great trial run for him. He needs to be governor of Illinois.

    So, I don’t care what Lisa Madigan wants. At this point, whatever Barak Obama wants is what will decide her fate. After he bows out after the 2008 Democratic convention, he will start planning his gubernatorial run in 2010. Obama will be hard to beat in 2016. Remember, Obama will only be 55 years old then.

  30. - Objective Dem - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 10:34 am:

    I don’t want to get off track, but I can’t think of any prominent Senator running for Governor since Nixon. The standard track is to go from Governor to Senator. So I put the odds of a Madigan/Obama primary fight very low.

  31. - Commonsense in Illinois - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 10:34 am:

    Before writing the Blagojevich obituary let’s remember that he is a superb on the campaign trail and can pander with the best pols, and he maintains a sizable warchest. Also, it is very difficult to unseat an incumbent unless there’s a smoking gun. With this governor right now, while there may be an entire arsenal available, none of the guns are smoking yet, and until that happens, it will be difficult for the AG (or anyone else) to make any other case other than “I’m more likable than he is”. And that’s not enough of a reason to persuade the electorate to put their vote elsewhere.

  32. - steve schnorf - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 10:50 am:

    The Ds are in pretty good shape for the future here, with Sen Obama, AG Madigan, and Comptroller Hynes (I simply don’t know the Treasurer). What I’m trying to figure out is how we Rs are for the future. There are some people that I really think highly of, but most of them don’t have the statewide exposure or name rcognition they need.

    BTW, Vanilla, people called Edgar a dull white guy too, and he did pretty well.

  33. - Little Egypt - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 10:54 am:

    I’m with jaundiced - what about Dan Hynes? If he and Lisa run against Blago in a primary, we all know how the vote can be so badly split that the underdog comes out on the winning side; i.e. Carol Mosely Braun/Alan Dixon/Al Hofeld primary.

    But Obama, Hynes, Lisa all have a better shot on this very day than Blago. We should not, however, underestimate his campaigning abilities. That’s the only thing he’s good at is dog & pony shows.

  34. - Reddbyrd - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 10:57 am:

    Vanilla have you been dozin?
    The attorney general has all over a lot of issues, predatory lending, meth, pedophiles.
    In ercent months, the AG scored a win for consumers on the ATT/cable issue.
    Hope that refreshes the memory.

  35. - Cassandra - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 11:01 am:

    I think Jon Corzine went from senator to governor. I don’t know how you define prominent, but he wasn’t a nonenity in the Senate.

    Going from running for Prez to running for guv seems like a huge comedown though. I’d see Obama
    holding out for a national post, although he and Hillary haven’t been that congenial lately. And she’s going to win.

  36. - Anon - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 11:03 am:

    I wouldn’t be shocked if Lisa Madigan took on Blago in 2010. It’s her best shot and Blago will not recover an inch of popularity. He’ll continue to sink. But, one must wonder if Dan Hynes will also get in. In a three way race between Blago, Madigan, and Hynes, I give Hynes the upper hand.

    If Lisa Madigan chooses to run for Gov, I’d put my money on Tom Dart for AG. Now there’s the kind of public servant we need in statewide office.

  37. - RBD - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 11:06 am:

    Lisa would win easily but I question whether she will run. Being Governor is not a fun job, and I’m not just referencing the way Blago has done it. Governors have to worry about the operational structure of the state. Services have to be delivered; bridges have to be rebuilt; snow has to be cleared, etc.

    Both the Attorney General and legislative jobs are more policy, less practice.

    That’s why it seems unlikely Obama would run for Governor. Does he look like a guy who wants to spend a lot of time discussing how much rust is on a bridge?

  38. - irishpirate - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 11:10 am:

    There are lots of wildcard issues with this topic.

    What about Pat Quinn. He has a good shot at being the incumbent governor at that point. I asked that chimp on life support whether it is likely the Feds will indict Blago and he said “count on it, now give me another banana.” Do you know how hard it is to find a banana near Lincoln Park Zoo? I had to walk a mile and then back.

    If Quinn is the incumbent gov who takes him on in a primary?

    Now let’s say Quinn isn’t governor. Let’s say Blago doesn’t run. Then it is potentially Hynes versus Madigan versus Quinn. With President Obama supporting Hynes. Wait, it isn’t President Obama. It is Obama running for governor.

    Now as to the original question Madigan could defeat Blago. Assuming she had a one on one race. I don’t assume that. I assume that chimp on life support will run as a independent democrat and garner some lakefront liberal support and animal lover votes. It’s gonna get hairy.

  39. - My 2c - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 11:12 am:

    She runs, wins, Clayborne Lt Gov. Don Harmon becomes AG. Hynes runs for SecState after jousting with Alexi, who agrees to take the comptroller slot.

    Objective Dem, Pete Wilson became Governor of California after being Senator. So did Dirk Kempthorne of Idaho (admittedly not prominent). While it’s true that Bayh and Voinovich, for example, went the other way, they were term limited and are frustrated with the relative irrelevance of the job. The only reason Barack is a prominent Senator is that he’s running for President.

  40. - Tom - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 11:17 am:

    My 2c
    Interesting point about Hynes and Sec State. In your scenario, who is senator? I disagree on AG. Tom Dart would walk over Harmon in a primary even if Harmon has Madigan’s support. Dart has Daley and has better state-wide exposure.

  41. - DownstateDem - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 11:22 am:

    L. Madigan’s got my vote, but only if M. Madigan retires from the House. And what about Pat Quinn? I think the primary will be between Quinn and L. Madigan. He might not do too bad in Chicago and the suburbs with a nice Irish name and he will do way better downstate, even though he is from Chicago too. I don’t think he has missed one soldier’s funeral since the war began. He might run on things like recall, term limits, and open primaries, which after Blago’s incompetence and corruption and 25 years of Mike Madigan’s iron rule, might be very popular even among Democrats.

  42. - scoot - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 11:25 am:

    Interesting to see what plays out. I think both sides of the aisle have 3-5 candidates in the 2010 Govs race. Whether Blago is there or not, I do think Lisa would prevail outta the Dem primary.

  43. - Plutocrat03 - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 11:26 am:

    I h ope the voters recognize that being Governor is likely the hardest job in politics and cchooses someone who will actuaally work at it.

    LM has at least worked at what is in her jurisdiction, but has strayed out of bounds a few times. I give her credit for at least taking her job seriously.

    Sen. Obama has the perfect job right now. He gets to talk and point, but he does not actually have to do anything. H would be crazy to move to a position where he actually has to do something, since he has not been a doer in the Illinois and national politics I have seen. He could skulk into an invisible cabinet position though…..

    The scary thing about being the next Illinois Governor is that many things HAVE to get done. Is shaking up the status quo possible at all? If Illinois were a corporationm I would advise them to declare bankruptcy and start fresh.

  44. - Captain America - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 11:31 am:

    Obama trumps everybody if he loses the Preseidential race and Hillary or Gore do not select him as VP. No one would dare challenge Obama in a gubernatorial primary - even if they did it would be fruitless to do so. Obam slaughters Blago in a primary. I think it is highly likely that Obama would want to enhance his resume by becoming Governor if he does not become President or Vice President.

    Obama aside, I think Dan Hynes is the best qualified candidate for Governor - it isn’t evn a close call. Lisa has been the best attorney general that we have ever had. Her Democratic and Republican predecessors seemed mediocre to me.

    The ideal for me would be Obama on the national ticket in 2008, Madigan as U.S. Senator, and Dan Hynes as Governor. The Governor would never appoint Lisa Madigan Senator, as they reportedly loathe each other. Governor Quinn might appoint Lisa or Dan as Senator to divert a challenger.

    I think both Dan Hynes or Lisa Madigan would defeat Governor Blagojevich or Governor Quinn handily in a primary face-off. I consider a contest between Governor Quinn and either Madigan or Hynes as more competitive than a contest against Blagojevich. I say this because I believe the Governor has burned all his political bridges and will not have any newspaper editorial support. An African American candidate, like Meeks, would seal Blago’s fate.

    What I really prefer not to see is a gubernatorial primary race between Dan Hynes and Lisa Madigan. Loyalty and my strong personal conviction that Dan is actually better qualified to be Governor than Lisa would compel me to support Hynes. It’s a choice that I don’t want to make since I like and respect them both.

  45. - Esteban - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 11:33 am:

    As someone said recently: “Blago is my second
    choice for governor; my first choice is anyone
    else.” The chimp might not be a bad choice.

  46. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 11:33 am:

    Lisa Madigan will decimate Blagojevich. The dude just sent the press to crash a black caucus charity fundraiser - do you think they’re going to take that crap laying down? Blagojevich has trampled the AFL-CIO’s hopes of major education funding reform — do you think they’re taking that laying down?

    I think Obama will secure the Democratic nomination, but even if he doesn’t, he’s not going to run for Governor. Running for Governor takes him out of the national spotlight and out of the national fundraising picture. It may be the traditional path to the White House, but Obama’s made it clear he’s not going to sit back and wait his turn. He’ll stay in D.C., where his stature as a powerbroker will grow, if for no other reason than his fundraising ability. And if he doesn’t win the nomination this time, he’ll run again in 4-8 years.

  47. - red dog - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 11:42 am:

    as a chimp lover,I object to the use of chimps in politics-Ms. madigan is methodical and will move the way she and her protectors see as successful

  48. - All for naught - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 11:48 am:

    Then what happens to Jay Hoffman? Probably sent to Pakistan as a vacination tester.

  49. - Central Illinoisan - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 11:56 am:

    Never, ever underestimate Rod’s ability to campaign. As little as he is liked now the next primary is 2.5 years away. That’s time to dole out plenty of pork to groups who have grown disenchanted with him this year, and time for the electorate in general to forget the dreadful Summer of ‘07.

  50. - Schuassses - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 12:04 pm:

    Never happen, he’s the laughingstock of Illinois and soon to be a huge embarrassment to the United States.

  51. - bluedog demo - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 12:09 pm:

    Lisa will blast Blago away in a Democratic primary. Remember a little known guy by the name of Edwin Eisendrath garnered 32% of the most recent Democratic primary. This with virtually NO money and a ” daddy ” not titled Speaker of the House !

  52. - zatoichi - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 12:10 pm:

    Obama is national. The Demos would be nuts to let a money machine like him “step down” to a lower national presence or drift into a “what department?” Cabinet position. He can stay on the front covers, support/develop endless causes/candidates, get his name on good legislation, and develop a strong PR machine.

    Locally, Hynes is a strong sleeper particularly with the state continues into a financial crunch. Who else would have his knowledge of where the bucks go? He continually makes sense.

    LM has done a good job as AG but also needs some more time. More good moves in tough situations would really help her. I would not say she is the best ever, but would it realy matter? You can bet the shoulder taps would be out strong to repay long standing debts and allegiences for past favors. “Vote to play” would come on strong.

    Unless Rod pulls something huge out of the hat and does a believeable mea culpa, he is history. The nationals will have little use for him with the baggage. Locally, he will always have supporters, but he actually has to complete some major task beside saying nice stuff that make him sound like a good guy. Pretty hard to get past GRT, health insurance, burned bridges, and a general appearance of not really wanting to work in the trenches or with the other leaders.

  53. - Little Egypt - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 12:11 pm:

    Central Illinoisan - I can tell you that the people in Rochester won’t fall for his promises again since he has not come through with the funding for their school building program. The people of Lincoln won’t fall for it again since he has failed to re-open LDC. The people of Carterville won’t fall for it again since he placed them at the top of the list of ailing schools needing quick money and has yet to deliver. All first or second campaign promises. You can play those cards only so long and the people begin to realize he’s a liar. But I’ve been wrong before about this man and with enough money and dog & pony shows, I have no doubt we have enough dumb-struck people in this state who are die hard dems that will vote for him, no matter if he campaigns in an orange jump suit and shackles.

  54. - Leroy - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 12:13 pm:

    This is why Illinois is doomed.

    You people are perfectly willing to hand over the reigns of the executive branch to the daughter of the Speaker of the Illinois House? Rod is bad, so let’s turn all of Illinois over to the Madigans!

    Give the Madigans more power and watch them as the pick and choose who gets to serve in Springfield. The flow of control of contracts & patronage, when the primaries are held….

    Sheesh, why don’t we just turn Illinois over to Hugo Chavez?

  55. - Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 12:28 pm:

    1) Dan Hynes will never run for governor against Lisa in a primary. Ain’t gonna happen. Dan is very smart, but very cautious. He’ll cut a deal for AG to replace Lisa.

    2) As much fun as Pat is, he cannot raise money. Never has. Never will. As such, even as the incumbent, it will be difficult for him to run in a contested primary for gov.

    3) If Lisa were to run for Gov and win, the Speaker would step down. He would have to. Not have to because the constitution says so, but just have to because as strong as she is, the issue would dog her throughout her campaign.

    Suddenly all manner of collusion with her Dad that has happened since she’s been AG would come out. It would be ugly. For as much as they might get offended if you raise the issue with either of them, they simply have too much collective control and play too many tag team games already.

    The Speaker now has one overriding goal - get Lisa elected Gov. That’s one of the reasons the Speaker pushed up our primary date - get Barack out of the way.

  56. - one of the 35 - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 12:28 pm:

    The AG’s involvement in writing the Cable Bill was a huge help (along with the IML) in getting what turned out to be one of the best cable bills in the country. I believe she would beat Rod.

  57. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 12:29 pm:

    Rochester, Lincoln, Carterville. Total voting population… not many.

  58. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 12:32 pm:

    And Eisendrath scored about 29 percent.

  59. - Central Illinoisan - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 12:34 pm:

    Excellent point, Leroy, that is way too much power in the hands of one family. That is why I cringed when Bill Daley considered a run for Gov in ‘02. Dan Hynes is from a political family but his father’s power does not approach that of Rich Daley or Mike Madigan. Hynes would be a solid candidate.

  60. - Daaa - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 12:35 pm:

    We have heard 4.5 yrs of you guys claimng the Gov is going to get convicted, why dont you try a new song its getting old and nothing has still happened the only people around 90 to plead or be found guilty have been republicans and regardless of Lis m or Gov r you dont have a soul that could be either one of them pretty i said if you ask me

  61. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 12:43 pm:

    Leroy - Mike Madigan will most assuredly announce that he is stepping down if Lisa is elected Governor.

    All for naught - Jay Hoffman has doomed any hopes he had of being elected to statewide office or Speaker. His best asset was his strong relationships with fellow House members. As Blagojevich’s hatchet man, many of those relationships are toast now.

    Secondly, lets not forget that Hoffman is anti-choice and anti-gun control. That’s not going to help him win a Democratic Primary, so unless he’s slated and has no primary opponent, big weaknesses.

    Third, Hoffman has to carry all of the Blagojevich baggage, including support for the Gross Receipts Tax. Not good for the primary or general election.

    If Hoffman runs for statewide office, and that’s a big if, look for him to run for Attorney General. And expect a Madigan/Dart ticket to mop the floor with a Blagojevich/Hoffman ticket.

    Jesse White will run for re-election, but I wouldn’t rule Clayborne out for Lt. Governor. Still, I think Pat Quinn is unbeatable if he stays put.

  62. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 12:44 pm:

    Hynes will stay put as Comptroller, unless he goes to the U.S. Senate.

  63. - Team Sleep - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 12:49 pm:

    YDD, Obama will keep his national ID even if he were elected governor of Illinois. Many governors are nationally recognized and Obama could tap into any friends of his in other states if he runs in 2010.

    I would think Lisa could beat Rod in a primary. I’m not even going to speculate about anyone else running because I really don’t see Dan Hynes or Alexi moving out of their current spots. I do think Jay Hoffman will run for Secretary of State, and I hope he loses if he runs. I would also think that, if Lisa runs for governor, Don Harmon would rush at the chance, but I think Jim Durkin could give him a run for his money.

    I do want to point out that I personally believe Bill Brady has a good shot to win the governor’s race in 2010 - if he decides to run, of course. The Dems could easily implode and God only knows what the next three years will bring. Remember, Jim Ryan was a good AG, too, and he fizzled out in the governor’s race.

    From a national scope, look at the troubles Eliot Spitzer is having in New York while he has transitioned from AG to guv. I wonder if he’s now regretting his move from “Wall Street crimefighter” and “organized crime buster” to actually having to deal with the legislature on a daily basis and having political adversaries going for your knees (not literally!). It will probably make Lisa stop and think - especially since Spitzer was, at one point, the most well-known AG in the country.

  64. - ZC - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 12:49 pm:

    I agree with those who say Obama running for Gov seems a bit change-of-pace. But it’s not a crazy idea, especially if he’s interested in being President. Governors have far better track records at this sort of thing than long-serving DC Senators do.

    As much as I loathe Hairboy, nobody should underestimate his campaigning skills. I like Lisa’s odds against him head-to-head, but it’s by no means a foregone conclusion. Blago will take the Lisa-Will-Raise-Your-Taxes meme and hammer it via the airwaves into every skull in Illinois. (Recall, her dad just floated the idea of an income tax hike …)

  65. - Ravenswood Right Winger - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 12:50 pm:

    Lisa beats Blagojevich in a one on one race. Obama is the wild card for 2010..if he doesn’t become POTUSA or VPOTUSA he should run for Governor to enhance his resume.

  66. - Team Sleep - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 12:55 pm:

    YDD, two points.

    First, I agree that MJM will step down if Lisa runs for governor. I’ve heard from some of my Dem pals that he won’t serve past 2010, anyway.

    Second, Jay Hoffman can raise a ton of cash. He has a million dollar account and hasn’t had a tough opponent for state rep since he beat Ron Stephens. If he has that much $$$ now, imagine what a statewide race would do for his coffers. And if Rod appoints him in the event of Jesse White’s retirement, he can run as an “incumbent”.

  67. - Leigh - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 12:55 pm:

    I think Madigan easily wins the primary, but if corruption becomes a noose on the democrats, the republicans have a shot.

  68. - nino - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 12:56 pm:

    I talked to a friend of mine from college this morning. He lives in palatine and works downtown. I asked what he thought about overtime session and he was aware that it was in ot but did not know they were supposed to be done in may. I then asked him to name the constitutional officers. He knew blago and lisa and that was all. What Blago knows is that people could give a crap about politics and that he has plenty of time before the next election. He also has plenty of money and can’t wait until he gets to campaign. The republican party in illinois is a complete joke. Big fat bob and rich boy bc have screwed it up for a generation or two at a minimum.

  69. - Downstater - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 12:56 pm:

    “Rochester, Lincoln, Carterville. Total voting population… not many.”

    That’s exactly right Rich! And until somebody (like the press) can get through to the voters in Cook county it doesn’t matter what the folks in the other 101 counties think, because for some @#$# reason they think Blago’s great. Articles that make the front of downstate papers about Blago and his corrupt group don’t even make the Chicago papers every time, and if they do, it’s buried. Again, until someone can get through to Cook Co., Blago will be voted in again. Count on it.

  70. - Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 12:59 pm:

    Team Sleep,

    Why on earth would you say Jim Ryan was a good AG? Jim Ryan was a very mediocre AG with few if any accomplishments to speak of. I mean he ran his staff ok, and certainly better than Roland, but gee, can’t we set the bar a tad higher than that!

    As to Bill Brady winning for Gov in 2010. You are 100% certifiable on that one. As much as the Dems are a laughingstock of infighting now, other than Tom Cross, the R’s are still in disarray. Sorry but your Brady dreams will have to wait. IL has become a Dem state for the foreseeable future.

  71. - Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 1:08 pm:


    You are waaaayyyyy off base on this one. I live in Chicago and there are constantly headlines and editorials about Rod’s problems including today. Rod may be slightly more popular up here (and I’m sure he still has a negative approval rating), but that’s like saying George Bush is popular in Indiana because his approval rating is 40 instead of 30. He’s still very unpopular no matter how you look at it.

    He is not feeling the love from here!

  72. - curious george - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 1:11 pm:

    All things being equal and having no unforeseen issues arise, Lisa Madigan will be a formidable opponent for whatever office she may seek. As far a the governor’s seat… LISA SIMPSON would be an easy win over Blago in a write-in campaign… DUOH!!

  73. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 1:30 pm:

    This ad might be interesting regarding this topic:

    Illinois Democrat with executive experience seeks a VP slot on 2008 presidential ticket. I am tall, attractive, and come with a rakishly handsome hair helmet. I have young photogenic family with children small enough to use as press shield.

    Do you need someone dedicated to socialized health care? I made national news when I shut down Illinois to demonstrate my dedication. Need a fund-raiser? I have an enormous campaign war chest and have raised over $2000 an hour - while serving as a “ethical reform” governor.

    This Gemini likes jogging through parks, dancing to Elvis, watching John Wayne movies, cold chicken and heated driveways. I am often fashionably late, but always manscaped and coiffed. I love strong women from Park Ridge, especially those with White House experience who loved Goldwater in 1964.

    Serious inquiries only. NO FREAKS - (got that Kucinich?) Call my Chicago number, not my Springfield one.

  74. - Team Sleep - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 1:38 pm:

    Cynic, I thought Jim Ryan was a good AG. How does one become a bad AG, anyway?

    I really do think a Republican has a shot at the race in 2010 - unless it’s Obama. Just because Lisa and Dan get good press does not mean a Dem will just waltz into the office.

  75. - Little Egypt - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 1:42 pm:

    Rochester, Lincoln, and Carterville are just three small towns that I know for a positive fact have been screwed by Blago. I don’t have a memory like a steel trap but I’m equally as positive there are many more. And I believe Lincoln said something like “you can fool some of the people all of the time, fool all of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.

  76. - Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 1:56 pm:


    Jim Ryan got faulted for inaction on a number of fronts including the failure to investigate any of George’s corruption. Frankly, below gov, the constitutionals have a pretty low bar to be considered good.

    1) Run a professional office with reasonably responsive staff. Make sure everything you are constitutionally responsible to do gets done without drama.

    2) Minimize corruption and keep the hacks in positions where they can’t do too much harm.

    3) Identify one or two important issues at which you can score victories.

    4) Don’t let too many things you could do with your office pass you by.

    5) Don’t be too partisan.

    If you can do those five things, and you don’t bite the hand that fed you, you will be thought of highly and can advance up the chain. Did I leave anything out?

  77. - Leroy - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 2:03 pm:

    Yellow Dog says:

    “Leroy - Mike Madigan will most assuredly announce that he is stepping down if Lisa is elected Governor.”

    And who will he handpick to be the next speaker after he is gone? Oh I assume he will not have any say in it whatsoever, right?

    That was one of your very best pieces of propaganda, YDD.

  78. - Little Egypt - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 2:12 pm:

    Leroy, let’s hope the next Speaker is NOT Jay Hoffman.

  79. - Little Egypt - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 2:13 pm:

    VanillaMan - Blago is tall?

  80. - ChicagoDem - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 2:18 pm:

    Leroy is correct. Why should we give one family so much power. Are we not tired of this sort of thing in Chicago/cook county/state politics; i.e., Stroger, Madigan, Daley, Hynes, Lapinski etc. There are plenty of fine young professionals of all hues who would like a chance to run for political office if some of the political endowments would just stop.

  81. - Not So Fast - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 2:25 pm:

    Off topic, but wondering why the press learned how to pronounce Blago’s name immediately but still pronounce “Emil” at least three different ways. Not one to usually cry racism, but you have to wonder here. The guy is the leader of the Senate, has been around forever, and the press doesn’t bother to get his name right.

  82. - Captain America - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 2:26 pm:

    CF Bloggers

    I apologize for my ignorance. but who is Clayborne and why would he/she be a good choice for Lt. Gov. If he/she is a downstater, I am not a snob (St. Louis native with downstate family roots), just not familiar with him/her. Please inform/educate me. Thanks!

    My money would probably be on Dart winning an open AG slot against all comers, Democrats and Republicans. I don’t know him personally/never met him, but everyone I know, including the editorial pages,think very highly of him. he appears to be another Democratic “up and comer.”

  83. - Siyotanka - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 2:32 pm:

    This just in…
    Hynes steps up criticism of governor’s budget actions
    Last Updated 8/7/2007 1:10:45 PM

    The Illinois comptroller is stepping up his criticism of Gov. Rod Blagojevich over the state budget crisis.

    Comptroller Dan Hynes has already called the governor a hypocrite. Now he says Blagojevich is insensitive to people’s pain and is playing politics with their lives.

    Hynes complained Tuesday that Blagojevich has not acted on legislation giving money to the families of slain soldiers and to hospitals that treat the poor. The bill has been sitting on the governor’s desk for nearly two months.

    The legislation also includes money for legislative pay raises. Hynes says the governor should veto that section if he objects to it.

    There was no immediate response from the governor’s office.

  84. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 2:33 pm:

    Who says it is about Blagojevich? ;)

  85. - Team Sleep - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 2:40 pm:

    Captain, James Claybourne is the state senator from East St. Louis. He is a good politician and raises a mean coin.

    Cynic, we’ll agree to disagree. There is a lot of corruption and chicanery that goes untried and unpunished. Jim Ryan is not the only one.

  86. - 4% - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 2:42 pm:

    As a Republican who strongly opposes Gov. Blagojevich (both his ideas and temperment), he is and remains Governor. No matter how bad it gets, it is very difficult to unseat an incumbent, especially in a primary election.

    While I think Lisa Madigan, would do a better job that Rod, let’s not count our chickens before they hatch.

    Right now, I would say it would be a 50-50 matchup at best for Lisa Madigan. Hard to beat an incumbent.

  87. - Democrat - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 2:45 pm:

    At this point Lisa Madigan has done an awesome job.If she did run for Governor nobody could beat her.

  88. - jaundiced eye - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 2:55 pm:

    Spot on, Chicago Cynic. I’d just add: Make sure your employees don’t use state phones or state time to do campaign-related activities on your behalf. Been there … seen it … refused to do the same.

  89. - BIG R.PH. - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 3:00 pm:

    If it only takes a chimp then it doesn’t say much for JBT

  90. - Garp - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 3:05 pm:

    It is Madigan in a landslide today, but the election is still 3 years away. Quinn could be a factor but couldn’t compete financially. Blago has 3 years to make nice. It will probably take 10.

  91. - Moody - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 3:13 pm:

    I think Lisa would be an excellent choice for givernor. It doesn’t hurt that she is sexy too.

  92. - Bebe - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 3:21 pm:

    As someone who actually worked in IL state government, let me tell you that my friends who work for the AG like and admire her and my friends who work the Gov neither like nor admire him. Enough said.

  93. - Napoleon Has Left The Building - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 3:35 pm:

    I usually agree with YDD and I am a Lisa backer, but I don’t see her running against Blago. If she did, it would not be a blowout as some people here wish. However, she probably would beat him and then be a great governor who brings openness, honesty and ethics to government as well as cooperation with the new legislative leaders (in total contrast to the present gov.)

    I think her prospects for 2010 are great, but so much depends on Obama and what else Blago does to ruin himself. She can only control what she does, and everyone agrees she has done an excellent job as Attorney General and that bodes well for her next election regardless.

  94. - connie - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 3:46 pm:

    I just read that Paul Vallas moved his family to Palos Heights, Illinois and is creating a new school district for New Orleans. He told CNN that he would be there for 2 years. Seeing as he was on this years U.S. News and World Report’s cover as one the nations 25 BEST LEADERS, and the New Orleans gig will be such high profile, do you think he could be in the running?

  95. - Just Saying - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 3:57 pm:

    Doesn’t anyone remember how Lisa Madigan got to be AG in the first place? As far as knock-down, drag-out contests goes, her battle with Birkett was certainly a tough one. But all the party machinery was behind her. The Friends and Family program. The ward organizations. The endorsements. The fundraising.

    Blago has a ton of money, true. He’d be tough to shout over when it comes to TV time. But he got to be gov the way Carol Mosely Braun became senator. Won a divided primary and took on a lackluster GOP opponent.

    I’m not saying she would absolutely win, but I’d put my money on her.

    And why would Obama come back to be governor, especially if he had a primary challenge? His status as a national leader would plummet. He’d be yesterday’s news. But in D.C., he’d be a rock star as long as he keeps out of trouble. No way he goes back to the provincial bickering now.

  96. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 3:59 pm:

    Don’t overestimate Obama for governor if he goes down hard in the presidential primary. Right now, with his goofy and reckless foreign policy pronouncements, he’s listing badly. The national press has the knives out for him now after a long honeymoon and are asking: “What exactly qualifies a state Senator from the South Side of Chicago, with no foreign policy or national security experience, to be a wartime president of the United States? What has he accomplished?”

    You can only flourish on Oprah-like lectures and homilies for so long.

    The only sure winner in the Obama campaign will be David Axelrod, who is making a fortune.

  97. - 4% - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 4:10 pm:

    In all honesty, if you believe the Governor, then it shouldn’t be an issue.

    In the early 90s, two of the Governor’s first bills introduced were term limits for the legislature (8 years) and constitutional officers (2 terms). In a SJR article yesterday (I believe), the Governor reiterated support for term limits and recall elections.

    If the Governor beleivers his hyperbole, then he will NOT seek re-election.

    Rich - The next time you see the Governor, ask him if he will honor his words and not run.

  98. - Missing Bradley - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 4:13 pm:

    Not so fast, Senators and family members pronounce it at least two different ways. EE-mull and uh-MEEL. Can’t really blame the media.

  99. - DK - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 4:14 pm:

    Aren’t we forgetting about Rosa Parks (State Senator Mike Jacobs)? I swore he said he was going to run for the governor’s office if Blago was still in contention for it in 2010.

  100. - B-no name nickname needed - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 4:18 pm:

    Rod will never be indicted for anything and will enjoy at least another term in office. The Madigan name is for now anyway as venimous as Jackson across the State. that’s the reaction i get maybe it’s different in Newberry

  101. - Thinking independently! - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 4:35 pm:

    The last presidential mid-term election and the most recent aldermanic races in Chicago should prove to people that nothing is a sure thing any more. Not even Lisa Madigan! There maybe several candidates in the race for Governor on the democratic and republican side by 2010. 2010 is a life time in politics. In addition, voters are quiet, thinking more independently and giving us a surprise at the polls in elections. I think we should pay more attention to what the voters concerns are. This could be the best way of determining which candidate has the right stuff in any race. The candidate that can bring the parties together is the Governor for the future. It’s time for us to show our kids that adults aren’t divided by red or blue parties or democratic or republican. That sounds like gang bangers to me!!

  102. - Carl Nyberg - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 4:40 pm:

    If Madigan runs against Blagojevich, doesn’t this leave room for a millionaire to get into the race as an alternative candidate?

    And once the millionaire gets in the race, won’t some Black candidate think s/he has a shot by winning 85% of the Black vote, plus a little bit from somewhere else?

    And in four candidate field dominated by Chicago-area candidates, won’t it be attractive for a downstater to jump into the race?

    Just speculating….

  103. - Carl Nyberg - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 4:43 pm:

    From my perspective Obama has more useful foreign policy experience–living overseas among regular folk–than the other candidates.

    Who has more impressive foreign policy credentials? Rudy Giuliani? HRC? John Edwards?

    Not only did Obama have the sense not to buy into the greatest foreign policy blunder of U.S. history, but his predictions for how it would go wrong were very on target.

  104. - Thinking independently! - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 5:00 pm:

    Carl, I think your speculations are correct. I think several candidates will feel they have the right stuff. And why not? It will make for a very interesting race. Yes, voters of color will have to be serious considered in the 2010 race.

  105. - quincy - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 5:11 pm:

    come on folks hynes is just nothere air head ho likes to talk alot has he done anything but cater to chihgo and kiss his daddys butt. go for it lisa or Obama. only republicans will vote for hynes, because to much like them all mouth.

  106. - Blue Book - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 5:22 pm:

    Chicago Cynic: “…can advance up the chain(?)”
    What do you mean by this? No Illinois Attorney General has ever become Governor, although many have tried.

    They dont’t call NAAG the National Association of Aspiring Governors for nothing.

  107. - Not So Fast - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 5:30 pm:

    I’ve also heard EM-ill

  108. - El Salsa - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 6:06 pm:

    Obama either wins and Rod cuts a deal to put LM in there or Obama loses and runs for Gov.

    Lisa cant compete with Rods cash or Obamas popularity in a bitter primary

    Lisa Madigan, whats she thinking?

  109. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 6:18 pm:

    Team Sleep said:

    “YDD, Obama will keep his national ID even if he were elected governor of Illinois. Many governors are nationally recognized…”

    “Jay Hoffman can raise a ton of cash. He has a million dollar account and hasn’t had a tough opponent for state rep since he beat Ron Stephens.”

    I bet less than one percent of the country can name four current Governors besides their own.

    In fact, except for Schwarzenegger, who else is “nationally recognized”?

    Yes, Hoffman is a great fundraiser, perhaps one of the best natural fundraisers in the Illinois House. But a close look at Hoffman’s D-2’s will show you that he’s relied heavily on his job as chair of the House Transportation Chair to raise much of that money - from state contractors and building trades unions.

    Hoffman has also benefited strongly from his proximity to Blagojevich when it comes to fundraising. Prior to Blagojevich being elected Governor in 2002, Hoffman had a balance of $149K in his account.

    With the smart money betting on Lisa Madigan to take out Blagojevich in 2010, who’s going to be betting on Hoffman?

    Leroy says:

    “And who will he handpick to be the next speaker after he [Madigan] is gone? Oh I assume he will not have any say in it whatsoever, right?

    That was one of your very best pieces of propaganda, YDD.”

    Madigan will certainly have a lot of indirect influence over whom the next Speaker will be, but nobody will be “handpicking” anybody, although lots of folks will probably have veto authority.

    Mayor Daley will likely discourage Chicago Reps from backing anyone from outside of Cook County. Personal PAC will discourage pro-choice lawmakers from selecting an anti-choice Speaker. The AFL-CIO and individual unions will have a short list of people they can’t stand. The Black Caucus and Latino Caucus will put the keebosh on any racebaiters.

    Seniority and fundraising ability obviously have a role. As do personality, political skills and an understanding of the legislature and the process.

    Who will the frontrunners be? Everyone thought it would be Tom Dart, but they didn’t stick around. I’d lay off making any bets right now. With Madigan poised to pick up six more seats in 2008, it could be a very different caucus.

  110. - Lincoln Log - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 7:36 pm:

    “Rochester, Lincoln, Carterville. Total voting population… not many.”

    Thanks Rich….appreciate being put in our place. We don’t get enough of this from the Chicago pols already. You can never hear enough times that your vote is useless.

  111. - Tony - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 7:38 pm:

    She’s got my vote. She seems credible and mature.

  112. - Team Sleep - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 7:41 pm:

    YDD, in terms of newsiness and politically knowledgeable people, guvs like Eliot Spitzer, Ahhhnold, Rick Perry, John Corzine, Matt Blunt, Bill Richardson, Janet Napolitano, Mitch Daniels, Charlie Crist, Ed Rendell and Ernie Fletcher come to mind. Also, Deval Patrick got a lot of pub when he became the first black governor of Massachusetts. All of those people have strong name ID, at least enough so in news and political circles that they could garner support or national pub if needed.

    And I’m not saying Mr. Smiley Jay Hoffman will make a great or even a proficient SOS. But I think he could raise the necessary funds and there is no guarantee that the GOP will run anyone decent. Who’s to say that Blago won’t hit up some of his donors and buddies on Jay’s behalf?

    Just Saying, good point. Lisa outraised Joe Birkett by a TON in 2002 and did not win decisively. A tough primary opponent could spell doom for her.

  113. - southern man - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 8:05 pm:

    Lisa Madigan may choose to enter the primary race for governor if Blago is as bad off in a couple of years. Remember, he has a long time to recover and a million votes in Chicago. If Madigan does enter she would be the favorite to win. As far as the Republican’s go, consider this possibility: State Senator Christine Radogno. I know she lost her 1st statewide election, but so did every other Republican. She is experienced, smart, and has party support. Much like Lisa Madigan. An all female governor’s race would be very interesting. And don’t dismiss Radogno’s ability to campaign. The democrats will have the Blagojevich era and 1 party control to live down. If she plays her cards right she could be the alternative that angry voters will be looking for. Stay Tuned.

  114. - Esteban - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 8:34 pm:

    In a multi-candidate primary for governor, how
    about Senator Jim Meeks getting into it? I was
    hoping he would run as an Indie last time.

  115. - Sprinflield Watcher - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 8:39 pm:

    Blago is done, but Lisa is no shoe in we still have a GOP party in Illinois and Blaog is killing the Dem’s.

  116. - Blue Book - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 8:44 pm:

    Also, another thing, Chicago Cynic: The Ryan situation was an FBI investigation. They usually do not invite State Attorneys General to help them investigate state corruption. Last summer, Patrick Fitzgerald sent a letter to Lisa advising her to stay out of such procedures.

    Jim Ryan is a good man and was an excellent Attorney General.

    Both of Rod’s campaigns were based on lies.

  117. - jose - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 8:56 pm:

    Forget Lisa–It’s Paul Vallas all the way, baby!

  118. - anon - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 10:14 pm:

    I think if Lisa Madigan ran and lost to the 16th floor wonder boy, illinois deserves what they get for electing him to a third term - she runs the cleanest ship of all the constitutionals and actually cares about each issue that comes out of her office.

  119. - ZC - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 10:21 pm:

    If Obama doesn’t win this thing, he might need to start thinking about staying in the Senate vs. running for Governor.

    While it makes a good deal of sense for Hillary to pick him as VP, campaign-wise, she’s going to be thinking past that to the governing process. Based on what we know of her psychology, there’s a very good case that she personally wouldn’t pick him. The Clintons have this thing about loyalty, rewarding those who show it and punishing those who don’t… And precisely because he’s so eager for the top spot, Hillary would frown on having him as her sidekick for 4-8 years.

    My thinking is now the only way she’d pick him is if he does so well in the primary, she pretty much HAS to pick him (see: Kerry, Edwards).

    Of course, people read WAY too much into these late-summer polls. Obama can easily still win this thing.

  120. - anon - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 10:47 pm:

    i really don’t see obama running for governor - why not keep his senate seat and run again down the road - the added experience + the name recognition from this run, should put him in a good place. hillary needs to pick someone that is more moderate and will play well to those that will have issue with a liberal woman running. too bad evan bayh doesn’t have the name recog to pick up the vp spot

  121. - Blue Book - Tuesday, Aug 7, 07 @ 11:06 pm:

    Forget about the “experience” factor. The Powers That Be do not want him running for Mayor or Governor. Obama’s vote totals scared them.

    The people that “really run Illinois” would much rather have him stay as Senator (or be VP or POTUS) than have him become Governor or Mayor.

  122. - dis-connected - Wednesday, Aug 8, 07 @ 12:06 am:

    You guys are forgeting some very good candidates in the 2 chambers, can you say Rock Island/ Moline area?

  123. - Squideshi - Wednesday, Aug 8, 07 @ 6:54 am:

    I think that Attorney General Madigan’s prospects would be good, should she decide to run. I’m not sure that she will run for Governor. She could absolutely beat Blagojevich in a primary election.

    Consider the impact of the availability of a Green primary ballot, in addition to a nonpartisan, Democratic, and Republican in 2010. Those who vote a Green primary ballot will not be able to vote a Democratic or Republican ballot, so this may affect the makeup of the primary voting pool for the “corporate sponsored” parties.

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